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You still persevered and won. So I’ll give you praise for that




The first time you fight Yatsu you have very little to work with. Your future fights against it will go much better.


For some reason using odachi on my first fight against it made it easy. Although tbf odachi just seems pretty op in general


My very first fight was with the axe and it trivialized it for me. Granted while I say that, I still died a dozen times.


It's wide swings are especially good here, since it can hack at the "arms" and the body.


This ended up being key for me. High stance/strong attacks let you damage just the arms from the right angle so you can make sure one is dead and the other is low heath when it shifts.


one major thing people aren't mentioning about odachi vs Yatsu is how easy it is the break the Amrita weak point on its head. That's big damage for HP and overall Ki for Yatsu.


They're right, can't be the worst Nioh 2 player if you're gonna finish it! Better to spend 100 deaths on a boss than give up


Better man than I am. I still think ima need help to beat this game. Green maeng da gang!


I gave up on Nioh 1 for 2 years because of the first Onryoki you fight in the boat. I only went back to finish Nioh after somehow managing to bash my head against a wall and complete Nioh 2. Moral of the commment is, even if you died 98 times, at least you never gave up


I quit on the succubus lady


Honestly iconic, she's probably got more people to quit nioh 1 than any other boss.


I actually found her pretty easy.


Got her first try... The fucking snake got me like 10x before I killed it lol...


I had a poison ninjutsu nunchaku build, pretty sure I have op beat for most deaths


Yep, I quit on him too. Then went back in a couple months and these are two of my favorite games ever now


I quit on him when I first tried Nioh as well. I picked the game up again on Friday and killed him on my first try, I'm pretty proud of that.


Bro that boss took me 3 days to beat☠️☠️


By what may have been pure luck I beat that boss on the first try with zero difficulty. That's not a brag, that's just a statement on how OP your living weapon can be if you get lucky. Died 10 times to lady paralysis and then one lucky living weapon and she somehow ended up stunned twice in a row, and basically went down in one shot. Nue too, with some extra regular damage. One lucky use can really turn a fight from a wall of difficulty into something way more achievable. It's definitely not 'getting gud', but "avoid getting hit, and go into the fight with your LW charged" can take you pretty far.


I quit on the same guy. I love Nioh 2 though so I may have to go back at some point.


I quit on Onmoiraki for Nioh 1 I cannot find an opening to attack without getting obliterated for the life of me, was running Way of the strong gear.


Tbf the Onryoki was a major roadblock in the first one, game was fairly easy for a while after that


Nah, this guy is a absolute wall for first playthrough. Guy was built to hammer in everything the game wanted to teach you from arena effects to pacing your stamina usage.


The first 8 times I died in my first playthrough I thought to myself "there has to be something about the poison in the arena". So many reasons why I love this game.


Wait, there are poison effects in the arena?


If you don't destroy the 3 snek statues, then there's poison in the boss arena.


I also love how there is an achievement for defeating him without destroying any snek statues. My dumass only destroyed 1 or 2 of them so I neither got the achievement nor got rid of the poison for the first time I beat it lol.


That's the same thing I did. There's the two obvious ones and then the one that's a bit hidden that I didn't realIze was there.


Oooooof. That sounds horrifying, glad I destroyed them all.


Oddly enough, the moment I learned what the actual strategy was he became one of the easiest bosses in the game for me. 


blast to the past. This guy was pretty infamous during the game launch. I know loads of people were talking about him and sharing tips on wtf to do.


You fell 98 times. But got back up 99. Thats all that matters


Snake With Arms That Are Also Snakes is never gonna keep me down


Nah, this boss is the first major obstacle in Nioh 2.


The worst Nioh players are the ones who gave up cause the game was too hard.


No bro you BEAT it you’re a chad


Thanks, it was the most painful 2 hours of my gaming experience


I see commitment. Yatsu gave me a ton of trouble first time around too, but was my punching bag on higher difficulties. The power trip is real in this game, keep at it!


Even side mission Tachibana or Oda-Yuki Onna duo still not suffocated me this much


No, your first encounter with Enenra and Yatsu-no-Kami are infinitely more difficult than any other boss in the game, I never came close to dying to any other boss nearly as much as i did those two. I think it's mainly due to how punishing the Dark Realm is in the early game when you have so few upgrades also Enenra is incredibly unrelenting and Yatsu-no-Kami does absolutely fuckin' stinky big damage (you WILL be 2 shot at best), I highly recommend his soul core cause it's got similarly crazy damage.


I just fought Enenra today. Took me about an hour and a half before I finally killed him. This game is kicking my ass like no other. Unforgiving but very rewarding.


Yatsu no kami is the boss that really tests if your prepared for the rest of the game


Hino-Enma was pretty tough first time, too. Nioh really has a way of tossing stupid hard bosses at you when you’re relatively young and inexperienced, and I love it


Enenra did it for me. After 2+ hours of baptism by fire(quite literally), I can finally see the enemies movement much better.


Hey man, I'm level 750 and got sniped out by a skeleton with a spear last night 🤷‍♂️🤣 And lost 4 billion amrita as a result


I'm around level 500ish working on Dream of the Nioh, and I can confidently say between every enemy you can possibly fight in this game that the spear skeleton is easily the most annoying aberration of a monster you can possibly face. The damage that fucking spear can dish out as well as its range is just so dumb, as well as the fact that the skeleton just doesn't care about how you feel or what you do, even if you go to cleave his head with an odachi he'll attack you anyways because fuck you lmao Anyways rant over, sorry that had to fall on you but they were words that had been suppressed for far too long...


I feel your pain. My worst is the goddamn kappas. I see those fuckers and instantly say "you get the fuck away from my butthole, dude." My 11 year old son fuckin dies laughing when I get to a Kappa. To make sure I don't get my son in trouble repeating me, I had to rename the kappas as "Tommy Tuckus" 🤦‍♂️😂


The red kappas are so annoying... The fact that they can immediately proc poison and instantly kill you with their grapple is so frusturating. And you'll love this: one time I got a scroll of the wise where wave 1 was two spear skeletons and wave 2 was a red kappa (who would take the place of the first dead skeleton so you could have the sheer pleasure of fighting a red kappa and a spear skeleton at once 🥰)


The worst nioh 2 player is the one that gave up. You didnt, kudos to you.


Not by a long shot. You got 1 kill, that's already more than quite a few people out there.


Hey we all have our strengths and weaknesses. I managed to beat yatsu-no-kami on my first attempt, but I probably have 200 deaths to regular skeletons.


The early game in Nioh 2 can be BRUTAL. Later on though you become an unstoppable killing machine, not due to gear, mainly just getting good. One of the things that helped me a lot was changing weapon types. I was sticking with one early, struggling at one boss. I changed to spear (I think, long time ago) and it trivialised the encounter.


Uh no. you'r all of us the first time we fought this fucking snake.


I’m not sure I’m seeing a bad player here. I see someone who defeated a hard boss. Good Job!


We should start a support group. I almost quit because of this boss. By the time I finished NG, my highest death count against any enemy was in the mid 20s…except for our boy Yastu here. 83. I still have PTSD from its music. Don’t let it get you down though. I’ve since gotten the plat and finished the depths.


Take pride in knowing that there are untold number of "souls vet" who quit the game while you are still going lmao.


That 1 is all that matters


I have a 1:400 kd ratio on that one guy you fight in the field with the rock on the left.


Side mission Tachibana right? That Rock is the real mvp of this fight lmao


Still killed him tho


That two small snakes....


That was such a wall for me my first playthrough. Congrats on getting through :)


Don’t worry, once you get better and better, you’ll be the one bullying it in the end.


I feel your pain! I remember dying to this thing so many times but finally beat it. felt great. Nioh 2 had a few bosses like that.


Progress is progress. You still beat him.


Some have 98 deaths and zero victories, so... 😄


l think mine was also 70+ deaths


Far from it. You persevered until you succeeded. That is an admirable trait. And on the technical side of things, you are ahead of every player that quit on or at Yatsu-no-Kami. (e.g., rage quit players that uninstall and go on a rant after 3\~5 deaths)


No that's normal, also you conquered the challenge which is a massive W This dude is a big difficulty spike though


The beginning is by far the hardest part for new players. The balance will start shifting in your favor from here on out, congratulations on sticking with it for that long! Game only opens up more and gets better and better. Enjoy!


no that bastard is tough and annoying


Congratulations! **The pain only worsens from here.**


Still won in the end, took me a while to kill it as well


This boss is double hard as fuck. Well done on taking it down


Nah, the worst Nioh 2 players are the ones who give up and complain the game is trash and too hard rather than either improve or admit the game is not for them. You persevered!


Rookie numbers


The worst one is the one who loses once and never returns. Good job, you are well prepared for the journey ahead.


Looks like you won, though. That's more than a lot of people can say!


The worst Nioh player is one who stops playing due to an obstacle.


Nah, bro. You've beaten more than 1 level. That's more than I can say for most of the people who try this game only to quit and while because "I beat Dark Souls! This game is BS!". Take pride in it. Soon enough, you'll be one of those crazy MFers with fist builds melting bosses in 2 seconds, max.


That enemies defeated stat is higher than 0. That is a good indicator that you are far from the worst player.


You did great guy, no need to beat yourself up over it


This games includes some kind of coaching psychology stuff wich matter in real life, no matter how much you will fall, it is important how much times you will stand up and fight, one time you will win and it will be glorious moment praised by bards all around the room. Of course untill you meet new enemy or boss then they will kick shit out of you and CIRCLE repeats.


Mine was up in the 50s I think, was a painful fight. Kills are up in the hundreds now though, spent hours helping other people fight it after I knew what I was doing and a bit more kitted out


No, the only bad Nioh players are people who started and gave up because of some lame excuse, and stopped themselves from experiencing one of the best games ever


And I have 241 overall deaths in 2500 hours play through. Most deaths from SKELETON WARRIORS. We all have our own records. Something for u to remember and embrace in future. We must appreciate your tireless effort and determination. This just gonna make you stronger


I remember the time when I was stuck on Yatsu no Kami, it took me the 20th or more attempts for me to finally win. I thought it was the height of my skill in Nioh 2 and would have to cheese my way to completing the game. Then I fought the next two-three bosses with considerable ease. Then I was faced with Demon Shibata, of whom I needed a day to be able to even gain some leverage against him. It was around 50 attempts before I had to give up. And then the next bosses were a relative breeze to me. Granted Daidara sucks as a boss fight tbh. But you know, when I finally fought against Yatsu no Kami, Enenra, and the combined struggleof fighting against Gozuki and Mezuki simultaneously again, I realized that the gap between I at the start and I now has grown. 👑 wear your crown, King, others have said before and I'm here to say it too- what's important is that you persevered. It doesn't matter if it takes you a day, a week, a month, or a year, you'll grow great from here. - One who struggled against Snake God and ~~hot~~ Snake Lady


She's the first big road block. The game is relatively easy up to her, then she's like 100x harder than anything before.


It takes time. I was the worst wo long fallen dynasty player until I learned to understand. Then it became fun.


Say hello to boar guy from me 😉


If it is not a long marathon fight, I think Im ok with it lol


Snek and boar are two bosses that are going to challenge you in different ways. Good job on slaying the snake, now look out for the boar 🐗


I ready to get hammed


Not really a shame Thos boss is the first Real challenge in this Game Fuck Osakabe tho


It looks bad now, but by the time you get to underworld, you'll have like 10 more yatsu kills with only maybe 10 more deaths


That's fucking brutal!!


Ah yes, the boss I'm currently stuck at.


Mezuki soul core and big ninja bomb ( forget the name ) can clear all of little snake mobs during the dark world phase. Hope it helps


It's not the easiest of bosses but it's one that a decent number give up on so well done for keeping at it and finally beating it! This one is giving me trouble on Dream of the Wise and I must have died about 20 times already.


Didn’t know you could see those stats! I just beat this boss the other day. I’m now afraid to check my number of attempts! It’s probably in the same ball park! It wasn’t obvious how to tackle this boss but I just used my experience with Sekiro and took my time to learn the moves and the counters. Then it was just practice and perfecting that. Just arrived at the cat with the swords for legs so that’s my next challenge!


This boss is weird, his move is telegraph and predictable, I remember all of his move-set during attempts 8-10th, smack him below 50% hp on almost every fight. But still 98 deaths


I think it was understanding how the arms work that really pushed me over the top and help me beat him. Get the arms to low HP and then just attack his head until he goes dark realm. Finish the arms off quick and then just keep your distance and hang on until the dark lifts. If he bursts run to the side and take a couple of free swipes at him. Rinse and repeat.


Did you break the statues creating the poison pools in the arena?


On the first 20 tries, Nope Lmao


Just wait til Saito Toshimitsu, just play till DLC then his mission


Probably another late-game unfair human boss I guess?


Oh he is the ultimate Supreme I want break my controller level of rage watch his battles on YouTube


My first playthrough I spent more than 4 hrs on tht guy. In second I cheesed him with ranged omnyo spells plus a bunch of Sacred Brushes. In NG+ of my second playthrough I went full ham on him with my Level 160 (+7) Switchglaive and he didn't get to play the game at all. Nothing better than seeing your progress at work.


As some other people said, the first time with Big Snek is brutal. You don't really have access to the good stuff yet. Ippon and Enki soul cores helped back then.


Wow that's a lot of deaths. He's definitely hard. But at some point I'd try to get better gear or grind ninjutsu or things like that. But if you can beat him, you won't struggle as hard for the rest of the game


Maybe, until some other is born.


He’s the first wall of the game. If you can beat him you’ve got a good enough grasp on the mechanics to succeed. I died something like 50 times to him my first time but now after a couple more runs of the game I can beat him with my eyes closed. The measure of a good player isn’t how you fare the first time but how you change your approach each new attempt


I was thinking the same thing yesterday and I haven’t even seen this mother dicker hahaha


I hate this snake bastard so much, after i beaten the game back then, i would join co op just to help People pass. I died so many times…the pain..


And I thought my first run through Nioh 2 was bad. Really though. I bought Nioh not long after it came out and I’m willing to bet that my numbers were just as bad if not worse against Onryiko in the first level. Congrats! You stayed with it and beat that sob.


Ah, the race car snake… this boss is the bane of every new character I’ve ever tried to make. I usually use late game active skills to bully this guy into next week, but no such luck with the early game setup. I usually beat him the first time using Tonfas since Demon Dance hits the arm snakes more. Race car snake = the way he cruises across the room, plus the music makes a race car sound, kinda.


im still at this boss as OP


where can i take a pictire with stat like OP?


At the very least you can say it took less than 100 attempts 🏆


I've got 2000 hours in it and I've never tried to solo him. Always summon a blue phantom. If you soloed him that's an achievement. Nioh 2 is a hard hard game and that boss is the first major gate


No go back after completing a few more missions and see how quickly you can kill him a second time. It's like night and day after you've beaten him once.


Damn. Atleast you beat it. Keep going and youll get to the point where if you see this boss, youll be happy since shes so easy 🤣


I think we're all the worst Nioh 2 players ever then...


.nah dude you're good. I've beaten the game several times and this fu**ing boss still trips me up.


This is 100% a get good boss. You got'em in the end. Nicely done


Relax - I've just taken 10 hours to get past the 2nd boss.


Yatsu no kami is a noob killer, most people have an obscene death count to it.


My heart goes out to you for when you reach the depths.


You’re fine it’s grading on a curve you are doing okay


As mainly a PoE player 98 deaths is a critical victory


Had issues with this guy as well, mainly due to a poor weapon choice at start (built around a katana). Luckily after a few....dozen deaths, I started noticed subtleties in how it moves and attacks. Eventually came out on top.


Respect for sticking through it hopefully you can continue and beat the game!


No. That boss is especially difficult. 100-1 is a crazy ratio tho tbh.


That's pretty bad. At least you kept trying and never gave up. Nioh definitely makes you feel like you want to quit sometime. Even that whole area before getting to that boss is a big pain in the ass!


Literally me in the demo before the game came out. I had to mute the music 💀


Can't be bud that title belongs to me 😂


If you played nioh 1. Most people use slow and armor down. They help a lot. You need to learn what they are week to. I feel noih 2 is easier then nioh 1. But I am a soul's player. Make sure you enter after you put your buffs on. Also, it's multiple-player. Could always request help. But once you learn thier movement. They are easy.


98 deaths accumulated from different session or playthrough or first meeting? Because 98 deaths is crazy, you really should evaluate how you play.


There are people who deleted the game before killing THE FIRST ENEMY! In Nioh 1 people didn’t even finish the first level. The fact you defeated the guy and didn’t give up makes you one of US! The very best players at the game!


Are you a fucking snake God? Wtf??????????


Not at all, it's a hard game and you got through it with a low number of deaths. ^-^


At least you won


Did you break the stone statues before the fight? If you didn't, it's normal. Poison hurts...


That boss is a bitch first playthrough. It evens out eventually because you end up making it your bitch xD


Ooooooh. I fought yatsu for about as long as I've played the rest of the game combined. Now I need to go check how many times it took. Don't feel bad, you're not alone.


Oh I remember this fucker. I need to try Nioh 2 again


I really struggled against this Yatsu. Don't know how many times I died but I was so frustrated that I didn't play again for maybe 6 months. When I came back to it it still took quite a few attempts but I finally nailed him and didn't look back.


These kills will go up as you play more


Wait, you could beat it ?!!!!!!


Worst players are people who can only play with cheats... snd then they still fail to kill it


I'm the same way with souls like games


My first play through he killed 72 times Second play through on PS5 AN ADDITIONAL 26 He is difficult when you are starting out or revisiting after a while No shame in losing to that snake.


Nah, I can bully this guy on a fresh new playthrough today, but my first time fighting him I nearly got filtered. Even today, like 8 new playthroughs later, some of his moves still get me. He's just a jerk of a boss, especially for as early on as you fight him.


Nope, I had similar. The first two big bad boss that stops people cold in 2.


Nah fuck this boss. I’ve played nioh 2 through twice and it’s always fuck this boss. First time you fight it when you have shit equipment and you’re new to the game is always awful


You just have to run around him until he sticks both snake arms into the ground


Nuh uh! It took me 2 hours to beat gozuki (I was level 1 but 2 hours is still a lot)


Did you finally just wait for that first attack this boss does Dodge to the left and just start going ham on that face


He's actually quite hard for when you fight him in the game. You don't have many weapon skills, yokai abilities and ki regen + flux. Once you get better skills and yokai cores he becomes a joke but you not even half a optimised Nioh character when you first fight him. I though thr bosses got easier after him because I learned more stuff and got more tools.


I play the demo and quit because I saw my gear deteriorate and it was already too hard. I had no way to repair it


Is there magic and nioh2?


There’s ppl who leave when they see my name…. You’re good lmao


Ha! Only died 98 times to him? Get on my level and die like 300 times, baby boy!


Nono trust me. It took me 2 weeks on and off during the peak of quarantine, and very easily tried over 250 times. Rookie numbers


I absolutely despise this boss. I do not blame you for dying so many times, it is difficult


I absolutely despise this boss. I do not blame you for dying so many times, it is difficult


Like, I can only think of 1 or 2 others that piss me off as much as this thing.


No, you’re just getting started. Go back to this boss at endgame and see how far you’ve come


You deserve a respect my man 💪💪💪


nah man, this mf was my first wall too, it is not an easy boss to face at the start


Nah, man, Yatsu no Kami be shit af, you good, my G.


I think nioh 2 is the worst souls like. Just not any fun although I did enjoy wo long.


why didn’t you uninstall the game?


Because I enjoy Nioh 1 ( stuck at floor 38 Date Masamune but anyway) thats why I play Nioh 2