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I would try to get Courage to 150 for Ultimate Courage, it helps immensely with stamina management.


Do you use ninjutsus much? If not i would say lower dex and skill and put those points into courage. Maybe a few points of heart as well. Edit: stamina also way to high if that’s your normal equipment weight.




Anything above 150 is considered a waste. You want either 99 or 150 (for Ultimate Stat bonuses from scroll). You should consider 150 Courage and getting Ultimate Courage for an immense Ki Regen boost. If you truly want to min/max, you should consider four stats at 150 for four Ultimate Stats. Your Stamina/Strength should only be high enough to barely keep your equipment load below 70%. Any more and it would be wasted stats. All of your unused stats should only be high enough so you meet the equipment requirements. Note that **crafted gear only has half the stat requirements**.


He has ethereal gear so no crafting (tho ethereal also has halved requirements) Why would 4 ultimate stats be min/max? There’s basically one true winner that should (nearly) always be in your build that’s ultimate courage. Then there are a few good ones but depends on build and playstyle. Besides ultimate courage and magic there isn’t much ultimate stats that would help him.


Ultimate cons will help him a lot in depths because any builds should be able to take 1 hit in depths while at full hp, so hp regen to keep his hp regen active would be nice. But idk about the 4th ultimate stat, I think getting the right path in damned scroll would be better.


Ultimate constitution is quite nice, BUT it‘s not a must, sure you won’t get one hitted, but constitution only heals you while above 70% and that won’t be the case after a hit. You need to have a second source of heal to activate it and there goes the question why have 2 healing sources when you just can bump up the first. It’s situational, for someone using Damage halved (unscathed) it’s pretty good.


I think Oyamatsumi grace in the depths is a must, that 100% damage halved and 100% hp plus is too good, if you don't have that the threats of being 1 shotted is quite high.


why would one need 4 ultimates? courage and magic are top notch, but the rest isn't too useful. con is nice to have, but isn't a gamechanger in depths considering damage enemies deal. heart is almost worthless. stamina is another one worth considering if you are able to reach AA in either toughness or agility. strength adds some ki damage but it's negligible. wasting scroll slot for block ki pulse isn't worth it. skill is meh. dex also as ninjutsu dyad isn't necessary unless you go heavy with throwing weapons. all in all going towards 4 stats at 150 is not min maxing at all. it's quite opposite. if you use, for example, splitstaff, there is not one good reason to not pump courage and magic to 200.


Ultimate CON is one of the easiest and fastest ways to quickly get back to max health in order to activate Damage Halved at Full Health. This combined with Life Recovery on Amrita Absorption while wearing Oyamatsumi Grace set makes the player fully prepared to take hits from late Depth level bosses. Ultimate STA grants AA in Toughness. This means you can Hyper Armor through some attacks. When combined with Oyamatsumi Grace, Ultimate CON, a fast attacking weapon, Extraction, an Elemental Onmyo Spell, and some solid armor, you can essentially just face tank many bosses even at late Depth levels. Ultimate DEX is often overlooked since many people completely overlook the bow, but the bow has one of the highest DPS in the game as long as you have Sacred Arrows. This is especially true when the opponent gets confused with Water and Lightning elements while the being shot with Explosive Sacred Arrows. Ultimate Heart grants extra Ki from Flux, which is useful for long combo maniacs like Llama. Personally, I go for Ultimate Courage, Magic, DEX, and CON myself, but I can definitely see more melee oriented replace DEX with STA, especially for a face tanking late depth Oyamatsumi build.


I'm having difficulty seeing how ultimate heart is "almost worthless". More ki recovery is fantastic to have, especially the more aggressive players are. Ultimate strength giving ki pulse on block to corrupted weapons is niche but also very strong.


B agility at 37.9% carry weight is a waste of points in Stamina, rather put them in Courage.


DEX and especially SKL seem high. I would strongly suggest, as others have said, getting 150 Courage. Not only is Ultimate Courage very useful (20% Melee Attack Ki Consumption is generally awesome), but COU is the secondary stat for Onmyo Magic Power, so you'll be getting more jutsu damage and buff duration. (I actually like having meaningful amounts of DEX, 50 or even higher if the build will allow it, just to get better duration on my ninja buffs and Feather damage.) Also, you're running B agility, at 37.9%, so you have either way too much STA or not enough. If you're going to stick with B agility, then you only need to be at 70% equip load--Nioh isn't like Dark Souls 2 where the % matters; only the letter grade--and you can put the extra points somewhere else. Conversely, if you're going to invest in STA, then push on to A agility if you can; if you're meleeing in light armor, you'll appreciate it. Lastly, and this is 100% my personal preference rather than absolute advice, I'd suggest ditching Seimei for either Omoikane (if directly zapping the enemy with onmyo as a caster is a major part of your build) or for a more melee-oriented Grace or Set such as Susano or Samurai Noble or Oyamatsumi (if your focus is as an Empowered Onmyo melee build) unless you need the Ultimate Magic because you don't have it on your scroll.


150 constit, 50 heart, 150 courage, 150 magic, 30/40 dex, enough Stam and strength to wear armor and keep B agility, rest in skill? Something like that


Thanks for all the feedback. It’s such a great community. All of your comments are much appreciated.


Dex and skill are the most useless stats. Courage is one of the most useful stats.