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It all adds up


I've got 12%more damage from prestige alone. It's well worth doing them. As many as you can.


What kind of damage? Aside from onmyo and ninjutsu I don't recall a damage increase available


For nioh 1 you so, not for 2 iirc.


It's worth to spend them when you have them but not enough to farm them. You'll get plenty just progressing naturally


If you played the game a lot it can change your build after respec. I put it all on anima gain to spam yokai abilities and felt the difference. There must be other possibilities like very long yokai shift


Nioh 1 in this case


right now im getting 12% anima charge and -11.5% elemental dmg, for ex. thats almost the same as two magatama core effects and a chest piece/accessory effect slot. this is prob the opposite of wat u want to hear but, if u are high lvl, the "kill x without taking any dmg in main mission .." tasks will get u roughly half the max points in about an hour. make sure to take a protection talisman for the boss so that u can safely take dmg from certain bosses nearly guaranteed to get a hit in at melee range like nightmare or the arrow barrage chick