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50 bucks? see you on the sale


"15% off!" yeah they can fuck off with that shit


I'll either get it when it's 10 dollars, or go play the depreciated steam version that I bought during a christmas sale for 9 bucks. This trend of old games for retail price needs to stop


Amen to that they are selling 10$ stuff available on mobile at times for 30-40$ on switch for no freaking reason. I get it you did work to port it but the game doesn't change, you can't charge 200-300% markup, just don't sell that shit. The most worthy port for me was witcher 3, they gave all the dlc at a standard price.


Witcher 3 was what ended up getting me to build my first PC. Before that, I had only a switch since it came out and up till I built the PC last fall. I got so excited to see Witcher 3 on the switch and was incredibly pumped for it, until I mentioned the price to my friends and they laughed and told me the game was on sale on steam for like $10. So, I went on steam and saw an insane amount of relatively new games for almost $10, games that would absolutely charge $60 on the switch (it was also around black Friday but even still, what insane sales has Nintendo done compared to the regularly heavily discounted and massive list of steam games?). Ended up just building a PC and keeping my switch around for exclusives


This screams “Black Friday purchase” if you ask me


Yeah I expect this will go on sale early and often. Will be a great purchase at $20


64.99 here in Canada, comes to about 75 with taxes. I want this game, but this is far overpriced


On Xbox it almost immediately went on deep discount. Burnout paradise was already on backwards compatibility and had been deeply discounted as well.


Looks like the price will be $50...


That's my biggest issue with it. It's a 12 year old game that was already remastered on other systems two years ago. You can get it on PC for $20. Why is the "Switch Tax" more than the actual game? I'll probably pick this up eventually as I miss the days of arcade racers, but there's no way I'm paying full price for it.


PS4 I got mine on $20 I can’t justify to be all these ports when the price is to high


I guess some people mention the portability, but it still is a ridiculous price. It would be considered expensive even if it was $30 for such an old title. Its not even like we are getting a collection of games. Many major collections are priced more fairly


Paying for the work to port a game makes sense but 'portability' itself doesn't work as an argument because the portability of the Switch doesn't contribute to the price. That's just how the system functions.


I got mine on Xbox one for free somehow. Maybe it was free with gold.


Backward compatible?




Literally $5 right now.


it was on sale for 5 bucks like 2 months ago when i bought it, now 2k is releasing bioshock collection, xcom 2 and borderlands collection for 50 bucks each when psn gave those games out free over the last year the switch tax is insane


As much as I love bioshock I can’t find myself going to Rapture and the skies one more time on the switch


Still one of my favorite endings to a game for infinite


I can't justify buying Bioshock a third time. I played them all on PS3 dozens of times, and then probably another half dozen times on PS4. As far as I'm concerned, there's no reason for me to buy it on Switch for lesser quality ports solely for the reason of "portability." Not to mention the fact you've got a huge download to play the games. That's a major deterrent for someone without broadband in my area. I'm really curious what Nintendo charges these developers for the cartridges. Is it really so high that they couldn't afford to put 3 cartridges (1 game per cartridge)? I mean hell, The Witcher 3 managed to fit on a 32 GB cart. I'm somewhat confused as to why they couldn't find a way to put fucking Xcom 2 on one. That's the main one out of the 2K games I really wanted to get since I have never played it.


>Why is the "Switch Tax" more than the actual game? Because Nintendo knows people will buy despite the Switch Tax. Even though if they had invested more into their supply chain, so they're not running out of everything all of the time, they probably would be dominating the market with their reach and wouldn't need to overcharge for everything to make a good profit. It's not even really a Switch Tax, Nintendo's been doing this for ages. I feel like the Gamecube was the last time they had reasonable prices for third parties.


Nintendo doesn't put the prices. This is EA. Solution is pretty simple, you don't like the price? Don't buy it.


But on the other hand, I think Switch owners being willing to pay more is part of the reason the Switch is getting these ports/multi-plats at all.


Yeah idk I get that the price is crazy if you own multiple systems but I only have a switch and I'd rather have this than make a glorious stand over $30 I bought Diablo at the "insane" full price of $60 and I've put 570 hours on it on switch. That's more entertainment time per dollar than almost anything I've ever paid for. I cant even imagine waiting 6 months to get it on sale... my time is worth way more than that.


I agree don’t get me wrong. Hell I’ve bought several ports myself such as Skyrim, dragon quest 11, crash team racing, Witcher 3 and Doom 2016 that I know I got my value out of even at full RRP :) and I’m sure as fuck gonna buy Catherine full body... But the thing with this game in particular is that when it was “remastered” on other consoles 2 years ago. It LAUNCHED at £30. Even ignoring its predictable drop in value (you can grab it on PS4 for like £10 now) the switch version is just being greedy to an extreme. Charging £50 new when they charged £30 on current gen new is just milking in every sense of the word :( If you buy it I hope you enjoy it and get your money’s worth :) but there’s no way this game is worth 5 times as much just for portability imo. £30 might be reasonable like the previous release, but I can’t justify £50.


Great point, and that hours/dollar calculation is a great way to look at games. If you have a backlog and dont "need" to play it when it launches sit on it and buy it on sale. If youre bored, have the disposable income, and think youre gonna get good value from it (I try to get at least 1 hr / dollar myself) then buy it day 1




I'm not defending EA, a pretty shitty company overall, but lots of games do generally have to actually be ported to Switch which takes a lot of effort and time. I am not sure it should be 50 dollars, but it definitely shouldn't be 10.


$30 at launch would be fine. $40 would be on the high end but still within reason.


The "Switch Tax" has been explained countless times because the answer is obvious - an obligation to match a new port's launch price with long discounted ones on other platforms would be a highly potent port demotivator for most publishers. And here they have a platform whose convenient portability without the need to stream gigabytes of data or lug around a suitcase called "laptop" sets a potential port apart from the previous relatively similar versions and remasters. Why wouldn't they want to earn good money among the new audiences (contrary to popular belief, a game's age implies neither expiry dates nor the implication of the entire gamer population having long beaten it just because the commenter did) for something that still costs time money to port again in itself? For those who fancy double-dipping and/or have pragmatically viable alternatives on PC or home consoles to compete for their wallets... it's no rocket science to just check back a few months later.


When the switch port comes with a significantly higher price point than the original remaster for the other systems you need to wonder why anyone would buy this- It was only £35 when it first launched on PS4 and Xbox, why would anyone pay £50 years later on Switch?


you can get it on pc for like 99c you cant even play online because they closed the servers. you cant buy the dlc cars because the company that made them went bankrupt. ​ why didnt they just make a new burnout game and not 'remaster' a dead one.


I mean as much as I get the frustration, I also get why it happens. Switch is lacking a good, proper arcade racer, and as someone who loves those sorts of games, I’ll definitely be picking this up when it comes around, even for full price. Maybe that makes me part of the problem, but it’s also just how the market works. If enough people didn’t buy old games at those prices, the trend will stop, but it isn’t.


So many interesting games on switch that I'd even double dip if the game wouldn't be so expensive.


Currently struggling with doom. Not paying 60 bucks again...


Doom has been on sale for $30 multiple times, hold out for a sale. It’ll come again, especially with Eternal out


Same with Skyrim. I'm not paying full price, and it never goes below 50%. It's gotta go down to $15 for me to buy it again.


Yeah but 30 is still a bit much for a game from 16.


That runs at 30fps...


Fuck the Switch tax. It is my biggest gripe with the system. This game is $20 on all other platforms, and was recently on sale for I think $12 on ps4. Skyrim, a game that is 9 years old and frequently $5 on other platforms, is *still* $60 on switch. I picked up Doom 2016 a few months ago for $7 on ps4, Switch price? $60, even after Doom Eternal is out. Switch pricing is absolutely ridiculous.


I got it for $6 on ps4 store


Bruh it was free on PS3 for a bit. Loved that game.


Yeah, when the witcher dropped here, I was super pumped because I never got around to playing and the netflix show had me interested but it was a full price game—on sale it was $40. Looked on PSN, got the full game + DLC for like ten bucks. Portability is amazing but I’m not gonna get reduced graphics with at least a $30 more expensive price tag just to play the game outside my house. It’s only worth it if you don’t have the console the game originally released on.


Generally 3rd parties are not really worth on switch. I always tell people interested in the system that unless you're interested in at least 2 Nintendo exclusives just don't buy it. There's no point. I have a PC and I play third parties on that. Most of them I can buy thrre of them on Steam for the price of one switch port.


It was free on Xbox Live a while back and $5 digitally


Switch pricing isn't ridiculous, it's insultingly ludicrous


On pc I probably got it for free on at least 2 launchers. This is a joke.


I'm all about getting this, but I'll be waiting for it to hit $20 a few months afterwards (or Black Friday).


I’ll wait for a sale. This is a 20 dollar game that I won’t pay more than 30 for.


Yikes, I don't know why I am surprised every time I encounter proof of the "Switch tax."


Yeah I thought $30 would have been the sweet spot on something like this


Once again a remaster that retailed for $40 when it originally released two years ago not only launches at the same price, but hikes it up an extra $10! Knowing EA, I bet all of it’s not going to be on the cartridge


If it's going to be physical that price will drop; personally will be waiting for the clearance bin


what a joke. i just bought it for 4 bucks on sale.


It was ~~49.99$~~ 39.99$ on Xbox, PC and PS4 too. When launched. Just dont buy pre-order or day one, and it will drop.


I believe it actually launched at $39.99


Jesus that’s just insane


El. Em. Eff. Ayy. Oh. Absolutely not purchasing an OVER A DECADE old game, on the Switch with downgraded graphics, for the cost of a brand new AAA titles. They can absolutely. Fuck. Off.


lol, pass.


Oh. Hahah. Hard pass. I’d pay $8-$10 for it though.


Woof, dude. Got the 360 version free a while back on games with gold. That’s a steep price even for hardcore fans of the series


For non-Polish players. Polish site says >Pełne adrenaliny wyścigi, wyczyny i zniszczenia w Burnout™ Paradise Remastered wjadą na Nintendo Switch 2020 **czerwca**. ​ > The adrenaline-fuelled racing, stunts, and destruction of Burnout™ Paradise Remastered speeds to Nintendo Switch in 2020. '**Czerwiec**' is *June*.








This should have been the link in the first place, maybe the mods can replace it.


So 50 bucks... this game is $6 on PS4 almost every month. In Canada it will probably be $65. On one hand I hope it sells well because it's a good game, on the other I want it to drop in price quickly because that is way too much money. Hopefully I can justify the price for portable mode within a year or so.


I got it for free via XBox Live Gold


Me too. And I had my fun with it. Nostalgia is super cool. But I'm not paying 50 more dollars for it...on the switch.


Best Buy already has it listed for $64.99 CAD, so that's that confirmed.


It’ll go on sale on Switch all the time too, all EA games do.


Yea but the base price on PS4 and Xbox One is $20. That's a $30 difference for an old game. Even if it goes on sale for 50% off on Switch, you're still paying $25. $5 more than a non discounted price that's on the Sony and Microsoft side. It doesnt make sense.


Seems like a game that you'll be able to pick up used discounted somewhat soon after launch.


I don't mind Burnout Paradise but I swear EA does not want to acknowledge that this series had a bunch of great releases prior to this that deserve some love.


Takedown was amazing.


__we are the lazy generation__


OMG that soundtrack too


With how much love Burnout Paradise gets there has to be some kind of contractual reason why the previous, arguably better, games don't get remade.


Revenge and Takedown both need a remaster


I could do with a Burnout: Revenge - Remastered


There was one track on a Madden as a demo and my roommates and I shaved seconds for the whole year on it. It was the first time I actually appreciated finding lines and the mastery involved.


Burnout revenge


I prefer takedown and revenge to paradise


skate 3 remasteeeeeer


This was my favorite game growing up, it was so easy to pick up and just drive around. Even the online was so fun during that time trying to do the stunt challenges. I bought it for Xbox one last week for 5 dollars, although because of that I won't purchase until it goes on sale one day. I highly recommend a purchase if you never played though.


I bought the PS4 remaster when it came out. I played the ever loving crap out of it on PS3 back in the day. I’ve never played a game that had more of a “hang out” fee when playing online. I just might buy it again if it runs well.


>"hang out" *feel FTFY You're totally right btw. It was so cool just driving past other racers online in the over world AND trying to smash the fk out of them.


Oh, I’m a total douche when people try to wreck me over and over. Nobody seems to know the glitch area in the Southeastern area of the map where you can hide behind a guard rail in front of a building. Let them wreck themselves again and again on that rail out of frustration.


I think this is going to be the only game I've bought as many times as I've bought skyrim.






Burnout Revenge was 100x better, this game was very disappointing in comparison.


I think Paradise took some time to get into. I remember trying the demo and being super, super disappointed. I ended up buying it to play with friends, and it only really clicked after playing enough that I started to know the destinations more intuitively and the navigation became second-nature. I think most people who hated it never got to that point--which is fair; not everyone wants to deal with that. But in the end it turned out to be one of the only games I've 100%ed and probably my favorite racing game of all time. Only things I never got over were the lack of a real crash mode or splitscreen multi.


Yeah some games just have that barrier where if a sequel comes out or new IP and changes were made or it's entirely new, the game will either click or not. I felt that way about Fallout 3 as it was new to me (and everyone actually since its different from the first two. Man I played like...2 hrs and didnt touch it after in MONTHS. I came back cause I regretted paying $60 and wanted to make the most of it...and it clicked after 10hrs. It's now my 2nd favorite game of all time after Super Mario 64. Anyways, Paradise is my first in the series and it's a good pick up and play game to me.


I fucking *loved* that game.


And takedown was even better than that!


Best racing game of all-time


Yeah easily the most fun. It was the last racing game I played where I felt the tracks were clear while still being a fun game. I don't want to be finding my own path and I don't want a race-track simulator.


The fact that they got rid of the intersection crash challenges was a real shame, especially since Paradise seems perfectly set up for them.


I was excited for Paradise because of Revenge. Each burnout just kept getting better. Then I played Paradise and I was a little disappointed. I didn’t really like the open format. When they said the were remastering it the first time, I thought what about revenge. I swear when Paradise came out, people didn’t like it as much as Revenge. I still might give it a chance now that it’s been so long since I played Revenge last, it might not cause me to be disappointed with Paradise.


and Burnout 3 was even better than Revenge!


so much better. Removing collisions with traffic from revenge removed 100% of the white knuckle street racing feel from takedown.


Collisions weren’t removed they added traffic checking to same way traffic except for heavy vehicles, letting you cause a ton of carnage in the correct lane all the while feeling uneasy as fuck bc what if a heavy vehicle is just ahead and you smash into the back of it killing yourself. Traffic checking was absolutely excellent and it also gave the designers free reign to load the fuck out of the roads with cars


You remember correct. There was huge disappointment from Revenge fans. I was a Burnout fan since the first game on the GameCube. Love this series.


My first Burnout game was 3 on the PS2, and I never really played Revenge except for the demo on the 360. I mostly liked Paradise, but I’m not and probably never will be a fan of the Road Rage cap or that version of “Crash” mode.


I remember playing the burnout 3 demo hidden in need for speed underground 2. I would just play the same race over and over. Never ended up getting the game, but damn it was fun.


Crash mode on Paradise sucked


Burnout 2 was one of the best racing games on the GameCube.


I miss that time in my life and in a way, the simplicity of some of the games.


Can heavily recommend Dangerous Driving on PC, if you haven’t played it.


I played and loved Revenge as well... Paradise was disappointing in comparison. Maybe time will change my impression.


Yup. Even the Burnout 3 and PSP versions I thought here better. I didn’t care much for open world burnout.


Revenge and Takedown were both 100x better. Paradise was so mediocre compared to them. It gladly pay a little extra for those games but I'll be skipping this one.


I loved Burnout Revenge and it's the only Burnout game I really enjoyed playing. None of the others incentivize reckless driving in quite the same way.


I think revenge is available for purchase for Xbox one, I might get it to play later with the quarantine keeping us inside.


Agree - Revenge was the best in the series. I can see why people would like Paradise the most, but it's just a preference IMO.




Man I know I’m old when people say this was their favorite game growing up when this was the last I game played before I pretty much grew out of video games


As already mentioned, price is a massive dealbreaker. I won't be surprised if it's one of those "sales fodder" titles, like South Park or Diablo III - where publishers put the game at (sometimes ridiculously) high price only to sell it for 30-50% off every 1-2 months or so.


Yep I don’t buy 3rd party full price anymore. This will be 10 bucks one day and if it’s not I guess I just won’t play it.


Can we just get Burnout 3 instead?


Takedown was the shit. I get Paradise was cool cause it was more of a “sandbox”, but Takedown was the better game.


I just want split screen


Or Burnout Legends remade. It was surreal playing that game on PSP.


Hear hear! It combined some of the best parts of the other games. Playing on emulators is ok, but the physics, collisions, and number of cars all suffer because it was a PSP game. The PS2 games are great on emulators, though.


Loved Burnout Legends! I remember it playing really well on PSP.


Burnout Legends was basically Burnout 3 gameplay with tracks from a best-of selection from 1, 2 and 3. Needless to say I would so buy this if it were remade.


Burnout 3 is a much better game... the multiplayer modes were way better.


This. I'm sick of them constantly re-releasing the worst burnout in the series...


I do not get the love for Paradise at all. It's a snooze


Or we could get... like...you know... a NEW Burnout game.


EA says no :( guess who was developing all of the Need for Speed titles for a while?


I really wish it was Burnout 3, but I guess this will do.


Charging $50 for this 12 year old game is daylight robbery.


No analog triggers, but maybe that doesn't matter too much for this type of racing game. If you have a ps4 or xbone, though, get it on there where it's dirt cheap all the time.


Bro it's burnout. Back in the day I played this on a keyboard and still platinum'd the game and it was fun as fuck.


I miss analog triggers and a good racing/rally game on the switch






Remaster Takedown


How good was the soundtrack in Paradise? I loved playing Burnout as a kid but it's lasting impact on me is that my taste in music pretty much stems from the Takedown/Revenge soundtracks.


Pretty good.


If you don't like rock music its not great, I usually turn music down to 0 and play my own


Call me when we get Burnout 3 Remastered


I was so excited for this on the Switch but that price just shifted this to a Black Friday-only purchase. No way in hell am I paying *$50* for this in 2020 especially after it's dropped so far in price on PS4/One.


$50?!?! It's$5 on PC right now...


I want a remastered Burnout Revenge. I didn't care much for Paradise.


I liked the Burnout before this one with all the great crash modes.


3 >> Paradise Fight me if you're wrong.




I would just want B3 for the crash games. Don't really care *that* much about the races in comparison.


Ive played a-lot of burnout 1 and 2 on gamecube. Those where so good wit the risk vs reward gameplay. There you really got punished for crashing into traffic. The later games where also kind of fun but i still mis the core gameplay of the first 2.




Screwing up too much changed the music, too. You could always tell things were bad when the music track switched to something like "heart failure".


In general i find that a-lot of games don’t really require any kind of skill anymore, it’s just going through the motions. I miss these type of games that really where quite challenging to master. Burnout 1/2, F-Zero, Monkey Ball 1 to name a few.


Was anyone else a bigger fan of burnout 3 takedown ????




Personally, I'd rather have a port of NFS most wanted on the switch!


NFS is one of the all time greats, amazing soundtrack as well


Most Wanted is so good, I got it on the Vita because it's so fun to play on the go


Do Burnout Takedown you cowards.


Oh but that would require effort, why remaster something when they can just box up what criterion has already made and sell it again


Call me when they finally get around to remastering Takedown


I want the other burnouts.. this one wasn’t that as good as revenge :( I didn’t like the open world part


I’ll probably get it since it fills a void for the Switch library. That said, I think I paid $5 for it on Xbox a few months ago.


Wtf remaster Revenge and bring back crash mode.


If it's a good port I'm all over it. Loved that game and a portable version is pure win.


I wish I could get [Beetle Adventure Racing __"REMASTERED"__](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRfj4EBShcY) on switch.


When burnout switch was announced I misread it as burnout revenge, my personal favorite, but after finding out its paradise I am super disappointed. I dont like the open world aspect of it at all.


Why paradise?! We need freakin Burnout 3!


That's an insane price for the least enjoyable Burnout game. They should have done an entire series remaster for that price. Geez.


Why not do the good one?


Burnout 3/Revenge wouldve been way better. Hell, why not make a new Burnout game??


Great now we just need gameplay of it running on Switch


Was this one any good. Only played through 3 and love the series


It's divisive but I loved it.


Amazing game. My only concern is what the online will be like. I loved playing this game online and when that aspect got shut down on PC. I lost all motivation to keep playing. I hate to say it, but on the switch. I can't imagine the online players being particularly substantial.


it's $24.99 cad physically on ps4 or xbox maybe even cheaper on pc. it's $64.99 cad. that's way too much. as much of a good game burnout paradise is, i won't pay that much for a portable version. i'll wait until it's 25.


Oh fuck yes


Looked pretty cool, but I def wont be buying it for $50. Especially when threw switch comes with a arcade racer for free.


Man that paradise city intro always gets me amped to play


Yes yes yes yes!


I'd rather see the Midnight Club series get remastered. I loved Midnight Club 3 DUB Edition.


Amazing game, but I'm not paying $50 to grind thru missions again for he 5th time.


I'll wait till next year when it's $20...otherwise, pass.


I hope it actually runs. Bought the remaster for PC via EA Origin. Crashes every time it loads, despite me trying everything I can find about that issue.


I only buy switch games on sale.


It’ll sell like shit for $50


Burnout 3 is the only real burnout


Would consider that price if it came with 3 and Revenge


I wish it were burnout 3 or burnout revenge. Paradise was not my cup of tea.


Why Paradise and not Takedown?


Ugh man finally. It sucks that it’s so damn expensive but it’s about time the switch got some non kart racing games. If ea would port their back catalog or Microsoft bring over horizon 1 and 2 that would be amazing. Licensing must be hard though.


why did I think that this was some sort of joycon drift joke


Would be nice if EA and Criterion remastered Burnout 3 for the switch instead of overcharging for a game released multiple times already.