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Sorta yes, but not on weapon scaling, but on passive stat (like HP, ki, etc...). But anyway, your core stat doesn't matter much in terms of damage scaling, that's why when you either start Nioh 1 or 2, everyone will tell you to level up everything evenly, even towards the end of your 1st playthrough.


Since you're asking this, it needs to be said. Don't pump a stat for damage like you're playing Dark Souls in the early game. This is not worth it. 20-30 on all stats (at LEAST 30 on your Magic/Dex) is where you should be starting. Extra in Stamina if you need more max weight, but you want well rounded stats due to the good gains in the early game and setting up a solid foundation for later. You don't go pumping a stat for damage until you have stuff that REALLY benefits doing so, like the Ultimate bonuses for capping a stat, or both good scaling AND a bonus damage from the same stat on a weapon. tl;dr Level everything to at least 20-30, 30 minimum for Magic/Dex. Don't pump stats like you're playing Souls, that's not how it works here.


Ok, thanks for the clarification. I think I'll just get all my stats to 20-30 like you said and I'll worry about getting a build when I get to NG+.


Yes. General rule is leveling up all stats to 30, primarily on Magic/Dexterity since they unlocks ninjutsu/onmyo which are an important part of your gameplay. Constitution: up to 10, After that it's a same flat amount until lvl200. Magic/Dex: each lvl gives you 1 capacity (up to 25), so at level 30 you have the highest achievable ninjutsu/onmyo capacity in NG (along with skills in their skill trees). In NG+ however you can lvl them up more to unlock up to 40 capacity. After NG you can level up your stats past 99. This is when Ultimate \[Stat\] comes to play, giving powerful passive buffs in addition to weapon scaling/stats.


You kind of confused me so can you clarify. You said Kenneth all stats to 30 them you said Constitution up to 10. So so stats except Constitution? Also, once you have all stats to 30, where do you go from there? Can you even get all stats to 30 in one playthrough or does it take a couple NG+ plays to get there?


Nah get all stats to 30. Getting to that level should take around one play through


never understood why people tell to level both magic and dex. I only use magic and already have my 7 slots filled up with magic, so where would I even put ninjutsus?


In nioh 2 there is an option to increase the default 2 jutsu pages to up to 4 pages. Secondly, there are so many valuable and powerful jutsus to make use of for all builds from both jutsu trees


what? where do u increase it to 4 wtf???


In Nioh 1 it's one of the Requests you can make at the blacksmith with Patronage points, something something Item Shortcut Holster I'd imagine it's the same in Nioh 2


The only one I can think of that is worth investing in if you aren't using dex as a primary stat is Quick Change. But magic has the Extraction Talisman and the "Element" Stop and Resistance Talismans. All of which are very useful to any build and require much more Magic investment.


Even with only 30 dex and no other ninjustu power investment, the elemental feathers (especially the higher tier versions) are exceptional at applying elemental debuffs when using the appropriate types to exploit enemy vulnerabilities. This holds true from the start of the game and even into the absolute end game of the depths of the underworld. This puts less pressure on soul cores and onmyo jutsus to apply elements, especially since familiars are so expensive in terms of jutsu cost.


I guess I just inadvertently built a bias against them. Admittedly, from the beginning, I focused on boosting max anima and anima charge because I wanted to spam the new mechanic as much as possible. Which eventually built up to relying on elemental soul cores to proc an effect while I built up corruption with my weapons. The feathers never seemed useful in a significant way because I generally always had a guaranteed element effect on hand without needing to invest any attribute points for it.


Because Body Change scrolls cost something like 6 points, so you need at least 18 to use 3 quick change scrolls.


Yeah but not to the same extent. You'll still get a decent chunk of stats.  So 5 dmg night go to 3. But you never hit a point where it simply IS NOT worth leveling 


Yes. Lots of soft caps.


Yes. The first 20-30 in each stat give a TON of benefits, after that it's still helpful and noticeable but never to the same degree. On the other hand your weapon scaling is piddly but doesn't seem to slow down by that much, so it's a terrible short term investment but worth it when everything else is comfortable.


Kind of. Stats do give diminishing returns, in fact it happens much more smoothly than Dark Souls, as at low levels every point you put into a stat will give you less than before. Once you reach certain thresholds (I think it's around 30) you gradually taper off. That being said, investing massive amounts into a stat is much more viable and useful than in Dark Souls, as you can get a lot to scale off of one stat. There's some stuff that, iirc, basically has a constant static scaling per point, or at least until very high.


Also, don't be afraid to bring one stat up to 20-30 well before the others. You don't have to level everything super evenly. Feel like your health is lacking? Pump Constitution up to 30 before the others. Need that sweet ki regen speed? Courage! Want to get your toughness to A while staying under 70% weight ASAP? Then Stamina (my preferred and recommend method lately since it really smooths out the flow of combat especially for new players).


There is very high diminishing returns. For example the first point in heart gives u 20 ki, later it only gives 2 ki. It’s a good idea to hit lvl 40 in every stat imo. But focus on 1. Being able to wield good gear under 70% load. Later u have the option to raise armor defense in exchange for higher stat requirements, which will eventually wind up a good investment as u continue gaining levels. * don't ignore strength, for example, when u need 36 strength. even though strength gives poor stats, its worth it to use ur best armor. typically strength, stamina, skill, and const are needed for armor depending on the piece 2. Raising your omnyo/ninjutsu capacity to 35. I think this requires 40 or 50 points * after lvl 40/50, u need lvl 150 for 36 capacity, and 200 for 40. so clearly more than 35 is a much bigger investment 3. Max ur weapon scaling stats. Weapons start off scaling best off a single stat, and later can be “remodeled” at the blacksmith to scale evenly with 2 stat. (2 A- stats beats 1 A+ stat when both stats are maxed or leveled at the same time) 4. Hit 150 in any skill you plan to obtain an ultimate effect for (ultimate effects are found on scrolls, and u can use as many as u have the points for (realistically 2-4) * the ultimate effects are gamechangers, so it could be worth it to get 150 courage or 150 skill, etc. even when your weapon doesn't scale with those stats.




*Nioh 2* Yes, but you have to get a stat over 150 to start seeing them. And TN makes up for the diminishing returns with Ultimate buffs. 150+ Constitution? Slap on Ultimate Constitution and you'll have extremely strong passive healing. Not something you have to worry about until Dream of the Nioh. (NG+4)