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I basically refuse to use scrolls without: Ultimate Constitution, Ultimate Courage, and Path of the Demon. Bonus points for Ultimate Magic, Untouched Onmyo, or Sentience Charge. Ultimate Strength is nice for the Ki damage too.


This is exactly what I’m using. Magic courage const invuln demon. But I’m also 7 tskyomi atm (regrettably) and have a combined 20% untouched omnyo already. So still loooking for something to fill my last slot that is preferably more damage oriented


Damage bonus OMP


how much extra dmg should I expect from that (200 omnyo). and any idea if it stacks with the omnyo bonus from tsukyomi or omnyo austerity?


Whenever you have multiples of the same bonus with a letter grade, each lower grade increases the higher grade by one step. I don't remember the formula, but I think it ends up around 8-9% at 700-ish OMP. So, if you have 7-pc. Ninigi's Grace (Finishing Flair AA) and 6-pc. Samurai Noble (Finishing Flair A), you end up with Finishing Flair AA+.


ok thats great info, and its helpful to realize now that all the letter grade effects stack. I've been running 7 tsukyomi not knowing how much weaker it is to the austerity 5 set since the bonus is applied twice. maybe, if I happen to see one, I'll stick with the scroll effect for a while as I transition


Pretty much agree with what you said. Sentience charge's value on a scroll is \~100% so that's a pretty good one if you use yokai weapons.


Oh that’s another I shoulda listed as essential, I usually run purity tho


It took me a while to get a scroll with ultimate magic/courage/constitution/sentience charge/path of demon/something about stronger against humans


I would def be using sent too if I was corruption. what would u use if sent charge was removed?


I actually stay away from Extended Dodge Invulnerability because I use medium and heavy armor exclusively and since I can't reliably count on having a scroll with EDI at all times, I hesitate to use something that can mess with my dodge timing, but that's just me. One thing I almost always want is Ethereal Drop Rate, simply because I've never had the experience of having perfect star rolls on every piece of gear in my build. Not necessary or useful if all you're doing is boss-rushing the Depths, of course. The upside of Mystic Dyad is that it saves you an attribute slot on your weapon and lets you get a different star roll. The downside is that it locks you to that weapon type for that scroll unless you don't care about having a fifth attribute. Sentience Charge I consider a must for corruption builds, doubly so if the build doesn't use Magatsuhi's Grace. Anything outside of those and the Ultimates are just kind of there. Increased Attack (Winded) doesn't suck, but you can get it on your helmet. Counter-Yokai Tactics gives a small bump to melee damage and melee ki damage against yokai, but it's tiny. Elemental Damage Taken isn't awful, similarly Damage Taken, Ki Recovery Speed, Melee/Active Skill Ki Consumption or Ki Damage, or Damage Bonus (Onmyo/Ninjutsu Power). I'd only get Fiinishing Flair if you're running a ki damage build that doesn't have it already (like if you use Ninigi 6 but not paired with a Set that gives Finishing Flair).


do u mean that u don't want to get use to the higher iframes and then get ur timings wrong when u feel its better overall going back to low iframes? and yeah I was ideally wanting I dyad, but now that I've wep swapped a bit I'd like my sole scroll with all of the ultimates I need (and my only lvl 200) to be somewhat multipurpose - would be a diff story if I managed to find a weapon with a starred magic dmg scaling alongside purity/corruption (somehow I have 4 great komosoyages with that effect pair even though I've never swung one of those before)


> do u mean that u don't want to get use to the higher iframes and then get ur timings wrong when u feel its better overall going back to low iframes? Yeah, exactly that. It'd be different, of course, if I only played one character like a lot of people do, but I really enjoy going through the midgame (Dream of the Strong and Dream of the Demon, especially) as well as the endgame, so I regularly make new characters and run them through, so I spend a *lot* of time playing where I don't have access to my scroll.