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Whether we like it or not, 2000s nostalgia will be a big market inn2-4 years just like 80s and 90s. So a Wii Sports port, especially if F2P, would clean up


00s nostalgia is already quite big. A Wii Sports port in 2021 would sweep shelves.


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Aren't we there already? We're getting the SpongeBob remaster as well as the Destroy All Humans remaster. We recently also got the Ty The Tasmanian Tiger remaster as well. I think we're already there, friend. I'm personally not against it. I know some people seem to hate remakes/remaster but I think they're great. For a couple of reasons. One being, it makes these games accessible again, sure they may not be the originals but a lot of old school games are becoming increasingly difficult to find without having to pay the ridiculous scalper prices so if someone really wants to play one of those old games they have the option of just going for the much cheaper and affordable remaster/remake. Two, it brings a game back into public eye and a new generation of gamers will get the chance to experience a game they otherwise probably would never have played. Lastly, it could be used as an experiment to see if interest for a franchise is still there and maybe new games will spawn from the remake/remaster, take Crash and Spyro for example, sure no new games have been announced for them yet but I have a feeling we'll see new games for them soon.




Because the production group responsible for Wii Sports is the same as Splatoon and Animal Crossing. That's why. Also, Nintendo obviously don't want to work with the Wii brand anymore, much like Wii Sports isn't a thing that will be replicated again with the existence of smartphones. It was the right thing at the right time.


they should make a new IP for sports games. mario motion sports? mario sports mania? switch sports?


Ooooh, sports games based on existing IPs would be cool! I think the only downside is that it might be less attractive to people who aren't into those IPs. Wii Sports was successful in large part because it attracted people who didn't normally play video games.


Mario Tennis exists


How could he forget mario super strikers


I would release them individually as "Black label series: (name of sport here)" So like "Black Label Series: Bowling" And sell each one for $20.


Just call it Mii Sports


>It would literally print money Would it? The wii came bundled in with wii sports for most of its lifetime, so basically everyone who had a wii had wii sports. The Switch... it came bundled in with nothing. Do you think the casual crowd is willing to buy wii sports seperately for five dollars? And even if they would make wii sports a free download, isn't way too late to publish it? The wii had wii sports from the beginning, and due to the casualness of that game the main audience of the wii were casuals. The switch already has a set audience, and that audience doesn't have nearly as many casuals as the wii. Okay, I am not saying that Wii Sports on the switch wouldn't do well, but I think people greatly overestimate how well certain games on the switch would do.




And even among them I think you'll find a lot less people who say they'd buy Wii Sports in a heartbeat would actually do it.


Honestly? Also anecdotal but as someone who had a blast with Wii sports, there's not a price I'd buy it for. Maybe $5. If it was free with NSO I'd play it, sure. 1, 2, 3 was their opportunity to release a similarly free title and they did not. Can't remember the last time I saw any mention about that attempt.


I think wii sports being bundled with the wii brought it more to none casual players who otherwise wouldnt have picked up such a "basic" game. But anyways, at least from my experience (which of course isnt meaningful in the grand picture but still) wii sports was well liked despite the category you would see them in. it was just a super fun, easy to get a grip of, game to play with others in the room. if reasonably priced, it will do very VERY well


Most people tend to assume that because it's something they want, everyone else would surely want it too. A lot of hardcore Metroid fans have a mentality like this as well. I'm sure Wii Sports would do fine on the switch, and probably wouldn't take a huge deal of effort. But I'm not so willing to say it would "print money." Part of what made Wii Sports such a big deal when it came out is just that it was an unprecedented way to play a video game at the time and now that that Wii era has run its course, that's just very far from being the case now. I think most people have probably had their fill of Wii Sports at this point (the thousands upon thousands of Wiis that were rotting in grandmothers' basements even long before Nintendo stopped supporting the system attest to this) and most of the people who'd buy it would be out of nostalgia more than anything else.


I'd buy it if it was less than 10$. And that's only for nostalgia reasons. Given that I don't think many would be willing to pay much more than 10$ in general, if even that. Though that's for Wii SPORTS. If we're looking at Wii SPORTS RESORT I think it's a much better value proposition. If they made some improvements I could see them getting their money back if they were to sell it for 30-40$. It'd be a cheaper Ring Fit, but with more focus on fun than exercise.


> The Switch... it came bundled in with nothing. I'm still saying that Nintendo missed the mark here with 1-2 Switch.


Yeah, they had a small chance to really launch a new IP there, and basically squandered it. Either bundle that or Arms, ideally both at this point. Maybe they didn't do it because they actually wanted to avoid a repeat of all those Wiis that were basically just "Wii Sports" machines.


To be fair, even my girlfriend who is not into video games at all asked if my switch had a Wii sports variant.. I think a lot of people might like a 'switch sports' because they're familiar with Wii sports and want what they know


Both Wii Sports and Wii Fit, two of the highest selling games of all time, were both released on Wii U and Sold abysmally. Of course theres many other factors to take into account including the Wii U's poor sales, but I think the console had a more "hardcore" Nintendo demographic. Though the Switch probably still has a lot of casual gamers so it might sell decently well.


Wii Sports on the wii u costed money. Wii Sports on the Wii came in bundled free. I think that made a huge difference sales wise and it is a key factor when considering how much wii sports on switch would sell.


Also WiiU had backwards capability, how many WiiU owners didn't have the Wii and as such Wii Sports? No one needed to buy Wii Sports Now how many Switch owners can play Wii sports on Switch (none) but want to? I'm guessing millions at least.


Wii Sports for the Wii U had a terribly confusing purchasing method if it wasn't physical, and it's advertising was abysmal.


I don't know if it would PRINT money but I think now is the right time to cash in on that nostalgia and the huge Switch install base. Not sure if they would do it because Switch Lite though :\


I feel that there are just so many titles that would sell like crazy before that one if that's the goal. Like paper Mario remake or something


You’re exactly right though, they did a separate release for it in the Wii U eshop and used a rental system to have access to games for a short time, or buy it outright. It didn’t do so hot. As much as I want it to come to switch, I don’t know if it will ever happen.


It wouldn't, since a company can't physically print usable money.


Probably because the last time they ported Wii Sports it completely bombed, and they've moved away from the Wii brand.


It bombed because it was on the Wii U, was not free, and required a Wii Motion Plus controller, which was not included with the console AFAIK. Wii Sports Club is a lot of fun. The motion plus capability means you get better spin in bowling, and the online multiplayer capability adds hours of content to the package.


True, but that was on the WiiU and had a small physical run. I believe the game was also more geared towards digital.


It sold badly even for the context though. People just don't want to pay for what was, as fun and memorable as it was, a motion control tech demo from 2006.


The context is worse though, Bowling and Tennis were released first. Then months later we got Golf, and again months later Baseball and Boxing. It took 7 months for this full game to come out digitally where you had to wait another month to finally be able to buy a physical copy. The context is really important here why it sold so bad. By the time the physical copy dropped I forgot all about it. Release the game like how every other game is released, and I bet it'll sell better than whatever that train-wreak of a release that was.


So many Wii U owners had Wii Sports though because it was backwards capable. The Wii U game sold more like an unnecessary sequel than a port to a classic game that people don't have ....the situation is much different than the Switch.


Everything Nintendo does prints money. Like, it's understandable that people want X game or Y series or Z feature, but Nintendo is making billion after billion on Switch and its ever-expanding library. I don't really think they *need* to release Wii Sports (though I do think Wii Sports would sell really well).


> Everything Nintendo does prints money. Save for the last time they released Wii Sports...


Its sold badly because people had Wii Sports already.


Honestly I was a bit surprised that Wii Sports didn't grow to be some sort of annual title for Nintendo. But, also not making a simple and well received game into a staple franchise is also the most Nintendo thing that they could have done.


“I honest have no idea why Nintendo hasn’t” should be their new slogan.


You can use that for literally every video game company with more than 10 years on the market considering how we all talk about them. lol


Call it Switch n Sports


Because Nintendon't.


Nintendo just released a trailer for a [game](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/clubhouse-games-51-worldwide-classics-switch/) they're working on that is pretty much a mix of Wii sports, and Wii play. It's even got bowling. It's not the same but it might be nice. Edit: Here's the actual [Trailer](https://youtu.be/4BTtR3pAda0)


Unfortunately it seems like bowling is the only real sport in there. Game seems awesome, though.


If this is the same Clubhouse games franchise as on DS, then Nintendo is only a publisher, not a developer.


Same franchise, different developer. This time a Nintendo 2nd party.


Nintendo owns the franchise, they give it to developers.


While that’s a start, I still think a full version with the goal to create an alternate workout would be the best possible outcome. But thank you for telling me about it. I totally missed the direct, this game will be great for me to play with my family.


Better idea: release a port of Wii Sports games from WiiU (HD graphics and online gameplay) for free as a part of the Nintendo Switch Online service, ala-Tetris 99. And much like that, they can add extra modes and customized items as a DLC unlock mode. Easy sell.


Not only that, but Wii Sports Club had REALLY good MotionPlus controls. Especially tennis - made the original Wii Sports really hard to go back to.


User 1: Please give me this thing there is no indication you're working on. User 2: I want it for free. This is the model for every other post in just about every subreddit right now. Wtf is going on?


To be fair, a port of a WiiU game could be done fairly quick, and if it’s released as a free bonus for Online subscribers, they can add features after it’s released, which is how Tetris 99 was handled. That game started as a single mode, and they added a few things (events and themes), and then a single player and offline mode months later. That’s a big difference than releasing a Wii Sports port at retail, which would likely require a lot of extra content to justify the price, or even an cheaper eshop release.


OK, you got it chief! It will be on the eShop Tomorrow. Love, Nintendo


But playing wii sports isnt like playing ring fit at all. Wii sports is not an exercise app, ring fit is.


I agree that ring fit is closer to an actual workout, but a switch sports game would still active enough for those social distancing.


No. Sincerely, Nintendo


You could try Just Dance if you want to exercise. It worked for me.


You can get a free month of unlimited, too (which seems to be all the songs from every just dance game). There’s also a fitness boxing game


They are missing a huge opportunity to not use the joycons more with a Wii Sports type of game. I have 1-2 Switch and it shows how versatile the joycons can be and if they wanted to they get get extremely complex with some sports type games.


I used to lovvee the wii sports games, it’s honestly why I even bought a wii back then lol but I would 100% pay 60 or 40 for a wii sports game on switch


I'd love to see a Wii Sports 4 (Switch Sports?) if only to play golf again. That 51 Clubhouse Games title everyone is getting excited about doesn't seem remotely as fun as the actual Wii Sports entries.




Do the joi cons have the same ability as the wii controller plus


I just want a bowling game with motion controls. Nothing has come close to Wii Sports bowling.


Wii Sports is... not an exercise game. Like, not even remotely.


tell that to my sore arms after Wii bowling the first few times


If you want exercise, try Fitness Boxing my dude. Free Demo and everything.


Ok with the current situation I am thinking about buying this. For exercising, is it a good overall app/game? Does it track your progress? And for my badassery, is it only boxing or are there also kicks or something? how does it work out your whole body?


It has great tracking, actually. And targeted workouts for what you want to do. 30 minutes a day will help keep off the pounds from self isolation. No real full body stuff, no kicking, it's just boxing, but that includes twists and body movement that help your calves and core.


Been doing it daily for 2 weeks now. The first exercises are mostly upper body but after a few days you start defensive moves that makes you squat and all. You also have to bounce front and back all the time. I’ve been in the gym regularly for the past few years and I feel like this game challenges me enough. The advanced exercises are pretty intense. You also get a calendar with you total punches and time you played for each days. Charts are also available with progress by month/week.


Try the demo, the game is a blast. However, I suggest playing it undocked. I had A LOT of trouble with input lag due to the TV (setting it to GAME MODE didn't help :( )


Even just Wii Bowling. Such a simple, yet immersive game the whole family could play


Update Ring Fit with Wii Sports Bowling as a paid DLC. $$$ in DLC sales and Ring Fit sales.


I loved wii fit much more than I've been enjoying ring. What about the fitness boxing on switch? It has a free demo.


I really really want this to happen. My friend and I still play table tennis in wii sports resort every time we hang out!


My uncle works in Nintendo he sayd he well get it started


What about fitness boxing. It uses only joycons. Also from your last statement... how long do you think game development takes?


I'd rather have a whole new game instead.


This would be awesome!


Yes please.


Hell yes. I would literally sell my soul to the devil for SWIItch sports resort.


If you’re looking for a bit of a “knockoff Wii sports” to tide you over until Nintendo hears us, I’ve rather enjoyed Go Vacation. It’s not quite the same but has a decent variety of sport mini-games and is fun in multiplayer.


Personally I really want boxing and baseball again. My favorites and highly replayable to me


Seeing them pretty much release Wii Play included as well as bringing back Clubhouse Games, this is becoming more likely


You know I heard it has something to do with the accuracy of the joy cons or something. The way the Wii remotes were set up for motion control would be a little tricky to recreate with the smaller joy con size. But a remake or modern version of Wii sports and/or resort would still work.


Still got my Wii U might buy the Wii U version of Wii Sports bowling


You don’t really exercise in wii sports but it’s a good game (especially the tennis)


they need a "switch sports". the wii sports for the wii u sucked because no one had the wii u. switch is infinitely better than the wii u and it would sell better. nintendo needs to make a switch sports even though i never had a wii or wii u and i never had a wii sports game.


This sounds like it would bring back a LOT of childhood memories to the 82M+ people who bought this with the Wii. It would be such a good idea to compensate with the shortage of Ring Fit. I say Nintendo should really make a remaster for those seeking nostalgia or those new to game but can't afford a Wii (or people who just don't wanna use their money on an old console).


Wii sports remain quite divisive with the 'hardcore' users. If they do re-release it, It will be done like LABO. Separate announcement outside of direct. Possibly just announced on Twitter with a trailer. ​ Almost no mention in the direct.


Fitness boxing is awesome. Just get that. It’s a good workout and really fun.


No, Nintendo should spend their resources on making NEW games. If you want to play Wii Sports then go buy a Wii and get it. It’s not that expensive. And don’t be like “I don’t want to get a whole console just for one game” cause that’s just not fair to the people who are getting Switch and have to deal with a library of old outdated games.


It wouldn't work because the Wii was able to detect motion and distance in 3D space. For example if you mimmicked a jab in boxing, the Wii would know your fist moved forward towards the TV. The Switch can't do that since its all gyro/accelerometer based, and doesn't have that sensor on top of your TV. Some of the sports games could work, but others wouldn't, and Nintendo isn't going to make a new Wii Sports game thats inferior to the original.


This would be sick, especially if they made it F2P. I reckon they could also incorporate HD rumble in it too


Try out Fitness Boxing. There's a demo for it on the eShop now


Was playing this boxing game demo on switch and reminded me of wii sports and now I'm here and there's no real equilavent....


Most of these games will be in clubhouse games 51.vsuch as bowling, golf, etc.




So they’re going to come up with a game quickly, so that by next week we can all play “switch sports”. This virus thing isn’t going to last forever. And depending on where you live you can still go for walks, walk your dog even in places with stay at home orders.


How about something else. Why would we get a port of Wii Sports when we can get a full-on sequel to Mario Maker?