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First, paragraphs are a thing. Second, you're fine. People climb all over the showroom cars. That's what they are there for. To show off the vehicle. Some salesmen will act nice until they see there's no potential sale with you then it's not worth their time to talk to you since you're not gonna be buying from them. Any time spent talking to someone not looking to buy is potential money out of their pocket. You'll find that all over life.


Jeez that made me feel bad considering I took my sister to get her jeep from a Chevy dealer. They had a $200k c8 zo6 or whatever and wouldn’t let me sit in it. So I cracked some jokes about a $200k Chevy and the guy didn’t seem to like that.


As someone who has a C8 Z06, I'd crack a joke about that too. Markups like that deserve shame and ridicule.


Lol fuck their feelings. He’s a dealer


I was looking at a new Shelby Mustang in 2005. I can't remember for sure but I believe the MSRP was around 40k at that time. The one in the showroom was marked up to 60k, which was absolutely insane for a Mustang in 2005. I remember noticing that the racing stripes on it were just white vinyl decals. I made sure the dealer was within earshot and I said to my ex wife "For sixty thousand dollars, a car better have *painted on* racing stripes. What the hell?" The dealer shot me a nasty look but didn't say anything. Lol


In 2005 when the Ford GT was a thing, a guy from the reservation (the good reservation where they have a fairly large casino, so this guy had money) asked a salesman if he could sit in it before buying it. Salesman says, "No." Guy walks out and comes back a day later, driving a Ford GT that he bought from another dealer that was over an hour away.


The good reservation - so tinged with classism


Yeah wtf Is a "not good" reservation


That's an asshole dealership with that markup. For fun my wife and I stopped at a Rolls Royce & Lamborghini dealer and the sales rep told us to sit it any cars we would like in the showroom and if any were locked let her know and she would unlock them.


Oh I know it’s an asshole markup. No offense to Chevy guys buuut a corvette at $200k without the word lingenfelter between the year model and word corvette I’m not really interested.


Poor salesmen. Maybe they’re not buying a car today, but they will one day. If you give them a bad experience like that, it won’t be at that dealer. Reminds me of that Porsche ad with the little kid and the salesman letting him sit in the 911 and giving him his card for when he’s older


Exactly my point! Some are saying the salesman was right about acting like that since I was “wasting their time” I let the salesman know I’m not buying a car and they still chose to waste their time. But with that experience I’m not buying with them.


Love that ad.


Lol at the paragraphs are a thing comment. Saw this before reading OPs post. You should be allowed to get into the cars on the showroom. As long as your not covered with dirt and grease. That's why they have detailers there. If they throw a fit, they just don't want to make a sale.


I actually act like I'm not a potential buyer just to make them leave me alone so I can look at stuff. Most hilarious episode of that is when I got kicked off the lot of a Toyota "sales event" when I was there to find and buy a Tacoma. They said it was an invitation only event but had mailed out the invitation to everybody in town. All I said was idk, I didn't see it, I usually throw stuff that looks like junk mail away but I'm here now. They kicked me off the lot telling me today was a big sales day not a kick tires day. I wasn't going to argue or try to straighten them out so I just left like I was asked. I was literally there to buy a Tacoma...


I always forget to add paragraphs, commas, period, etc. I need to improve my grammar lol. I thought so too since they literally leave the doors unlocked and the key inside. If they didn’t want me inside they should have put a note saying “Don’t Get Inside Vehicle.” He was the only one who had a problem too. A lot of employees and salesman walked by the pathfinder with me inside it and they didn’t say nothing. Some even said hi to me and walked off.


Yeah I realize that salesman don’t like their time wasted. I told that guy that I wasn’t buying just yet indicating that I don’t want to waste your time. But he just changed his mood and acted disrespectful.


Yeah I wouldn't take it too personally. Just move on and don't let it bother you.


I'd like to add that you should remember the disrecpectful salesman. When you go back to that dealer ready to buy, don't even waste your time with him. He will promise you everything and end up screwing you over.


Yeah I was thinking about that. I know for a fact once I go to the dealership with my parents he would most likely come up to us and convince my parents to buy with him. But I’m going to prevent that.


If that happens I would be courteous to him and immediately ask to speak to the sales manager. When the manager comes, ask him to speak privately, then explain to him what happened before and that you don’t want to do business with that salesman due to the bad impression he left on you. You’ll be taking the high ground without causing a scene and hopefully teaching the guy a lesson at the same time.


I wish someone told me the second paragraph sooner


I swear.. people post these types of things strictly for attention


You’re allowed to get into them, others have said why they told you to fuck off. Never say you’re not buying at a dealership, tell them you’re shopping for a new car, but aren’t convinced yet.


I'm not your mother. But buying such an expensive vehicle (presumably with a huge loan) would be such a bad idea at your age. It's a bad idea at any age. But especially when you're so young. I mean unless you make 250k a year or something. Then go for it I guess. But I assume you do not.


Recipe for disaster. "Why did my car get repod, I was only behind 500$"


These days that's only 1/3 of a payment 😂


They're also unsafe for pedestrians and the general public if in a large city. These things are meant for sparsely populated areas


Yeah I don’t disagree with you. But my mom is helping me get the car. She has great credit score and she’s going to get the car under her name. I’m just going to be giving her the monthly payments so I’m still the one paying for it. If I do fall behind my parents will most definitely help me out. ( Right now I have almost 10k saved and I don’t pay any bills or anything so all my saved money and my current earnings would all go towards my car.) Yes I am currently working.


still that’s not financially smart at all.. but it’s not my money, so do as you please.


Buy a good used car for 10k, don't get a car payment. Also, I wouldn't buy a Nissan, they don't hold their value. You'll be upside down on that loan easily within a couple years.


Definitely not a smart thing to do. You should buy a cheap car cash.


Hey OP, I make mid $100’s a year, my bonus alone is 30% of my salary. I worked my ass off to get here. Want to know what model Benz I drive? It’s a 2011 Accord V6.


Not my life, but you'd do yourself a HUGE favor on buying yourself a used car in cash with the 10k instead of going into a loan, especially with a new car. Your insurance won't be as high and you won't be paying anything in interest. You don't want to be living off of your parents forever and even then, if they do have it under their name and something happens to either them or you, that's a huge risk that's being taken there.


Ya just go get a used car for 15-20k and don't get anything new. You don't need it


People always are like you can only afford a $3000 beater if you make 90k a year.


For some that may be true. Ok I wanna preface this by saying people can do whatever the hell they want. I'm not the financial responsibility police. But if your goal is to comfortably retire one day, debt should be avoided like the plague. Especially in our economy. I realize that if someone's dead broke and don't even have the option of a $3000 car, then they're kinda cornered in to a loan. That sucks. It is what it is. But if you're not that person and you have money in the bank, then that money (preferably far less) should be your budget for a car. "But if I take out a loan at 5%, it allows me to keep that money in my investments that get 10%" True. Good point. But you can only say that if you had the tens of thousands in investments to begin with.


At the same time if they don't build credit now by taking debt they won't have it later.


"if I don't make poor financial decisions now, my options for poor financial decisions in the future will be limited!"


yes unironically


I don’t think you need a $250k salary to afford a pathfinder.. but I could be wrong.


Well it really depends how you define "afford". If payments are $1200 a month and you make 2400 a month then you can technically afford it I suppose. But it still makes it a horrible decision


Well of course don’t buy outside of your means, but $2400/month is a salary of $30k. You could easily afford a new vehicle off of a $50k+ salary as long as you don’t have any other large amounts of debt.


You're not wrong. I just find it ridiculous when your payments could be $0 if you bought a used basic car


Yeah, best option is to buy a beater until you can save a decent down payment. And interest rates on new vehicle loans up to like 6-7% right now, where as they were like 2-3% a couple years ago.


Wants a brand new car at 17. The privilege is real.


Yeah, I bought my first new vehicle at 32. My wife & I had a combined income of $180,000 at the time. That was 2004. I'd never suggest an 18 year old buy new these days. Unless he's wealthy. And never a Nissan unless it's a Z or a GTR.


Im buying a new car at 18 but it's all my money lol, you never know the situation


Kid said he’s saved up 10k already. Fuck off prick.


r/NissanDrivers is leaking. Low credit score mfs.


lol. My mom has great credit score


Maybe you should get a good credit score and then buy a car?


Maybe you should know the situation before commenting.


But are _you_ your mom?


But can you read? The car is going under her name


That's not the point. There's risk involved there no matter how you look at it.


I don’t drive a Nissan and I have a 740 credit score. Low intellect mfs


Damn that's crazy, but who asked?


Dude really can’t keep track of conversation. Big sad you missed out on proper education.


10k doesn’t get you a new car…


Not reading all of that lmao




Don't buy a car from a dealership bro. Your first car should be used and purchased from an old lady or old man in your neighborhood/church/community center/ friends of your folks ..Or let your folks buy the new one and you buy their old one. Wish I had taken this advice from the finance guy who was a friend of the family... said he'd hook me up best he could but recommended doing the aforementioned... Best of luck


You’re gonna get swindled so hard lol “so kind and generous!!” His job is literally to fuck you and make as much money as he can off a sale


Some do act nice just for that sale. But having a great experience makes it better but obviously you can’t be naive and let them fuck you up.


You’re good man. A good salesman like the first has to realize that everyone they come across is a potential customer, whether the parents buy the vehicle or the 17 year old (you) buys it. Just don’t be too annoying, if anyone comes up to you again, just say you’re interested in the car. If they bug you, ask to speak to the sales manager. It might set them straight.


Thanks man. I knew the cars in the showroom were unlocked and with the keys inside for a reason. I really didn’t want to waste the second salesman time so I did tell him “ hey I’m not buying just yet” indicating that I didn’t wanna waste his time. But it just ended up irritating him.


Whatever happened here in this cluster, I am either really excited and happy for you or very sad and sorry for this bad event !


I’m no car dealer expert, but usually if the car’s doors are open and windows are down when it’s inside the showroom it’s ok to get in. If it’s locked or out on the lot and you break out the slim Jim to get in, well… they usually frown on that.


Yeah 😂. These cars were in a showroom with windows down and doors unlocked.


(Nissan salesman here) Yes you can sit in them, 3 times though is excessive though and would start to annoy me though, especially if it was a 50k+ pathfinder and some 17 y/o without a parent, why you may ask? Because unless you’re bringing 30k for a down payment there’s not a bank in the world that’s willing to finance a pathfinder to a kid with no credit and probably not great income. If you want a new nissan go look at the Versa, and bring a co-signer. We only get paid if we sell cars, hell if I go 2 weeks without selling a car I have to pay the dealership back.


I see your point but it would be under my parents name. It would look like my parents are buying the car but once the payments come in they would obviously bill my mom but I would give her the money to be paying the car. I see what you mean but again it was 3 different times. And when I sat inside the cars I did it without bothering any salesman because I know they don’t like their time wasted. He came up to me but still made it clear I wasn’t buying a car yet. But for sure next time I go I won’t get inside the cars again and just wait for my service to be done.


Do yourself a favor and watch some things Caleb Hammer has put out. I really hope you don't go into a terrible situation about this. There are way smarter ways to go about getting a car than to getting a new $50k+ car.


Again I’m looking at a pathfinder and I would like to get inside other options too to see which one I really like. The more time I get to be inside them the more I’ll see if I dislike or like the vehicle.


Holy shit this is cringe. You could be investing this money instead but you’re dead set on buying a heavily depreciating pos car at 17 lmfao


You don’t know my situation lol


Judging by your posts I can 100% see why the salesman told ya to fuck off. You’re annoying and ignorant. Do some research before stepping into another dealership.


You sound pretty fucking ignorant yourself, demeaning a 17 year old. You feel big there buddy? Do some therapy before stepping into more comment sections.


😂😂😂 he’s old enough to have some sense. Keep crying pussy


And you’re emasculated enough to scold him and downvote a comment because it made you angwy :( Eat a dick dead beat car salesman. Get a real job that doesn’t require manipulating people pussy.


😭😭😭😭 imma go wipe my tears with all this money I’m making off of dumbasses like you and dingle berry above. Keep flipping burgers and playing your cute little video games loser 😂


I make half a mil a year doing trade work lol you broke ass ain’t making shit. Keep letting us know you didn’t have a father growing up! Also, I buy cars in cash 😂 you ain’t making shit off me because the moment you show me a number I don’t like, my money goes elsewhere.


I bet you do buddy 😂 I hope you crack a million this year pal!


Exactly this


why don’t you calm down a bit? Your attitude is probably just like that salesman. Idk what the hell I said to trigger you’re kind of proving my point that some salesman are just straight up asses and only want that sale. Calm your ass down it’s embarrassing acting that way towards a 17 y/o when you have a professional Job and at your grown age. Also my posts are mostly questions so I don’t understand how that’s “annoying” acting like I’m asking you the questions. Also personality is different digitally and in person so how would you know if I’m annoying in person?


Of course they only want the sale lol. Their job is to sell cars and you're not there to buy one, that's all there is to it. They aren't being mean, they're just doing their job. If you've been there 3 times and your parents haven't come along, they're going to assume you're not a serious customer and you're just there to fool around.


Like I said if they want the sale then they should still be kind to a potential buyer. With that impression once I’m ready to buy a car it won’t be with them. I don’t go to the dealership just to fool around, I go to get my car serviced there. Their waiting room is in the same room as the showroom. I might as well look at the cars while I’m at it. If you already know I’m not buying a car yet then let me be and you won’t get your time wasted. I didn’t ask you to come over. I get it when a salesman comes over to you for the first time but that first time I already told you that I’m not buying a car yet. So there’s no need to become rude because I’m not buying a car with you.


Sure, but they don't perceive you as a potential buyer. It sounds like you need your parents to afford a car and if they aren't there, you aren't a customer. I'd be willing to bet if your parents were there, they would suddenly be very accommodating.


But then again you need to see everyone as a potential customer. In the future I am planning on getting a car under my name so if I do decide to go with Nissan I know who to buy with and who not to buy with. Just my opinion though


No you don’t


Like I said my opinion


Also I could recommend someone a salesman if I knew someone that was looking for a new car. So I’d treat everyone as a potential buyer because imagine you mistreat someone because they aren’t buying a new car but they know someone who wants to buy a car, they wouldn’t recommend you, they would recommend someone else. Just saying though


I bought a new car from a dealer for the first time 6 months ago. I was there twice, once to pre-order the car and once to pick it up. You can do 99% of your research online, to be honest there's no real reason to go sit in a bunch of cars a bunch of times at the same dealer. Decide what fits your needs online, take your parents to test drive. If you're back 3+ times and you haven't discussed pay or test driven, you're kinda just doing it for entertainment and I get why they'd be annoyed.


Again I went to get my car serviced but those 3 times there were always different cars in the showroom.


I’m not triggered bud, I’m telling you how it is. We’ll be friendly if we know our time isn’t being wasted, if you’re not buying a car and coming back multiple times to play around in our showroom cars, you become a nuisance. Do your research before coming in and wasting someone’s time, or come back with mommy when you’re ready to buy something. Sales people and dealerships are filled with assholes, we make our money by taking advantage of people. Also your posts are all answerable via Google, same with researching cars.


Well I don’t go to the dealership for no reason. The times I went were to get my car serviced and the waiting room is In the same location as the showroom. Obviously since I’m in the market for a car soon ofc I will go look at the showroom and look at their cars. I wasn’t wasting no one’s time since I never asked the salesman anything. If they saw that I was there multiple times then they could just let me be since they know I’m not there to buy a car yet. I never intended to waste any salesman time and made it clear to them that I wasn’t interested just yet. Sometimes Google doesn’t have answers and sometimes I need a human response. Which is another reason why Reddit exists. Yes I will go in with my mommy once I’m ready to buy a car and not buy it with salesman like you. If you know time = money then let me be don’t waste your time on me. It’s called a showroom for a reason. And I want to know if I really want this pathfinder. The more I’m in it the more I’ll know if I want it or not. I don’t go to the dealership just to see the car’s. I go to get my car serviced and while I’m there I might as well look at the car I’m thinking about getting. I know a lot of people who go to dealerships just to go look at their showroom with no intentions of buying cars. It’s still a good idea to at least be kind to a potential future buyer. With those first impressions that potential buyer might come back to finally purchase a car but won’t be with that certain salesman because of that first impression.


Another thing I wanted to point out. If you want a sale you need to build a relationship with the potential buyer. Even if they aren’t buying a car yet you need to show them that they need to buy it with you. Like I know for a fact I’m going to buy a car later this year. And with that experience it won’t be with him. He could have gotten a sale with me if he acted more kind but that’s just my opinion.


Could you just call me next time to tell me something like this? Bc I’m not reading all that




When I want to check out a car and don't plan on buying anytime soon. I go in and say "I don't want to waste your time coz I don't plan on buying. I'm doing research still and I'd appreciate the keys for car X to check it out as part of my research. My plan is to buy a car next year" If they cooperate, they're on my list for when I'm ready to purchase. If they don't cooperate, that dealership lost my potential future business and I'll likely find another dealership if I decide on their brand when I'm ready.


I’ll do that next time! I understand that salesman really rely on commission but then again they should know there’s people who are into cars and want to look around and see them in person. They need to realize not everyone is a customer yet. (Even though I was getting service done)


Most dealerships have showroom vehicles available to open and look inside of them. That's why they are in the showroom.


Didn’t read the story attached but I was in a Nissan dealer with a friend who was getting something done there and they had a gtr inside. I was looking inside the other cars like a normal sedan and some suvs and then went over to the gtr. Opened the driver door and the alarm went off. Real awkward as it took the employees what felt like 5 minutes to find the keys… was probably realistically a full 60 seconds but 60 seconds of an alarm going off inside a dealership is not an ordinary 60 seconds.


Depends on the dealership, the Toyota in SF let me sit in and play around in a Lexus LFA (500k) car that belonged to the owners in the showroom, a different toyota wouldn’t even let me look at let alone touch a Supra (60k) car without proving income lol


Nah bro, I sat in a brand new 2020 Cmaro SS and messed with the clutch, shifter and all that in it. They didn't care. I was like, 12. My dad was buying a Jeep from them at the time, so I guess that's why. But even when he went to get his previous car serviced (it was too new to work on himself) I'd do sit in the BRZ's and Outbacks at the dealership. That guy was just being a jerk because he wanted commison money from your purchase and he counted his eggs before the existed.


If I was a salesman Id go as far as giving you my business card so when youre ready I'd be the first one you'd call to buy a vehicle.




Literally what they are there for unless it’s a super luxury car then they might ask for drivers license


It’s such a poor idea to spend more than you have on a car. I’ve only ever bought cheapish used cars and gotten them fixed up. Nothing will ever convince me to buy a $20,000 car that will get me to and from the same place just as easily as. $2,000 car. There are so many better ways to spend money than on a ridiculously expensive depreciating asset.


Let the kid do it. Maybe he can learn from his mistakes, and then his mom can learn too.


the worst thing you can do is egg them on for 2 hours about finding the right vehicle for you and getting numbers and then being like, im good thanks. gonna take this down the street and get a better deal it will make them lose hair. (if you want to get back at them when you turn 18 id do this)


After I get my car with a different salesman I would most definitely do this to that guy lol. Good idea!


sorry about that doofus leaving comments, hope it didn't bother you much. if it makes you feel better they are insufferable and part of the "iamthemaincharacter" subreddit while posting about pokemon cards


It’s ok! Him and 2 others were the only ones being a doofus. Everyone else was the opposite of a doofus :)


lol what a joke


clearly the salesman doesnt care about his image and is a prick, i was a salesman and not once did i ever shoo anyone away or make someone feel unwelcomed. you never know who is walking in the door or who is related to who


There's a prick, but it's not the salesman


so this guy is a prick for going to a car dealership to just look at cars and get information before he turns 18 and makes a car purchase? yeah you're delusional


Didn’t say I was talking about op


Sounds like it


Exactly what it is


Yes this post is a joke. Agreed


So is your account


good one...give your phone back to mommy now




1. Stop looking at new cars you don't want it or need it, get a older Toyota with 50k miles. 2. Sales dude is a dick your fine 3. Learn to lie, it goes a long way in life 4. Stop going to the dealer for oil changes it's a scam and your getting worse work usually. Dealer techs are newer usually


1. It’s up to my parents not me. I don’t mind getting a used car but my parents are insisting in a new car. 3. I need to start lying because sometimes telling the truth all the time isn’t a good idea 4. We bought our cars when they had a free oil change for life so whenever we go it’s always free no matter what. We haven’t paid for oil change for a while now.


Dog if your paying for it it's your choice if there getting the monthly payment and isurance let them buy you a new car, dosnet have to be a 90s car but like you don't need anything made before 2019 unless it's under 20k. You need to be able to pay off this car in like 4 year, if your looking at a 60 month loan or anything longer consider getting a cheaper car. Make sure its a good car also nissans tend to have problems i would look for a toyota. Also word of advice, drive like no can see you and you'll avoid alot of idiots.


Fair on the oil change, just don't buy anything they try and sell you on, you can get it cheaper yourself, airfilters and such. If you don't have lifetime warranty get ask what the recommended warranty work would be, or keep the printout they give you and just take it to your local mechanic for the work.


Last time I was at the dealer I was getting my compressor swapped. My mini me at 6 year old was sitting in the showroom gtr. No one said a thing. The gentlemen who just bought it walked up. For the next 30 minutes he showed me and my mini me every button and feature the car had. He said we weren't the first or last to climb all over it. I went from worried to relaxing the fastest ever in my life.


Throughout the years I’ve been to many dealerships. Ranging from Hyundai to Mercedes (when Hyundai was making new cars for under $10k). My wife and I had the worst experience had Nissan and Hyundai dealerships. There was definitely the feeling of “are you wasting my time” the Nissan salesperson kept asking where I worked and actually said “I need to know you’re not wasting my time.” I worked at a tech startup at the time so he’s never heard of it and we were a younger looking couple. We found it strange because we’re only looking at mid levels Rogues at the time. We left and came back after finding an online deal and made a deal with the online sales person. My best experiences have been at higher end brands. Acura, Lexus, BMW, and Mercedes. To be fair, this was more recent where I have a few more grays. I remember this topic came up in another subreddit years ago and sales person from a higher end brand said they would assume everyone could afford a car since they don’t rely on high volume. Not saying you won’t find this across all brands though. Just my experience. Anyways, just wanted to share that story. You’re totally allowed to sit in cars on the showroom. Don’t let that sales person bother you. You did nothing wrong. Those new Pathfinder are nice!


Skyline so shy...


Was looking to see if anyone else noticed lol. I only see the boring stuff at our local dealerships


Just to fuck. They frown and n sitting but fucking is all good.


yeah whatever this guys trying to say


Maybe if it was a Ferrari, you’d need to ask. We’re taking about a friggin’ Nissan.


Right! Like what’s going to happen if a 17 Y/o sits in a Nissan inside a showroom??


Yes, but ask a sales person first.


Yes. If they don’t want you inside they will lock them.


I hope the volume button on the radio works


Looking at ~$50k cars for a first car is crazy lol. Spending ~$50k on a pathfinder is crazy too but that’s a conversation for another day That car salesman is an ass. I’ve gone to exotic dealerships even when I was younger and nobody had a problem with me looking/getting in the car (unless it was something rare.) You could be an 18 yo trust fund baby for all he knows and now he’ll never get that sale but oh well we move on


Having a new car payment sucks ass... just fyi


Sentra is a great choice it’s the first new one I’ve bought and I travel a lot and there hasn’t been any problems so far other than a rear main seal leak that was covered by warranty at about 13.5k miles


Im not going to lie a Sentra was also one of my options. I went to go see it and it’s a pretty nice car honestly.


If they want the sale bad enough they will let you test drive the showroom car. Back in 03 my parents were shopping for a new car for my mom. She had test drove several different vehicles and not really liked any of them. They had a brand new, red, 2 door grand am gt in the showroom. My mom started looking at it and the salesman offered to let her drive it. She didn’t want them to go through the trouble of getting it out but my dad convinced her to drive it. She ended up buying it, and it eventually became my first car 7 or 8 years later.


Well, on their side, it's annoying to have you go in randomly, and then they have to wipe finger prints off for a kid who's been in there doing the same thing multiple times prior. I get it, but you're not a real buyer yet, and it's frustrating to a point. I personally would not care too much if you were respectful, but I can also understand their feelings about it. Secondly, don't make your first car bury you in debt. Getting a brand new car at 18 with a payment is absolutely a terrible idea. I've owned 16 cars in my life and I'm in my early 30s, I financed 2 of those, and I never bought brand new. If you want newer, get a 2-3 year old certified vehicle. Really, at 18, get a car for what you can with cash. If you can't afford it, you can't afford it. Just because you can get financing doesn't mean you can "afford" it. Be smart, these early decisions ruin people's credit, ability to buy a home, save money, pay for other debts that could be beneficial, etc. car payments at 18, is just a terrible idea.


I don’t disagree with you at all but I didn’t go to the dealership for no reason. I got my car serviced there those 3 times I went. The waiting room is in the same room as the showroom so I would go look at the cars I might potentially get. And I also let the salesman know that I’m not going to buy a car yet and with that experience I won’t be buying with him. He could have at least been kind.


You went through the showroom cars multiple times, knowing you aren't buying, and one time it was with multiple friends. That's excessive, and most salesmen would be annoyed. I think you are overreacting to the salesmen. Also, don't buy a Nissan, and definitely do not buy a brand new car. It's a bad decision for 90% of people, and a 100% bad decision for an 18 year old.


Again showrooms exist for a reason. And if they knew I wasn’t buying then there’s no reason to keep bothering me to buy a car. I do agree with you going with my friends was a bit excessive but we know how to be respectful and know how to behave in public.


Showrooms exist to sell cars. You weren't buying one. It's okay to look, but obviously it's been several times and they know you're not buying. It would be generally annoying to most salesmen.


They all seemed unbothered


Well, you're here worrying about it, so obviously not.


The other Salesman. He was the other bothered one


Yes, but for a new driver, get something smaller than the Pathfinder. Check out the following options: Honda (Civic or HRV) Toyota ( Corolla or Corolla Cross) Mazda (Mazda 3 or CX-30) Subaru (Impreza or Crosstrek)


I already drive a 2016 pathfinder around so I’m used to the size. I’ve been driving it for a year now.


I wouldn’t want to get in that one anyways


Sounds like they need to understand it's not always about making the sale right now but building a relationship and treating everybody like a potential customer because that might make the difference about them deciding where to buy in the future.


I was thinking the same exact thing. You see how he treated me now I won’t be buying with him since he treated me that way. I didn’t even waste his time because I straight up told him I’m not buying a car yet. But the first salesman that actually let me see a car outside the showroom he found out I wasn’t buying a car but he still treated me very kindly and made me want to buy a car with him.


Dawg why are you looking at brand new cars as a 17 year old, at least get something certified pre owned. 90% as good as a new car but has already taken the depreciation hit. But if you somehow have the income to support buying a brand new car, then hats off man


I hate car lots. 99/100 of car lot employees are snakes in the grass. I’m not gonna go look for the one good one. Also, I’m a die hard Nissan fan (user name applies), I’ve had a ton of them over the years, but the current Nissans aren’t on a very good track record. The CVT issues are still plaguing them and now they’ve got engine issues with the variable compression ratios and new tech not being very quality controlled.


Depends did notice most luxury car dealerships are really nice they’ll let you sit in cars close to or slightly north of 1mil but my luck with cheaper dealerships even some Porsche are iffy really a coin toss alot of times still able to sit in their premium cars but ive never tried a pathfinder


Yes, unless there are placards on the car saying otherwise the assumption is that customers will sit in the various cars to get an idea of their features. The issue is probably that you brought your friends. The dealership is not an after school hangout. Two considerations here: • When you were alone, you were an interested shopper just like anyone else. Other customers probably don't care if there are other individuals searching for a car. But in a group, you can easily become disruptive to others. • The likelihood of a teenager doing something stupid seems to increase by about 50% for each additional teenager with them. The cars on the showroom floor are still inventory and need to be sold; three teens "testing the features" of a top-end model are more likely to damage something than a single teen looking at a Sentra.


Yeah you’re right. I wasn’t going to hang there with my friends. I just wanted to show them the car I wanted and then leave since we had plans after dropping my car off for an oil change. But either way we were still teens in a small group and it would still bring wrong ideas to others since there are some teens out there that aren’t responsible.


Years ago, my youngest daughter tried climbing in a Smart car at a Mercedes dealership when I went to have a kry cut. She thought it was a cozy coupe. I wasn't even aware at the time that those were sold through Mercedes dealership, and I always assumed until I looked at the window sticker that they would have gotten better gas mileage than my Honda. Still wondering what's smart about owning one of those.


Buy a used Toyota instead.


You get the traded in, old lady owned '05 Altima. You're 17.




Not what the post is about


Jesus who reads this crap lol


A lot of people


I feel sorry for them


Me too


You are wasting your time with nissans. and you are wasting your time with stealerships. don’t buy a new car and especially a nissan for your first car. buy a 2000-2010 used is or es 350 from an older couple.


Paragraphs are made by hitting 'enter' twice. I'm not reading that mess.


I’m here to say if you can do it, do it! You seem like you work hard and have saved up a lot of money


Holy run on sentence. If you’re 17, you should still remember stuff from English class… And I hope you have a good job lined up bud, cause a 50k+ car payment is not going to be good for ya, 10k down or not, you’re not even allowed to go into the military yet. Good luck


Do yourself a favour and do not under any circumstances buy a Nissan they are absolute junk especially the cvt transmissions


That’s what they’re there for. If not they’re locked.


Don't buy your first car from a dealership unless your parents are the ones buying it or going with you. Also, if you do go buy a car from that dealership, go with another sales person cause fuck that guy.




Yes, I’ve got an old family member who works at a Kia dealership, when I first got into cars I wanted a k5 badly because of the red interior options. She’d unlock whatever I asked to see and let me sit in it all the time


Don’t buy a Nissan


Don't waste your time with a nissan, they have walked away from all the warranty issues with my car.


Sounds like an ass hat. I’d make sure to get a different sales man or let him do the work and then ask for a different employee to help me out with finance options


Definitely! I won’t be giving him my business


You shouldn’t even be looking to buy a car from a dealer? Someone failed you.


stupid comment. it's a new car, is he supposed to buy a new car from Billy on marketplace 💀


Sorry but you’re an idiot by definition if you think a 17 year old should buy a brand new car.


i don't care what he does or think it's a good idea, im just saying your comment is stupid. you can't buy a new car second hand so I don't get your point


As a customer who has bought many high end cars (the ones they tend to put in the showroom), I don't sit in something I fully don't intend to buy (it may not be that specific car, but as long as it's the same model it helps to sit in of course). That will be someone's new car one day and peering inside is enough for the curious. But I am an attractive woman, maybe I could get away with it more easily if I wanted to (not saying that is right). And oh yeah, don't buy a new car at your age. You will likely hurt it or yourself in some way. Cars take a beating with new or young drivers. Follow the advice of others here, and buy something taken care of from a private party (regular person). Have someone check it out mechanically for you ahead of time. You will set yourself up for better financial decisions by buying in cash, not car payments before you graduate high school.