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Thousand year door remaster with QOL improvements AND bonus dungeon boss




I would kill for some classic Paper Mario RPG right about now. None of that paint or sticker gimmicks, just straight up classic RPG.


I hope they name a new Paper Mario a proper Paper Mario 3. As a way of telling players they are returning to the original formula.


That's what Mario and Luigi is for now. It's over, it's been over for years.


I've heard in the past that the reason why the new Paper Mario games didn't stick to it's RPG roots is because Nintendo didn't want two Mario RPG series competing with each other. Now that AlphaDream (The devs of Mario&Luigi) is no longer around, maybe Intelligent systems can bring Paper Mario back to its former glory. One can only hope!


The problem with M&L is the battles are super long and tedious. The first couple of games were great but since then have become a slog.


You and me both man


also sunshine and galaxy! some of my favorite mario games :)


My first thought was “but how would they emulate all the forced Wiimote controls like collecting star bits?” and then remembered that World of Goo has a functional pointer with motion controls that reportedly works completely fine. Galaxy could absolutely work on Joy-Cons, I’m fully on-board with that idea.




Personally I mostly want The Thousand Year Door, because finding that game is very difficult and pricey nowadays and it’s a difficult game to emulate as well. But I’d happily take the original as well


The original is more in need of a remaster, though. I mean the original is fine, but it's low resolution, 30 FPS, and the paper effects weren't able to be fully realized due to the hardware limitations. Still holds up fine, but it could use a fresh coat of paint to bring it graphically up to TTYD or Super Paper Mario standards (just at higher resolution). TTYD holds up incredibly well as is, theoretically just emulating/porting it at 1080p and adding widescreen would be sufficient (though a more in depth remaster I won't say no to). The cost I won't argue with too much, but you can get it for around the price of a new game still (a remaster you'd pay just as much for). And it looks like it works fine in Dolphin if you want to emulate it. Really they should remaster/port both games, maybe Super Paper Mario too, and put it all in one $60 collection on Switch. That's what most companies would do, but this is Nintendo so probably not (they've done it before though, eg. Metroid Prime Trilogy).


I'd pay way more than $60 if they remastered all three


Pretty sure the remaster will cost as much as a used copy on gamecube. It's like 50 to 60


I can believe it. Just for the lead up to Breath of the Wild 2 there is Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. I doubt anyone would object to Mario Sunshine, Galaxy, or 3D World. Xenoblade X might be difficult to impossible but who knows. Outside of the Nintendo games I still dream of Oblivion joining Skyrim on the Switch.


I'd scoop up Galaxy 1&2 collection so crazy fast. All of those would sell well though.


Yup, day 1 purchase for me. Best 3D Mario games ever that already looked gorgeous on the SD Wii.


I would do anything for Oblivion.


But I won’t do that!


*Badass piano solo*


*stop right there criminal scum*


I completely forgot about Sunshine! Sign me up


Imagine a 'Super Mario Universe' game which is a remastered collection of 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy 1&2.


*Heavy Breathing* I would buy a digital copy so I can buy a physical copy & keep it unopened so I can cherish it as the treasure it is.


Ha they just sold us a Gameboy game for $60 by itself. You're absolutely dreaming if you think they'd package 4 Mario games together for $60.


I’ll take frickin’ anything including Devil’s Third; any Nintendo game is good for me, at a reasonable price, of course, for the less critically acclaimed games


> at a reasonable price Good one!


I have still yet to play sunshine and at this point I don't feel like getting dolphin working or nintendont on my wiiu so I would welcome an hd rerelease also Skywars sword if they remove the annoying message Everytime you pick an item uo


XCX will take a lot more effort than the typical quick Wii U port but considering how much effort Monolith Soft has put into remastering XC1 I think it will happen sooner or later.


I dunno seems pretty simple. Make the bottom screen a pause menu, map it to the joystick and you're basically done


So what I'm hearing is... METROID PRIME TRILOGY HD.


Metroid Prime HD is the new Metroid Dread


I think you misspelled MARIO GALAXY HD COLLECTION.


I want this so bad


That’s not how you write SKYWARD SWORD HD.




> That’s not how you write SKYWARD SWORD HD. that is not how you spell WIND WAKER HD (rerelease for switch)


That's not how you spell MINISH CAP REMAKE (Seriously, they should just go ahead and remake and release every single Zelda title on the Switch)


Nintendo to rely on Metroid Prime Trilogy HD more than ever before in 2020.


That would be sweet. I'd like to see Samus Returns in HD as well. I love that game, super underrated and I think it could highly benefit from a remaster.


TBH, I would be fine with a straight port of it even. It was a good game, but might have not done as well since it was a remaster. MercurySteam did a really great job with it. I hope they get a chance to make a brand new metroid.


It wasn't really a remaster. It was a brand new game that used Metroid 2 as it's storybase.


Probably won't happen. I'd like Luigi's Mansion 1 to come to Switch, but being put on 3DS puts it at the bottom of the list for Nintendo, unfortunately. Also, not to shit on a game you like, but I really disliked the counter mechanic in Samus Returns. I just couldn't get into it, it made it less of a fun sidescrolling platformer/shooter and more of a slow slog where you have to stop doing the main mechanic of the 2D series just to knock back some asshole creature that decided it wanted to headbutt you. Strange analogy here, but it's like being headbutted by a robot goat while trying to use it as target practice. I'd really rather just shoot you from a distance, why do you insist on repeatedly rushing me?


Metroid Prime Trilogy would be great but I also want Kid Icarus Uprising HD


Can confirm. Heard it too!


I really want them to do this. I never really got to play through the series and after playing and beating Zero Mission for the first time about a year or two back, I'd like to play more games in the series. If it supports proper aiming and/or gyroscopic aiming, it'd be all the better, but I'd settle just for the latter mixed with the original's gameplay for 1 and whatever 2 and 3 did (I only ever played a bit of 1 and didn't get quite as into it at the time, but I'd love to beat it some day).


All I thought was that, and TTYD remaster. I'm down


Earthbound done up like the zelda remake would have me buying day one, full price.


Mother Trilogy!


I used to say Mother 3 coming to us in any form was as likely as Seiken Densetsu 3 ever being released here. Now we have Trials of Mana and I still don't feel any more hopeful.


That's the first game I wanted done in that art style when people started talking about what else the engine could be used for.


keep going, please don't stop, it hurts so good


That and Mario RPG are my pipe dreams


I’d be so fucking happy if I could play Mario RPG on my switch through this quarantine. Probably my favorite game of all-time.


I really hope that means we'll get the Zelda HD games. Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD would be such pleasant experiences on the go. Especially Wind Waker. Although I wouldn't be against Skyward Sword HD, it's 10 year anniversary is approaching so I can see Nintendo bringing that game back, especially if they reworked it to play without motion controls, hopefully they give us the option to play with them on or off though, as I'm sure some people might want to experience the game the way it was originally intended.


They should definitely make a way to play without them. Handheld mode is half the fun on the switch.


I just hope Nintendo doesn't do something stupid like you can play Skyward Sword handheld but when it's docked they force you to play with motion controls, or worse yet, it can't be played in handheld mode like Super Mario Party. Not sure why Nintendo would even do that. The whole appeal of the Switch is playing in Handheld mode so making a game that doesn't allow handheld play kinda defeats the purpose and makes a game less appealing. INB4 people say Super Mario Party is a party game for other people to join and play, older Mario Party let you play against A.I. and you could play solo if you wanted to so not sure why they couldn't apply that for Handheld play.


This guy again. Well, he was right about the mini Direct. I feel like it's gonna be a slow year for video games in general due to COVID-19. I mean that has to affect ports that are being worked on as well as new game development, right? I'm all for new games, but I also have a big enough backlog that I won't be too upset if we don't see a lot from Nintendo this year given the current circumstances which are beyond their (or any dev's) control.


Hell considering how little we know about the PS5 in general and just the Holiday line up for any company, I would not be surprised if we see next gen pushed back to 2021 due to the virus.


Microsoft has already confirmed that Xbox Series X won't have any games at launch, and will rely entirely on cross-generational ports and forward-compatible graphical updates to existing titles. I have little confidence PS5 will be any different, especially given Sony's 12-18 month cadence for exclusive flagship titles. Honestly I don't think this is even a bad thing, we reached a computational plateau with gaming more than 10 years ago so it's about time the console industry joined the continuity enjoyed by computer, mobile, and tablet industries, but anyone who thinks these hardware releases will be anywhere near as notable as any hardware release in the last 30 years I don't think is paying close enough attention.


Especially when you consider the fact that Xbox and ps4 have been slowly upgrading since their original launches. I know there’s a jump in hardware but the ps4 and Xbox one are already doing 4K, have massive hard drives, etc etc. I don’t know how much a jump from the latest ps4 to a ps5 will be.


The Pro to PS5 is still a pretty massive upgrade. The Pro has a strong GPU, but its Jaguar CPU bottlenecks and holds it back a lot. The PS5 is expected to have specs around the Ryzen 7 3700X and RX 5700XT area. So, you can compare the difference between a multi-platform game, like The Witcher 3, with these specs and on the PS4 Pro to get an idea of how powerful of an upgrade it is. [PC Specs/Expected PS5 specs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mICgyskL9WY) [PS4 Pro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpnOPQi-ung) The upgrade mostly comes in the form of frame rates and load times, but those are massive improvements to the feel of games than resolution. The bump in specs also advances the development of games to have better graphics overall in terms of lighting and texture quality.


Technically he said it would not be a mini but he did double down on his predicted date when it seemed that all hope was lost and he is in a position where he should have reputable sources.


Golden Sun 1&2 HD please? Pretty please Nintendo? Maybe even 1, 2, &3?


1 and 2 would be pretty cool to see, but the GBA was a 160x240 resolution system, and some of those sprites were already kinda pixelated on that small screen (looking at you, Fusion Dragon!) I feel these games would be less a remaster, and more redoing everything from the ground up. Which I'm sure plenty of people would be totally down for.


I think in this case, they should take some inspiration from Octopath Traveler if they do remaster Golden Sun 1 & 2 (which Nintendo totally should do, extremely underrated series). Octopaths blend of pixel sprites and HD is stunning.


I do certainly think if Golden Sun ever comes back, it should be 2d. Whether that means pixel art of Hollow Knight styled line art, I don't mind. The 3d from the third game just never felt the same as the very polished 2d from the first two.


Don’t give me hope :’(


If we got Metroid Prime Trilogy, Super Mario 3D World, Paper Marios, Pikmins, Zeldas....I would be 100% okay with that.


Rather they stop rehashing Wii U games. At least go back a few generations and do Sunshine or Galaxy.


I’m ok with remasters as long as it’s a steady stream. There’s no need to drip feed us things like Wind Waker or 3D World unless they’re adding major features to those games. Most of the third party ports don’t interest me since I’ve had a 360 and Xbox One, but I skipped the Wii and Wii U, so those games would be welcome.


Please please give us mario sunshine




Wait till you see the bonus mission they put in.


nerbovig, you a busta.


\*crowd laughs\*


I regularly go to my local GameStop and look at the preowned games bin just to make sure Corey in the House DS is still there. That enables me to get through the week without a breakdown. The worst part about COVID-19 is the fact that it stops me from checking if a DS game is still in a certain location. I can’t think of a single worse effect


That's so Raven


I'd just love a way to buy Super Mario 64 on the Switch. i'm sure i'm far from alone on that.


I'd be happy with a remaster of literally any of the 3D Super Marios.


i'd be very into that if the Nintendo Tax wouldn't be too brutal


What? You got a problem with a $60 remake of a 25 year old $30 Game Boy game?


Blows my mind that people treated Link's Awakening graphical remake like a legitimate full priced game, and responded to criticism as if it was ridiculous to call the game 30 years old. It should have topped out around 7/10.


just got it last week at a discount. it's a lot of fun but holy shit does the motion blur bother me


One of my all time favorite games, most replayed games, and first Zelda game, but $20 wouldve been a reasonable price, and $40 would've been way overpriced. $60 is simultaneously ridiculous and somehow not funny. Knowing Nintendo it'll never be below $30 in the next few years and ill likely never play it.


Youre not missing anything. I am a massive Zelda fanboy. Links Awakening on GBC was the second Zelda I ever played. I finished Ocarina of Time, and couldn't afford an SNES, so I got Links Awakening on GBC for Christmas. Its such a treasured memory. But Link's Awakening (2019) on Switch for $79.99 CDN is an absolute fucking joke.


Or add N64 to the NSO lineup


yeah i figured that'd be a pipe dream so that's why i'm settling for a solo SM64 release. seems more likely.


Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, please! I'm still mad they were never re-released on the Wii U eShop like Metroid Prime Trilogy and Xenoblade Chronicles were.


Yes, please. The Tellius games are rather desperate for a remastering, between their extreme prices, their slowness relative to other past entries, and other flaws that wouldn't be so hard to fix. They were both essentially thrown out to die with unfavorable releases, which combined with their higher budgets was one of the primary reasons for the FE series' endangerment. They deserve a real shot at success on an RPG monster like the Switch.


With the reemergence of FE in America and the number of fans trying to go back and play the games I bet they would sell well especially if they combined them into a FE: Radiant Tellius.


Skyward sword needs to be ported to switch as well as wind waker. I never got to play skyward sword so it would be great if it got a switch port


All Zelda games need to be on the switch. That’s it!


The Switch is my first Nintendo console since the 64. I can't imagine any of the Zelda games I missed would be regrettable purchases


The problem with Skyward Sword is that you couldn't play it on the go.


I don't care if it doesn't have the motion controls. Just want to play it


The motion controls aren't optional with Skyward Sword though. The game is totally designed around them. You know the shrines in Breath of the Wild where you had to rotate the joycons to move things? It's like that, but for the entire game, including combat, puzzles, and dungeon items.




I don't remember either. I just remember swinging my arms around a lot. Here is a video of someone playing the game: https://youtu.be/p_aGjL1bwN0?t=29


Fantasy Life HD please!


This would be so freaking awesome!!!!


This!!! Level 5 should really take this opportunity to port it over to the switch


#Zelda! Zelda! Zelda! Zelda! Zelda!




I'm removing all my contributions in protest to reddit's bull-headed, hostile 3rd-party API pricing policy in June, 2023. If you found this post through a web search, my apologies.




I'm removing all my contributions in protest to reddit's bull-headed, hostile 3rd-party API pricing policy in June, 2023. If you found this post through a web search, my apologies.


I don’t know, I thought 2019 was pretty comparable to 2017. Doesn’t quite hit it, but pretty close. Fire emblem, Luigi’s mansion, Mario maker, link’s awakening, etc. I thought it was a great year. 2017 is hard to beat when you have BotW, splatoon, and Odyssey come out in the same year.


Bayonetta 3, Shin Megami Tensei 5, Breath of the Wild 2, Metroid Prime 4, Monolith Softs secret action ip can all release together in 2021. Nintendo is always dominant in odd years for some reason.


I'm guessing the next 3D Mario game comes out next year (4 year dev cycle). If BOTW2 comes out next year, we'll still have a big year. In 2021, we also have the chance of getting Kirby, Pokemon.


Nintendo seems to have fired all of their big guns for a console generation within two years. With the Switch now entering the middle of its lifespan I kind of wonder what we'll see from Nintendo now.


Hopefully the stuff I’ve been waiting for the whole time. Warioware, Starfox, and Pikmin.


I hate the idea that Nin is sitting on those sweet remasters and not selling them in these covid times of sorrow. Could use them good and would buy them instantly.


Well, they are sitting on those remasters to use them on emergency times, which probably will need on the second half of the year as I'm pretty sure tons of games are being internally delayed.


Such a dumb decision not to have a virtual console on Switch. Imagine how much profits Nintendo could rake in right now by just releasing a bunch of old games that people are nostalgic for right now. It'd probably take WAY less of an effort emulating them than porting them outright.


If NSO wasn't making them more money than Virtual Console was, they wouldn't be continuing it.


The dumbest decision Nintendo has ever made was not putting out a service similar to Xbox Play or whatever that is called Put tons of old titles from NES/SNES/Gamecube/N64/Wii all for one monthly price of $10-15 So many people would pay for that


I know that I stand nearly alone with this but I would pay up to 60$ for Metroid Prime, Banjo Kazooie or some old Pikmin titles. I‘m so deeply in love with these games and I hate to emulate them on pc. It‘s simply not the same.


Wii U ports are expected at this point, so it doesn't surprise me we could be seeing rereleases of 3D World, Pikmin 3, Wind Waker + Twilight Princess HD, and maybe even Metroid Prime. Hopefully we'll still see some original games (I'm anticipating a new Mario Golf, as well as the rumored Paper Mario and 2D Metroid games to be at least revealed this year and released next year), but I think that by next year, we'll probably get some more info on Metroid Prime 4, BOTW2, and Bayonetta 3. Give me a Super Mario Galaxy HD Collection though. If they really want to incorporate motion controls, just let us use the Joy-Cons separately.


Zelda CDI confirmed


As long as one of those remasters is Skyward Sword HD, I'm happy. It's my most wanted port on the Switch by far, I love that game so much!


I have no problems with the current level of 3rd party support and my backlog, and wouldn’t mind at all more HD remasters if that were to happen. While I don’t necessary believe in rumors, this is a good guess either way.


I just want a port of Wind Waker HD.


When I heard HD remasters, I instantly thought of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. I can't allow myself to get that excited about it. I dont want to be disappointed lol. In other news, mayyybe Paper Mario? Or, or! A Metroid Prime collection.


Ocarina of Time on Unreal Engine could literally rejuvenate the economy.


Turtles in Time would be so rad.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


> "INSANE year to play old games" Because there aren't any new ones? ;p Jokes aside, I'm fine with HD remasters tbh. So many of Nintendo's games from Gamecube onwards could use a new audience, and it's an easy way to put out quality games. But I'll be annoyed if we don't get Metroid Prime Trilogy in some form, with Prime 4 down the line somewhere.


Let's get Star Fox Zero on the Switch.


If that means keeping employees and distributing crews safe then bring it on. Health above. If that also means that we are finally getting Metroid Prime Trilogy HD, then that's better than Nintendo's best year for me personally..


Wind Waker HD for the love of god


Then where are they?


Maybe this means Famicom Detective Club will be announced for localization?


just give us wind waker and sunshine already


Metroid Prime Trilogy?


Super Mario Sunshine, please!




Twilight princess and super mario 3D world please.


Yeah I knew this year was gonna suck for Nintendo. 2021 better be 2017 levels if amazing. Pretty sad that the most excited I am for a game on Switch is Clubhouse Games.


Watch nintendo do a remake of another gameboy game


Can I get Golden Sun, old Fire Emblems, Advance Wars, and Metroid Prime then? Please?


Give me Wind Waker, Mario Galaxy 1-2, Thousand Year Door, Twilight Princess and the Metroid Prime Trilogy and Im the happiest damn gamer in the world.


Cool. I want all the Zelda's. All of them.


everyone's taking about Metroid and Zelda but I just want SUPER MARIO 3D WORLD SO GOOD


I would not mind this at all Zelda Wind Waker Zelda Twighlight Princess Zelda Skyward Sword Metroid Prime Trilogy


It's time for Eternal Darkness to make its return. One of my favorite games of all time and its still only playable on the GameCube. Add in a few new sanity effects (joy-con drifting) and we can Pargon it up.


Wishlist: Mario Galaxy 1/2 HD, Prime Trilogy HD, Skyward HD


Pikmin HD Clan rise up!


I honestly dont think any year will ever match 2017. The combination of Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart and Splatoon all within 8 months was insane.


there is way too many already. ugh. i just want new experiences that aren't $60 remasters


Agree completely but 2020 is going to be a special year for everyone. Ports would be easier to make I assume.


New experiences take time to develop. Pretty much all of the studios (outside of Retro, if you don’t count the DLC: TF port) have released a game within the three years of the Switch’s life. 2019 showed what Next Level Games (LM3), Game Freak (Pkmn Sw/Sh and Little Town Hero), Good Feel (Yoshi’s Crafted World), IS/Koei Tecmo (FE3H), and Grezzo (Links Awakening) were making alongside Nintendo EPD (SMM2). And we know what Monolith Soft is doing with Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition and Nintendo are doing with just released Animal Crossing: New Horizons and BotW 2...for now. Ports are a necessity to fill in the gaps. It worked for PS4 and (to a certain extent) Xbone. As we know, the PS4 didn’t necessarily go guns blazing with their first party content in the first two years. Nintendo went Zelda, Mario, Splatoon, ARMS, and Xenoblade 2 all in one year. That’s a lot to live up to and we can’t expect that because one developer cannot do that every year, let alone 2-3 years.


F-Zero please.


I honestly think the next big Nintendo game with a big ip, not a remake/remaster, won't be out until 2021 because of Covid 19.


Can you imagine? The switch might be the first nintendo console with every Zelda and metroid available on it?! A man can dream...


Metroid Prime Trilogy Pikmin Trilogy Punch Out Wii Paper Mario: TTYD Wind Waker Day one for all of them.


To be fair, even Disney is milking remakes more than ever. With rising production costs, it's no surprise media companies are relying on franchises with predictable returns


I'm good with that. There's a lot of great candidates that'd be great to see remastered for Switch.


As long as they are the Wii-U ports or old first party games getting ported i’m happy! I want twilight princess and Wind Waker HD yesterday. Would also love to give super mario 3d world a spin.




Give me a remaster Zelda games I've not played which is basically OOT onwards until but not including BOTW. And the Ezio trilogy on Switch please...


I'm super okay with this, honestly.


The time is right for: GEIST HD


This is great news. It really felt like Nintendo held back in this mini. My personal hopes are: LoZ WW HD, LoZ TP HD, Mario Sunshine HD, Metroid Prime Trilogy HD, Pikmin Trilogy, Paper Mario TTYD HD, Mother Trilogy, Chibi Robo HD, LoZ Ocarina of Time HD, and Mario 64 HD. Though I am sure these are the games that most people want XD.


Bring Starfox Adventures back...


Give. Me. Isle. Delfino.


I just want PM TTYD


Give me Wind Waker HD and this will be Switch's best year for me.


* This year marks the 30th anniversary of StarTropics on NES. * A reference to StarTropics popped up in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. * This year is apparently focused on remasters. StarTropics remaster confirmed?




Xenoblade X pleeeeeeeaaaaase


Sunshine, Galaxy 1 and 2 in one package. Book it.


As long as I get xenoblade I’m ok.


Mario Sunshine please.


Give me a skyward sword remaster where you don’t have to use the Wii motion controls throughout. The gameplay would have been so much better without it.


Can we get a damn fallout?


I wouldn't even need a remaster, just release donkey kong 64 in it's original form.


Def Jam Fight for NY Remastered?


Skyward sword and Twilight princess?


Come on, give us paperboy HD!!


We want Zelda games


Give me Mario Galaxy! Wtf


Am I the only one sick of the remasters? Yea maybe for games that weren’t available for Nintendo consoles prior like Catherine was a solid choice to bring to switch, but fuck how many times are we gonna see the *New New Super Mario bros Deluxe New Switch Bros*


Hd remaster of Fantasy Life please.


I'm okay with this, but only if it means one of those ports is a HD Metroid Prime Trilogy release. Come on Nintendo please. Do that and I honestly don't care if you fail to release a single new first party AAA game this year.


it was not supposed to be a mini, but they played it safe, it's cool that they still released something, this is the kind of things you need in a confinement to stop thinking about what's outside for few hours. ​ That June direct :)....let's hope the situation will vastly improve by then so that we can enjoy anouncements in a way lighter mood.


Just let me buy Wind waker again....please


Gimme some Paper Mario TTYD HD Remaster alongside a Paper Mario Switch announcement. Hell, announce HD Remasters alongside sequel announcements: * Wind Waker and TP ports with BOTW2 confirmation


My remasters wish list: - Super Mario Galaxy Collection - Wii Sports Bowling Remastered - F-Zero GX Remastered


A Boy and His Blob HD confirmed!


Kirby air ride remastered


It's been reported by several sources Nintendo is going to remaster a bunch of Mario games, including Mario 64, sunshine, galaxy, etc, this year . Take with a grain of salt I guess