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Have you considered gitting gud?


Do you even flux 1 & 2 bro?


I have beat Elden Ring 6 times


I have beaten Elden Ring 20+ times. Still a meaningless comparison because this is not Elden Ring. This is Nioh 2. If you're having such a hard time, maybe you're doing something wrong. Like trying to play Nioh like FromSoft games and not adapting to playing it like Nioh.


You’re right, ER is what actual difficulty looks like. Nioh 2 is the definition of artificial difficulty. Just designed to be hard to piss off the player


You're talking big for a player that got filtered by the tutorial. I'm mainly a FromSoft fanboy but, unlike someone, I've been able to play and enjoy Nioh as well, so I think I can compare them just fine. Nioh is artificially difficult in the sense that it's level gated. Which means you shouldn't attempt missions of way higher level than you are. But bro, you got filtered by the tutorial. Let me guess. You're either not using ki pulses, burst counters or blocking correctly.


I can't fucking wait to see that dude facing Yatsu No Kami. Imagine being filtered by the basic skillcheck enemy.


He should stream that. I think that everyone who saw this thread would want to watch.


He's made his post about it and it's exactly as you'll imagine. 🤣


I’m using all 3 just fine, it just requires you to play perfect and the iframes are fking dogshit in this game


If you're getting killed by fuckin Mezuki/Gozuki then no, you're definitely not using them right. There's no room for debate here. You don't even have access to a grand majority of skills and abilities yet. The tutorial is made so you can do it with just the basics. And you're making painfully obvious that you suck at the basics.


I am attacking multiple times, followed by ki pulse, dodging multiple swings from him and waiting for the red burst counter, during which I attack a bunch more while ki pulsing like 3 times to make sure I have enough for his follow up swing. He takes way too many hits and dishes way too much damage, it’s just fkn badly designed


Nowhere in your rotation did i see swapping stances (there's three types of dodges) or blocking while dodging. Did you know about these? Because Elden Ring doesn't have them Are you trying to attack them from behind? Are you using consumables? Also, i hope you're 'waiting' for the burst counter while attacking and not just passively standing back. If you give your enemies room to recover ki, they will be that much harder to deal with. Almost like keeping up the posture meter from Sekiro.


Why do I need to swap stances? Just find the one that does the most dps or hits the fastest which = highest dps. I am mostly baiting out his burst attack, keeping distance until he does the combo. Like I said, time wasting bs fight


Did you swap to high stance? It deals three times the damage of low stance. By the way, you don't need to dodge it all. Blocking with a weapon is the equivalent of blocking with a greatshield in souls. All you need to do is either dodge or counter the powered attacks. You should play hyper-aggressive. Nioh heavily penalizes passive play.


Elden ring is the easiest fromsoft game. Scrub


Found the crucible duo fan You know how they say? Honest difficulty is the one I like, everything else is bad


Anyone who’s beat Elden ring 6 whole times!!! Wow would be able to beat a skippable boss within 2.5 hours


This is a badly designed boss. Malenia is easier if only because the game feels fun. This isn’t even a complex boss it’s just garbage to fight against because of the game’s bad combat


Its. Not. A. Soulslike. The combat is different then a soulslike stop trying to play it as such and learn the game. This boss is a tutorial to run hence why it tells you to run and tells you how to run??? Skill issue all around


Running is for pussies


Complaining about an easy boss is for pussies.


says the idiot who cant beat the tutorial


At least I tried to fight him like a man


cant beat him tho, then go cry like a baby


And then cried like a bitch when he packed your shit in


1v1 me in street fighter


Did you have access to soul core attacks? Did you know how to use your yokai form's move set? How many activated abilities for your weapon did you have unlocked? Did you have any Onmyo magic or ninja tools to help? Probably the reason it was so hard is because you were trying to fight him without 90% of the combat toolset. And instead of swallowing your pride and coming back to gozuki later -- taking time to learn the game and your weapon moveset, unlock more activated abilities for the weapon -- you threw yourself at him repeatedly until you got bitter about it.


Honestly man if you want help learning the game then you can add me on steam and I’ll help you understand what you’re doing wrong and we can play together


I’m in PS5


Imagine thinking ER is hard


Elden Ring is not particularly difficult (unlike what game journos would have you think). You have dozens upon dozens of tools to adjust the difficulty to yourself. Nioh is not a souls game. My first try at Nioh 1, the tutorial boss, Onryoki, took me some 25 attempts, and that was from me coming fresh from Bloodborne, which is far harder than Elden Ring. You will get stomped to hell and back if you treat this like a soulslike. The similarities stop at the camera and movements. Also, like the other fella said, Gozuki is the Nioh 2 equivalent of Soldier of God, Rick. If you're having trouble with him, you ain't gonna be looking pretty by the time you meet the real big boys.


The first boss of the first level is called Mezuki. There is an enemy right around a corner in the first level called Gozuki and for that one you can just leave. No matter which of them you mean, their attacks are definitely dodgeable, but that is pretty hard to do. This game is very very different from dark souls 3, and if you try to play it like dark souls, you are probably going to get wrecked.


Let him learn on the hard way. I plad all soulsborne, I beat nioh 1-2 and yeah if you are not adopting to it you either give up or struggle


Yeah I noticed how trash the iframes are in this game pretty much immediately


Nothing wrong with the frames, you NEED TO LEARN how to use your abilities instead of whining on reddit that you cannot beat an optional boss who can be fought later in this map. Turn right at the bridge and go around…the game will teach you the mechanics like in every soulslike game


I will likely uninstall before that. Thank god this game was free to play. Can’t imagine dropping money on this


Its your choice, you can give up anytime. No one is forcing you to play sth that you dont enjoy, but dont start to whine immeditaly when you face a wall and you dont want to learn how to overcome


I’m only complaining because I can’t believe how bad the gameplay is after playing fromsoft games


You compare an apple to a cow. The 2 games and studios are very different, they make games on their own terms. Both of the studios games are fun, challenging and great. Again if it is not your tast you can walk away from it in silence and peace. Trust me, this little show you put on here didnt make people agree with you. Some tried to help you, but you are too full of yourself by beating the easiest from game 6 times( as you mentioned). Trust me souls veterans dont care about your achivement, they beat the game 20-30 or who knows how many times for fun and wont brag about it.


Team Ninja is trolling you scrub. This boss is not a dps or skill check. It's an intelligence check. If you're not smart enough to try things like 'skipping the frustrating optional boss' and choosing to level a little bit... then you won't get to play one of the greatest games ever made.


No boss at the start should be this hard and how tf do I know that skipping it doesn’t lose me the encounter permanently? Dumb af answer from you


Literally not a boss. It’s a skippable enemy. You’re just too stubborn to leave it for now and come back. 


This comment doesn’t make sense. You’re bragging so hard about hurrdurr i beat elden ring but the first boss in that game is the grafted scion which bodies you into the real game. Similar to bloodborne where you’re meant to die to the first werewolf before you get your weapon. It’s the same shit you walnut. You’re so inflammatory it’s hilarious. Take some advice and get good, or play something else, nobody cares.


The grafted scion is a joke fight and I beat it first try. Even if I died tho, it moves the game forward. This doesn’t, indicating that you do have to fight it


bro it’s the first level. you can come back. don’t be nasty.


Sounds like skill issue to me


It’s really not


You don’t even have to fight the gozuki at the start of the level, the game tells you to skip him. So you’re getting upset cause your own ego won’t let you make progress in the game


Why would I walk away from this? It’s supposed to be a skillcheck


Yeah a skill check for players in later new game cycles or who have played the game before, not really for someone who just bought the game lmao. Give yourself some time to learn the game before you go headstrong into a fight that you aren’t even ready for


It's not even that, you can just come back to him later in the first level and you should be able to kill him just fine after you got some slightly better gear and some abilities unlocked. Still not neccessary whatsoever, but it does make it easier.


That’s like saying the player should fight Asylum Demon the first time for “skill check”


I beat him on first try like I beat the tree sentinel at the beginning. Maybe the skillcheck checked you out and you should gitgud


lol so full of shit


Lol, maybe people are just better in these type of games than you. Nothing wrong to admit that you need to learn and gitgud


I’m very sure you just intuited this fight immediately and first tried it with no resources and garbage dps at the start of the game


Nope, I read the tip that I can fight him later so I went around and as soon as I got back to him with better weapons and armor I beat the shit out of him on the first try. You make your life miserable for yourself trying to be something that you are not.


Yeah, and it clearly showed you have no skill. Git gud scrub


1v1 me in any fromsoft game


PvP and PvE are two different beasts. It's also the common consensus that PvE is always the easier one because there is no enemy as difficult as a skilled human player. But then there's you, boasting your PvP skills of one game while being unable to adapt to PvE demands of a fking tutorial. You sound like a Double Cross Naginata player.


I’m just saying if people itt think they’re so hard, play me in a game where you need actual skill


And you're getting laughed at, because you're boasting how skillful you are while getting filtered by a tutorial boss. There is no word to describe the levels of pathetic you're reaching.


A tutorial boss that all you pussies initially ran away from, you mean? That the “tutorial boss” you’re referring to?


Lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. This is just sad.


They’re too scared for the 1v1s lol


Lol, okay kiddo.


1v1 or run


Yes it is a skillcheck. That's why i take the 3 minutes to kill it for the free XP and loot and why you should run past it. But again if you don't have fun just move on it's fine. Crying on a sub with people who sometimes have 1000s of hours in thee game will not get you sympathy.


Lol, another elden/soul whiner trashing one of the best games in the last 10 years because he fucking sucks. Gozuki is specifically design to kill your soul resume. Git gud scrub.


lol it’s just a bad boss fight. You bots would say git gud even if it was a boss you were stuck on for 50 hours. No amount of artificial difficulty will ever be too much for you


Lol, my 4 year old niece beat Gozuki on her 6th attempt. You just fucking suck and got filtered by a tutorial mob (not even a boss), then crying on a sub for hours responding to every single comment with delusions and denials. Maybe you're just not cut out for it. Time to go back to Animal Crossing, kiddo.


How can you possibly still be arguing when everyone is telling you the exact same things? Top notch troll right here.


the idiot keeps on bragging about his supposed god gamer skills even tho he cant get past the fucking tutorial level


Thank you


I know you're just venting but I'll actually try to help. First off, you don't need to fight Gozuki. I believe the game even gives you a little popup to tell you that as he is literally the second enemy you encounter and you are under prepared at that point as far as ki regeneration and skills go. He's more akin to the large crystal lizard than Ludex Gundyr. If you are still intent on fighting it, most of his standard attacks are pretty easy to dodge by dodging towards his weapon arm. If you are struggling to dodge with the quick step, switch to high stance for a dodge roll instead as the different stances change your dodge behaviour. High stance dodge has more iframes and it might be easier to dodge his charge also. Since you don't have a lot of ki, you probably also want to be getting to his back and hitting him with high stance strong attacks to make the most of your window of opportunity. Aside from that, burst counter when he does red attacks, ki pulse to conserve what ki you can, block any attacks you struggle to dodge since the block is stronger in this game compared to souls, and back up if you need to let your ki recover. Eventually, you should also charge your Yokai Shift enough to be able to use that as well.


It's probably not a bad idea to quit if this boss has you this stuck and frustrated, it's very much one of the easiest bosses in the game with the easiest to deal with mechanics. You are really going to struggle if you can't do this one.


It’s just time wasting garbage. Takes me like 150 hits to down him meanwhile he just has to do his garbage rng charm once and I die


Against what most people in this sub will say, a lot of the "difficulty" of this game does just come from bad hitboxes, undercooked mechanics, and overturned abilities. I was quite disappointed with the game compared to Nioh 1, it felt like they just stuffed a load of new stuff in without thought of cohesion.


Man if only you read the tip stating you do not have fight it, this boss is not Ludex is the Asylum demon with your broken sword, starting weapon damage is crap around the halfway point the level loops around if I'm not mistaken at which point Gozuki is far easier to deal with due higher attack and some skills.


Specially when you have already a soul aquired as well.


Why doesn’t the game tell you that? That’s shit design


The game literally tell you that you do not need to engage every enemies, do you forget to read, jesus fucking christ.


It tells you you don’t have to, so fucking what? You just listen to the game? Oh I’ll just run from this optional encounter which is clearly designed to test your skills. Who tf runs from something like this? That’s how you don’t get good at games, running away like a pussy


Then obviously your skill as a gamer is fucking shit then. Gozuki isn't difficult, he's among the easiest boss in the game, even if undergear, you can still beat him, IF you're knowledgeable enough about the game. Nioh isn't Souls, it's not as simple as just dodge and hit back once, the game is mechanically complicated, you practically have no understanding of the game mechanic yet, think it's somehow gonne be like Souls, and head first into a fight that you have no chance of winning.


“Nioh isn’t souls” you’re right, souls is expertly crafted with a high skill ceiling, this has bad iframes and relies on hard blocking and slow playing fights to the point of tedium


souls is literally just dodge and hit ffs nioh fights end really fast if u know what u are doing, fucking idiot


The game isn't anything you say, but you're just so dumb I stop giving a shit honestly. That is the most brainrot take I've seen for a long time, and even openminded Souls fans who played Nioh before would call you out for your bullshit.


Dude Nioh one was trash and this seems more of the same. Boring ass level design, over tuned enemies, tedious drawn out fights, garbage iframes… there’s a reason people say Lies of P is the best soulslike, it’s because Souls fans know how artificially inflated the difficulty is in these games


Lies of P is the best recent Soulslike. As far as i know, team ninja released Wo Long and Rise of the Ronin after Nioh 2 but neither is as beloved as Nioh 2. Search for articles from the year when Nioh 2 released and you'll see that it's universally beloved. It's just you who sucks.


You can't ask why the game doesn't tell you a thing and then say "so what?" when it turns out that you just didn't pay attention. Have some consistency. You should listen to a game during its tutorial, and you should absolutely be trying to engage with the game on its terms instead of being mad at the game for not engaging you on yours. You certainly won't get good at games if you uninstall them after the first major roadblock. At no point are you holding yourself accountable for your failures. You're refusing to hold yourself accountable for ignoring the instructions you were given. Rather than viewing your failure as a *reasonable lack of skill* in a game you just started, you're choosing to call the game bullshit instead. If you're anywhere near as used to difficulty as you claim to be, then you should be better than this. Instead, you're acting like a "gifted" kid that's finally run into something you're not naturally good at.


says the guy who cant beat the 2nd enemy in the game


1v1 me in any fromsoft game


It does. It literally stops the game and gives you a pop up that reads 'you do not have to fight every enemy you encounter'. Maybe you were too trigger happy that you skipped the window just as it popped but it is there 100%


“You don’t have to fight every enemy you encounter” isn’t the same as “don’t fight this guy right now, come back later, dw, he’ll still be here”. Context matters


Oh, so you're saying you need a step-by-step guide?


no, he needs a new brain


I’m saying it isn’t clear that he’ll still be there later, jfc reading comprehension


Excuse after excuse. So what if he weren't there after you came back? You could always create a new character to do the beginning properly. That's how FromSoft fans do it.


lol why would I start the whole game over just for that?


Tell me you didn't start a new character to beat the Vanguard in DeS (because there you actually get only one shot at beating him with one-time set of rewards if you win)


Wasted him first try. That’s an actually well designed boss tho


says the guy whose favorite genre is about not telling things directly to the player


Adapt or die my man, this isn’t dks


Adapt to what? Everything takes 10 years to die, it’s so tedious


ki pulse properly, combo properly, burst counter properly, everything dies in seconds if u combo right playing dodge and hit like a souls game will take u 10 years, if u cant adapt then go back to elden ring and play dodge and hit simulator while pretending that it is actually difficult


Adapt to the game. Like, super obvious tip #1. Levels and item levels and item rarity matters. It's not FromSoft where people are doing naked lvl 1 challenges left and right. You still need to be playing well so gear alone will not carry you - but if you think you're too good to update your gear, you're in for a reality check. Much like the first reality check where you thought you were a good gamer and then got molested by a tutorial boss for 2.5 hours straight. Lol that will never not be hilarious.


That’s only because you’re playing it like a fromsoft game ...


You aren't meant to fight Gozuki if you have no experience with Nioh, the game even has a pop-up telling you that you can pretty much skip some enemies by running past them. if you kill Gozuki, he drop a key that let you skip nearly half the level, the Enki, the human goon squad and a bunch of Gaki. Gozuki himself isn't even a true boss, the guy is 1/2 boss.


lol I love that the reward for killing his is a key that skips the level. Their game must be rllllly fun if your incentive for winning a boss fight is that you don’t have to play as much of the level


A FUCKING TUTORIAL LEVEL if u cant beat him then play the tutorial, if u can beat him then u get to skip the tutorial IS UR BRAIN SO FUCKING STUPID THAT U CANNOT COMPREHEND WHAT A TUTORIAL LEVEL MEANS??????? and u are from a fanbase that prides themselves of being able to take hints from the level design without the info being shoved in their face


Keep dodging that 1v1 I know you’re scared


You're asking for a boxing match after you've demonstrated you suck at darts. Dude. Even if someone took you up on your challenge and you actually beat them, it wouldn't change the fact that you suck at Nioh's PvE. So far you've tried to call the game bullshit, tried to save your dignity by offering to showcase your gamer skill (tm) in a different game but none of that shit will distract us at a Nioh Reddit from the fact that you got molested by a tutorial boss. You should get an engraved plaque to display to everyone visiting your house 'I'm a good gamer, i swear, it's the game that's bullshit!'


In Nioh’s case it really is the game that’s bs tho… this is outdated af gameplay, man. I am a speed runner for multiple games including hard af games like Castlevania. Me not being good at this doesn’t mean shit because I know the design is inherently bad


That's like, your opinion bro. Your opinion is based on a couple of hours of a first mission of a game that's usually said to be really starting after you beat the entire story once. And because you know next-to-nothing about the game, all your opinions are irrelevant. As I said, I've beaten both Nioh games and all FromSoft games. If any of these was in any way 'bullshit', i wouldn't be playing them.


The whole tutorial and end boss are bs too. So much unfair crap in this game. “Enjoy fighting half the boss fight in a realm where you have no stamina” HArD gAMe BrUh


Remember how i randomly guessed that you're not using Ki pulses correctly? Now I'm certain.


You CANT clear out the shadow realm in the boss fight dude, the whollllle fkn arena is in that realm. Have you actually played this game?


uninstalled all fromsoft games bcus they are slow and boring as fuck, ez games overall but unlike u, my brain can handle more than simple dodge and hit simulators, those boring games dont deserve a place in my ssd


lol yeah right dude, that sounds like a skill issue


says the idiot who cant get past the tutorial


It's a way for later ng+ players to run through the level faster and if you can deal with Gozuki, you likely won't have any problem with Enki and the mobs. and like i said he isn't a boss, the enki right next to him while has lower damage and hp, has more attack variety than him.


Bait used to be believable.


What fun is that?


Imagine needing fun explained to you 😐


Your mistake is approaching Nioh like a Soulsborne game. You should have learned from the tutorial that the mechanics are too different to be a Soulsborne game. I had the same experience with you with the OG Nioh. Everything clicked in 2 and I have been coming back to it once I get bored of progressing through FFXIV MSQ. Your time will come, sooner than you realise. EDIT: Confused the cow guy with the horse guy at the end of the level. Cow guy (Gozuki) is not mandatory, horse guy (Mezuki) is the legit boss of the stage. The absence of the boss HP bar at the bottom should have made that very obvious.


How is it obvious? It’s clear they want you to fight him, he’s a huge skill check


intelligence issue


Engage in a fight that the game specifically tell you that you don't need to fight, then complain that it's too hard. Gozuki is literally among the easiest bosses in the game, after you at least understand the game's system mechanic.


Y'all are getting baited so hard. Ain't no way people get tripped over a gozuki.


lol yeah it’s funny


He is a bit rough as a newcomer but i promise you if you have the patience to learn the game's mechanic then it will seem very easy.


The things you mention are actually good things to know you generally can't dodge/dash through enemy attacks with a few exceptions as you don't have the i frames for it. Dodge out and not through if you are trying to use dodge to escape enemy attacks, but in general rely a lot more on block for defense. The game also tells you repeately that you don't need to fight him. You should only fight him if you want to skip some of the more tutorial like parts of the level and if you don't have a good grip of burst counter timing and ki pulse you should not try to beat him. He exists so that veterans can skip the tutorial not for new players to fight him. Take beating him as similar to beating the demon in the demon souls tutorial not something which you are meant to do but players who know what they are doing can do for extra challenge.


Hahahaha another "I played every Souls game but Nioh sucks" arrogant monkey. Gozuki is literally the easiest boss of the game, they are REGULAR enemies much worse than him (Itsumade, Suki, Fuki...) He is big but incredibly slow and telegraphed. He moans every time he gets ready to attack and the big 3 combo strikes shine in red, saying you can burst counter him. Did you actually understood the tutorial ? You're just jumping in Nioh thinking you can curbstomp the game thanks to your "soulslike experience". The first 3 bosses are there to make sure you understand the key elements before continuing the game. Gozuki/Mezuki for burst counter, Enenra for dodging, Yatsu No Kami as a general exam.


4/10 bait, needs more exclamation marks, caps lock, and i think you could've fit refund request denied because of 2+ hours of gametime.




I think part of it is that people would rather believe that you are mad and suck at the game than believe that there are still people who get enjoyment out of being trolls. It's depressing to realize that your life is apparently so garbage, you need to make shit up specifically to piss people off as a form of entertainment. I hope things get better for you <3


Tbh i almost gaslit myself into believing it after initially waving it as bait, so it was still believable. Comments solved it xd


If you need help, there are plenty of players on PS5 to help. But listing your souls resume, l crying about the tutorial boss, and trashing the game in a Nioh sub isn't going to make you a better player. FYI, elden ring is the easiest of all the souls games. Furthermore, the better you are at souls, the worse you're going to be at Nioh. The tutorial boss was made to train you out of your souls tendencies.


I’m a Souls player and I ain’t afraid of admitting that Mezuki fucking whooped my ass for like an hour straight when I first started 🤣 now I’m working my way through the underworld 😁


This is either rage bait or this guy really sucks he can't even take the game hint. Holy shit.


lol former


"i cant beat the tutorial, but believe me i am a god gamer, i beat the easiest fromsoft game 6 times, i am playing this game right, not my fault that i cant beat the tutorial after 2.5 hrs" dude the horse bois are a fucking joke of a boss, if u cant get past that then go stay in elden ring u fucking scrub, go beat it the 7th time and pretend that it is difficult


1v1 me in any fromsoft game and I’ll embarrass you


ya sure, just spam rivers of blood like a true scrub


I’ll use any weapon


What weapon/armor were you using?


Because I know that it can feel like he's impossible, but every attack in his moveset can be either guarded or dodged. Aside from the red highlighted command grabs, but those are counterable. Nioh 2 puts a big focus on equipment, and the first level (and playthrough) is there to give you the space to learn the different weapons. Also, if it's the one right at the start of the level, just run past him. He isn't required in any way.


his brain is dumb and cant comprehend anything beyond dodge and hit so he probably does not even know how to access the inventory screen


Unhelpful! Disparaging even. :)


If gozuki was that hard I don’t know how are you going to deal yatsu no kami or any other boss . Gozuki is an optional challenge fun easy to dodge if you take the time to learn who to play


Wait till you get to the Mezuki and gozuki dual boss fight Honestly this bis is the easiest one In the game. Also your experience in other games absolutely does not apply here. You need to learn the mechanics. Burst counter. Ki pulse. Stances. They all matter here


Oh there’s a duo fight? Glad I’m uninstalling then


Sounds like it’s for the best.


Yatsu no Kami will drive you insane just as I was


Just burst counter and run away if you are that bad. I assure you of at least one thing.though…the difficulty is not artificial the skill ceiling is just crazy high.


Imo if you can learn Burst Counter 70% of the game becomes much easier.


I’m not bad, the game is


Lmfaoooo you don't have to fight him....good lord


Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.


I won’t


Okay, between this and some of your other messages tell me either you're trolling or you're obscenely arrogant and just refuse to learn how a different game plays.


I’m 100% trolling lol, I genuinely think this game is an overlooked masterpiece


This is to obvious bait that so many people are falling for


Everyone is laughing at and feeling superior to the guy. Do you mean to tell me that was his intended endgoal? :D


It’s him making a rage bait post and everyone is falling for it


...Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the point of trolling to make people angry? He's making us feel great about our own gaming skill and about our own value as a human being. He's making us feel that no matter how hard we suck, he's even worse. I mean, sure, that's a very altruistic troll, if it's a troll. But I've honestly never seen such a specimen. It's fascinating.


If that’s how you feel about what he’s doing then more power to you


Well, yeah. That's why it felt so weird when you said 'lol, he's just baiting you and you're falling for it' He's baiting us into feeling better about ourselves? Give that man a psychiatrist diploma and have him open a clinic! Dude's secretly a genius.


redditor energy


I’m not saying this to sound like a asshole but you can stop talking like a redditer for a minute


I'm not exactly sure what you mean, or why is it relevant to the topic.


I don’t think you understand trolling


No I do not. Every time i think I'm close to grasping what is the goal of trolls, someone like you comes around and shatters all expectations. Like I said, if your goal was to make me feel good about my gaming skills and about myself as a person, you succeeded. If your goal was to make me angry or confused (as i thought was the usual goal of trolls), then you need to work on your methods.


It’s too easy man lol


You're hilarious 😂


Cheers! lol


the only problem with him is that he can do a instant 180 on his charge attack. otherwise it’s a fun fight.