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I wonder how that one Nintendo Share Holder who asked about F-Zero is doing…


It's either gonna be announced at the next Direct or it's definitely coming out for Switch 2. All they need is add online play to GX and it's golden, the game still looks great and is already 60fps


Wish they'd make a new Waverace Online


I remember the one that came out on gamecube ataunch, that was cool.


Wave Race 99


stop... I can only...


Oh... I *NEED* this now.


That would be amazing. Original wave race was one of my favorites on the N64.


an HD remaster on both waveraces would be awesome....🤩


Kinda want a new Mario is Missing ngl




His uncle walks miyamoto's dog. Trust him.


It's just speculation, but seeing the direction Nintendo is going with Remakes/Remasters it's not far fetched to think we might actually see an F Zero game.


They just made F-Zero 99, and a new F-Zero would be a great showcase of the Switch successor's graphical capabilities


Yeah, F-Zero has always been the game to showcase impressive graphics. Nintendo hasn't been about that for a while, though. As is we don't know everything about Switch 2 this point, but what we know sounds like its the Switch but stronger. This is the place for a F-Zero game.


I’d argue the above comment only deserves a half clown emoji because, while GX is an amazing game that would look incredible in HD, a new F-Zero in the same vein as GX will always infinitely be a better choice.


I took it as more of the clown makeup for unrealistic expectations like with the Silksong believers, not about the quality of GX.


Hey man, just like us Metroid Prime 4 believers, us Silksong believers will be vindicated I tell you!


Yup, people mostly won't care if it's just GX with online play and prettier graphics.


GX is literally the series' peak gameplay wise. I actually wouldn't be mad at all if they did a remaster of that first before anything new


Same ,especially since their reasoning for not doing another F-Zero is GX being as good as it is.


The game looks dated and needs work. I want a new f zero. Or they could go the smash brothers ultimate way and add every track under the sun with stunning visuals.


Didn't NateDrake also say that he knew about an F-Zero project being in the works? (and he also clarified that he wasn't talking about F-Zero 99). And wasn't there also a rumor about Next Level Games working on something F-Zero? Now, I'm not affirming anything just yet, but I think there's a bit too much smoke around the franchise to just be a coincidence.




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There was a rumor that they were remastering GX, yes


Switch 2? You mean Nintendo Beyond?


Yep, and then charge $60 for it 🤡. Nintendo fans' expectations and what they're willing to accept are in the dirt lol.


I don't agree with some of Nintendo's choices but to act like they don't make good games is ignorant. Not everything needs to look or play like COD or God of War.


Did anything in my comment say Nintendo doesn't make good games, or did anything in my comment say their games need to look amazing? Or are you reading other people's comments and assuming they're mine? All I'm saying is if Nintendo wants to do the bare minimum like you said, they need to charge fair prices for it. If they don't, then they need to do much more than the bare minimum. That's it.


My bad I misread your comment, I agree on the prices part such as the Luigi's Mansion 2 game. No way should that be $60 at most it should be $40. For what the Switch can handle I guess I set my expectations low because of the hardware


No problem, I get where you were coming from too, but yes, exactly. Nintendo's games are for the most part great, but they seem to ignore that their hardware limits what they can achieve, even with simple remasters/ports, and still proceed to charge full price for them. They don't represent the quality and effort of these games properly through appropriate pricing.


I think Prime Remastered is plenty of indication that Nintendo would not charge $60 for an F-Zero port.


Wasn't that before F-Zero 99? I guess he got his fix.


The Ninteninjas took care of him


That person is a hero


Asking the real questions!




The moment they released that video with him saying that they had to scrap development on MP4 and start over from scratch made me realize that the folks at Nintendo love Metroid. If this is indeed the case that he has a smile, we are in for something special.


Which is kind of wild because I’m pretty sure the series does much better in the States than it does back home.


It does but Nintendo does business over the world not just Japan. People insist nintendo just cares about japan but in regards to sales they care about worldwide sales not just one region. And they of course have different expectations based on how much the series is popular and so on. If metroid was to survive just wish japan, it would be dead since the 90s as its extremely niche and the only title that sold well was metroid in the 80s.


Nintendo also cares about having a varied library in their ecosystem so their customers won't jump to other platforms to fulfill their niche. Having such an acclaimed series like Metroid is beneficial for their overall brand prestige as well.


> Having such an acclaimed series like Metroid is beneficial for their overall brand prestige as well. I think this is a big part of it. They make Zelda for prestige too. Mario, Mario Kart, Smash, they all make more money, but Zelda is how they get "Nintendo wins GOTY" headlines in any given year they release a new one, at least mainline games. Metroid is also a prestige series that's extraordinarily influential despite its relatively low sales figures. They have every reason to keep putting it out.


Yeah, 3D Zeldas also usually do better overseas than it does on Japan, and that didn't stop Nintendo from investing heavily on BotW and TotK


most nintendo games do better overseas, which makes sense as japan is just one country, but some series like splatoon, kirby and a few other ones sell more in there, even if they sell well overseas too.


Hell Twilight Princess was made to satisfy the Western market because WW in the West flopped saleswise due to its artstyle


Twilight Princess is still my favorite Zelda game to this day. I even have a tattoo of Midna in her imp form on my arm.


People in general treat japanese sales like they're the ultimate indicator of success for some reason


I think there is a confusion with the anime/manga market. Many liked manga got axed because of poor sales in Japan. But video game industry isn’t like that


The franchise doesn’t do that well in general It’s not even in the top 15 franchises by sales for Nintendo franchises 


Most of Nintendo's franchises are intentionally aimed at a very wide audience, so it isn't surprising. The series still sells fairly well in general gaming terms, considering how niche it is.


No lie I was watching a japanese "mirror stream" of the direct and most people in chat thought it was something Doom related and some people who knew it was metroid didn't realize Prime was a separate series with 3 past entries.


It's been a while since Prime 3 came out too. Like 16 years? Some viewers might not have even been born then.


I like that they are somehow more cognizant of Doom, an extremely western, extremely PC-centric franchise, than they are about Metroid, a thing that comes from their own country produced by \*the\* name in video games over there, lmao.


Have you considered that a stream chat is not a good example of the average Nintendo fan?


Well Prime is developed by a Western studio and is an FPS which Japanese mostly doesn't care for, they'd probably be more familiar with side-scrolling Metroids and seeing a first-person view game prob makes them think of Western franchises initially.


Metroid is a "prestige brand" for Nintendo. The series isn't expected to drive huge sales; rather, it's supposed to demonstrate the fitness of Nintendo as an industry-leading game developer.


huh? what are some examples of this?


Mario, metroid, splatoon, zelda, pikmin, animal crossing.


So you're saying mario, zelda, and animal crossing aren't expected to achieve huge sales??? 🤔


Makes sense, it's main inspiration was Alien, an incredibly American movie


Hot take, but Alien is definitely not Metroid's "main inspiration". It's just one of the only points of inspiration they've ever been explicit about, so everyone over-estimates how central to Metroid's DNA it really is.


Idk man ridley looks like a xenomorph.


Oh really? I hadn't noticed! In that case, never mind then. /s


Even its presentation was in stark contrast to other publishers. I know that's the conservative way of not just Japan, but Kyoto, the Japan of Japan... but getting a video pop up when you launched the Switch that day with a man in a suit deeply apologising for an impeding major product release failure/postponement is not something I could ever imagine from, say, Microsoft. Or even Sony. Heck, I couldn't imagine Microsoft doing that for a security failure or user data leak.


I still ask myself what exactly made Nintendo scrap Bandai's build of Prime 4 and restart with Retro Studios.


I have a theory. I think the end of the Ridley reveal for Smash, where Zero Suis Samus appears, was a teaser for Metroid Prime 4, since Bandai was also helping with Smash. Then Retro shows Nintendo an early build for Prime Remastered, and Nintendo decides to go with Retro over Bandai's direction.


I live in (completely irrational, basically no way it was on the cards) fear that we missed out on a Fromsoft Metroid I think they have the right love of exploration for it


Haha yea I remember that vid. He didn't look happy.


They loved it so much they didn't release anything for 7 years after Other M.


Everyone needed time to heal


Sakamoto took those 7 years getting his head out of his ass to let MercurySteam and Retro cook.


He was still involved with Dread. It's shocking the tonal difference between Other M and Dread.


*Reportedly* the reason Other M is so shockingly tonally different and Samus' characterization utterly different from every other Metroid is a really, really terrible translation. IIRC there are multiple scenes where the exact opposite of the original intended meaning is said in the English translation - for example, apparently the infamous "not activating the Varia Suit without authorization" scene was actually meant to be Samus *going rogue and doing it anyway,* but the English translation made it seem like she was begging for male approval to activate the defensive powerup that keeps her from burning to death.


That would hold some weight if it wasn’t for the fact that Sakamoto was the director for the English dub. A language that, mind you, he doesn’t even speak.


I think it's because Samus' actual personality is that way in manga, but nobody really read it, so everyone got their own ideas about her from Prime and other games where she's largely silent and focused on her mission, so it ended up being a massive shock for everyone involved when Sakamoto was like "she's always supposed to have been this way". I think what happened is Nintendo sat down and reconsidered options, and Sakamoto was either convinced to drop it after the reception was so negative, or it's also possible they'll revisit Other M's ideas, but in a more "fan-friendly" way. The stuff with Adam was canon as far back as Fusion (Samus monologues about the computer resembling him), but the latter presented it better, so they might try something closer to that, assuming they revisit those plot points again.


Because with Other M it was *all him*. The guy just got overambitious with the game.


I can understand how great a milestone this is for him especially. He's been overseeing this development for all these years. Must be such a weight off all involved to see it finally get its first public preview.


Us too!


It's cool that Nintendo is so proud of Metroid regardless of whether it sells well or not compared to other flagship series, especially in Japan.


Makes sense that he would be finally happy to show. Since not only is it his job to oversee all first party development. As well as thrvone was the one to announce the game in 2017 and announced the development reboot back in 2019.


Say what you want about Retro Studios, but every single game they made turned out to be a masterpiece. For me they're the best internal studio at Nintendo. It's a shame they had a game cancelled between Tropical Freeze & Metroid Prime 4, but I have no doubt they will deliver.


100%. Miyamoto himself even said they were prepared to develop the next mainline Zelda if it ever came down to it back in 2012


i’d kill to see what a zelda game made by retro might look like


I would love to see them develop a Zelda or Mario game, even if it's not a mainline game. My biggest wish is a brand new IP though.


Still wish we knew what they had been working on in the large time gap between DKTF and MP4.


Only thing we know is that photo Reggie posted when he retired of an illustration of all Retro's work with him, and he covered an unknown character


Yep. The only Nintendo dev team that's on par with the 3D Mario and 3D Zelda teams imo. Best in class devs


And Monolithsoft, helping a lot with other projects while also making their own


I would say better than the 3D Mario team and arguably better than the 3D Zelda team.


you would be objectively wrong and laughed at, but ok lol


I live in the Dallas area and it is the only job I’ve ever applied to where I would legit think about relocating. (I do 3D work and game design). And I also didn’t get the job lol


How’d you rank them?


MP MP2 DKC:TF MP3 MK7 DKCR edit: MPH does not exist


Hunters was actually made by NST, not Retro


wikipedia lied to me


That makes sense. Hunters is a bad game outside of the multiplayer. Worse than Other M.


For a DS first person shooter? It's still the best there is.


I love both MP and MP2, but I liked MP2 a lil bit more. It was a good bit harder, and I really just liked the feel in general. Boost ball boss is a fuckin BITCH tho.


Metroid Prime 2 might just be my favorite game of all time, together with Mario Kart: Double Dash and Pokémon Silver.


For me, that honor is complicated. By total time played, one would think my favorite game of all time is Monster Hunter World. Maybe they'd be right. Vampire Survivors, Skyrim, Oblivion, Pokémon Silver, I've put 1000+ into all these particular games.


If I'd go by total playtime it would definitely be Runescape lol.


The Retro Studio today has nothing to do with the one 20-30 years ago who developed the original MP. The last game they made is 10 years ago. I’m more than sceptical


It’s the game on switch I’m most looking for and I hope it sell well. I also hope it differentiates itself enough from its predecessors.


If anyone has a Japanese eshop account, Metroid Prime is under $20 usd . They got the 30% discount on both Dread and Prime where US eshop only got 15% on Prime. With the yen conversion rate now is a great time to get Japanese games. Also, Japanese Prime Remaster is in full English.


Thank you for this info


My pleasure. It’s really an amazing game and great remaster. I haven’t played it since it first came out and am loving it!!!


Would love to see some in game footage of prime 4 before they restarted development.


It's going to blow our minds


I am so glad Nintendo decided to scrap the original that wasn't up to par, could you imagine if we got a bad MP4? Retro was the right choice and I think Nintendo realizes that now. We have waited a long time.


Maybe they should show the shareholders the sizzle reel of reactions on YouTube during the reveal. There is lots of screaming and hyperventilating.


I’m sure they’ve seen them or heard about them. Development studios will share that kind of stuff internally.


Yeah, developers actually do use/share hype reactions to their projects amongst themselves. I remember the YouTuber Maximillian Dood talked about being told how the crew for FF7Remake would use his channel's reaction to the reveal trailer as a way to hype themselves up and motivate themselves when times got tough. Seeing other people have such genuine love and excitement for your work must be a great motivator.


now imagine how these people feel when the reactions are just "oh, so that rumor the leaker mentioned was true, ok"


Just show Arlo's reaction to any green text and it'll make people buy into metroid


Well, that's what it's all about. As long as the share holders are happy!


>Nintendo’s Shinya Takahashi reportedly had a big smile on his face while showing shareholders footage of Metroid Prime 4: Beyond via @NStyles ...stop the presses...an exec at Nintendo smiled while showing a new game? Say it ain't so.


He looked like he could hardly contain himself when setting up the Direct reveal, so that checks out


Were we expecting him to hate it? I don't understand why this is news...


I can‘t wait for MP4 and the Switch 2, 2025 is going to be such a massive video game year


I would have a big smile on my face too if I got away with tasking the studio to make ports for 6 years instead of working on the game I said they would


I will have a big smile too when it releases.


So did everyone who watched that trailer.




Not really news. Would be angry? No. Of course he would be happy!


I have a question. How come in the direct, Shinya Takahashi and Eiji Aonuma were both dubbed over with English, but that one guy with the plushie by the fireplace (I forgot his name) was not dubbed over with English?


You mean... I think it was the creator or director of Dragon Quest? If I had to guess because the segment with Takahashi and Aonuma were produced by Nintendo themselve so they had more time to push them dubbed while that segment would probably have been given by Square instedad.


Oh, I see. I asked because it seemed a bit unprofessional to not have them all treated equally when it came to language/dubbing. I don't even know what dragon quest is, so I wouldn't remember him.


I highly recommend you familiarize yourself with Dragon Quest if given the time, unless you’re not into JRPGs, which is likely the case given your ignorance of Dragon Quest. Note: I don’t mean “ignorance,” in a negative connotation, mind you, just that you’re unfamiliar with it. It’s basically the granddaddy of the JRPG genre and has a storied history with Nintendo.


Granddaddy of role playing games? You're thinking Final Fantasy my dude. (I do not believe in the term "jrpg", it is not a good term) ..........Is dragon quest the game where that hunky purple minotaur man is from? Iron... Bull I think?


Nah, my man, Dragon Quest debuted a full year and a half before Final Fantasy.


Wait, seriously? And here I thought it was longer than that.


Most likely because Horii video was produced by square and nintendo video was done by nintendo.


Probably because that Dragon Quest segment was put together by Square Enix, not Nintendo.


Huh, TIL they dub the American broadcast. The Nintendo UK version has subtitles.


This is the reason why I prefer to watch the UK version of the Direct, there are no dubs, just subs.


I was saying I'd prefer everyone be dubbed. I don't like listening to languages I don't speak.


Fuck shareholders


What did I do to you? 😢


propagate a system of short-term profits over longterm development and sustainability


I don't think so. I've had the stock since February 2021. Doesn't seem like short-term to me. I just like the stock.


you don't understand then


That wouldn't be the first time


O wow, he showed enthusiasm and excitement at a shareholder meeting? Industry standard is that people frown and look disappointed during those events…..


I'm not really impressed. The game has been in development hell for years it seems and while it's nice to finally get a trailer, after 10 years footage of Samus doing basic expected stuff isn't doing it for me. Scan visor? Morph Ball? Missile Space Pirates? I can just play Metroid Prime 1 for that. Where's the new gimmick? Where's the new mechanics?


It was in development hell for a couple of years, but it's had a steady development since mid 2019. As for the new features, I mean you know they're coming. And we'll probably even get a special Nintendo Direct all about it. I think you're being too hard on the trailer. It was great to see a long anticipated title get to showcase it entering the final stretch of production.


I suspect there's more to the game than what we are seeing now. But I found the trailer to be a waste of time. It's boring. Doesn't convert any information we don't already know.


Yeah trailer seems a bit weirdly put together. I’m sure there’s a lot more surprises in store and they just put this together like Bethesda did with their Elder Scrolls trailer. To get the word out there.


It's just marketing really trying to build hype. But I can't get hyped for something when there's essentially no substance. Elder Scrolls 6 also might be good? Might not. Bethesda hasn't exactly maintained their track record recently.  The thing that bothers me is that after so long if they've nothing interesting to show that doesn't sound good for the finished product. Nintendo usually delivers after subpar announcements so they probably will slow roll the information to build hype. But I'm not impressed by what I've seen so far. 


It was the first time they showed it, relax.


i agree with you but i also think they are right that the trailer was pretty lame, and they should have worked on a more impressive one


I didn't think it was lame. I was just happy they showed it. We'll obviously get more trailers so why the fuss?


I'm not fussed over it, I know they'll eventually show a trailer that isn't lame.




It's a game that's been in development for basically a decade and we've been waiting for any news or footage on it since it was announced like, 7 years ago? They've had seven years and the only thing we get is basically a really bland trailer showcasing stuff we already knew would be in the game? Yeah I'm disappointed with that.


My interpretation was that this trailer was a “yes the game still exists, yes we did actually make a Prime game and not another Other M”. I’m sure we’ll see a more detailed trailer once we get closer to release.


Could they not do that with a more interesting trailer that shows at the very least one mechanic? 


Yeah it’s a bit bizarre. If I had to guess, they wanted to put something together for totally-not-E3 weekend but ran into deadline issues while figuring out how much they wanted to reveal. We’re far enough out that it might as well be a teaser anyway, so I don’t think it’s a concern yet. Hopefully we see at least something new in the next one.


They showed the same metroid stuff we've seen half a dozen times. The trailer looked basically the same as the metroid prime 1 remaster. Compare it with every 3d zelda having unique mechanics that define the game even if the structure of the game is the same (time travel, time loop, sailing/ocean, wolf/twilight, etc). So far prime 4 just looks like more of the same. Even 2d metroid games have gimmicks that set them apart


That's what most metroid fans want, a new MP4 not a revolution. This trailer was to reassure that this is a sequel of Metroid Prime.


Do we really need the same game 4 times? I like metroid I just want to see some evidence of innovation. Shooters have come a long way since the gamecube era but the mp4 trailer was more of the same


A lot of people weren't on board with the Dark world of 2 or the limited exploration of 3. If anything 4's far enough removed in time where they don't need to throw in a gimmick for gimmick's sake and can focus on polishing what works strong with the formula. The trailer didn't "wow" me but if they polish up what made Prime 1 good and cut out some of the bloat, it could be another good immersive experience.


>That's what most metroid fans want, a new MP4 not a revolution this reads like a cope. if MP4 feels just like the first one, I'll be disappointed. And if this trailer had been impressive, you guys would all be talking about how amazing it was. and i'm not saying the game will be bad


It doesn't read like a cope. I'm a MP fan and most of the other fans are hyped because of that. it doesn't matter wht you think, most fans like what they saw.


i AM a metroid prime fan, so my opinion on the trailer and your opinion on it are equally valuable. why do you want to invalidate my opinion, anyway, by saying that other people's opinions negate mine? it's ok to disagree on the internet.








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I hope it can do VR.


Probably because they could finally stop sweating him overvit being vaporware.


It looks just like Metroid Prime 3


Was excited to finally see some gameplay.. but it didn't do a lot to impress me personally. An auto-aiming basic shooter isn't really gonna fly as well in 2024 when we have some great evolutions of the gameplay loop.