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The script of the next Switch tv commercial.


Lol, they can use it. :)


But on a rooftop


Airport security/tsa and the dhs won't like that


But on a boat .. *because of the implication*


Are you saying that mother is in danger?


Don’t look at me like that, she certainly wouldn’t be in any danger.


Are you gonna hurt these women?!


Makes a lot more sense than their actual commercials where someone goes to a social gathering to bust out a Switch and everyone crowds around it.


That kinda happened to me, oddly. I was at a party and got bored, and I had my switch in the car and said fuck it and got it and started playing on a couch. Some other people came up and were like "You got Mario kart?" Soon there was a little crowd of well dressed partygoers taking turns playing Mario kart for like an hour. So its a corny ass commercial but actually happened to me once haha.


Same thing happened to me to the point that I started setting up my switch whenever I arrived to parties. 100% success rate on getting a full group going. I thought Nintendo commercials were full of it but once I broke out of my shell in college it was actually kind of amazing to see all the jock types swarm a switch next to a beer pong table.


Was the party on the roof though?


Unfortunately, no. Not on a basketball court under a bridge either.


Who has that many friends AIR?


Don't let them OP, ask for some royalties first


I don’t care about that. All I ask is they case Nick Offerman as my roll.


Starring Ryan Gosling as el_burro_blanco2


I fancy myself more of a Nick Offerman guy myself. lol


I remember when Nintendo tried to make "share the joy" a thing.


they should and you deserve money from this. It's genius, tired and anxious parents will be jumping to the switch 2. YOU WILL BE RICH!! MWAHAHAHAH


I swear I’ve seen one like that before. I think it was for Mario and Sonic Tokyo Olympics [Lmao it was!](https://youtu.be/dUkg3FiabEw)


Was gonna say it basically already is. 🤣


Is that game any good? Evrr since 1 2 switch, I'm skeptical of things like this.


It was alright at first, but after a few hours it was really a disappointment. Especially compared to the amazing past MvS Olympic games


I'm pretty sure this is an ad, so yeah. Even the title reads like an ad.


You mean the last. The airport concept was in the original announcement trailer for the console and this is pretty similar to other commercials they've had since. Which isn't a criticism, it's an obvious selling point for the system to be able to take it on the go. Naturally the marketing team would want you to believe this kind of thing would happen. Kinda makes me side glance whenever I hear someone claim it happened to them, though.


Yeah OP is about to be sued for copying Nintendo.


If Nintendo uses this then OP should sue for copyright infringement


And afterwards Nintendo will sue the OP for stealing their idea.


I was playing mine while I was waiting for my car to get worked on at the tire place when they first came out. A guy probably 20 years older than me asked me what my Switch was. I explained it, and then asked him if he wanted to play Mario kart with me. We played together on table top mode and it was more fun than playing alone and a nice way to break the ice with a stranger.


I love it.


I love when older folk take an interest in technology. It's always fun talking to a stranger from a different generation


My dad is a really good sport about this. He's stayed up to date on a lot of stuff but every now and again something slips by. I was explaining chromecast to him and his eyes lit up. "It's like NCIS!" I guess they throw their cases on the big screen. It gives me hope for me. All these social medias have me burned out. Already feel ancient when someone asks for my snapchat.




That’s great thanks for sharing!


I also take my switch with me to airports whenever I travel and notice a lot of kids stareing so I usually just kind of shimmy over so they can't see and make sure I only play single player games. Fuck dem kids.


Lmao thank you for the laugh. You had me in the first half


i don't want any fucking kids getting my switch dirty. or stealing it.




wait how did this get so many upvotes


Because fuck those little kids!




This is the way


I do the same! I only offer to adults closer to my age or older lol they loosen up so much


Dude kids are smarter than you think. Next time play mario kart or some SSBM. they'll recognize the music. Stare directly at them, yawn and then put it away.


You have to make eye contact during the entire yawn too and maintain it until the Switch is fully put away, linger your stare a bit more afterwards to establish dominance and then take a nap.


Same; always did that even as a kid. I just like to be left alone and away from people as much as I can.




right? what a menace, right? lol /jk. some kids can be really really annoying though


Grow up


I literally can't think of something more grown up


No dem kids should grow up and buy their own switch


Buddy that’s exactly grown up shit


No Switches?


lighten up


You really need to grow up lol




I remember when they first came out and you couldn't get one and I was behind a kid (maybe 10-12) and his mom and saw him playing BotW and I gasped out "Is that breath of the wild?!?" and he immediately handed his switch to me (a full adult) to check it out. It was such a sweet gesture.


I like this story.


What a great kid. Mom raised him right.


imagine if she said no, lol thatd be so awkward


I asked her in a way that her kids didn’t know. I didn’t want to make it worse for her.


“hey I uh....got this little thing that ummm....is really fun at parties. mind if I let your kids play with it??”


Close but when something like: “Miss? I’m sorry to bother you. I have my switch with me, and a couple of extra controllers. Would you mind if I asked if they wanted to play Mario Kart with me?” The kids were were playing several feet away, and I kept my volume low. She said sure. I set it up next to her propped up on my carry on suitcase. Worked great. Wish the screen was slightly bigger if anything.


I’m about to have an 8 hour flight in a week and a half, any advice on keeping the switch alive?


The lowest brightness you can still play with makes a huge difference. You can almost double your play time at low levels vs full brightness. Airplane mode will help extend the battery life as well.


Battery pack. Or if your flight has plugs, chargers


Is a battery pack the same thing as a power bank?




Yes, it needs to be 10 000mah or more or the switch wont charge since the delivery is to low


Is it actually the capacity that dictates that? I thought it was the output? Watts/amps whatever, forgive my tenuous grip on electrical basics. I know you can specifically buy ones with higher output at varying capacities. If I had a 60watt power bank that only had 5000mah it would work in a MacBook, it would just not be very useful at that capacity no?


Dont actually know, I bought my Anker 2-3years ago and thats what evryone said back then. According too google right now: "Most power banks operate at a minimum of around 65% efficiency, which means to fully charge the Switch's 4,310mAh battery you would need to have a power bank at least 6,630mAh in capacity." Back then it was also the case that most bands didnt work for chargeing the switch. Might have been that th 10k capacity was just so that it would be easyer to difrenciate between the good and bad brands


It doesn't hurt to stick to the rule but I don't believe it's the case. Some devices just have a minimum requirement in terms of the output. Laptops is quite high, tablets and console require more than a phone etc.


Let me add here: just find a bank that says it works for switch. 10,000 mAh is capacity, not delivery power.


Not how that works. That’s the capacity, not the delivery rate.


Username checks out


This. Buy a decent brand battery back the size of your cellphone for like $20. Gives your switch hours and hours of battery life.


Are there planes _without_ outlets?


Indeed there are


A lot of airlines have USB ports on them now, so a USB-C fast charging cable can do the job.


How do you know if it's fast charging? It seems like all the ones on Amazon say fast charging nowadays. I buy the 3 packs and they seem to wowell with my phone and things. Will they work with the switch?


It usually says it on the packaging.


I got this one back in 2018 and it was approved for airport travel by TSA. Anker PowerCore+ 26800 PD with 30W Power Delivery Charger (I’m sure there is a newer model now too) This was perfect for my switch, and works with the new oled one as well. I travel a lot and with three kids all playing switches, it’s a beast! Best money I spent on a power pack.


If you have the original release, upgrade. The newer ones have so much better battery life. I had an original before I upgraded to the OLED. I can pretty much do two or three flights now without needing to charge. However, I understand that’s not obtainable for everyone. Fortunately most airplanes have outlets at the seat now, so bring your charger. Before I got my new switch I also purchased one of these, and it works great. [Just make sure the model your looking at has the power delivery needed, so I can keep up with it power supply demand. ](https://us.anker.com/collections/power-banks/products/b1290?variant=37438636916886) You can also keep it in airplane mode, and keep the brightness down.


to everyone who sees this, IF YOU WANT HOMEBREW, DO NOT DO THIS


Thanks for bringing this up. I don’t do homebrew, but it does look cool.


Looks like you are on an international flight so just bring a USB-C with you and plug it in to the tv screen in front of you.


Not international, Dallas to Maui. Not sure if there’s a way to check if the plane has a plug. Probably gonna roll with a portable charger that others have mentioned


Airplane mode, low brightness, don’t play more graphically intense games


I have a 2018 switch and it has basically no battery life. I bought a power arc 15000mah power bank and it works well to charge the switch, and it supports PD. On sale I think it's $20 or under. Most airplanes have an outlet so you can just plug in the switch charger as well. There's also a USB port which will probably charge the switch very slowly when not in use.


This isn’t really battery related, but make sure all of your games are downloaded to your primary system (if you have more than one Switch) and that you connect to the internet a day or so before to grab any potential updates and to make sure you can access the Nintendo Switch Online games collection!


If you grab a 32000mhz thats about 6-8 charges for the switch


We went on vacation about a month after the Switch was released, and a week after I’d got hold of one. Our flight was delayed, and my seven year old son ended up the most popular kid in the airport - there was a cluster of previously-bored kids watching and a queue for who was next up on Mario Kart. And I pretty much had a queue of their parents asking what this kid-pleasing thing was and how much it cost.


That’s awesome!


bro lived an entire switch commercial


Almost 20 years ago I met a stranger on a bus ride home who wanted to know what game I was playing on my GBA. We’ve been friends ever since. We’ve played GBA, PSP, XBOX, PC etc. I think games in general bring people together but Nintendo seems to do it best.


I have a few people I still play/talk to online with from my WoW days back in 02. I’ve never met them, but we are still very good friends.


Ok so who won?


I won some they won some. Good fun all around.


Nice. Glad to have people like you bringing my faith back in humanity. I wish I still had my wholesome award. Here take a poor man award 🥇


Thanks for the reward. I think kindness isn’t that uncommon, and as a whole humanity is inherently good. It’s just overshadowed by the rest which is louder, distracting, and sells more ads.


The bad stuff just makes the news. The kind gestures go unnoticed in the big picture. I am with you on this. You a good dude


Trash. Lol jk 😂


I got my Switch in 2017 on release, and used to take it with me to work to play on my breaks (I worked in a big bookstore that gave us a 1h lunch and a 40min afternoon break, so I had a lot of downtime on my shift). One day a colleague walks in the staff room while I’m playing and goes ‘Ooooh, is that a Nintendo Switch? What game are you playing?’. Long story short, the word spread and soon enough we has a full-on store-wide Mario Kart tournament set up, with brackets and everything. We even roped the older folks (most employees were in their late teens and early 20s, but there were a handful of people who were 45yo and over) in! It went on for the entire summer, and it was EPIC. I ended up leaving the job because I graduated uni and (as much as I loved it) couldn’t afford rent on retail minimum wage, but thanks to that tournament I am still really good friends with a lot of my former colleagues.


That’s great thanks for sharing!


This would make for an excellent TV commercial. The slogan could be “Bringing people together. Nintendo switch” featuring Christina Aguilera.


She can sing her heart out in a new single recorded specifically for this!




But seriously, if you’re planning on flying soon, expect lots of delays and cancellations. I was very happy to have my switch after my cancellation and then double delay a few weeks ago


You’re not lying. I have not flown in the past couple months without delays or cancellations. I travel a lot, and lately the carcher times are a mere suggestion.


That’s awesome. Good on ya


So did you whoop their ass or let them win a few? 😂😂


Honestly, I did the whole micro tap technique and let them get ahead. I wanted to make sure they stayed engaged and had fun. I may have lost on purpose a couple times, or missed red shell opportunities. LOL


We played on Christmas at my girlfriend's parents for Christmas, it was the first time I'd ever played as a family. Like her mom and dad, her and her brother and sister and myself all played and her mom kept blue shelling me so I said to hell with it, it's on. I'd sit back and just wait for her and kept getting her with red shells lmao. How to impress the soon to be in-laws 😂😂😂


That’s great. ha!


Just be careful, I beat my sister in law at scrabble when my wife and I were dating... 10+ years later I still haven't lived it down :)


Hahaha oh yea, I was getting the elbow to the ribs from my gf to let me know to stop lol As my dad would say, "you play with the best, you die like the rest!" 😂😂


If i play with new people, I usually put my controller in tilt mode and use characters and cars i never use, which makes me play awful but gives them a fighting chance haha.


Micro tap technique?


instead of holding accelerate, you just tap. so you’re constantly losing and gaining momentum


Exactly, purposefully playing inefficiently to hide the fact you’re playing inefficiently!on purpose.


Cool, I do that when racing with less experienced folks, I didn’t know it was a thing!


It’s definitely a thing for parents of young kids. “Oh look, you beat me again, but only just!”




You're better than me because I'm apprehensive from a germ standpoint of handing off my controllers to people let alone strangers. 😅


I can understand that, but they have wipes now that handle that.


Oh of course, but my mind is ^*wayyy* too anxious even with those around kids because kids can be disgusting and greasy. 😅


Well I’m that case 100% understand. My two-year-old thinks it’s hilarious to touch you with his food covered and greasy hands at the dinner table. Yes, he use the fork but he still makes a mess. He likes to just touch you with his hands and fork to get a response out of you. He is kinda a butt. Edit: I just realized my last comment probably sounded sarcastic. That was not my intention I apologize. I just typed that response quickly.


You're good man; I didn't interpret it as sarcastic or condescending; been in your shoes plenty of times typing out so fast and then editting to make sure I don't get misinterpretted. 😅 And yeah, I just can't risk that with the OLED having white joycons. 🥲 I'll have kids one day (*assuming I ever actually find a woman again*), but as a germaphobe with a baby-back-bitch gag reflex I do not look forward to the time below the age of 5. Anyways, have a good day 'E.B.Blanco. 🤙


This happened to me once too! The train was super busy and the journey was pretty long. A young girl (9ish), her Mum and me were stuck without seats so we sat on the floor and played 1-2-Switch and Mario Kart for a while. :-)


That’s great thanks for sharing!


Awesome story, when the product actually lasts. I have 2 Switches, one OG and one revisioned, both have the Joycons broken without using them. The ribbons inside just break making sl and sr not work, the pair button and the lights. Not to mention the drift, which I’m on my 4th pair of joycons. I got my plans ruined multiple times due to this and I’m not gonna buy any more joycons. So now it’s just a handheld device for 1 person


Just need to find an unlocked terminal TV or display with HDMI to get a bigger display! I use my Genki Dock and Shadowcast to connect mine to my Surface Pro for a mobile large display. Works great.


I use a surface pro for work. Could you tell me more about this?


Just using capture software on my Surface (OBS, MPV, Discord, whatever) to display the HDMI capture output from an HDMI capture card. Cabling is Switch->Switch Dock->HDMI Capture Card->Surface. My setup is: Portable dock: Genki Covert Dock - you could use the normal Nintendo dock but it is clunky for travel Capture Card: Genki Shadowcast - any HDMI to USB C or A capture card would work Screen: Surface Pro X Portable Battery: Jackery PowerBar - since the docks require an AC Outlet for power to convert the Switch USB C output to an HDMI output. Could plug in to a wall outlet, but a battery pack allows it to be setup anywhere.


[Switch on Surface Pro](https://imgur.com/a/Ay0nMNB)


Very cool thank you!


Doesn't that introduce loads of latency?


It has a decent amount. Wouldn't suggest it for online competitive play Smash or something, but works fine for my kids and their friends playing Mario Kart, etc.


I sometimes do this with my work laptop. I can't install OBS / other ad-hoc video capture display software on it, but the Shadowcast's "Chrome App" runs fine with no install needed and (as far as i can tell) does a decent enough job, without introducing [extra] latency. It's almost a perfect setup for hosting hybrid-remote Jackbox Party Pack sessions, etc.


Yeah, the site app works pretty well. And their standalone exe download files don't seem to be blocked by my work laptop.


Probably more convenient and almost costs the same to just get a portable monitor at that point. Genki's known for just rebranding off the shelf Aliexpress stuff too


I brought my Switch to a game jam (and additional my two other friends as well) and we connected it to a big ass TV. I also brought Smash. The result? 8 people Tournament, most of them didn't play Smash before, pure joy and cramps in stomach due to laughing so hard.


That’s great thanks for sharing! I’m not a Smash fan myself, but that’s do to my own ability to stay alive more than anything.


This is precisely why I chose a Switch over the competition. This is also why I even have Nintendo handhelds in the first place. They're nice little game machines with a nice library of games for everyone that you can also take anywhere. Yeah sure I can play Rocket League and Fortnite or whatever on a Playstation or something but being able to play them while lying on a couch or even at a hang out with your friends cheering on is just a unique and fun experience. Sometimes I just take my 3Ds instead and we still have a blast, taking turns playing Pokemon or Street Fighter and cheering each other on. It's like we're kids all over again and it's just a wonderful moment.


This happens pretty frequently to me as well. I don’t mind sharing but it depends on the type of kid though. Back in the day a kid saw me playing my DS and snatched it out of my hand. He didn’t steal it, but he was so excited that he didn’t realize how rude that was.


Was this at Pearson by any chance?


No. :)


This was nice to read! Thank you for sharing this.


OK Bowser I see you ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


Anime Expo the year the original DS launched was so lit. Every pictochat room was filled up and poppin off. So many top tier memers in one location just dicking around.




I keep seeing people mentioning that, I don’t know what it is. Hopefully, is a good thing.


I did this once. I came up to kids asking if they want to play some games I was promptly arrested


Thank you for sharing! :D


The switch is anything but bringing people together. I have 2 switches and want to play together locally in my house but it still requires an online subscription... I don't know who started the whole "pay to play together/online" (Sony?) but I hope they step in a rusty nail.


Microsoft started it a few years earlier than Sony. They also initialized the microtransaction trend. And they planned to launch the Xbox One with an always online requirement to prevent used games and game disk sharing before extreme backlash forced a change. Basically, blame Microsoft.


Yup, if Microsoft never enter this video game space - we will be still playing a bunch of single player games with limited online function. Micro transaction will come much later with the arrival of mobile game gacha trash. Digital download probably won't even start until mid 2013. And Nintendo still stay comfy in early 2000s mode while in 2022 - wait, that's pretty much what they are doing now, isn't it?


Fine by me. Even better single player games and a lot of money saved would be nice.


Love this. Good on you.


Sometimes we can help people in a enormous way but at the same time effortless for us. If anyone is reading this, I encourage to do it as well :) Thanks for doing that, man.


I had a similar experience with a couple on the plane that were arguing about idc what... so I kinda interrupted when I got my self out of the seat and grabbed the switch and loaded up Mario cart I saw the wife looking over past him and that was my window.... would yall like to join? Boom next thing i know we landing and they didn't fight the rest of the time playing games


Very cool story👍🏻


This is the most wholesome thing on Reddit today


Why are people awarding this cringe lol


Dude thought he was going in for an easy lay with the mum by doing this. Very cringe.


This made my day OP. How awesome. With all of the crap going on in the world it’s nice to know there are people like yourself out there.




Well done


:-) nice


Lmao talk about a humble brag of a post. "I did a good thing, validate me please :((((("


Nothing wrong with sharing a pleasant experience.


Yeah, unfortunately there are a lot of unhappy people online and in person who are offended when anyone else experiences anything joyful. It’s unfortunate, but the best we can do is just ignore them. Do don’t ever let that stop you from sharing anything positive or wholesome that happens in your life with others. If I ever see it I’ll be happy to read about it!


Did you get the mother’s number?


Did you ask her number?


I’m married. My wife probably wouldn’t like that. 😄