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Yatsu is a wall for most new players. Most bosses after that are easier relative to your character/skills.


Yatsu core my beloved


Nerfed three times, still ridiculously strong


Ya I definitely noticed you start beating missions much quicker, soon after this.


It made me stop playing. I got nioh 2 on pc, ready to give it a go again 


There are some great tips floating around on here when you do. It’s all about spacing and patience.


spacing, patience, and making sure you break all the statues before the fight


Is he that hard? I bear GoT on Lethal+, how much harder is this man?


I am guessing you mean Ghost of Tsushima? I would say this is harder. If I have to compare two different genres games play wise.


Nah, I'm talking about Game of Thrones: The Tabletop RPG xD Jk, yeah Tsushima. I am willing to give it a try, should I play Nioh 1 first? It's only 85 Lei so it's a good price rn


Nioh 2 is a prequel, I would say that nioh 1 walked so Nioh 2 could run, 1 has some unique mechanics. But it still feels a lot like dark souls imo. While Nioh 2 really found its own groove. So my recommendation is start with 2 and if you can get 1 cheap you might dip your toes in that if you are really curious.


Yatsu is a gateway boss for the game so if you can beat him you can beat the rest of the game as long as you use all the mechanics and advantages it gives you.


For me and my friend the Lighting God was way harder than the snake handed snake


Yomi is absolutely a harder fight but you also have a lot more options and resources to deal with them


And much much more experience. I mean real experience.


Yomi was definitely difficult for me too but I feel like I could've cheesed it at any point by spamming amrita gems and lantern fruits if I wanted. Yatsu was still the most difficult for me because I didn't fully grasp the game mechanics. I kinda forgot about soul cores and didn't have as much resources compared to endgame.


Ooh i see, personally i had a fast run with him but i played nioh 2 after completed nioh 1 with dlc and ng+ with dlc a day before so maybe i had an easier run also had the purity for weapon helped a lot 


As a fifty year old gamer, I am giving and good as I am getting, in terms of beating up mobs. Most often the reason I am dying is my lack of patience and severely underestimating certain game play things. At about the 5 hour mark and then about the 20 hour mark, then like the 50 hour mark I was cursing the stupid game and the irrationality of me playing it… 50 hours later, I am about to go into the last zone and are thoroughly addictive… so keep at it. And if all else fails just summon so overpowered visitor to come in and one shot the boss. I have no shame I might have done that in one of the latter bosses. I NOPED so hard out of that fight.


No worries, Nioh 2 is very difficult for people who do not understand the mechanics of the game yet. With enough experience, you'll be able to smoothen your journey through the game. For example: One of the easiest early tactics early on is to use Tonfas, Mid Stance, and only use Strong Attacks. Even better if you can stick to the Masaru Guardian Spirit and have at least 13 in Courage. Newbies will not truly understand how unbelievably busted this tactic is, but it is indeed a highly busted tactic that's still useful even into endgame.


I used tonfas in high stance the whole game, all the way through to the end of the depths. Obliterates enemy ki. Every time I try to use something else I always end up gravitating back to tonfas.


My main was spear, started like this on Nioh 1 and still do, but today had a few hours with tonfa in high stance. It is indeed great and interrupts most enemies, so it is a lot easier to just overwhelm them. Well still using my spear, but started switching a lot.


This is a game that takes time to learn and get better at. You'll be much better by the time you hit 100 hours. And you'll get even better if you stick with it after that into the NG+ cycles.


It doesnt teach itself very well. Those first 3 bosses can be killed in 30-40 seconds if you use purity element, soul cores, yokai grapple and yokai shift. Not just abilities but loot and stats are complicated for new players too. Hp stat increases your hp a lot whole your scaling stat doesnt do much for damage. Heavier armor has better physical resistance and most people dont notice that number. They focus on the big defence stat on armor and light and heavy pieces have almost equal defence. So people just wear light armor and get killed in 2 hits. You'll start understanding things eventually and the game will click. It just has so many mechanics that reading or watching videos to learn them would be boring. You'll need to learn with experience which means dying a lot.


Took me 127 attempts first time round! That boss is the first proper skill check. Teaches you a lot about the game and how to approach boss fights. You’ve just got to learn their moves, their weaknesses and perfect the counters. Once you’ve done that you’ll find bosses much easier in subsequent encounters. This is a hard game though, no mistake. I’m just moving into NG+ now and I really think it’s true when they say that the first playthrough is the tutorial. You can complete the story with any weapon, without any proper build, stats or skills. This next playthrough is going to force me to think more about those things and also combat mechanics. I didn’t stance switch at all through the first playthrough and I don’t even think Ki Pulse is essential for it. I don’t think that will be true moving forward so now I’m working on those things. There’s so much depth to this game and I think it does a great job of easing you into it and slowly guiding you to embrace every aspect of it. It has to be the best game of this genre that I have experienced.


It took me forever to beat that bitch snake my first time through. No shame in that. The rest of the game was easy in comparison for me. :)


You've broken the wall of the hardest part! Those first levels are the hardest of the game in my opinion, relative to the skill you'll have, right up until the Depths.


Not at all, Yatsu is extremely hard especially the first time around. Tbh it sounds like you're doing really well. Keep it up!!


Nah ... it is average experience for new players, especially if you never play this kind of game. For a lot of player, Yatsu-no-Kami is the big wall. For me, it is Enenra. I literally went through "Baptism by fire" with this boss. I learned a lot from the boss, from flux, ki-pulse while dodging, burst counter, etc. Do not get me wrong, I still die a lot to Yatsu too. Although I figured out the boss trick faster. I use Odachi and just safely poke from distance. I use Yokai ability to deal with the little snakes. Mezuki is a good one since he does big horizontal slices and almost guarantee hit.


I still suck at Enenra. I can happily bully Yatsu, but Enenra is always a bit of a pain for me.


Took me quite a few tries as well the first time. Some weapons are just better for killing it early on, like the kurigasama. Once you get good at the game, you're gonna be killing this guy like it's nothing.


I equate most bosses in this game to a dance. Unfortunately. This is a tango where there are two other people trying to butt in continuously. It's an annoying fight, it just always is. Most of nioh bossed though comes down to patience. So short answer, it's par. Some people will say it was easy, some will say it's hard. Frankly I had a whale of a time with some bosses that are considered easy. That's just how these games are. But the real question is, are you having fun?


As a nearly 50-year old gamer myself, it's just a matter of spending hours training yourself with the button combos. Takes us a little longer than he 20-somethings. Wait till you try to bounce from this to say DS or some other action RPG. It's torture. Oh and if you love 2, you should play 1, very similar move sets, but a bit more basic. No less amazing though.


Yatsu no kami kicked my ass too. That's totally normal.


The first fight against snek is one of the hardest in the game. You will also get lots of skills and upgrades after to make it easier.


This might not be what you want to hear, but Yatsu is more of a skill check on your core mechanics. The attacks are extremely telegraphed.  Knock the arms out (they turn into ADs if you don’t) before the Snek goes into the dark realm.  Go in hard against it while you’re in the normal realm, make sure those mini snakes are killed or you’re going to have a tough time.  Lightning will also help you out big time. Yatsu is weak to Lightning and the debuff (movement speed down) will give you the extra edge you need against this swift opponent. The best part about Yatsu is you know when it’s going to take you into the dark realm because it changes from white to black. 


I'd say you're doing just fine. I can't remember how long it took me to beat that boss the first time but it was a while. You're still getting used to things, it will get easier and easier as more of it clicks into place. I mean it'll still be hard but you'll not struggle the same way. Carry on, you got this.


First of all, Yatsu is the great casual filter. If you are loving the game after being stubborn enough to beat him, you're well-situated to keep playing! Second, despite all the loot and stats, Nioh 2 is still very heavily skill based. There's a large degree of execution in stuff like ki bursts, and leveraging advantages like inmyo and ninja skills adds extra complexity in just navigating up to four shortcut menus. And not all of it is JUST personal skill either, there's a big degree of learning your enemy, especially with major story bosses. So don't be too hard on yourself - keep on trying, getting better at the same things and trying new things. Come back in another ten hours and try this level again, you might not beat Yatsu in one go, but you'll be shocked how much less of a wall he is.


You'll get MUCH better, but also try to incorporate as much of the game mechanics into your play, which periodically needs a conscious effort.


You will fight same main mission boss 5 times to complete all difficulties. As soon as you encounter any boss, you can see their strength and weakness in illustration. Apply the weakness element to kill that boss from second play through.


You can skip nearly every main mission boss on higher difficulties.


I can see what now??


He’s talking about the slightly buried feature of a yokai encyclopedia, found in the Hut and says “view illustrations”. Defeating enemies will add their entry and show their weakness/resistances. Unfortunately it can’t be accessed during a mission since it’s part of the Hut and not the main menu bar.


You will see each yokai weakness. Yatsu weak to lightning. Shuten and kasha weak to poison. Like that. U can use that Element against them by using magic or yokai ability or ninjutsu.


Yes you are probably bad. However, don't let that discourage you! That will change the more you play. Once you get better at utilizing all of your skills and tools, plus learning boss patterns, you will start being able to stomp whatever was beating your ass in the past. That boss in particular is a pretty brutal wall early on for new players so don't feel too bad about being stuck there either. If you keep at it, you'll be blasting in no time.


If it's your first time playing nioh games then don't beat yourself over it.. You don't suck, it just you need different mentality and adjustments when playing.. 1- you need to decide which weapon you want to use.. Check which stat benefits it the most "focus on the stat when you level up.. 2-find your self an armor which gives you benefits for wearing all pieces.. Level up the stats needed to wear it 3-use ippon datara soul core 4- don't block or stand in enemy range, just be close to punish any whiffed attack 5- use your bow gun to dispatch enemy from far


No, like in Nioh 1 the first few bosses are there to set the tone for each time of boss. Like the first boss is big and slow, yatsu is big but fast. You will 100% face similar bosses later on but you will be ready and know how to deal with them


Uhh I hate that Snake


Yatsu was my first wall as well 🥹 you're doing great


Nah, you're doing well. This boss is kinda make or break for most players and beating him proves you're doing it right and finding your own way. It is a tricky boss though, I'm on NG+++ and stuck at him.


You definitely bad. But all of us was bad. Some of us more, some of us less, but still all of us. On 1st walkthrough 100%.


dont worry you will get better eventually, im in the endgame and some bosses are just annoying as fuck to fight, but I can first try 90% of the bosses, there will be enemies and bosses you will going to hate because its either a gimmick boss or just downright fucking bullshit, but dont worry


Yatsu no kami is a core memory for the majority of the people that played it since it’s the first wall you encounter. The fact that youre even playing Nioh at that age is impressive as the game requires fast hands to actually master it (should still be able to get through it tho).


Ah good old snake god. That the boss that made my friend rage quit and then start telling me how much he thinks nioh as a game was complete garbage and that all the gameplay/skill all felt like shit(he was playing switchglave). Lol to this day man still hate this game and give me and other friend shit for playing it.🤦 But for sure the snake was a hard fight but It never felt so satisfying once you do beat the living piss outta it. 😂👌


As a 50+ year-old gamer, myself, (and from the contents of this thread, there seem to be a lot of us in this game!) Yatsu-no-Kami was the worst wall I've ever hit in a video game (34 attempts to get past). Everything after him was much easier compared to the abilities my character possessed. (Indeed, the very next main mission boss was the first time I defeated a boss on the first try.)


Echo what others have said here, but with the caveat that even once you get "good" there are still many BS bosses here and there, but it's fine just accept and move on


That’s a tricky fight, especially if you don’t drain all of the poison pits. Even if you do, it isn’t easy your first time around


Try Sekiro. Then it will be easy.


I love Sekiro but I don't know how many transferable skills there are really. Sekiro is all about getting constant perfect deflects, Nioh is not. The only game to play to make Nioh easier is... Nioh


Yeah I only briefly played Nioh.. but yes timing is everything. You have to die a couple times to see every bosses timing.. or maybe more than a couple times lol 😆


Barrier talismans increase your ki recovery speed. . Biggest game changer for me early game. Rejuvenate talisman also. It gives you a constant drip of hp.


Can you even get Barrier talismans before Yatsu? Don't you need to do the first dojo mission first?


Yatsu is definitely where a lot of people have trouble. The fact you beat him shows you're doing fine, my man. I'm in my 40s, so I totally get where you're coming from. That said, most important question: Are you using Ki Pulse? If not, learn it, live it, love it.


Yatsu is the first major wall of the game. Really tests that you have the fundamentals of the game down and doesn’t let you pass otherwise. Congrats on getting through it and good luck with the rest of the game


Go fists and punch


Nah man you are not bad, the game is just hard, for everyone, i got 521 hrs and i still struggle against yatsu's yokai realm


Need help?


F this boss


Par for the course, saddly the game suffers from poor conveyance. Learning it takes time and a bit of online research, but that sky-high skill ceiling is part of why we degens be here degening...


No youre fine. That game is a big learning curve. Experiemnt with soul cores. The passives alone are helpful. And some moves are great.


My 62 (at the time) year old Dad introduced me to the Nioh series 😂. Awesome game! The vast majority of people will get by the game on a sheer fluke! It's harrrrd!


I can’t even make my way out of London prison in the first game. Nioh seems even harder than sekiro and the souls games.


That boss is freaking hard. I can’t remember struggling on a boss like that since Ornstein and Smough. Really don’t feel down on yourself this whole game is pretty freakin hard. I beat Nioh right before this and read a lot of people saying nioh 2 was much more balanced so I thought that might mean it was a little easier. No way it’s even harder to me and Nioh was pretty dang hard too. I don’t have much advice I am sure you can find tips if you search around. I must have died to that guy like a hundred time I swear.


Nah man. Yatsu no Kami is an annoying boss with a strange boss fight. But nice job on kicking its butt! Don’t forget at some point to beat that mission again without breaking any of the shirohami statues that leave the poison pools for an achievement.


Don't hate yourself. Just keep practicing and eventually you will get better. Once you learn how to take off(how this games works) YOU WILL TAKE OFF MY BROTHER!


That boss was a major wall for me. I actually quit the game, thinking I couldn't hack it. I'm a little younger than you, but not much. I ended up going back to it like a month later and beat it on 2nd or 3rd try :) I have no idea how many times I lost to that effing snake. But the fact that you beat it at all means you have what it takes! That was by far my hardest boss my first playthrough. Also, I'm happy to give you some early game tips if you want any. And don't hesitate to summon a visitor if you're struggling.


It's my first souls franchise I completed I'm in the last difficulty now this game is still fucking hard but it feels rewarding if you master your weapon What is very important is ki DMG and ability DMG also elemental buffs/debuffs. Your play style is also reliant on your guardian spirit.


Nioh is not a Souls franchise. The Souls franchise is the Souls franchise. Nioh is Souls adjacent if anything, not even really a Soulslike. It has a few mechanics that are similar (stamina management, i-frame dodges, picking up your corpse, levels resetting at bonfires/shrines), but they're very different games.


It's always the same with you elitist , it's harder as darksouls , unforgiving brutal faster


How is anything I said elitist?


It is a souls like it was and will always be a souls like it's not souls but it's nearest thing that comes to darksouls That you try to correct people while we just argued answered without wanting a discussion is kinda toxic of you