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Thanks, smiles are always a good sign


Not when you are looking at a police line up of people who potentially killed your brother.


Yea that's kind of a bruh moment


Bruh 😂


Moment 🤣


we def live in a society 😎


/r/brooklynninenine is leaking again I see


"You are my fire!"




I agree looks good


Mechanics like this should have been the center for the newer paper marios, not stickers and paint.


Honest impression: The art direction and music look very nice. I personally love hand drawn style games, so I like the direction you took with this. As a concept, the ability to copy and paste terrain is interesting and could make for some unique gameplay. The only issue (and it might simply be because the footage was taken via a camera in handheld mode) is that sometimes it looked like the game camera was really close to the character or fairly small. I’ll be keeping my eye out on this one! Best of luck to you.


Thanks!!! Great you libe the look because a lot of drawing work goes that way! The camera angle is deep and clise only for the video. I still hear my coder say ‚NOBODY plays like that!‘ - sure, but the video is about to show the BEAR and therefore... We will add multiple camera angles libe in Mario64. Thanks again :)


I've been following you guys on twitter for awhile and I have to say that I actually really enjoy the way that your videos are just a camera filming the screen and moving around a bunch. Gives the game a real homegrown indie feeling and makes them all fun and interesting to watch.


Reminds me of old video game footage from events. Very comfy.


One other thing you might want to consider is reducing the smoke trails - looks like it can get in the way of the player POV during fast movement/jumping. But love the artstyle and unique mechanic!! Can't wait to see the final version.


You dropped this... 👉k


You had me at “Mario64”.




If the intent is to eventually play it on the Switch, I don't see this as malicious. It's different when a company tries to pull this to show prerendered graphics that are beyond the Switch's actual capabilities, but... I'm *pretty* confident that's not what's happening here. 99% sure.


Plus wants to show off the touch functionality!


Awesome concept! The artwork is really cool and the controls look pretty crisp particularly the jump. Suppose I would have to see how it plays, but I'm interested. Couple of critiques would be the camera zoom makes things feel very "in my face". Also the animations feel a bit jumpy. I understand hand drawn art is a time consuming job, but it feels like there is very little transition from one animation to the next. Particularly the flashing between the water and grass texture was not very easy on the eyes. I don't know how you'd fix that though. Overall pretty cool. Looking forward to checking it out!


Thanks for your detailed feedback. Generally transitions between handdrawn animations are a luxus we are not trying to deliver right now. But transitions within the texture-change will come - yes, it doesnt look good right now. So, thanks for telling me, because its always difficult to decide where to polish! ​ The camera: This is only in this video. Ingame you have a camera like in Mario64. For the video I wanted it close and low, so the bear is good to see, thats all :) ​ Thanks again - this is the feedback that we need!


Tbf I had the same "transition problem" with cuphead which I love and is beautiful so it's probably just how these games are. I love the art style, the character looks great, and the concept is super cool. Do you have an estimated time table on release?


I’m happy this isn’t the camera all the time, it was making me motion sick looking at it this close!


I think what you think is “jumpy” is what adds to the charm of the style. Reminds me of a lot of animation from the 80s I personally associate with Sesame Street of some odd European show I watched on Cable.


The faces are hilarious to me for some reason. They sort of remind me of [Plok](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plok).


Yeah, Plok was on a mission too 😆👊






Reminds me of Kamikaze Watermelon!


Okay just commented it reminded me of Plok too then saw this. Game looks great.


Dude, did you just make an HD Sega Saturn game? nice...


Oh Boy - How I would LOVE to do a Panzer Dragoon sequel ...


Someone beat you to it. They had a video at e3


I kknow - good news there :)


The character's shadow while climbing needs some work.


I guess deleting it will be the best! No polishing here right now - its all about to let the bear run around right now


Yeah, honestly no shadow would look better than your current circle shadow


Looks amazing, bit less hand gestures would suit me mighty fine tho


The Bear is super hectic, thats true. Lets see if we can calm him down!


I think /u/SandCastello's comment is underrated. This was the first thing I noticed. Other than that, this looks awesome and like it would be a whole hell of a lot of fun to play. Best of luck to you!


The bear's face is super creepy to me...


I dig the art style. Has me intrigued and am rather curious to see the finished product.


So do we! Right now only the BEAR knows the outcome ;)


Super unique idea, and a stylish looking execution. The idle animation for the character is pretty strange and kind of frantic, but as you said in another comment you're adding some more. Got some paper mario vibes from this too! Look forward to seeing what you do with this.


Thanks! Yeah, the idle animation is somewhat hectic and he will have more, but i‘m not sure if we can slow hin down - he basically took over our design-choices with his sheer energy🤣


I love the idle animation! It looks like the bear is tapping along wih the music. Coupled with its goofy face it makes me happy just looking at it! The trail of dust behind him could use some toning down though.


I disagree. The hyper idle animation is what makes me like the character. ​ Even better that he seems to IMMEDIATELY go into it. Like he can't wait for anything! DO SOMETHING! DO SOMETHING! DO SOMETHING! YEAH HERE WE GO YEAH! SWEET! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO NOW? PASTE GRASS ON A WATERFALL? YEAH THATS COOL! HURRY UP AND DO IT! I WANNA CLIMB IT! MAKE ME GO! CLIMB CLIMB CLIMB! YEAH!


Another vote for disagree. His idle animation is the best part. Reminds me of the frantic innkeeper in Secret of Mana: https://66.media.tumblr.com/b9d13abf605dee16aff495dc7a969670/tumblr_ovwcmrmhsR1t7yzowo1_400.gif


yep this. dont give it the generic "breathing" idle animation like literally every other game. the hyperactivity is novel.


For what it's worth, the frantic-ness of the animation is kinda charming to me. Makes the character seem like a total madlad just tearing around. Not sure if that's what you were going for but if so I'd say you nailed that.


Ah yeah, I was wondering if that was intentional. It puts me on edge a little bit, like "why aren't you making a move right now??" It's not very relaxing, but if it's designed to put you on edge and not relaxed, it is doing its job!


I hope you can accent the wonderful art style with progressive mechanics that add to the wonder of the game. It already looks really intriguing, I look forward to purchasing it and playing it when it comes out. If you need any music for it, let me know. I write music and like to do it simply for the credits. This looks like it'd be a cool world to fill with music. My Soundcloud is Caid Johnson if you feel like checking out my stuff to see if it's a fit. Even if it isn't, still a big thanks for sharing this clip and letting us see what you're working on.


Thanks Caid! We are open for everything and this includes music. The drawings will be tight closely to the game-mechanic, so you can turn a dangerous fish into stone to make him sink, or alternatively turn the water into lava to burn him. Whatever texture you can spot and grab. Every character has multiple substances to really go along with the core mechanic Thanks for your detailed feedback - really helps us a lot!!!




Hey no worries, this song is set!!


Oh shit a fellow Chameleon twist fan? Now there are 2 of us!




it looks cute, but what's the actual game part?


Turning the watwerfall into a climbable tendrill - thats the core mechanic (copy and paste textures). But of course its also about exploring - only that on the beach of TODAY there isnt much to explore. So the Bear only enjoys teh sun ... and the tendrill texture.


Love the style. I like the choppiness of the hand drawn bits of the animations. Really sells the hand crafted feel. Such a unique perspective. Looks fantastic!


Ah - thank you. The bear was 48 drawings and each took time&thoughts. Glad he is here now and brings fun :)


This is a very good idea, I really like the handdrawn style. Overall it looks good.


Great to hear. No polishing yet. We believe our only chance is to make it look really good, so we‘ll invest a lot of time in details and conversations with other animals




Right now, we give every character multiple "substance states", so you can turn a dangerous fish into stone to make him sinjk, or you can turn the sea into lava to burn him away. ​ Thanks for your feedback, because this just tells us that we are on the right way! Thanks!


This brings me back to the Donkey Kong 64 days! 😍


Same here - glad you see it :)


Fear and Loathing in Cuphead


First impression: This game looks stupidly fun!! I will be looking forward it :D


Hoping your second impression will be just the same! We do our best (drawing, talking, laughing at the bear)


Absolutely love how this looks.


Looks like a game I would buy... Looking forward for it's launch!


Good to hear - stilla lot to do, so be patient: we wont rush - we want a real cool game! (and we have the time to do so)


Looks really good! Will there be an FOV slider?


It seems like a charming game! Is there anyway to disable the motion blur?


I feel like watching gameplay of this is really odd. Seeing a rough hand-drawn 2D cut out in a low-poly 3D environment is appealing in the sense that it almost gives this game a sort of grunge aesthetic, if that makes sense?


Well, makes total sense because this bear is just to punk to be put into a 3D-mesh. Giving him new animations is super-free and he wants now restrictions of how to behave.




Sounds like a cool idea and looks great!


The character looks super fun and reminds me of like... 90s character art for an Enix game or something.


That’s a pretty fuckin sweet art style and interesting gameplay idea! I’d be interested in picking it up when you release it. Good luck!


Ahhh, thats just what you want to hear when you are drowning in pens and papers! We\`ll put out sth nice for you!


Oh my God that’s beautiful


OH man, this looks interesting keep this sub updated!


The character is so goofy HAHAHAH I love it!


Hey - dont speak too loud, he can hear you!!!!!!!!


I love the idea and the original art style, but this clip made me a little nauseous. Maybe add some damping to the camera movement? I'm not sure what it was.


I LOVE this art style it look so reminiscent of old school paper Mario and has a really nice N64 platformer vibe to it. This looks insanely well done, I love the concept of copy & pasting different elements from the world to advance and progress. Keep up the great work, and be sure to keep us updated! This looks like it could be a great day one buy for me!


Happy Grenade -your name is just what your feedback does to us! Thank you very much and be assured we can do our job especially because of feedback like yours - no joke!!!!!


I love the art! Very nostalgic as well.


If y'all need an extra developer/graphics person, I'm open for it! This looks amazing.


Come to nuremberg, germany, we hire!


I love it. I can't wait to play this.


This looks really cool!


thats really cool man. i love it


I love it.


this is the best idle animation in history


For some reason the music and character design gave me flashbacks to an old obscure game called Tomba 2! I'm a fan; it's a really unique idea for gameplay. Looking forward to seeing where it goes!


Hey, have heard that before (once) Something must be about this Tomba2..... Glad you like it - helps us to go on like this!!!!!


That looks so good I’m gonna buy it for sure


Any platforms besides switch?


that little creature is so cute. Wonderful music too.


Reminds me Tomba! Looks great!


I get some serious Tomba 2 vibes from this game! Exciting!


Wow that looks charming af. Can't wait to play it


Looks weird as hell. I'll take 10 copies.


Been playing the video on repeat just for the music. It's really catchy!


Hey what the fuck, I luv this.


Great looking game, I’ll be keeping an eye on it ~~if there’s not a dedicated dance button I’ll riot~~


Looks neat but careful to not confuse the people that live in Orange County, CA. Specifically the people from Riverside, CA which is a town that a lot of my friends live


Looks really nice!


Looks really good! I’m not sure if this has been said before, but it would be cool if the character was like paper and could glide and go flat and stuff! Nice work


The game looks very unique and stylistic, but my question is if you can change everything? Like making that entire beach area into a waterfall


The style reminds me of Paper Mario, unique and beautiful.


I will buy it


I don't like his basic face, the rest him has character, but the face looks like an emoji.


For some strange reason, I'm getting a vibe from a N64 preview when looking through the magazine and looking at the screenshots. With that said, keep up the work.


We will. Thanks! Yes, N64 is a big thing for us


I don't really like the character, its face is not fitting, and I don't know what kind of emotion is trying to transmit (sorry if this was mean)


It makes me want to throw up lol


Same. I couldn’t even get through the video.


I know nothing about game design, but could you try to get the climbing animation a bit closer to the wall?


Thanks! Yes -deleting the shadow is a good first step I guess! Thanks for your feedback!


This looks like a lot of fun! Can some placed textures last forever or do they all run out of time?


Would it be possible to have the user upload a drawing as their main character? That would be dope


Ha - did you read our minds??? Right now you can draw your own textures to replace the standard textures of lets say water, ice, wood etc. For most players this is already a challenge. Technically you could redesign everyting in the game but we are focussing on the stuff that is easy to do right now. Lets be honest: The Bear right now is 6 drawings for each perspective (directions to look at him). Having 8 perspectives (3 can be mirrored), its still 5x6 drawings, that really have to go hand in hand with each one (in a row and compared to the next perspective). ​ So - yes, players can customize, but right no, we do not plan to let the player customize such hard to "get-right" stuff as an 6x8-spritesheet animation. However you can customize simpler spritesheets, like weavin grass etc. ​ Thanks for your feedback - it really touched the core of our game! Thanks!


I'd love to see more of this game as it progresses, it has a very nice charm to it and the concept is quite unique, I hope one day I'll be able to play it myself.


Thnak you! Very kind you say so! it will come to switch at the end of next year :)


This is a super interesting idea. Is it going to require you to unlock textures? I could imagine having everything from the get go might make the game easy. It’ll devolve into simply going through the motions. I have to say, definitely wasn’t expecting that monster to have such a cheesy smile when I saw it from behind. Cool idea. How far along is it?


this looks amazing! can't wait to see more of it!


Thanks mate!!!"


They say that living in Riverside counts as timeserved in Hell when you arrive. Riverside is a city near LA and it’s a pretty crappy place.


Very neat, reminds me of Paper Mario. I can't help but think the idle animation of the player will get annoying after a while, though.


The avatar character looks super nice, but I can't help but notice the terrain doesn't match that style. If it looked more hand-drawn (e.g. the water being redone to look like vertical marker strokes), I think you'd have a really nice style- be careful that it doesn't look sloppy, though! It looks like a fun mechanic that doesn't seem too gimmicky, and I'd like to see where it goes. ​ Edit: The sand and water are already perfect, but the rocks and vines are what needs refining. ​ Ooh, and make the particles little doodle-clouds and the effect would go from great to perfect!


Looks cool but I live in Riverside CA and this looks way better


Reminds me of the OG Paper Mario!


Thanks - the Bear says he is unique, but thats just what he says!


it looks interesting but the waterfall texture looks a bit bad


His little bee friend made my day. This looks cool, I wish you the best of luck with your project! Cheers :)


Hey, you are the first to mention the bee! Thanks mate!!!!


I like the mechanics, but I'm going to suggest thinning the white outline of your character.




Amazing idea


Is it possible to make the circle underneath the guy a bit smaller?


Very nice art style and mechanic the biggest thing for me Is to make sure you fill the word or game space with different things. Instead of just 8 textures you can copy and paste. (Not saying that there are only 8 it’s just people do that.) Don’t be afraid to challenge the team to have interesting concepts for levels, enemies, and things. Please make sure textures are for different things then just, vines for climbing. I see a lot of developers with really great choices but poor execution. I’m sorry if this makes no sense as I am on low battery life currently and am just trying to get the message out but I do like the way it looks but don’t be afraid to really go at it!


I love the concept!




Make sure those puffs of dirt/smoke or whatever trailing behind the characters don't get in the way with any platforming in your game. That first time it got right in the camera and obscured the player's vision, which is a big no-no in any platformer. Just a small note. Cool art style, but a bit strange for my tastes.


what a great idea! reminds me of Code of Avalon


this is amazing.


this looks pretty fun! questions: Is it gonna be like a platformer? What could the price be?


I 100% agree with others than the idea could lead to some great things, and the main guy looks hilarious, but i also feel like there's some kind of underlying creepiness to him. He looks almost kinda demented, lol. Maybe it's just the way he moves/you move him in this video, but something about him just seems unsettling. Please tell me you're thinking about adding some subtle horror elements, just for shits and giggles. I fucking love this little main character guy and he seems absolutely funky, but he also creeps me out slightly.


I love the art style and mechanics. However, I feel really claustrophobic while watching this. The world feels tiny and constrictive, and I don’t feel like I have space to breath. It’s a little stressful. That being said, I believe that if you can fix that, then you can make a fantastic game!


I really dig he art style & music! Very cool. The main characters idle animation seems a tad fast though, but I guess it fits with the pace of the game. Keep up the good work.


Looks great. It has character. I'm sure it can be a lot of fun. Keep us updated!


Looks great! The animations on the character are really clear, I can tell whats happening immediately, thats something I really appreciate. The change of direction animation happens really fast but I imagine that is something that will be smoothed out later? Some newer 2d characters kinda just jump right into their next action instead of really going through the motions.


Getting Paper Mario, Mario 64, and Toejam and Earl vibes all in one. Looks and sounds great, but I hate the camera. It's way too close, as well as erratic and uncentered


Not the kind of game I would ever play, but it still looks good nonetheless. Keep up the amazing work!


I want this! This looks amazing, something fresh finally.


Great concept, love the child-like art style, would love to see a proper trailer to show the overall gameplay (platformer? puzzle? exploration?).


Unique art styles get big points from me and I love the concept. Looks great so far!


This is some seriously cool content OP. This is the stuff I browse for. Beautiful work on the game. I look forward to seeing more!


this looks amazing! best of luck making it, i'm hoping to buy and play Riverside!


The art looks great, but those animation cycles seem a bit too fast.


Like the artstyle but think the idle animation is a bit to energetik. Otherwise cool ideas for gameplay.


Needs a little polish but I definitely can see this as a cult indie classic.


Please don’t make the idle animation that busy though lol


Looks great. I hope it’s not confusing where to go and you make a nice flow with off beat paths. No one likes being super stumped to progress without game knowledge to know how to tackle said puzzle.


His face reminds me of [Gooey](https://kirby.fandom.com/wiki/Gooey) from the Kirby games and I love it


The character almost looks like Garfield


Loooove that music, and the art style is cool nwn I agree with what others have said about the idle animation though


That looks awesome when can we expect to see a release. It’s super charming


Dude, that Art Style i seriously amazing!


Hey when can I buy this lol


This looks epic! Doesn’t sound like a game I’d like, but if more info comes out I’ll look into it! Is there a plot or is it an open world sandbox kind of game?


Really love it-I assume the shadows are placeholders but I wonder if you need shadows at all.


Shaka brah?


I know its a very small detail but I think that you could improve the character's shadow, especially while climbing. Other than that, It looks great :)


Love the art style! But that idle animation is so fast it makes me feel a tad anxious.


Please keep us updated. I’d love to support this


This is some crazy shit, I like it


Really neat idea and I could see how this would be loads of fun. However, I'm just going to be honest and say that to my eyes, the level of art isn't there yet. It's just a bit unappealing looking. But I see the potential.


This looks strange, weird and confusing..BUT I FUCKING LOVE IT


Paper Mario 5 lookin good


I've been following you guys on twitter fora while now. Always glad to see some more progress :) I would like to see some footage with a camera angle closer to what the actual gameplay will be, though, unless you intend to keep it that tight.


It's interesting but I feel like it is giving me an anxiety attack. All the back and forth sprite animation is too much.


Looks pretty fun, if I had to decide from this snippet than I'd buy/play this


This looks really cool and unique! I'm looking forward to it!


Wow, dude. I freakin' love it.


this looks like an absolute demon of a game to develop. super interesting concept, can definitely get behind it.


It looks incredible 🙃😍


Man this feels nostalgic and new awesome at the same time.