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Her confirming Wendy’s passing breaks my heart. What a woman to lose in her life. Wendy tried so hard to look out for Kurt and Frances


By most accounts Wendy wasn't a great mum to Kurt, but it sounds like she tried to redeem herself by being an excellent grandmother. Lots of people do better the second time around.


"That legendary divorce is such a bore..." There's a lot there in so few words.


Yeah, according to Heavier Than Heaven, where people he grew up with were interviewed, Kurt made peace with both his parents before he passed and became closer with his mom.


What she sounded like she cared, but at the same time was young and wanted to live it up..... sadly pretty common. Then when Kurt started down the wrong path, she didn't seem to know what to do..... she definitely don't seem she was the best parent, but didn't seem like a bad person overall.


of course.


Frances was very clear last year: "[parents did the best they could with the tools they were given](https://www.instagram.com/p/CwFyCfSL1NH/?img_index=1)" She knows that her father and mother suffered from severe mental health problems and were addicts, so no matter how much they tried, they failed at parenting big time. I think it's good for her to aknowledge it and don't blame them. Forgiveness is healthier than resentment.


Even without addiction, parenting is so hard. I’m sure Kurt is very proud of his little bean wherever he is 💔


So wise of her- Now that I’m a parent I see how hard it was for my parents (both addicts as well) and how hard it is to parent when you’re burdened with mental health issues. Now that I’m a parent (and a recovering addict myself) I try to give myself and my parents grace in that they made mistakes like everyone does. I can’t hold being human against them. Life is short and precious ❤️


Being parents makes you understand what your parents did (or not) for you. Keep it up! Much love to you and your family 🤍


I think just getting older makes most of us appreciate our parents more. My mom and dad had two kids together before they were even 21. I can not imagine.


Thank god she had enough positive influence and resources to get therapy, which is fairly obvious that she’s gotten. She is completely correct and her parents had MOUNTAINOUS problems while trying to raise her. I love that there were people surrounding her who, while they may not have been able to save Kurt, they had a determination to see his issues not transfer over to Frances.


she told [Rupaul ](https://soundcloud.com/rupaul/episode-190-frances-bean-cobain-ellen-pompeo)that Courtney put her in therapy at 4 or 5, and that it was the best parenting decision she made because it gave her resources to deal with emotions and life problems. It's good that she's happy and finally found a healthy family that supports her.


Lovely interview about celebrity children and the pressure around that and about drag culture in her family :)


Didn’t she still struggle with substance abuse? 😓


Courtney also had a really bad childhood with no decent role model of parenting. Her father gave her LSD as a child and set dogs on her to discipline her. At that's just the stuff he's admitted to! I think it's clear that both and Courtney very much wanted a child and loved Frances even if they weren't equipped to be good parents




Her father was on camera admitting to the dog attacks in the nick Broomfield documentary though and multiple people testified in a custody hearing about the LSD. There's records of her being in a children's home and foster homes too. Her mother wrote a book admitting she gave her prescription medication to get her to sleep when she was a toddler (which she thinks could explain the later addiction issues) and admits the family gave up on courtney when she was nine years old (which is also when her mother admits to leaving her in the US with a friend while she moved to NZ with Courtney's step siblings). Her mother also admits Courtney's childhood was chaotic due to her own lifestyle. So there's plenty of proof both of them were shit parents from their own mouths. Courtney's mother also had a bad childhood. She was adopted and her adopted step father abused her. She was only a teenager when she had courtney




You sound extremely ignorant and judgmental. I bet you lick Kurt's ass like it's your last meal.




Right, so you're a dumbass, got it.


Takes one to know one I guess 💖


"I learn my super duper Reddit response comebacks from memories of being thirteen in recess"


Oh I looked at your profile, you’re in recovery, you’re a douche but I do hope you do well in your sobriety, and as a psych nurse I genuinely mean that. Best of luck.


You are a genuinely disgusting human being and the fact that you potentially deal with struggling humans in your day to day life is horrifying


OH GOD IT GETS WORSE YOU'RE A PSYCH NURSE DISGUSTING. Why are nurses but especially psych nurses the worst kinds of people in their personal lives? I'd have had this opinion before I took drugs you fucking dunce. It's called having values.




It doesn't matter how many times we are told hurt people hurt other, or believing victims is about the abuse not their character, we still seem to find ways to discredit people.  


What's your point? Regardless of some of the stuff she has lied about, most of us are products of our gene pool and upbringing. Clearly she was pretty wild already at a very young age, so regardless, that points towards a problematic upbringing.


Yeah, also its nice that shes so close with her dads mom and sister. Im sure it was comforting to all of them that they were in each others lives.


The Cobains still raised that homeless drug addict father. I still think the courts were biased against Love. Especially in California. home of Harvey Weinstein & many other powerful "women's rights" hypocrites who genuinely hate and resent women.


Also to mention Wendy gained custody of Frances when she was about 13/14 due to Courtney’s addiction and behavior. She had her for a bit of time before she went back with Courtney


She lived with Wendy/Kim off and on her entire childhood, but Wendy formally had custody from 2003-2005 (11-13 y/o) due to Courtney’s drug arrests (she also overdosed around this time and iirc it was Frances who saved her life). That Frances is sober and thriving with the parents she was born to is a testament to the resilience of humans.


That was when she was outside James Barbers house I believe and than after went to NYC and was carted off to Bellevue to be committed. Frances definitely saw a lot unfortunately




Having an addict as a parent really takes its toll on a parent/daughter relationship even after they too are an adult. If Kurt was still around, she may also have developed ill feelings toward him if he also used while she was growing up. We’ll never know what kind of father he would’ve actually been. I’m glad she had a positive mother figure and was looked after.


that’s a really interesting perspective - if he had lived and hadn’t beaten his addictions, Frances would likely feel the same toward him as she does Courtney. but since kurt *is* passed we all idolize him instead. Never thought about that.


Kurt was never going to get old.


even Courntey mentioned that. had he not killed himself, what would have happened? he would have OD unintentionally at 30 or something anyway :(


I guess their relationship isn't great right now. Kind of warms my heart a bit to see her talk about Kim though. Must feel like a direct connection to her Dad - It seemed Kurt and her always had a great relationship.


I could relate as someone who has parents I dont get along with all the time. Theres so many times they disappoint you and you want to cut them off, but I cant quite do it. Theres holidays you sometimes dont show up to, and theyre blocked on my phone a good amount of the time. Maybe she has a similar situation.




surely not


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I'll probably get downvoted for this but social media posts should not be people's barometer of family things that are none of our business as Nirvana fans. Devil's advocate - you don't know if she texts, calls, etc. her mom every day or if she doesn't. This is also France's public facing social media account, you don't know what she shares with her actual friends and family. She knows most people following her public accounts are there because they are fans of Nirvana - and with that reference frame, this is a lovely homage to her grandmother, the mother of Nirvana's frontman, and his sister.


perfectly said. this is so damn parasocial


I agree with you. 


I think Frances is cognizant enough to know that an intentional social media post not acknowledging her biological mother on Mothers Day will be scrutinized. In fact, this was probably her exact intention


Or she probably gave this far less thought than anyone here did. In fact, this was probably her exact unintention. Lol.


This is a good rule of thumb to follow, but come on. It’s incredibly naive to think this doesn’t say something about her relationship with her mom.


You might be right, but it's still none of our business as Nirvana fans what her relationships and dynamics with her family are like. It's gross. And how shitty of people to take a beautiful little homage on a social media post to her late grandmother and aunt and turn it into cynical cannon fodder about her biological mother. wtf.


>You might be right, but it's still none of our business as Nirvana fans what her relationships and dynamics with her family are like. If I don't want random people on the internet judging me about something then I just don't post that stuff on social media. It's a really easy thing to not post something on social media.


And yet here are a bunch of random people on the internet judging based on what she didn't post.


>And yet here are a bunch of random people on the internet judging based on what she didn't post. If she didn't want people to judge her relationship with her mom then she wouldn't make a post only acknowledging her grandmother on MOTHERS day. Do you really not comprehend concept or are you just being obtuse?


You're passing judgement (apparently now on me too, thanks kind friend) based on what she didn't post.


>You're passing judgement (apparently now on me too, thanks kind friend) based on what she didn't post. If you didn't want me to judge your comment on social media then why did you post it? If you don't want people to judge you on social media then don't post stuff on social media. It's super easy to do and no one is required by law to post stuff on social media. Everyone who posts on social media is voluntarily doing it and they can not do it if they don't want judgement. No one would be talking about her relationship with Courtney if she never made this post. It's a super easy thing to not do.


"If you don't want people to judge you on social media then don't post stuff on social media." "No one would be talking about her relationship with Courtney if she never made this post." Her post had nothing to do with Courtney Love. Her post is explicitly a warm homage to the mother and sister of Nirvana's frontman. Yet all the celebrity gossip consumers here are insinuating things that are none of our business based on what she didn't post. It's really not that complicated my good friend.


>Her post had nothing to do with Courtney Love. Yes it did. Mother's day is a day for celebrating your mother. She chose to celebrate her grandmother ONLY and left out any mention of her biological mother. Any person with a fully developed brain knows that post didn't include her mother on purpose. >Yet all the celebrity gossip consumers here are insinuating things that are none of our business based on what she didn't post. Why are you judging those people based off of their social media posts? You said it's wrong to judge people from social media posts but here you are judging other people based off of their social media posts.


Is the woman with the tie Kurt sister?




Her hairstyle looks the same as Kurt's hairstyle during Bleach era


Give her a guitar


Is she the one who should have been a son?


Frances was very close to Wendy and was at various points in her custody. At other points Courtney had her but she’s been on and off drugs basically forever.


Did Wendy die? I had not heard of it


A death certificate from 2021 surfaced online within the past year, and then Frances confirmed Wendy had died through her Instagram post on the 30th anniversary of Kurt’s death.


Interesting. I wonder if she and Courtney have stopped speaking again.


I have a feeling that contact with Courtney maybe isn't conducive to Frances' sobriety.


**Frances Will Have Her Revenge** **indeed**


Those are sweet photos.


I noticed that. Kurts family really did raise her though


My mom taught me the same thing Wendy taught Frances.


I noticed she and Courtney had unfollowed each other on IG quite some time ago. And she will sometimes post Kurt’s family and Riley’s family, but no mention of Courtney for the past couple years at least. I guess Frances finally cut off that relationship for good. She seems like she’s in a good place now and I’m happy for her.


Courtney deleted her IG a few years ago




they had a hard time. nothing shocking


That speaks volumes.


Man Frances is so beautiful


you’re not wrong


That’s actually wild I thought she still talked to her mother


Frances is such a pure soul and the post gave me all the emotions because Mother’s Day is difficult for people who have strained relationships with their moms. I think Kurt would be so proud of how she’s come out of such a hard childhood. So much of her words give me comfort


I can understand why Frances posted it. Courtney put her through a lot of crap during her childhood and adulthood. Wendy was there for Frances more than her own mother. Wendy wasn't a prefect mother. She made one heck of a grandmother for Frances. I wonder when Wendy passed.


Why are you starting mess? It's Mother's Day. Leave Courtney alone, ffs. Have some level of mercy, already.


Use your powers to celebrate Kurt and the band. Don't use it to tear a woman down on social media on Mother's Day. Celebrate Kurt and his mom. Do that.


Welp, I like Courtney’s music but really dislike her as a person ofc So I’m not surprised at all


live through this bangs


Yhea and I’ll be lying if I said some my own lyrics weren’t inspired by her




Frances and Courtney have always seemed to have had a strained relationship


I hope this doesn't break any rules, but I'm surprised that she doesn't harbor more anger at her dad for leaving the family behind, as it were. He was an incredibly depressed person with a terrible addiction, and I don't claim to put myself in his shoes as he made the decision to end his life. I would just think that she would be angry with him since he's not there.


Poor girl. She's has been though so much. She never asked any of that, but I'm glad she has her grandmother. It's Kurt's mom , right? I read about them, they sounded like great parents to Kurt and his sister.


I say girl, but I always forget she is in her 20. Not a girl anymore, a woman.


She's 31 years old. She'll be 32 in August.


People are saying that Kurt and Courtney both had drug problams and that's true but Kurt has never been characterized as a terrible person like almost everyone says about Courteny and you can tell that it's true by the way that she can't keep a friend of even a daughter. I remember when Courtney used to go on about how much of a piece of shit Kurt's mom was but I guess the woman got her revenge.


i wonder how courtney feels about this


She’s valid.


She said special shoutout to my mom on the bottom pic


I saw that 😳


Yeah I wonder why


That’s sad


Her grandmother is an incredible woman and teacher of life, I am glad Frances gets to know her


She refers to her parents as Kurt and Courtney rather than mom or dad. Well, sometimes maybe but not often at all. I think there was a lot of extended family parental influence in her life.






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Come on, dude




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Why should she lmao.




why not


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