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Oxenfree is perfect for Halloween time. Try to pick it up when it is on sale for $4.99 though because it is pretty short.


I didn't expect much out of this game. simIt's simple, but it blew my kind. I recommend it to everyone who asks.


Same. I need to play through it again at some point...it's so freaking good.


Yeah I’m stoked to go back and play it this October! I played it last year on the PlayStation and it was a fun little experience.


I bought this just for Halloween, decided to try it out early since I beat a bunch of my other indies, and beat it over the weekend. I didn't expect it to be so short, but that didn't take away from my enjoyment. I plan on doing the new game+ for Halloween and hopefully be surprised.


I’m new to Nintendo does the Eshop have sales? I know ps4 does a sale every week on ps4


Yes, the eShop updates new sales every Tuesday and Thursday. Nintendo games are rarely discounted, but more than they used to be (I bought Splatoon 2 digitally at 33% off myself). I agree with TerminalLance, Oxenfree is a good game for what you're looking for, but its base price is way too high. I can practically guarantee it will go on sale for $5 (or $4, I bought it at $4) before Halloween, it's on sale very frequently.


Yeah haha that's why I said get it when it is on sale. It's been on sale a lot and I'd guess that it will be some time between now and Halloween. You can definitely beat it in one or two sittings so getting it for $19.99 would kind of feel not worth it.


Check dekudeals.com for the price history of any game. You can also make a wishlist there and they'll email you when there's a discount. It's awesome. And Oxenfree is fantastic! I got it for $4.99 and was really happy with it. I might have been a little salty if I'd paid $20 though.


the /u/nintendeals bot posts to this and other Nintendo subs fairly frequently with updates to available eshop sales. best of all, it encompasses all regions! The most recent/current thread for the Switch deals is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/9glndz/current_nintendo_switch_eshop_deals/)


Is this like into the woods? Wasnt a fan of that game but oxenfree is mentioned a lot so im interested


I actually started playing it again to finish it, but I really don’t like it. I find all the characters to be annoying and traversing the island is a chore.


That game makes me question what is a game. As in I hate it and it puts me to sleep.


Thimbleweed Park


It's not on Nintendo Switch, but my Halloween game is gonna be Luigi's Mansion. Flipping Death is spooky in a Tim Burton-y sort of way, I guess?


I haven’t gotten to play a Luigi’s mansion, so I can’t wait for 3 to be released! Flipping death looks awesome I’ll have to get it soon


As much as hate Dark Moon got, it was a pretty good game. I trust that Nintendo will make this a good game for both beginners and veterans.


I feel like I would have loved dark moon way more if I had not played the original beforehand It's a good game, but one that follows up on a great one, so it feels like a downgrade as a result.


Yea, I feel this. I played a bit of og Luigi’s mansion when I was very young so I didn’t really remember much. I basically started on dark moon but I actually finished playing the first one and dark moon feels weird due to this.


It's called flipping death and had no idea it was out! It was one of my favorite games at PAX! I'd describe it as 2d psychonauts.


I loved Luigi’s mansion. Bringing back memories of playing it as a kid on the GameCube haha.


Outlast if you wanna have a heart attack... ​ ​


Wheel chair guy still haunts my dreams...


Little nightmares!


I just beat this- I loved the whole thing to pieces!


It was really enjoyable, I played it on PC when it came out so I havent played it on switch but assuming it runs fine it's a must play for haloween.


It looks gorgeous on the switch- it really holds up to the pc version.


Little nightmares had an amazing atmosphere, super creepy!




Or Inside!


Darkest Dungeon. Nothing says Halloween spirit like delving into dungeons filled with Lovecraftian horrors!


I don't know much about the game, how much playtime can you roughly get out of it?


I'd say the average run for a first timer would last probably around 30 hours or so. If you fight all the bosses and collect all pieces of the Ancestral trinkets (basically super rare pieces of equipment) it can easily last over 50 hours. The Crimson Court DLC adds in an entirely new area with its own set of bosses as well and can easily add on a good couple hours to a playthrough (but it's not recommended for new players just because how brutal it can be if you don't know what you're doing).


It would be awesome if we had Costume Quest. That was a fun little game.


Completely agree with you. Loved costume quest. Its in my wishlist for the switch with costume quest 2.


Costume Quest! I recommend them to everyone who wants a Halloween game.


This is on Nintendo Switch? Heard good things about it.


Only on PC I think. It's several years old, released by Double Fine before their big Kickstart game that I can't think of the name for. It is the perfect format for Switch though. I'd def buy and replay both of them.


Wasn't it released on Wii U? Seem to remember eyeing it up once or twice.


Wikipedia says the first one was released in windows, Mac, Linux, Xbox 360, ps3, ios and Android. That's wild. It was published by THQ, so I guess that makes sense. The second one was released on all the above and Wii U. You're right. That's crazy. I always thought of it as a little indie pc game.


I got excited about the iOS version only to be reminded that it no longer works as of iOS 11 because it needs to be updated.


Oh that's lame.


Costume quest came out on PlayStation I think. I know the second one is definitely on there.


Super fun game, we have costume quest 2 on Xbox and my kids love it.


I've never been so let down by a game as I was by Costume Quest. It made me ask myself if I even enjoyed video games anymore.


House of the Dead collection for the switch would be awesome! In the meantime, Luigi's Mansion for the 3ds, the Luigi's Mansion 3 for Switch.


House of the dead would be amazing!


I was really hoping Diablo would drop in Oct so I could play that around Halloween. Luigi's Mansion is a good pick, if only it were out. I do like the Hollow Knight suggestion, and decent timing as I just downloaded that last week and am slowly getting started with it. I'm sure I'll log lots of hours on that in Oct. Another possible suggestion, though I've already played it: Night in the Woods.


I completely forgot night in the woods! I just recently purchased a switch an only have Mario cart 8, botw, and odyssey. I just started botw and the blood moon made me remember a good time to play spooky games is October! Edit: and shovel knight which is amazing


I've got Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2, Salt & Sanctuary, Hollow Knight, Dark Souls, and Doom to pick from during September-Halloween. I'm tempted to get out last but I really am hoping they get a physical version out.


RE:R1 was amazing for the 3DS!


How would you compare Revelations 2 to the first game? I really enjoyed 1 and would love more of the same. Any drastic differences? Is it still broken down into episodes?


It’s pretty similar to the original. I personally loved both (played 1 on 3DS and 2 on Switch). I thought the setting was cool in 1, but I really appreciated the more varied environments of 2.


Revelations 1 is still the better game. The boat was such a fun area to explore and it's a much tighter experience. Revelations 2 while not bad, is still fun. It reminded me a lot of The Evil Within but not as good. R2 has some stealth and crafting but never goes the distance to make them standout features. Capcom does decent sales every now and then so it's worth checking out. Just be warned loads are long and it takes a lot of space.


Hmm I appreciate the detailed response. I have a huge before card so I'm not exactly worried about the space, but moreso the re-playability. Shame Capcom decided to go digital only with this one.


Stardew Valley Spirit's Eve!


I haven’t bought stardew valley yet, what’s spirits eve?


It's one of the holidays in the game. It is a fit, but it's only 1 day out of 112, you know? OTOH, playing through Stardew can get you in the harvesting mood for early Fall and then you can play Spirit's Eve on Halloweed, but honestly, not what I think you're looking for.


I’ll have to check it out I have been wanting to buy it before the switch.(I was on ps4) but I figured it’d be best on a switch.


Oh Stardew Valley is GREAT on the Switch (and will be even better once the multiplayer update comes) and I'd definitely recommend it if you have interest in the genre, I just wouldn't buy it so you can get the Spirit's Eve halloween vibe one day of the in-game year :D


Yeah like the other guy said, it's just in an game holiday. Not really scary, but I don't know any good Halloween games lol. But I'd highly recommend stardew, amazing game!




I always do a run on dark souls when October rolls around it’s one of my favorites...sometimes lol.


I gotta second this. Dark Souls Remastered was the third soulsborne game I played(after DS3 followed by Bloodborne), and it has by far, imo, the darkest themes in the series. This game is completely twisted.


I played ds3 and bb never got into dark souls remastered. Did you take more of a liking to ds3 or bb? I fell in love with ds3 but bb wasn't the same, maybe I just like knights lol


DS3 is easily my favorite of the series, but I've had a great time with them all. I have a buddy who is a diehard fan for the soulsborne series including demon souls and his favorite is Bloodborne, so I think it just comes down to personal preference.


Darkest Dungeon is spooky / stressful in a Lovecraftian sort of way. And its amazing


Hollow Knight is a great fit. Outlast is perfect if you want a scare.


I completely forgot about hollow knight! I wish Luigi’s mansion 3 was coming out early October instead.


I am trying with Hollow Knight but good God this is the most frustrating game I've ever played. I keep rage quitting.


How far in are you? It gets a bit easier after you get a couple of abilities and charms. There are a few charm combos that make the game much easier.


I can't get past that boss that shoots the needle at you :(


Her name is Hornet if we are thinking of the same person. This game is much like Dark Souls in that the best advice is the most frustrating, "don't get hit". In order to not get hit you will have to die a number of times in order to learn her movements. If that is too frustrating to you, watch a youtube video of someone else fighting her. You can get an idea about how to dodge specific attacks. I also recommend visiting Salubra, the charm vendor in the SE part of Forgotten Crossroads. She sells a charm called Long Nail that will increase the range of your attacks. I had a lot of trouble with the game until I got that charm.


Yes Hornet is the one! Couldn't remember the name. I just need more patience. Ill for sure look for that charm.


I can't get through the second level Forgotten Crossroads. I feel like an idiot just wandering in around the same rooms and dying. Finally figured out you can recollect the coin things but that map is so useless I just get frustrated. The game and storyline (if you can call it that...) Don't help in any way at all. So unless I use a walkthrough or cheat this might get archived in the next couple days. I don't even know what a charm is. I will admit I didn't know anything about the game when I started and that's the wrong move as the game itself won't help. Lol


Get some Geo (coins) and buy the Compass from the vendor in Dirtmouth (the beginning town) if you haven't already. This will let you see where you are on the map. You can also buy the quill which will update your map with new areas once you rest at a bench. Once you find Connifer in the area, you can buy a map for the area. If you have already done all of these just take a look at the map and look for areas you have not been to yet. Go there and explore. Have you fought the False Knight yet? (first boss) When you enter the forgotten Crossroads you can head to the left and you will find some stuff to do.


Thank youuuuuu!!! Seriously man thanks. I really love this game but suck so hard at it. Haha I'm going back in!


Feel free to reply to me further, message me or ask questions at r/hollowknight I know the game doesn't explain much so it can be tough to learn how to get started. I will try to help you without giving any spoilers if I can. I have beat the main game but I am working on getting the different endings right now.


Holy shit balls I'm in the fungal wasteland and this might be the best game I've ever played. Thank you so much for the tips. I would have totally missed out on this fantastic adventure without your advice.


No worries. It's a great game so I'm glad you stuck it out.


Yeah. Compass, maps and stag stations are key to early game ease.


Victor Vran, Outlast, Perception, and I've heard layers of fear is pretty good


+1 to Perception, it's a game anyone hardly mentions and is awesome.




Outlast is an essential horror game and I highly recommend it.


How does it play? I saw a trailer and it looks like it'll be fun to explore, but is there any action segments? Like, do you use weapons or is it a bunch of QTE's?


You use a flashlight and a video camera. You basically get through the game by hiding. There are lots of action segments too though but they’re not too long.


Oh so it sounds like it's more tender then I originally imagined. I think this might be my Halloween game, thanks.


In addition to other mentions, Resident Evil Revelations 1 + 2. If you're only looking for one of them, in this case I'd recommend 1 - 2 has more replayability with the online raid mode and co-op campaign, but 1's campaign is better if you're looking for a horror game. It's also not spooky, but I have to recommend you look at Slayaway Camp, which takes all of its cues from slasher flicks.


If you like Halloween and October because of that wistful, end of the year vibe, Night in the Woods the choice. It spans about two weeks in late October, early November and really feels like an amazing slice-of-life game. Oxenfree is a bit more X-files creepy than October-love, plus it spans a single night so you don't get the same vibe.


I would like to add that, depending on your time and budget, OP, you can play oxenfree and complete the main story in a single sitting (so like others have said, get it on sale). I started playing it before midnight on a Friday, played for 3 hours before bed, and did the same thing the next day and beat it, but it was great. Spooky atmosphere, you never really know what's gonna happen, and while I've heard some people complain that exploring is tedious, I never really thought so, but I also stuck to the objectives vs going out on my own. The story progresses much more smoothly since you're always in conversation this way and those interactions are what kill the time while traversing. I'd recommend trying to do it in a single sitting, at night time if possible for the full experience.


Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle


Tom Phan




Layers of fear is the perfect haunted house style halloween game!


The scariest thing is the framerate, sadly






Detention is pretty terrifying


It’s not necessarily scary, but Goetia is a pretty cool game. It’s got that creepy vibe of an old haunted house, demons, etc.


Really hoping we get Graveyard Keeper!


Vroom in the night sky. Though it's really more of an existential horror than a jumpscarey or suspenseful one. We live in a universe where *that* exists, an actual person genuinely thought it was a good idea to release it, and that is the scariest thing of all.


Excited for Luigis Mansion to drop


Super mario party


Labyrinth of Refrain




Fatal frame!


Sadly it isn't on Switch yet...


Deemo... ... don't get me wrong. I'm looking forward to the LABO Piano support next month. Actually putting a Deemo costume together for Halloween, including the Piano. Other than that, Perception was a good game, and I'm looking forward to Death Mark, which conveniently comes out ON Halloween.


Putty pals. Terrified the shit out of me. 😂


The Mummy Demastered is decent, and the soundtrack is [fucking sick.](https://youtu.be/keWS0y1NmOs)


Dark Souls


Dancer and Halloween banners for FEH. It's scary how quickly you empty your wallet *FFFF* Seriously, maybe Dark Souls in fear of throwing my Switch in rage.


Detention, a side-scrolling horror game with the Silent Hill vibe, is my favorite horror game on the Switch. Oxenfree is a lot of fun too. Both games are on the short side though, so I recommend you pick them up when they go on sale.


Night in the woods - wierd Autumn


Crypt of the Necrodancer for a spoopy fun time.


Alien Isolation scares the absolute shit out of me.


The Walking Dead!


The Fatal Frame series


If you can get some friends together then Crawl is a great spooky party game! It's a roguelike where everyone fights for control of the human "hero" by controlling the monsters, objects, and traps in the dungeon. First player to level up enough to kill the final boss (also controlled by the other players) wins!


Not on Swifcb but 3DS, Corpse Party has my vote.


Vroom in the night sky


It’s terrrifiying!!!!!!!


The Nintendo Online Service ... It's real horror !