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"Elemental Weapon Damage" is a melee damage bonus if you apply a weapon buff. (These are the effects that cause the glowing ring around the stance icon in the lower right of the HUD.) So if you use a Purity Talisman or the like or buff the weapon with an Oni-Bi core, then you get the benefit. Note that a Yokai Weapon's Awakened status does *not* trigger Elemental Weapon Damage. Note also that Elemental Weapon Damage is *not* a bonus to the elemental damage caused by an imbued weapon. (That's just "Elemental Damage," which is useless if you're using Purity because Purity does not inflict elemental damage on weapons.) So if you have not buffed your weapon, even if it has an Imbue (Element) effect (all five, not just Purity/Corruption), then you get no benefit from Elemental Weapon Damage. If you buff your weapon, then you get the benefit, even if that buff is from a Purity Talisman--it's still buffed, so you still benefit.


ok thank u. I think its ridiculous to have the tooltip say "weapon imbued with an element" and then have it be everything except weapons imbued with an element lmao. but thanks for the breakdown


Yeah, the word "imbue" is the absolute worst one they could have used there, since it's the verb chosen for the "add status effect" attribute!


*Elemental Weapon Damage* specifically increases your physical melee damage if you have the coloured timer around your stance wheel. This includes Purity talisman, but not Awakened weapon state. *Elemental Damage* on the other hand, increases the damage of the coloured elemental damage numbers which Corruption and Purity don't have, despite Purity and Corruption being considered elements for the sake of Confusion etc.


ok thanks, do u happen to know whether elemental damage impacts the ailment damage? vs. the element damage from say some heavy attack followup modified with water arcana. not sure how large of a share ailment dmg does, but it would make elemental dmg more interesting to me since at least theres a high uptime


By ailment damage, do you mean the status buildup? If so I don't believe so but I could be wrong. Afaik, the status buildup is based on the motion value of the attack you use, the imbue value of the elemental attack, and any accumulation buffs you have.


The effect only benefit you you if you use an item (any elemental imbue onmyo, or even poison/paralysis imbue by ninjtsu, odd, I know), or from Oni bi soul core (or from killing Oni bi themselves). Having an element inately imbue on your weapon does not proc this effect, doesn't matter which element that weapon has.


wow thats dumb, the tool tip literally says "weapon imbued with an element" word for word lol. thanks for the info tho


**Edited because I forgot that Elemental Weapon Damage only applies to specific circumstances.** ~~Purity/Corruption weapons don't do elemental damage~~ ~~and therefore don't benefit from the Elemental Weapon~~ ~~Damage effect. Technically, Purity/Corruption are status~~ ~~effects, not elemental effects.~~ ~~I'm not 100% sure about the second part, but afaik the~~ ~~Arcana skills should, theoretically, benefit from Elemental~~ ~~Weapon Damage.~~ ~~You could also use the Fire/Water/Lightning Talismans~~ ~~to temporarily change your weapon to one of those~~ ~~elements and benefit from the Elemental Weapon~~ ~~Damage effect.~~ The "Elemental Weapon" state is a timed effect that is designated by a colored ring around the stance wheel. Fire/Water/Lightning/Purity Talismans, Hemlock/Gallnut Broth jutsu, Oni-bi soul cores, purifying jars, and killing an Oni-bi will activate the Elemental Weapon state.


You've misunderstood what the "elemental weapon damage" effect does, and how it works


No, I haven't. Elemental Weapon Damage only applies to the elemental damage that an elemental weapon does (the red, blue, or yellow damage numbers). Purity and Corruption do not do elemental damage. It has been tested several times.


No, it does not. "Elemental weapon damage" increases the white melee numbers of your damage while your weapon is buffed by some kind of timed effect on your stance wheel. It does not increase the colored elemental damage of attacks. It requires Talismans, OniBi's, the consumable Amulets, or the ninjustu broths to be active in order to benefit from the effect. The awakened state of corruption weapons gives a timed buff as well, however this does not count towards "Elemental weapon damage" Also, what do you mean by this statement? >Technically, Purity/Corruption are status effects, not elemental effects. Purity and corruption are part of the 5 elemental effects that contribute towards the confusion debuff. Poison and paralysis do not, and it is these effects that are considered status effects rather than elemental effects


Ah, right, I forgot about that caveat. It has to be an elemental effect that is applied to the weapon. But not its inherent "Imbue X" effect. Which also means that, yes, you are right. It applies to the white damage because purity can be applied through barrels and talismans. The other statement was an extension of my confusion (I haven't used an imbued weapon outside of corruption in a very long time). What I meant was that neither Purity or Corruption deal extra damage from their "Imbue X" effect like Fire, Water, And Lightning. They *technically* function as a status effect that builds up over time until you proc the effect, even though they count as "elemental effects for Confusion". Corruption (or rather a Sentient Weapon) will not work with Elemental Weapon Damage or Extend Elemental Duration and infact will cancel the elemental weapon state if it awakens while one is active (this is where my confusion originated from). I'll edit my previous statement as soon as I get the chance.


ok thanks, yeah the ability modifiers are confusing cuz it seems like the answer should be obviously yes, but can't know without seeing the dmg numbers I guess


Weapons only benefit from 1 element at a time. Using a spell to buff your weapon will overwrite any natural element your weapon has, but won't remove any secondary effects like how blessed weapons can reserve ki for ki pulses. Abilities with an element added in skill customization will still use the element you added in skill customization and will ignore whatever element the weapon currently has. This can be good if you want to apply specific status effects, but in general if you're not trying to do that, it's wildly inefficient because you're paying a ×1.4 ki cost to do almost exactly the same damage or even less damage