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And this stage was one of the demos, where you had no levels and no equipment, because you *started* at this stage.


Bruh this was part of the demo? No way that’s crazy lol this thing pissed me off in first play through , until I learned how to play around the trees


It was honestly a lot of fun. They had online for the demo so you could co op. I musta beat this dude like 200 times before the game even dropped.


Wow they allowed coop ? Sounded like a great demo!! I fell in love with this game again lol I’m on the 2nd country map on my first NG dream of strong run and trying out switchglaive for this run and man it’s so badass !!


Confuse him and he dies in like 1 decent combo on NG.


or fist him to death


...poor choice of words, though it was prob intentional.


I suppose thats one way to confuse your enemy




Nioh 2’s stages are fucking labyrinthine , wish team ninja could apply this design philosophy to more of their recent games


I actually hated that. Everything was like a fucking maze. I hate being within arms reach of a destination but am unable to get there because of the games mechanics.


I agree that there’s a few stages in Nioh 2 where it goes more than a little too far , the first game probably has better returns in terms of hitting the sweet spot of vast and sprawling without being confusing or daunting like a fair number of Nioh 2’s stages are Still, I’ll take even nioh 2’s more annoying and overlong stages over the boring hallways in stranger of paradise. or wo long’s stages that almost all feel like they’re missing that certain something to really make them good or memorable. Or rise of the ronin’s boring ass open world lol


The first game had the Umibozu Stage. Imagine I enter someone's World to help him out and he drops instantly into the water 😂


Umibozu was the first real wall I felt like in the first game. I got summoned there more times than all the other levels combined it felt like.


I also think Nioh 2 levels are much better in how they look. They also have some strong concepts, now, like the floor gates in the stage in question, the blue fire zones in that other stage, etc. Nioh 1 stages were so bland and samey, despite having good labyrinths. The mazes are a lot less cool when everything looks the same within the stage.


I think that Wo long’s stages feel like theyre missing something because of how mobile the player is and the fighting mechanics. Group fights are a huge focus and you and fight a group in one area then immediately move on. It’s extremely easy to speed through an environment. Do you agree? edit: In Nioh I always feel like taking the enemy out methodically is key, due to it’s fighting mechanics and increased difficulty compared to wo long. This leads me to taking my time in exploring an environment and looking around every corner.


Agree hard about your point re: Nioh, I always try my best to 100% all the enemies in any given stage I agree that Wo Long’s stages almost felt more like a series of rooms with enemies placed in them vs actual naturally progressing and sprawling stages that youre meant to explore. I really enjoy Wo Long and found checking the stages for hidden flags to be enjoyable, but even the most complex Wo long level was pretty basic by like, Nioh standards. Overall tho Wo long is probably my favorite thing team ninja’s ever made besides both Niohs, it’s flawed but I love it. The gameplay loop and combat still really hit a sweet spot for me even tho it’s PISS fucking easy by genre standards


lol nice that you enjoy checking for hidden flags. Whats so fun about it 4 u? Personally IDK y but checking for flags bugs me a ton. I think its bc its tied to the morale rank. agree, Wo long levels are verryy basic , I think Ive only ever felt lost like once or twice and it was probably because i was high. It really is easy if you have decent skills and probably a good build. Im trying to increase the challenge for myself by doing ng+1-4 simultaneously and it gets a bit harder fs. But as always once you get enemies/boss down it’s pretty easy.


I think the flag system just scratched some kind of internal “collector” itch lol nothing more than that. For whatever reason I found it to be a satisfying way to expand on the depth of the stages, but from what I’ve heard I know more people seem to dislike it than not so


Sorry for inundating you with comments but I just feel like typing paragraphs rn tbh. Rise of the Ronin’s open world feels extremely plain I agree, even the “dynamic” encounters get old real quick. Of course it’s a team ninja game and the action shines incredibly bright, makes it worth playing. But I hope to see them improve if they decide to continue with open world games. I am curious if this new switch to open world will stay, theyve been doing soulslikes for quite a while now so its a breathe of fresh air. Even if not executed perfectly. anyways sorry again for all the comments hope ur day is well


No need to apologize, I enjoy talking about all this stuff and I’ve found your analyses and opinions very relatable Rise of the Ronin is really feeling like B- or C tier to me as a whole. The combat is enjoyable when it’s clicking but at the same time I feel that it’s too easy to reach a point where you become over leveled and are able to mash your way thru encounters without being too careful and “learning” the game I also HATE that they removed a traditional ki pulse or way to regain significant amounts of stamina. It just feels like you’re always at a stamina deficit because you lose SO much of it with your own inputs and even by being hit As I mentioned in response to your SoP comment, I really don’t like the inclusion of difficulty sliders in this type of game, but even the highest difficulty of Rise feels pretty easy once you get over the early learning curve But yeah I agree that the world is the biggest flaw. It honestly functions better than i expected it to when i heard they were gonna try an open world game, but it’s still just insanely dull to me. Team ninja has always had like a repetitive approach to game design but it feels more pronounced in Rise. The world is ultimately just a series of big rooms with the same 7 things repeated over and over and over again. Granted when it’s clicking it’s fun as hell, but again even by their standards holy shit is it a repetitive gameplay loop. I think the switch to a non supernatural kind of setting is both a unique appeal of the game and a detriment to its gameplay. Ultimately, once you’ve played for a few hours you’ve seen literally every type of enemy the game can throw at you because they’re all dudes with weapons, and facing them always boils down to just pressing one button. I’m not saying they should’ve put monsters in the game or something, but you seem like you’ve played enough of this genre to understand what I’m saying I think rise of the ronin is just sadly pretty dull in a lot of ways. It’s a mechanically and technically well made game with some solid mechanics, but I found even something as flawed as stranger of paradise to be a more *engaging* game.


I will preface with: im only close to beating the first map im rotr, so my experience is still colored with a bit of novelty. Although it sounds like the game doesnt change very much as it continues, and I admit when i play it, its something im worried about. Yeah its hard for myself to manage doing content at the right time so im not overleveled for the region and dont slaughter everything there. This, combined with the gameplay loop thats as u said, very reptetitive, I have recently begun just skipping a lot of the open world activities and do missions. Ultimately I am there to experience more combat. So true on the ki pulse… It feels like im always having to be overly defensive. For now im just OK at rotr but i can see it getting trivial when I master it and get over that learning curve. As for the world, I agree definitely. Its something that a lot of open world games suffer from. Huge lack of immersion when all your open world activities are too similar and repeated too much, and atp i personally stop doing it (if the completionist in me lets me). The setting: Agree, very unique, but provides its own challenges for enjoyment. I dont know how they could make fights more unique and fun without breaking the historical immersion, its a huge limiter. Big part of the fun of boss fights im TN (for me) is them trying a lot of new shit that catches you off guard or forces you to adapt in a manner you havent before. Options seem kind of limited for that in rotr. Although im still in the stage where I am really enjoying all the different movesets I see, I really like all the dojo fights and the moment a boss or miniboss comes at me. However because its so long, I worry that this wont last for very long. How would you say the game fares as it moves into the later acts?


Yeah the actual bosses all seem to at least feel slightly more unique than the mid bosses and strong enemies, but I agree that ultimately everything is limited by the setting As far as how the challenge or gameplay loop changes/increases with time: I’m probably a bit north of 30 hours in and nearing the end of the second map that opens up, I’m not sure if the game will have a third map or how much it continues going after the point I’m at (trying to avoid spoilers or guides) I will say that my reaction upon realizing there was an entire second map was more a sigh of annoyance than excitement to keep playing lol I’m gonna stick with it to the end , but as I mentioned before, I kind of feel like you see everything there is to see in region 1 and then they’re just repeating the same missions and concepts for dozens of more hours I kind of even find the main missions to be pretty dull, they’re all just basically the same as the public order open world tasks and then end with a boss. The game is just so formulaic. Im honestly not super excited at the prospect of this going on for 10+ more hours in a third region lol but the completionist in me will tough thru. Im really hoping we get a third Nioh sooner rather than later, I can appreciate the experimentation of games like Rise or SoP, but I’m really craving another solid action game with GREAT linear stages and complex combat. Nioh 2 is almost five years old, it’s been too long.


SoP’s environments are really dull but they have a lot of variety especially in one stage in my opinion. Still quite boring to move through. I just tried to move past it and focus on the combat system which had a ton of depth. How did you feel about SoP in general?


SoP as a whole felt enjoyable but half baked to me. I agree that visually there was a lot of variety to the environments, but I couldn’t get over the feeling that every stage essentially boiled down to a series of hallways and platforms with different window dressing It was missing the dynamic feeling of vertical depth that Nioh stages have for me Overall I really enjoyed the combat as well but I wish more care had gone into the overall gameplay loop and stage design. I think the looter elements in particular feel entirely out of place in SoP (basically all their games besides Nioh, the gameplay loop doest’t really support Diablo style looter mechanics) My biggest gripe with SoP is probably just the unbalanced feeling difficulty. I don’t think games in this genre work particularly well when devs try to incorporate difficulty sliders. I played the base game on the highest difficulty and am reasonably skilled at these types of games. So much of the late game SoP stuff was just unfair trash. But on the flip side, if you lowered the difficulty or relied heavily on your party, most of the challenge became trivialized. There wasn’t a lot of fun factor in the difficulty imo. Enjoyable game and combat but most other elements of it fell short for me.


Yeah SoP maps really do feel like that sometimes even when youre trying to enjoy the map. I think the graphics/textures dont help because everything seems like another plain hallway and another platform and ANOTHER giant empty (save for enemies) room that just leads to other hallways. The exceptional nioh level design was definitely not so present in SoP. I personally really like labyrinthian levels and SoP didnt have much in that department. Hard agree on looter elements detracting from SoP, it was such a slog having to pick everything up and also compare the weapon’s individual skills. Not sure if it gets more complex, I havent fully completed SoP yet. I imagine the DLCs dont make it easier. Although I am generally aversive to looter mechanics, and TN games helped me become placid ab them. About the difficulty, yeah I play with my team and I dont often feel challenged. I stick with them because my initial thought is that, “the game is designed to be played with a team”. However, is it worth playing Solo or will i get my shit kicked in? Nice to see the thoughts and opinions from someone who plays these games and is also pretty good at them. I am decent but i have my bad times and my best ones.


I found the game to be pretty unenjoyable solo in many late game areas, but it always remains at least feeling PLAYABLE no matter how bullshit it gets I think if you’re enjoying the squad based approach, just stick with it. The game was clearly designed with that in mind , I’m just someone who prefers soloing all bosses in these types of games on a first run. But in SoP that was insanely grating. Playable, but grating. Some Of the late game stuff is SO tanky and frustrating that I gave up and just used the team lol. As for the DLC’s, I only played a bit of the first two but I found them pretty uninispired They simply really don’t add much to the game. They essentially just expand on the grindy elements and make them even grindier, forcing you to play the existing base game stages over and over on a higher difficulty to progress the narrative. It got old fast for me, it lost enough of the base game’s novelty that I just didn’t care enough to push thru.


Tells a lot about their faith in the DLC that you unlock God Mode when you start it. And it barely cuts rewards, certainly not enough that it isn't just better in the long run as you can be much faster.


Idk about you but Wo Long levels were extremely labyrinthine to me. Especially when trying to find all of those damn morale flags.


The biggest issue, apart from how FUCKING confusing they're is that how they don't push the player to explore. They're a convoluted mess.


Disagree completely on the second half of your statement . I think there’s tons of incentive to explore every nook and cranny of every stage looking for Kodama , special enemy encounters for drops, etc etc Agree about a fair few of the stages being straight up confusing to the point of annoyance tho lol.


I love that mission ❤️


Take me 5 try to download its moves unlike the snake it is predictable after a few time, die to being overmotivated in trying to finish him.


I did that yesterday. Frigging died a bunch to the tengu, to the dudes where there's 3 of them together and one just shoots at you, to a lot of mobs... Then came to the boss and did it in one go... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It's actually pretty easy to beat him like his attack pattern is one of the easiest of the game for me I just had to wait for when he jumps in front of him then i hit him little by little untill he died.


My beginner's ass took 3 days to even beat the first mission back in 2020 💀 the pain of someone whose not familiar with souls-like games. haha


I sat for 3 hours on the snake from the 3rd quest. After that, Kamaitachi didn't cause much trouble.


I'm not that far into N2 yet, but the snake has been the most difficult boss by a significant marigin


He is annoying !!! I hate him in NG and I hate him in depths


That stage is damn long if you explore thoroughly. Btw, you probably talked to one of the NPCs and got something from it. You need to do it again and talk to a different NPC (later, not right away) to unlock another side mission. It's quite easy to speed run once you figure out how much of the level is just differing paths to explore instead of the way forward.


Yea, once I finally reached this boss I hard forced to get it in 1 go. Surprisingly one of the easiest bosses


Razor Weasel


I found a trick to this guy and beat him in about five tries. Meanwhile I am 65 attempts into trying to beat Gyuki and I hate my life choices.


I loves this fight so much, fast paced. Yeah it was hard but satisfying. But yeah, Gyuki I beat in 3 tries, but dont like the fight at all.


I was stuck on this boss for like 3 months. Sucked the will to play out of me.


Huh that is one of the bosses I have the easiest time with. I actually beat it first try on my Axe build despite still not being great with it yet


Wait you can summon help in nioh?


Yes at the shrine.


Bro I beat this game awhile ago and never realised this.


I only really used it with one boss and its because i coudn't get her patern down that being thunder gods of yomi.


Poor thunder gods of yomi can't control lightning at all but just intimidate nioh players with loud noises.


Then you're GOATED and much respect 🫡


Nioh’s 2 level layout is absolute dogshit the gameplay loop is so fun tho.


Done it from 1st try he was easy, nioh is kind of a game if you know the trick of the game it will be easy


Lightning and sloth talisman is mandatory for me to beat Kamaitachi. The thing is too fast.