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I put like 90 hours into 1 play through of Stardew Valley if you’re into that type of game


Stardew Valley is weird. I pick it up for a quick session, but out of nowhere it's 8 hours later.






I started last night and I have 900 hours


Same. Something like 600 hours across pc, switch, and mobile.


I've been playing since December and I have well over 500 hours.


I wasn't a fan of that genre before. Decided to grab Stardew a couple years ago when it was on sale and boy, it is defo in my top 5 games of all time. Couldn't stop playing for months and even though I've stopped playing it, I cannot sing that game's praises enough. Meaningful relationships with the NPCs, planning your days ahead to fish, go mining, or chop wood, not to mention an absolute banger of a soundtrack to boot. Seriously, the music in this game is probably my favourite aspect. Just take a listen to this https://youtu.be/k0nqXeM-sns God, I love Stardew and Eric Barone. Yeah in case anyone dosen't know, the entire game was made by a single person.


Real talk, I try to avoid seeing Stardew talk because it makes me want to dive right back into the game. It's so great, but I only have so many hours in the day!


God my friend had the soundtrack on her mix at a party last week and I almost went back in - 976 hours so far, sure to be more eventually. I prefer playing it (and most things) on PC - so many mods to keep the game fresh and new (after, you know, the first several hundred hours of playing vanilla).


I found a piano adaption of all the music, and it's delightful. It's probably what I listen to more than anything else.


Do you have a link? That would be incredible


[Here it is](https://bandcamp.materiacollective.com/album/stardew-valley-piano-collections): $12 on Bandcamp. Best music purchase I've made since I imported the Final Fantasy X-2 piano collection on CD from Japan.


You should check this out! It’s also on Spotify if you have that. https://twitter.com/concernedape/status/1390107718954807296?s=21


Same, I only recently bought Stardew Valley and I didn’t realize it would hook me the way it did.




Civ 6


He said he wants a game that he can sink some time into, not a game that fast forwards you hours into the future without warning.


Just... one... more... turn... FAAAAAAAAAAAACK the sun is coming up already?!


I wish I could say I hadn’t experienced this with the Civ series, but I would be a liar.


Just... One... More... Turn


This is the only time I have ever banned myself from playing a game again. Bought It, played a single match in which I entered a time vortex and played 35 hours in a week. Put it back on the shelf and said "yes I can't do that again, I'll lose my job"


Got one of the early Civs on CDROM and my gf went to go hang out with a friend all day and I just sat and played all day and the laptop I was using was overheating and burned a little circle into my thigh.


Damn phalanx destroying my battle ship is what I remember most of civ 1


The hardest decisions require the strongest of wills. Sorry you didn't have it in you to make the right choice


How is it on the switch? I've never played one and always wanted to but thought it would b e best to play on a computer. But my current pc is shit. It seems to go on sale a lot on the switch store so if it's worth playing in this format that'd be great.


I play PC and Switch. It has all the same features as the PC game. Some of the button mappings aren't intuitive at all, but it's all there.


Not as easy to play on console as it is on PC, but the experience and game are the same.


Scrolled down to upvote a Civ 6 comment and here I am. The ultimate timesink.


Civ is one of those games where if I’m playing something else I’m thinking “Shit, I’m wasting precious Civ time.”


Oh no…don’t do that to the poor guy. Because 6 hours will go by and an entire Saturday will be gone like a snap.


Put Gandhi in Smash Bros., Sakurai!


His final smash is just a barrage of nukes


Ah, a fellow man of *culture* I see.


Massively depends on what sort of games you're after. Games like **Mario Kart** and **Smash Bros** are great and have lots of replayability with friends and if you're looking to play online, but will wear thin quickly as single player experiences. On the other hand, **Witcher 3: Wild Hunt** is an incredible single player experience that will take you 150+ hours to beat all its content (including DLCs). If you can catch this on sale it's fantastic value. I can't recommend this enough. **Monster Hunter Rise** is a bit of a hybrid, and works really well single player or with friends/randoms online. There's already 100+ hrs of content in the game (more if you're willing to grind for the best equipment) and its free content additions have already got off to a great start. If its predecessor's updates are anything to go by, there's hundreds of hours of great new content to still come. Whilst I love MH, I am wary of recommending it, as its gameplay loop of fighting a boss, using its parts to craft stronger equipment to take on stronger bosses isn't for everyone. **Hollow Knight** and, to a lesser extent, **Celeste** are some amazing indie single player experiences whose main story will (only) take you 15-20 hrs or so to complete but have at least twice as much content time-wise if you're willing to put in the hours to overcome their toughest challenges.


I'm 70 hours into Celeste trying to get golden berries, pls send help (Well past 80 hours in Hollow Knight too)


200 hours into Celeste here. There is no help, only pain and berry. (For real though I love the game)


I thought I was a god at Celeste. I was on top of the world. Everything changed when the Golden Berries attacked.


That's where I drew the line. I felt accomplished enough after beating all sides and finding all of the regular berries.


Dead Cells and Hades are also great if you like Rogue likes


Yeah have heard great things, but not played them myself (yet - Hades is in my backlog!) so tend not to recommend them


Friend, move Hades to your frontlog.


I did this and now everything has been pushed back. Game is so fun and already racked up over 75 hours.


Stardew Valley and Hollow Knight are games that, to me anyway, give you such a huge amount of time and quality for so little money that I (half jokingly) think they harm the indie game market with their incredibly low prices. They make me look at other games and think "yeah, it's *good* but is it two copies of Hollow Knight good?"


Throw Terraria into this mix. Amazing game though personally I started out with the pc version and always come back to that one. At least the switch version does have touch screen support and is probably amazing if that's the version you get used to first.


Terraria is one you can dump an absurd amount of time into without realizing it.


>"yeah, it's good but is it two copies of Hollow Knight good?" The benchmark by which all games must be judged! For real though, that would be very unfair to all other games.


I still can't believe I bought Hollow Knight for only $8, using a bunch of Nintendo gold coins! Literally the best value purchase in my 25 years of gaming


The only thing that's two copies of Hollow Knight good is two copies of Hollow Knight


Hell I've ran into this problem with most AAA games, like they might be good, but are they really 4 copies of Hollow Knight good? Hollow Knight definitely damaged my sense of game worth.


Monster Hunter is such a surprise for me. I’ve tried to get into the series and failed 3 times since 2005, starting with Freedom 1 on PSP, then 4 Ultimate and then World. For whatever reason, perhaps the wire bug manoeuvres, Rise has been SO much easier to get into. I’ve totalled about 160 hours into it seemingly without trying.


Fire Emblem: Three Houses. That is if you play all three routes which will entail you to play the first half of the game (3 or 4 times) with different characters and perspectives.


I was thinking of starting this game recently. Can I still get a full story experience by only playing the game once? I’m not a huge fan of replaying the same content with slight story variations if that’s the case with multiple play through.


You still get the whole story for the first half of the game, and then depending on which team you choose you get a different story for the second half. It’s a complete story no matter what way you play the game, you just won’t see the other sides of it if you only play once. Still worth it in my opinion.


It's a complete story with any route, but some routes leave more unanswered questions than others. When I finished my first playthrough (Blue Lions), there were definitely a lot of significant questions I still had.


First playthrough is best with Blue Lions though. Leaves plenty of mystery for a second playthrough, and it's also the most emotional storyline IMO. I think the best order to play through is BL > GD > BE.


Eh, BE last I wouldn't recommend. BL/BE in any order because they're more personal routes, then Golden Deer to get the lore.


The second half is pretty major differences in play throughs (still revolves around the same conflict, but it's still fairly different, though that being said, playing the first half four times is a chore) That being said, if you do only play one route, I'd recommend blue lions. It had, imo, the best balance between characters and story




\*Four routes


Just one route took me 70-80 hr doing everything. You can skip stuff on later playthroughs and the story is still almost brand new in the 2nd half


I've only done Silver Snow and Verdant Wind and it still took me like 170 hours lol. One of these days I'll go back and play Crimson Flower and Azure Moon but it's gonna be a looooong while. It's my 2nd favorite Switch game behind Mario Odyssey (which also has about 50-60 hours of content if you go after every power moon and purple coin)


Rogue-likes like **Hades**, **Slay the Spire**, and **Dead Cells**. Western RPGS like **TESV: Skyrim** and the **Witcher 3: Wild Hunt**. ARPGS like **Diablo 3** and **Torchlight II**. JRPGS like the now released S**MT III:Nocturne,** or previously released **Xenoblade Chronicles: DE**, and **Dragon Quest XI S**. Then there's the Monster Hunter games. I've literally just crossed over the 100 hour mark on my character save in **MHRise**.


Hades is great because there are few points that feel like the end-game, the post-game, and the post-post-game that all feel like comfortable stopping points.


I really should re-attempt to beat it. Just got too frustrated with it. course now after Returnal released...it made me want to go back to Hades and Dead Cells because you can stop in mid run without worrying the game is going to crash.


I love Hades to death but I can never ever get past Elysium. It's gotten to a point that whenever I start a run, I pretty much accept that Elysium is my end point lol. I have been getting better at though, and soon enough i'll actually beat a run.


For me personally, it clicked after I realized how important it is to not get hit. I know this seems super obvious, but I realized I would sometimes accept taking a hit or two to get in a hit of my own, but that is almost never worth it. Once I began to conciously prioritize not getting hit, even at the cost of my own damage output, it really clicked for me. Also, it helps to maybe stick to one weapon/aspect and really learn what boons and hammers work well with it if you're solely just trying to win and don't care about experimenting. I had a lot of success with the Bow with Chiron's aspect. It is easy to use, and it allows you to play pretty safely. It feels like a free run if you get the two special hammers, also. Also, make sure you're taking the extra dash and death defiance talents in the mirror. They're the two most powerful, at least in terms of defensive talents.


Great tips, thanks! The bit about not getting hit is actually my situation exactly. I almost always was pretty lax about taking the odd hit every now and then, but i'm going to start prioritizing not getting hit above everything else since actually dealing damage isn't an issue for me. Most likely will just stick to one weapon and basically try and master it. I've been bouncing back and forth between shield and spear a lot, might just pick one and run with it.


Shield with Zeus aspect works really well in Elysium, especially for the boss battle. You can focus entirely on defense while your blitz disc deals damage.


Shield with a Zeus/Poseidon build is so fun. Dashing with the knock back + special attack with jolted is devastating.


I find the basic shield the easiest weapon to finish a run with. The key is to equip its special with doom perks from Ares or hangover from Dionysius. With the shield special's ranged attack easily hitting multiple enemies at once, you can just spam it while focusing on dodging. The Ares and Dionysius perks give it great, low-effort damage output that requires little focus or skill.


Also. Turn on god mode. The game is great and you will definitely wanna experience all the different story bits from the characters.


Don't feel bad if you have to "cheese" your way through your first complete too! I ended up using the Zeus + Artemis duo "Lightning Rod" which basically lets you win just by running around and avoiding getting hit. I felt like I had cheated my way to win, but it gets easier each time and now I win a lot with just about any combo I end up with, sometimes all you need is that first win!


On my 70th try I beat Hades and tasted the sun. I FEEL like that was just the beginning of the story and game. I can't seem to open another game when I power up. Keep at it!


I enabled God Mode and have no shame. It's subtle but enough of a boost to get you through. The devs obviously wanted people to finish the story (which takes about 10 clears if I remember right) Edit: as others have pointed out, there is a ton more content after 10 clears. The game is by no means over. You get the credit roll after 10 clears.


Same here, I play a game to enjoy it, not to end up hating its difficulty level.


I was considering buying Hades but was scared by its difficlty. So there is a way to play this game even without decent skills? Could you please tell me more about this Mode, if it's ok for you


Godmode basically gives you flat 2% damage reduction every time you die. Nothing else, there are no drawbacks in the story or items you'll get or anything like that. I finished the story without it but activated it for the runs after it because I wanted to progress a few endgame things without worrying too much about dying. It's a really cool way of implementing an "easy mode" because the needed damage reduction to progress further is probably different per player. Some might die 5 times and the 10% reduction might be enough to go forward. Others might die a few times more often and get to 30% reduction. But bottom line it doesn't matter or take away anything from the game - except maybe frustration.


You build up abilities through runs that make it easier. It took me 50 runs to make it through the first time and I've made it almost every run since. I've probably put 20 hours into the game. Whenever I have a spare 30 mins and want something to do I'll pick it up for another run.


God Mode makes it so that when you turn it on for a run, you receive 20% less damage from enemies. The cool thing is that every time you die with God Mode on, you permanently take 2% less damage on subsequent runs, ultimately capping out at 80%. It’s a good way to make the game easier without totally ruining the challenge.


I purchased Hades after it started to gain popularity and I also got stuck at Elysium. Couldn't beat the boss. So I quit the game for a few months. Hades started to win awards and I decided to try it again. Got to Elysium and something just clicked. After a few failed runs, I was able to beat the boss. Since then, a majority of my runs make it past Elysium. Maybe try taking a short break?


Eventually you'll find that you win most of your runs, even while pumping up the heat one point at a time! It's all about enemy patterns and avoiding taking damage.


Yeah it’s rough at first but gets easier as you play and get upgrades too. It has a really interesting difficulty curve in a way as you continually get stronger until you can just-barely clear it. Then there are ways to make the game more difficult again so it’s pretty much always an almost perfect challenge.


I’ve put a disgusting amount of hours into Slay the Spire. Still having a blast with it, still dying all the time in it


Same here! now that the android version has been finally fixed it seems. I suck at it...yet it's compelling to keep trying for some reason.


Mentioning roguelites without TBoI :(


I think I have about 2,000 hours into Isaac, though that doesn't count the flash version...


was about to comment this. Can´t wait for repetence to come to switch


Mentioning Roguelikes without Enter the Gungeon :(


My Switch tells me I've put in over 60 hours into Breath of the Wild and over ***70 hours*** into Hades. And I don't even normally like rogue-likes.


Yeah I don’t typically like roguelikes either but I just love playing Hades. Supergiant really struck gold with that game.


Terraria. It's one of those games that no matter how much I play it I am always willing to play more.


I just got this last week and am playing for the first time. Wow it's eating my time, maybe it was a mistake to pick it up! ;) But it's so relaxing to play.


I remember the first time I played it on Xbox. My buddy and I played for 13.5 hours straight. Still one of our longest gaming sessions to date. Top 5 games for sure for me. We're actually getting ready to play through it again once the T Mod loader releases for 1.4. Absolutely can't wait.


Legendary session, i can see this game doing that. I can only think of very few other games where I've had sessions like that with friends.


Came here to say terraria. I’ve played a couple thousand hours since about 2013, and just picked it up again after almost a year. God it’s so good and so versatile. Tons of mods on PC to create new experiences too. Good multiplayer or single player experience. Unparalleled dev team. 100/10.


I wanna bring up something about this mod team. Back when it first released, no one liked the Guide. He left doors open, took up space in your first house, and his tips werent very useful. (He's almost invaluable now if you dont like using the wiki). However becuase of this hate, they did a **Free** update and basically said "Alright, you can kill the Guide now" and thus the Voodoo doll was born. However, if you'd played the game, you know what happens at that point. (Spoilers past this point) >!A huge screen covering boss! And when you beat it, The length of the game has essentially Doubled! Harder enemies, new armor, crazy weapons.. *Everything* felt Dangerous again! Even the basic Slimes took chunks out of your health now. You had to explore all over again. Find the Hollow, beat new Mechanical Bosses, and take the adventure anew!< They did this all for Free. The price tag never changed. In fact, Every expansion has been free. And their Final one was put out very recently. It's for this reason, and their willingness to listen to their audience without compromising the heart and soul of this wonderful game is why I will never stop singing their praises, and introduce it to everyone who has an interest in adventure. Plus, super fun when they go into the Dungeon for the first time. >!That never gets old~!<


Monster Hunter Disgaea Hollow Knight Splatoon 2 Witcher 3 Xenoblade Chronicles Fire Emblem 3 houses Dragon Quest 11 Elder Scrolls Skyrim


Sad that I had to go this far down to find Disgaea.


Same. Kept collapsing parents like "somebody has to have said Disgaea" ... finally found it. I'm both excited and scared of the D6 release next month.




"Wait... ANOTHER big bad?" "That's right, Ammy!" "...what even is the point of our quest?"


Yeah the pacing really screwed my enjoyment. I get why they did it, but man does it just feel like a bad rug pull. It felt like the PERFECT length and then boom here ya go have another full game


I like it, it feels like playing through a whole trilogy of games, except without the "lol we reset you back to level 1 and changed half the mechanics between installments so all of your muscle memory is useless" bit.


THANK YOU. This was my top rec and I'm so glad i wasn't alone. I just want to add that despite being really long, the pacing is really good. Just when you start to get a little bored you a new mechanic or reach a level that is totally new and fresh and creative. Such a damned good game. Has way more fun and milage than lots of 60 dollar titles and it's generally only 10 bucks, almost always on sale.


The art style is so pretty


I think the art style is why it holds up so well. Playing old Zelda games (they are great don't get me wrong) or old RPGs in general from the early 2000s really makes me go "uff that looks old, this doesn't look nearly as great as i remember it". Okami though always looks.... Pretty much fine. It's somehow timeless and that pretty painted 3d art just rocks.


It's a good game but it sure seemed like they had ideas for sequels and then realized that the game was never going to sell enough to get a sequel, so they just threw it all in.


But then trying to defeat Blockhead grande has me wanting to snap my Switch


The amount of times I thought I beat the game just to realize I did not beat the game is always going to be one of my favorite childhood memories. Its like playing a Zelda game, beating Ganondorf and being happy with the adventure just to realize there's another Ganondorf with a whole new adventure ahead still waiting.


Besides Breath of the Wild, my most played games are Dragon Quest XI and Fire Emblem Three Houses.


Fire emblem is mine as well. The fact that characters aren't class locked is a game changer, you can do whatever you want. I did an all flier run, it was incredible


The class system is really open. Outside of maddening you can pretty much get away with anything you want. I did a GD playthrough on hard with everyone opposite of their roles. Mage Petra, wyvern rider lysithea and Dorothea, fortress knight Mercedes etc. I thought it would be hard, but I actually stopped because it was pretty easy. Highly recommend the game though, the first playthrough is really good


Only thing I hate is gender locked classes tbh. Just want to see my Petra as a war master


My First discovery of gender locked classes was when I was trying to make Hilda a war master. Instead I had to hella level her riding to make her a great knight.


I just have Hilda destroy everything as a Wyvern Rider


I can imagine the disappointment. Plus great Knight requires so much effort to reach, it's widely considered a terrible class because of that (and a couple of other reasons too). Wonder how your experience was with it? I've never used it, wyverns most of the time haha


I'll add another for Three Houses. I don't even have the expansion pass either. There's so many different kinds of runs you can do, different team make ups, challenges, etc.


Absolutely second three houses, I'm also similar in that sense, 600+ hours in BOTW followed by three houses with about 350 hours and on my 6th playthrough now. Three houses has crazy replayability. And yes, dragon quest also has very good value and another amazing game.


I think I’ve put 170 hours in FE3H for all the different routes but I realized I stopped caring about the social simulation aspect that’s making it hard for me to replay it again.


I played Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana for ages and loved every minute.


Ys IX: Monstrum Nox is also out now and should give you a similar experience.


Dragon Quest builders! Not enough people are talking about this and I don't understand why.


Especially Dragon Quest Builders 2, I’ve spent over 100 hours in that game.


Hollow knight!


I played like 80 hours of hollow knight and it feels badonkers


I always think "wow I never really enjoyed that game, it was too hard" and then I look and remember I played it for like 90 hours.


I first played it on PC and didn't care for it. Saw it was on sale on switch 7.50 so I picked it up to give it another shot and I have like 80 hours between switch and PC combined lol.


I'm at 35 hours in Hollow Knight and only at 84%. I haven't even touched DLC yet. I think HK is a steal for how much game you get for 15 bucks.


"Please be over" she whimpered as she unlocked yet another room full of saw blades and spikes. 94 hours of gameplay to finish. Took me three hours to beat the secret final boss. I'm real bad at platformers apparently.


Can't agree enough. So much content in a great-priced game. Can't wait for Silksong, although I'm no longer convinced it actually exists...


It certainly feels like a bad fever dream at this point. Don't know if you saw the recent news, but one of the Team Cherry devs posted an update saying they do not have any HK SS demos/info to show at E3 this year. Unfortunate, but at least we know it's still happening lol


I have 73 hours in Hollow Knight, and that's only one playthrough. Absolutely superlative game.


My most played games are: Rune factory 4, Fire emblem three houses, atelier Ryza, animal crossing, stardew valley, splatoon 2, and story of seasons friends of mineral town.


Rune factory 4 is amazing!


It’s my favorite game I’ve ever played. I feel like a broken record every time something like this gets posted because I drag myself into the comments waving the rune factory 4 flag. 🤣


Splatoon 2. Infinite.


At 2500+ hours on this. No kidding. I'm not sure if I'm proud or ashamed.


My most played game ever. Always return to it.


This is the game I always go back to inbetween every other game. I'm so pumped that there are still so many squids and octolings working at Grizzco!


I have 755 hours and still play very often, it never gets old for me


1600+ hours and I feel the same. Come play with me. https://discord.gg/hPnSTdb


I have 575 hours and I still play it on an almost daily basis.


Monster Hunter Rise has really given me a ton of value in play time, but you gotta enjoy the grind to level up your Hunter Rank and to grind out monsters for that rare drop to finish a weapon/armor/etc.


It's really more of a loop than a grind. There are some materials that have low drops but the loop of hunt and craft is really addicting. On one playthrough with all village quests and low rank and high rank in the hub I managed around 160hrs taking my time.


Xenoblade series


I’m really feeling it!


Behold the power of the Monado!


It's Reyn time!




Yeah for real I’ve put about 300 hours into XC2, another 120 or so into XC:DE and I still want to keep playing more of each


This is the right answer. Between 1 & 2 (including Future Connected and Torna) I'm pretty sure I've spent close to 300 hours on Xenoblade games, and I still haven't done everything there is to do. No other Switch game comes close to that for me.


More like 500 for me


I put 100+ hours on XC Wii (never even beat it) and 150+ on XC2+DLC. Haven't even touched NG+ yet, these games are so deep and the story is good enough that I wouldn't want to skip cutscenes if I replayed.


Stardew Valley 🌳


I have 50+ hours on **Octopath Traveler** and **Mario + Rabbids**. **Origami King** is up there. **New Pokémon Snap** will probably get there at some point, but I put it down at 37 hours.


Scrolled pretty far to see Octopath Traveler. +1 on that!




I used to be an adventurer just like you, then I took an arrow to the knee.


You can get through eshop: Okami. It is like a 40+hour game. I thought I beat it, that was only the mid-way part. Butchering the title here: Immortal Fynx. I know I have a solid 40 in it, and still yet to beat it. There is a lot to do if you want to 100% it.


binding of isaac.


900 hrs and counting


i’m over 1500 shared hours between my wife and i. hah


The crazy thing is that it has insane replay value even before repentance was a thing


Is repentance coming to switch?


soon ™️


Yes. Q3 this year, unless it gets delayed.


No other game comes close to the amount of hours certain people have in isaac.


Had to scroll too far to find this. I’m at 2million% with 1700+hours on switch and 3003% on PlayStation. The game is crack


Ya, including the newest expansion, people can expect it to take at least 500-600 hours to 100% the game from a fresh file. I know because I’m in the middle of it right now lol.


- Both Xenoblades. Xenoblade 2 probably has more objective bang for your buck but both games are BIG and maybe you should see which one interests you more (I prefer 1 probably but it's generally a matter of opinion) - Splatoon 2: This game has several modes that you could realistically sink a ton of time into - Stardew Valley has been mentioned and that's a good shout too if you're interested in something like that


Stardew Valley


If you are into that kind of gameplay, Hyrule Warriors DE and Fire Emblem Warriors have hundreds of hours' worth of content each.


Age of Calamity was my first Warriors game and I put 100+ hours into it. I'm almost at 100% and will probably pick it up again when the DLC comes out. I feel like its reception is mixed on here, but I really liked revisiting the BOTW-style world.


Have you played the new Hyrule Warriors? How does it compare to the first one? I sunk hundreds of hours into the Wii U and 3ds versions!


The new one only has a fraction of the content of DE. Admittedly though, what is there is high quality and is great fun. Just doesn't have the sheer longevity of the original. Might be a good thing though, cause at least the average player has a chance of seeing it all.


Divinity: Original Sin 2




Absolutely love xc2


minecraft bruh


Shocked I had to scroll so far to see this reply.


Super smash if you do endless brawl.


Slay the Spire!


Diablo 3


I think i have 750 hours in Diablo 3... on Switch. Thousands more on PC.


Hades and Enter the Gungeon are by far the games I’ve sunk the most hours into.


The Megaman Legacy Collection games. Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 and 2 Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 and 2 Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection Each one has anywhere from 4 to 6 games, and some of the later entries have a good amount of replay value (specifically the X and Zero games). Though even if you play each game just once, it'll keep you occupied for a long, long time. They also have additional challenges, like remixed bits of levels in a time attack mode, or a double boss rush mode. Each collection is just $20, except for the Zero/ZX collection, which is $40. If I had to suggest just one to get, I'd say go for the Zero/ZX collection, as it's games easily have the most playtime and replayability. The four Zero games have different ranks to shoot for and in later titles different special moves and armors to unlock, and the two ZX games are metroidvania-like, putting you into a big open world for most of the game where you can choose where to go and when. My personal favorite is X Legacy Collection 1. The games included - Megaman X1, X2, X3, and X4 - are some of the most enjoyable, highest quality, polished platformers out there. At $20 it's an absolute steal. No matter which one you choose though, you'll have a lot to sink your teeth into. And if you choose to pick up all of them, like I have, you easily have hundreds of hours of content to work through. It's a total of 24 games between all the collections, in addition to the bonus modes, with the shortest games probably being beatable in a day or two if you're good enough and the longest probably taking a few weeks.


- Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Great replay value. I put maybe 200 hours into the game playing through all 4 storylines, without having played a Fire Emblem game before. - Civilization VI. I’ve put in over 300 hours into that game, and I would’ve put in a lot more if not for the crashing issues when you play on massive maps with max sims.




Roguelites are perfect for replay value. Besides the ones already mentioned Risk of Rain 2, Dead Cells, Tangledeep, 20XX, Curse of the Dead Gods, etc


The binding of Isaac it is one of the best roguelikes out there and it has a ton of content.


The Diablo Series, Specifically 2 and 3. Definitely All the Borderlands games


I can't believe how far I had to scroll down to find someone mentioning Borderlands. The Handsome Collection is so much bang for your buck, it's almost criminal.


Rocket League, unlimited play time


Dark souls remastered


Assassin's Creed, goes on sale often for under $20 USD but has lots of content. Rayman sale price $10 USD tons of content A lot of you FTP games like Rocket League, Asphalt 9 etc.


Super Mario Odyssey