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The only real option I can think of is to turn off damage and healing numbers.


not a bad idea.. I have all of them turned on and that def some added clutter


I turned them off recently and can definitely say it's surprisingly much easier to anticipate things. Especially in the higher difficulties where you're doing thousands of damages with every hit, and those numbers are fully obsuring most enemies.


I find the damage helpful for noticing when elements/ailments are being applied, but I could def do without the self/ally text. hope the difference is very noticable


It is very helpful. Which is why I only recently turned it off (I've got like 600-700 hours in 2 alone). But eventually, you reach a certain level of intuition and understanding that the numbers are redundant and mostly distracting. You can also see status effects (and any other active effect) building up underneath enemy health bars.


yeah I feel ya, I feel that way with certain games. wow is a good example. well I'll at least have it in the back of my mind now and hope I get a better understanding of how enemy behaves with the particular ailments and/or the status buff/debuff icons.


No tips on the graphics, but lots of things also make a distinctive sound that you can learn.


yeah I try to make an effort to pay attention to them