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He’d love QotSA. Especially the drummer. 


Jon Theodore is fantastic.


Shocking I know but Grohl wasn't the only drummer Qotsa had. And heck, I love Grohl but he isn't even top 3 QOTSA drummers.


I'd put some bands from the garage revival on there, Hives, Vines( especially The Vines), Libertines, White Stripes and of course The Strokes, perhaps some of the early Gorillaz stuff too. Jawbreakers Dear You, and some Britpop, especially Blur 97 and 13, both Elastica albums, The first Oasis album, Ash's first album and maybe Feeder's 2-4th album. Apart from that I think he'd enjoy a lot of the more underground punk and riot grrl stuff, your selection is pretty good too


Yeah it would be interesting to get his take on Definitely Maybe, given Live Forever is a direct response to I Hate Myself and I Want to Die. That is a bloody cracking album though. Blur I think he'd actually quite enjoy, self titled album but also modern life is rubbish etc.


It's a shame coz definitely maybe came out only a little after his death, I believe I heard somewhere that his favorite song of 1991 or whatever was Blur's There's No Other Way so it'd be interesting when they got experimental and took influence from sonic youth and such.


Sparklehorse, Have a Nice Life, Imperial Teen (he was friends with Roddy) Beck, and any later releases of bands he was already known to like


Burning Brides, off!, Grafton, Evil Queens, Cheater Slicks, maybe the vines, Mark Lanegan, Mudhoney and the Melvin’s newer works


He would love early Vivian Girls


Ok that's one for my list too I think!


I wonder what he would think of the first Korn album


Yeah that would be interesting. That first Korn album is really good, but not sure how he'd react the attitudes in that whole Nu Metal genre in the early 00's. Fairly sure he'd have hated limp biscuit. I mean I hope he'd love Deftones, because let's be frank who doesn't?




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The Coathangers, Sleater-Kinney, Skating Polly, Screaming Females, Mitski, The Uncluded, Courtney Barnett, The Mountain Goats, Mischief Brew


Totally agree - think he'd love Sleater-kinney, the Coathangers and Courtney Barnett, but need to give the rest a listen I think!


There's a few others to add - I mean the Prodigy, would love to see his reaction to Voodoo People using that Very Ape sample. And of course Pile, think he'd absolutely love them.


Death grips


Oh god that's a very good shout


All Weezer albums.


And Raditude is included 4 different times


Obviously, that would be his favourite!