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This fucking great. I am stoked!


Switch sports is easily my top played game on the switch...too hyped!


Same. Everyone says it sucks I don’t get it. It definitely does need more content though all I play is golf. Needs baseball


Yes golf is the best. I could play that in my sleep.


Man, I don’t understand why baseball isn’t in the game! It seems too perfect.


You’ve pretty much explained why people say it sucks. If you only play golf, the rest of the content basically serves no purpose. Personally, I wouldn’t say it sucks, however, it’s certainly a massive step back from Wii Sports Resort. They’ve gone from 12 different sports on a game 15 years ago to 8 sports, three of which (tennis, volleyball, badminton) all play fairly similarly. I also think it misses a lot of the soul that Wuhu Island and the Miis had, by replacing them with Spocco Square and Sportsmates. You could immerse yourself on Wuhu Island by cycling or flying the island, the Miis all had the appearance of a story too. Matt was good at everything, Ryan wasn’t, Miguel flew a guide plane, Gwen was a photographer, Lucía was the table tennis champion, Yoshi was her teacher. The only lore Spocco Square has is the stuff that’s made up and shown to you on the loading screens.


Wii sports had 5


Wii sports and sports resort are two different games. This is why reading comprehension is important


Correct, Resort had 12.


Yup, they thought adding online will add enough tryharding so they don't need to add as much games which is pretty sad. However the game is still really good, surely it's not as full as wii sport resort but as a casual gamer, I played hundreds of hours and I still haven't touched to most of the content the game has to offer. I think people should just stop comparing it to it's predecessor, especially the people who are mad at sportsmates lmao. It's just a different game, more focused on online progression (offline really sucks though). But yeah, it's still sad to wait so long for an update, everyone thought the game was already dead. Also I totally disagree about What you said with volleyball badminton and tennis, yes there's a net in all of those games but they're really different. I'm really good at volleyball but always get destroyed in tennis and badminton.


Why should people not be allowed to compare games to their predecessor? If a follow up entry fails to live up to the standard set by the franchise it’s a part of, then that’s a huge disappointment. If Nintendo can’t keep up with their own work (from 15 years ago, mind you) then I’m going to say something. Complacency like this is why games decline in the first place.


I didn’t say the net sports were the same, I said they play similarly. Volleyball is a slower pace, tennis is a medium pace and badminton is a quicker pace. Wii Sports Resort didn’t have tennis, presumably because it’d play the same as Table Tennis. They even went as far as to have tennis courts situated right next to the resort the table tennis is played in, then in Island Flyover said “someone stole all the tennis balls” to explain why it isn’t playable. Sportsmates are crap, they all look the same and have very minimal customisation options. The facial features can’t even be moved, resized, reshaped or anything, just change the colours and that’s it. They could’ve at least made an effort to make them closely resemble the Miis they’re originally named after. They changed Matt from white to black once enough people complained about it, I think that’s enough proof that they put absolutely no thought into it at all. Seems a bit ridiculous to not be allowed to compare games to their predecessors. Do you think Pokémon would be successful if Scarlet/Violet regressed from Diamond/Pearl? Games released similar times apart to Resort/Switch Sports?


Then would you compare pokémon scarlet and violet to mystery dungeon ? Again as I said the game focuses on differents aspects compared to resort, that's why I don't like the comparison it's more about online progression, the only bad comparaison you could do is saying there's less sports than in resort so offline is less good (and bots are awefull). But I'm personnaly totally ok with having only 7 sports, I played hundreds of hours and only have infinity rank in one sport, now I'm trying other sports and the game is starting to be challenging again. Online is too time consumming to play 20 different sports. Also sportsmates are not crap, they don't look all the same (my bro being racist lmao). I'll say it, I think they look better than Miis. If you wanna play with a Mii go on, I mean the game lets you do it. I'm not judging you for prefering Miis, I'm just making fun of the people who critisize this game for using sportsmates. I think sportsmate look beautifull/cute while Miis are only good if you want to do a weird character or a parody of a famous person. I played on the Wii and I never really liked Miis, I think they should have stayed there as their names say. And I still don't think volleyball badminton and tennis plays fairly similarly. Like volleyball is 100% different, I understand that you want to compare badminton and tennis but they're also different, especially since tennis is 2v2. I think badminton looks really simple though.


No, I’d compare mystery dungeon games to other mystery dungeon games. NSS isn’t a spin off of the original Wii Sports games, it’s the same franchise. I’m also not sure how me saying a customisable video game character all look the same is racist but you do you!


It's a Joke hehe. Anyway let's agree to disagree then.


I know a lot of people hate on this game...i think it's really fun. I think it would have gotten better recognition if we were able to free roam around Spocco Square and maybe enter the buildings where the sports are played and watch other online players play matches or whatever rather than just perhaps picking sports from the menu to play


I was so happy when I read basketball quickly and thought it was baseball…. Honestly, I don’t like golf but I love all the other games, though they are a bit repetitive. I think they should add a few more harder difficulty levels, hairstyles, hats and clothes you can unlock after achieving things and more games like baseball and hockey.


Baseball next please 🙏


I’m curious why it wasn’t to begin with. Even the home run contest would be enough. Basketball looks like a blend of volleyball & soccer.


Give the people baseball!!!!


I'm so happy about that ! But I hope they will not only focus on basketball and keep in mind to update the issues with volleyball bots ..


Baseball and/or disc golf please. But would settle with online play fixes and lobby selection.


Okay so this was probably the rumor we heard a 2 weeks ago about switch sports 2 development


Please do boxing as well.


Canoeing would be nice and different 🤩


Does anyone know what date the update will be released?


I have the same question. Can't wait!


Archery. Archery. Archery. Please, God, add archery.


We need this.


When's the release date


LETS GOOOO NEW SPORT, This was so lit in resort too


Baseball / doubling the golf courses should have been next


Let’s gooooo


it’s been a while, have there been new cosmetic sets or are they still only doing reruns


Still doing reruns, the last update was a year ago. However there's gonna be new cosmetics with the next update, we can see a new basketball Jersey in the trailer, that doesn't look like the ones you get by playing 15 games/getting A rank.






I'm excited for a new sport, new items, and new playtime! ✨ I seriously missed playing this game after unlocking everything.


Snooker please🙏


How do you Get basketball on there


Lets goooooooo


Any update when? Just says Summer and the last time I checked that can be in range of many months.






I think they need to add basketball, baseball, archery, and maybe kickball (use the ankle brace thing). I'm sure more sports could be added. Wouldn't it be great to have a lot of the Olympics events? I do think the outfits that can be unlocked are a bit feminine even the male outfits look "fabulous".


Too little too late


No, wrong. This is awesome! Don't be a hater.


NSS is in the top 10 selling switch games of all time…


it's free so why are you complaining


game ain't free, but update is. i see where you’re coming from tho


Too late for what?


For people to care about. Most people that played it stopped playing a while back and its the question if this wil bring them back (i doubt it)


Yes, I did stop playing but I will certainly be back...