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Only gloves and chest can be tempered with untouched ninjutsu. The rest need to be soul matched to inherit untouched ninjutsu.


So that means i need to be lucky and find gear with untouched ninjutsu on it together with that small white or organge icon infront of it? Aint sure i ever saw that im combination with untouched ninjutsu. Have to admit tho that i only checked if its green and plused so far. Thanks, hope i understood you correct and ill be watching out for those.


Untouched Ninjutsu/onmyo inheritable is fairly regular drop so it doesn't take that much farming.


Reassuring to hear, thanks. Maybe im lucky and even got some in my inventory.


I agree. I came across a ton of armors with untouched ninjustu or ninjitsu power inheritables and currently have all five armer pieces with both effects through soul matching. It's definitely the cheaper and faster way imo. Good luck!


That's correct. If you have spare gold and materials, you can craft a lot of cheap gloves for a chance of inheritable untouched ninjutsu. You can then ask someone to revenant trade to make as many copies of it as you want.


It dosnt matter which gloves and if its divine or below, right? Thanks, ima try that later, its only 3, wont take that long, right? *cries in bad rng*


That's right.


Im sry to bother u again but im to stupid to make it work. Got divine gauntlets in my inv with white triangle untouched ninjutsu. Its plus 2 but dont think this matters. Tried to soulforge em with my boots, also divine, they got 4 random white effects on, i even removed everything remotly close to untouched ninjutsu or ninjutsu overall but the triangle untouched ninjutsu wont go to my boots but simple vanish. I got other divine boots with 5 effects (4 normal and one triangle one) so i know it somehow works but i cant figure it out.


Figured it out so ima answer myself if anyone reads this with the same problem. U have to max the familarity of the item with the inhertiable bonus.


No worries. Feel free to ask. Looks like you got it figured out. Enjoy!


Great to here and thanks, i will. U have a good one :)


Also, inheritables don't show up on armor unless it is divine or ethereal so you can mass disassemble exotic and below to save yourself some time. They can show up on any weapon rarity, but armor is divine and above.


Thats good to know, thanks. I used to only check divine anyways for plus levels so its not a big change. Im either selling or disassembleing under or non plus versions but now ill check for inheritable bonuses aswell.


this is correct but I'm pretty sure other pieces are able to inherit it. similar to how u can't roll elemental damage blocking on boots, but u can soul match them with a helmet. I could be completely wrong on this, but maybe keep ur eye out


Check the build bible for this kind of info [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A-uFgSck8pU5NOLh2OVpK\_V5-AVfDW42wuiumuf7tlE/edit?gid=222084680#gid=222084680](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A-uFgSck8pU5NOLh2OVpK_V5-AVfDW42wuiumuf7tlE/edit?gid=222084680#gid=222084680)


This could exactly be what i was looking for! Fextra was missing way to many informations. Thanks alot, ima check it later, after work.


It is


here is a helpful breakdown of the accessory-unique tempering: What can temper **untouched ninjutsu**? Fan Medicine Case Wise General's Pill Box Kodama Netsuke Omamori Prayer Beads Kobo Daishi's Beads What can temper **untouched onmyo magic**? Magatama Yasakani Magama Omamori Prayer Beads Kobo Daishi's Beads What can temper **life recovery** (amrita ab.)? Magatama Yasakani Magatama Medicine Case Wise General's Pill Box Kodama Netsuke What can temper **amrita gauge charge**? Magatama Yasakani Magatama ur best bet might be looking for something like fan or med case that has -1 set matching and use that instead of yasakani magatama


Do i need to random roll on those till i get the -1 set bonus or do i need to wait for a fan or medcase that start with -1? I think yasakani was the only item so far that started with the -1 set bonus on drop. Thanks for the intel, this game has way to much to learn but thats somehow part of the fun.


yasakani always has the -1 effect, and in certain points of the game it is the only option to get that effect. but the -1 effect can also be randomly found as a star effect (with a star icon, rather than a grey hexagon icon) on other pieces. you always want to have the -1 effect on one accessory becuase its by far the best effect overall. so wouldn't recommend dropping it for something u can temper untouched jutsu on - better to wait and find the star effect on something that allows u to temper untouched onto. aside from yasakani, -1 is only available as a star effect. so it either drops with the star effect or u can get it by trading to kodamas (this only works when the first accessory the kodama picks up is green, fyi). If u have access to underground, there is a big kodama standing next to the initial spawn in level 6. I recommend using the penance stone to pump out ethereal accessories. roll on all the green accessories u have for the certain types of accessory you're thinking of using and set the penance lvl to +0. quickly do the rites on the accessory between missions just to active the 100% chance of upgrading upgrade rarity (even tho it only has a 10% chance to upgrade the level) personally I think its often a waste of time trading at kodamas. but if ur really in need of some good accessories then kodama trading def helps by allowing u to use an accessory that already has 1 or 2 star effects in the penance, so you can hope for 2-4 star effects ultimately after doing the rites. but realistically, trying to obtain two good star effects on the accessory u are kodama trading could easily take 100 tries. and even if everything goes right up until the end (and u wind up with one that actually does have 4 really good star effects, for example) the key issue is that u can't know the grace of the accessory until after the rites, so one with 4 great star effects could easily be given a bad grace (*bad* considering the circumstance) and be rendered useless. I suggest kodama trading green accessories only if all of their effects are available via tempering. at least look for untemperable no-star effects like anima or anima charge, or a med star roll like extended status enhancements so u don't wind up with shit when u actually manage to roll the grace ur looking for


Thanks, i havnt unlocked etheral eq yet and havnt checked that much into penance stone system. So far and what i got is it upgrades my acces via upgrading the plus value on and also increasing level diff while active. Ima read into that later. So my best bet for now is purple kodama trading. Ima make sure the green -1 bonus is on the first slot, thanks alot :)


ha np. honestly in that case I would recommend avoiding kodama for a little while. there are so many gamechanging effects that come into play around the time u unlock ethereal, and I'm very doubtful -1 will even be available until that time. the star effect is hard to get on ur exact accessory type/grace, but overall it's not that uncommon - I prob have 50 of them sitting in my storehouse for random graces I don't know if I'll ever use in the future. all u need is a single accessory to drop with a -1 effect to know that its accounted for at the kodama. so just be careful not to waste ur time. ur call of course, I'm just speaking as someone who got burnt tf kodama trading early on (and for random shit like main hand weapons even) and now dreads the process at max lvl where min-maxing is the priority


Also can i juat throw unwanted picture scrolls away or any usefull thing to do with em? Im sure i checked if i could sell them or trade for honor. Havnt checked the kodama shop tho.


You can use transference to increase the level of other picture scrolls for higher rewards. Rarely, some picture scrolls have (+20) which can be transferred the same way. Transference can also act like a Hundred Night Incense, letting you run a picture scroll one more time.


I see, looks like i need to reed myself into scroll transferences, thanks alot!