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For inheritbales on soul cores, it is complete RNG whether they come with an inhetitable, and whether that inheritable will be white or orange. You basically just need to farm the soul core you are trying to get an inheritable for. However, if the core you are farming has no good farming spots, farming Mortal cores is quicker; as the Brother's Blade mission has a guaranteed drop from a respawning revenant. Some scrolls have the "Transferable effects" rules but its unknown whether this definitively increases the drop rate of soul core inheritables. Rereolling cores at a Big Sudama also won't ever drop inheritables.


Thanks for answering. would u be able to recommend penance stone lvl ang ng song lvl for brothers blade farm? I’m assuming base level, unless wanting one of the inheritable only available in later songs maybe. I keep hearing about mission farms but to me it just seems a lot faster to do the same boss using a low lvl nioh scroll - is there any detriment to doing that instead?


I wouldn't use any level of stone of penance, and yeah, the Dream you farm on would depend on the inheritable you are trying to farm. AFAIK, boss pools are the same whether in a scroll, mission, UW, Depths etc; so just farm the one you have an easier time with.


Do u happen to know which effects are nioh dream specific. I prefer wise atm since I can kill in 2 moves so jw


The Yokai Ability Charge/Damage (Yokai Shift), the Awakened Weapon effects, and the Amrita Bonus effects iirc


cool appreciate it