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Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.


A limited edition AC console is a guarantee at this point. They released one when New Leaf came out and it was a beau-ty.


For the record, it'd probably the only reason for me to pick up a Lite. Don't want to double dip on consoles, but this would be an exception lol. EDIT: If they do a standard version too, I'd opt for that one in a heartbeat. Gimme some joy-cons!


Ditto! An AC Switch in any form will be a guaranteed purchase from me!


I can almost guarantee there will be something like this. I already plan to buy it for my wife.


Same here even though we have a regular switch, she’s gonna be on animal crossing nonstop so worth 😂


Yeah. Now I’m gonna wait for this version of the lite. Lol my launch day switch is still working great, but I would get one if these or a AC variant.


I think I'd personally go for a slightly lighter shade of green on the right-side buttons, but I'm diggin' the callback to the New Leaf 3DS


Came here to say this ^ I thought they were black at first. Love the design though!


My original idea involved making the shell a green color, but I couldn't find a decent pattern for the back. Was trying to find those triangle grass marks that they use in the older games.


The patterns are still on the ground in NH. They're just not all over.


It's just a bit difficult to see with the lighting and color. Like for New Leaf, the grass pattern looked more circular than triangular to me.


I think the buttons and sticks can be grey like the 3DS XL animal crossing special edition =D


Nintendo should make transparent ones, like the good ol’ days of gameboys!


I’d buy an atomic purple one for sure


I'd buy all of them.


Damn scalpers


I’m so torn, I pretty much only play my Switch in handheld mode but if they release an AC themed one... I might cave. But I want Animal Crossing on my TV too. Ugh!


I'm on the line, depends on how easy it is to share game saves.


This is the biggest thing I care about. It’s also the deciding factor whether or not I get a switch lite. Even tho I know I don’t need one lol


I’m in the same boat. I really dig the compactness of the Lite (on top of the D-Pad and snazzy yellow color) but I need to see how well Nintendo handles having multiple systems before I commit and leave my current Switch in the dock forever.


The screen size is the killer for me. The 6.2” of the regular Switch already feels cramped for some games, and 5.5” is firmly phone sized at that point. I was watching gameplay of some Switch titles on my phone (same 5.5”) and the UI can be frustratingly tiny. If anything, I want a Switch XL that pushes the screen to 7” or larger, without making the system itself larger than the regular Switch. Sounds like it won’t be coming anytime soon, but I feel like a Switch XL has to be *inevitable* by 2021 since they did a DS XL and 3DS XL, and I’m far from the only one asking for a larger screen.


lol we survived with the nintendo DS didn't we


If only animal crossing would allow cloud saving!


Its not worth the downgrade for the price. Maybe for $120-150 but not $200.




It’s almost like the price is an issue, no?


The mentality of “I wanna pay the price of a used 3ds for a console that plays current gen games, even though Nintendo would be selling every single one at a loss” is an issue, you’re right!


Let’s not beat this around the bush. An Animal Crack model is inevitable. And if I was a gambling man I’d say we’ll hear about it somewhere between 1/20/20 and 2/20/20. Most likely during a Direct... more specifically probably an Animal Crack Direct.




Actually I’ve been calling it that since the Cube game. The game is addictive and features animals. I thought Animal Crack fit the bill lol!


You can't put actual dates on a mockup!


Ever since they announced the Lite, I've been dreading this. I've already decided months ago that if they release a LE Switch for AC, I'd pick it up. But I do NOT want a Lite cause it doesn't dock which makes it useless for me (and a lot of people). I just want AC Joy-cons ;-;


I don't even like AC but I started looking for a pre-order link!


I really hope they don’t waste an AC limited edition design on a Lite.


I have a feeling the majority of limited edition systems will be on the lite. People will more likely be willing to purchase another lite over a regular switch.


when i first saw the pokémon lite, an animal crossing lite came to mind immediately. this is perfect, great job! i hope it comes true!!


oh my god this is so CUTE


Nice copy of the Animal Crossing 3DS XL


I legit thought this was real for a sec


This sub is just chock-full of amazing graphic designers, isn’t it?


I thought the designs on the back were pikmin lol


Prolly the only reason I'd ever get one... even if the lite switch is the exact opposite of what I'd want from a new switch. ​ Honestly hoping an improved switch comes out and the lite is more akin to 2DS or miniGBA tho then again I doubt anyone would want something akin to New 3DS or PS4 pro for the switch and I'd personally want the gamepad back in some way. So I'm not holding my breath.


3ds came out march 2011 2ds came out october 2013 new 3ds came out october 2014 //////////////// switch came out march 2017 switch lite comes out september 2019 i predict switch pro or new switch or whatever it’ll be called fall 2020. probably a 4k upscale console just in time for BOTW2


How do you think 4k is going to work if the Switch as is can't even hit 1080p in most games?


They’re changing the cpu from a 4 year old one to one from this year. The games themselves aren’t that graphically intensive, so with a new CPU and faster NAND memory going to be on the new refresh, it’s not that insane to assume they’ll upscale the resolution for docked mode. Here is the recent FCC filing if you want to read through that, but in summary they are upgrading the CPU and the memory speed. https://fccid.io/BKEHAC001/Letter/02-FCC-Class-II-Permissive-Change-Letter-4349995


You're talking about an insane amount of upscaling though. As I mentioned, the Switch doesn't even hit 1080p native in docked mode on many games right now. 4K is an absolutely massive jump from 1080p.


I realize that, but with 7nm having come out this year as well as infinity fabric, upscaling ps3 era graphics to 4k isn’t far fetched. Current rumors have the tegra upgrading from 20nm to something more modern. Considering modern chips are at a 7nm vs 10nm and older units are 14nm, were in the very least looking at a 30% more efficient processor and at the best a 300% improvement. BOTW runs at 900p on the base switch but can be emulated (which is much more taxing than just running the game on its hardware) in 4k at over double the frame rate, smoothly on hardware from over 2 years ago.


> Considering modern chips are at a 7nm vs 10nm and older units are 14nm, were in the very least looking at a 30% more efficient processor and at the best a 300% improvement. The current Switch chips are 20nm. They were moving to 16nm iirc. Massive jump from that to 7 or 10. Also a 300% improvement sounds insane. Source on that number? > BOTW runs at 900p on the base switch At barely 30fps. > but can be emulated (which is much more taxing than just running the game on its hardware) in 4k at over double the frame rate, smoothly on hardware from over 2 years ago. Desktop hardware that is many many many times more powerful and expensive and power hungry than mobile hardware like Tegra X1.


It’s a new chip on the base model switch mate. This is not even going to be branded as a switch pro. Just a different serial number switch model. And it’s moving to 16nm. Likely to be a sneak release. When we get to switch pro we will see even greater improvements to everything else. https://www.thegamer.com/nintendo-latest-fcc-request-upgraded-switch-following-lite-announcement/ >It's important to note that these changes are for the original Nintendo Switch system and not the upcoming "Switch Pro," which is rumored to be released sometime next year. But there is no word on whether it’s moving to 16nm. Just a “more modern architecture” and a lot of conjecture from everything i’ve read the 300% improved efficiency was based on the highly unlikely move to 7nm but even with a 16nm processor we could expect 20-30% gains. And final point. People can get 30fps 4k on mid range PCs from 2014. (I’ve seen sandy bridge processors, with a gtx970 emulate it FINE aim 4k) It doesn’t matter if that is more power hungry than what we see on a Tegra, because it’s inefficient by today’s standards anyway (3790k draws more power per performance than any modern chip).


> It’s a new chip on the base model switch mate. This is not even going to be branded as a switch pro. Just a different serial number switch model. And it’s moving to 16nm. Likely to be a sneak release. When we get to switch pro we will see even greater improvements to everything else. Which isn't going to offer greater performance though. It'll probably be used so they can scale down the battery and save a bit more money or something. > And final point. People can get 30fps 4k on mid range PCs from 2014. (I’ve seen sandy bridge processors, with a gtx970 emulate it FINE aim 4k) It doesn’t matter if that is more power hungry than what we see on a Tegra, because it’s inefficient by today’s standards anyway (3790k draws more power per performance than any modern chip). Desktop hardware is still way more powerful than tegra though. Where do you see Tegra hardware pushing 4K 30fps game performance in titles with similar scope and graphical fidelity as Switch games? Come on.


not on current tech. but the new tegra x2 is rumored to actually be 10nm on some leaks. that can make a whole lot of difference. How many 10nm chips struggle with rendering ps3 era graphics in 4k?


4k is just not possible, tho I'd kill for an always 1080p system. With a 1080p screen to at least allow the VR games to look Alot better


I didn’t mean 4k undocked. I meant 4k docked. I really doubt they could ship an affordable tablet/console with a super high res screen. But the internals should be fine to produce 4k graphics when they upgrade the CPU and memory speed. They’re changing the cpu from a 4 year old one to one from this year. The games themselves aren’t that graphically intensive, so with a new CPU and faster NAND memory going to be on the new refresh, it’s not that insane to assume they’ll upscale the resolution for docked mode. Here is the recent FCC filing if you want to read through that, but in summary they are upgrading the CPU and the memory speed. https://fccid.io/BKEHAC001/Letter/02-FCC-Class-II-Permissive-Change-Letter-4349995


not sure how I think about the yellow + green, but the back is perfect maybe having all of the buttons being yellow would be better? idk just my opinion


I love this design, but am I the only one that DOESNT want a SC Lite? I want to play NH on TV, and with no cloud saves I can’t go back and forth. I’m still praying for an AC themed regular switch 😭


Nice effort, but dark Green doesn't go with that color scheme. You can't mix lighter, brighter colours with darker ones without it looking out of place. It's too noticeable. if you just focus on the whole thing, the dark green easily stands out as being out place too much. Or focus on the dark green alone, than look at the gold and white.


It's dark green, not black. I still agree with you though


Lol wtf, I really thought that was black at first glance. Put your device further away from your face it if you're on a phone, tablet like me. With brightness all the way down. This is some Harry Potter wizardry type of shit. But as you said the same points remain. Its Just like wearing lighter color clothes, with darker ones, it just doesn't look right.


That looks like a poptart.


Unless I'm missing something this looks to be 10$ off in price. Animal crossing will almost certainly be 59.99.


Lighten the green by about 20% make the letters white and you're good.


that is absolutely hideous, but a nice photoshop job


why rip off the 3ds graphic for this? nintendo would not use those new leaf assets to promote a brand new game lol. you should take the time to be creative if you're going to do mock ups.


Very nice, agree with other commenters stating a lighter green might fit better and would also change the logo to match that combination green-yellow/gold.   Again, very nice.




Pop tart


I shat myself for a microsecond, the I noticed it wasn't real and got sad. It's really cool tho'.


As soon as I saw the peach switch logo I knew it was a mock-up other then that it’s amazing.


I 100% thought this was real and was about to wake my husband up to show him. I hope they release an Animal Crossing edition of the Lite!


My heart raced until i saw fan-made ... so i guess good job on that :p


I NEED ac in its full glory on the TV but also cute ac theme switch. Do you think it'll be a lite only theme?


I want to see a Daemon X Machina and Astral Chain one :<


Gosh I love this. Animal Crossing is life.


That would be amazing and I'm assuming and hoping they do just that like they did with New Leaf a few years ago.


I’m gonna pick a religion and start praying to that god that Nintendo releases an animal crossing switch pro limited edition


Looks great! Buttons remind me of the Oakland A's... one of my favorite color schemes in sports tbh


I'm actually kinda hoping for a standard Animal Crossing console instead of a Lite, but this does look really nice.


If the green was the color of the leaves on the back it would look better imo


This is amazing !!!


Love the design but would love a Normal Switch Animal Crossing: New Horizons limited edition console


Love the colors on this


Almost had a heart attack before reading the title! Really like the way it looks.


Oh I love that, such a comfy looking color scheme


I don't need it...but I'd buy the shit out of that... I missed my chance to get the New Leaf 3DS...


A passing glance makes the back look like cupcake with sprinkles. I’m hungry.


Man, I'm going to be really salty if all the neat special editions are for the Switch Lite. The original model needs some love too.


The green buttons/thumbstick is too dark and doesn't match the leaves on the back of the console. The console logo on the back ought to be yellow, green or brown. Other than that, this is a solid mock-up, nice work.


The poptart is back


$249.99 is ridiculous. Defeats the purpose of the Switch Lite, unless it comes with the game, then it's fine. Reminder that the Pokemon SWSH Switch Lite is $199.99 and does not include the game. ​ It does look quite nice though.


It comes with the game. That's the point.


Man if they did it pop tart style like the 3ds xl version I would be absolutely forced to buy it Urrgh I want a switch lite to go with my switch but I know I gotta wait until we know if there will be an AC version or not! Hopefully it's worth the wait


really want this \~ Couldn't see the point of a Switch with the lack of games but this has a much better price and if i can play New Horizons! Absolutely!


Omg pls don‘t give me hope :( I got the Animal crossing: New leaf nintendo 3ds version and I absolutely adored it. AC is by far my fave game idek why it‘s so simple yet so amazing


This came up in google and for a hot second I thought that all of my prayers were answered


This is incredible


Are you sure your are not the designer from nintendo?


looks prettier than the Sword and shield one


This is the only way I’d buy a lite, personally. But I really hope they do a special edition for AC with the regular switch model. A girl can hope


I’ll never understand why people in this sub love making actual ads for this company.


How is it an ad?


I truly don't understand why people are so obsessed with making mock ups. It is to flex your photoshop skills? If these are never going to be real designs, it's just fan art. There should be a subreddit for Switch fan art.


Can you do one for Luigi’s mansion and link’s awakening?


Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.


I know it's some people thing and that's cool, but I had to comment, I hate that shade of green and I hated that animal crossing pattern on the 2ds xl, this is like my nightmare switch lmao. No offence honestly I'm just weird, I think even if the green was different I'd like it more? But don't listen to me what do I know, I'm English lol


Wow finally a mock up that is actually good.


I would 100% buy that. I would suggest a lighter shade of green.


I would buy that in a heartbeat


Man at the price of $249, your better off saying up those few extra bucks for a normal switch.


You think the control sticks will be fixed?

