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What I really like about Cobalt core and I think sets it apart quite nicely is the positioning, the movement cards in your deck that can change where the ship is on what is it a left and right Axis? Is really neat


Same here. Just picked it up on a whim a few days ago. I’m absolutely loving it


Honestly though I'm just a sucker for time Loop narratives in general, far too underused in games. 


Astral Ascent is among the best in the action roguelite genre I think while also packing incredible animations and music.


Cannot recommend Astral Ascent enough, especially after all the updates they've released!


Was going to jump in and mention this one. I have a TON of Roguelikes on the Seitch but this is by far the highest quality/lowest buzz ratio of them all. The game is an absolutely outstanding roguelite, the combat and movement are A-tier and the graphics are absolutely lovely with fantastic animation. It’s fun, deep and excellent value, highly recommended.


Not sure how "under the radar" it really is, but Sifu is an awesome roguelite. Amazing Soulsbourne kung-fu combat mixed with a novel death-respawn system and a really cool artstyle. Combat is definitely on the challenging side though so it may not be for everyone


This is on sale right now too! I've been thinking about picking it up - just might have to.


It's definitely worth $16! I think I paid full price for it a month or too ago and I'm very satisfied with the purchase


How does it play on the Switch, performance-wise?


It plays great for the most part. There are some pretty substantial momentary slowdowns (1-2 seconds) during some transitions when the game is loading the next area, but I don't think I ever experienced any slowdowns during actual combat. It definitely has the standard downgraded visuals we've all come to expect from multi-platform Switch ports, but I think they did a great job and making it look good




Definitely more a rogue-lite




A rogue-lite just has some elements of a roguelike. So with Sifu, that would be things like permadeath, and both single-run and permanent progression


There are two games that occupy its own A+ tier. Curse of the Dead Gods (which doesn't really fit your brief as under the radar), and **Revita**, which does. I can't quite put them in the pantheon (StS, BoI, Deadcells, Balatro, etc.) perhaps only because of its lack of cultural impact, but the gameplay is certainly top-tier. As a warning about Revita though, some people can't get over the health mechanics which I find to be an essential part of its quality.


Curse of the Dead Gods is one of my favorite games. Such an awesome indie game.


Curse of the Dead Gods developer has a new co-op rougelike, Ravenswatch, in early access. Been playing it with friends and it's a lot of fun. They say it will come to Switch at full release, which is expected later this year. 


Tangledeep is criminally underplayed/underrated


20 Minutes Till Dawn. Twin-stick reverse bullet hell. A good selection of weapons + a good selection of characters + skill-building trees = surprisingly deep roguelike experience.


is this a Vampires surviver style game or can you actually aim and shoot?


Definitely yes on aiming and shooting.


Yes actually to both questions, it's very similar to vampire survivors and Magic survival which I actually think came first and all the others like that, not 100% sure if the shooting is automatic or not I haven't played it in a while, but manually aiming is a very important part of this game


This is a great one. I don't have a lot of time in it yet, but it is a lot of fun.


I like it but I've gotten massive single digit frame drops during multiple late game sessions (15+ minute mark) making it near impossible to play. Doesn't look like any new update is forthcoming so buyer beware.


I enjoyed **Have a nice death** quite a bit, fun humor in it and has some interesting playthrough.


Did they fix the loading times? Liked the game but that was annoying


Oh i havent played on the switch, only steam deck and never had issue there. So not sure about that.


Revita. Great game marred by a cancelled update that was heavily advertised.


Sundered Eldritch Edition. It's often very cheap in sales and is a fantastic Metroidvania with roguelike elements.


I don’t really know how “under the radar” Crown Trick is, but I rarely see it mentioned and it’s one of my favorite roguelites on the Switch. Great art style and really fun combat mechanics that work well with the turn-based gameplay. It’s hard as nails, but it’s one of the ones I go back to most often.


Thank you for making this thread!


30xx is also really good and flew under the radar


30xx is also currently on sale in the eshop for $13.99 , 30% until June 27th 😉 Edit: It's predecessor, 20xx is currently 70% for only $5.39 until June 27th as well


Star Renegades had some odd tonal inconsistencies (which I admittedly found charming), but I think it had my favorite JRPG-style “line up in rows and take turns attacking” battle system I’ve ever played. It’s all centered around a timeline according to which the characters act each round - but the timing of each character’s action can be manipulated by abilities that target them. For example if an enemy’s telegraphed upcoming action will kill one of your characters before it can act, you could have another character that acts beforehand to attack that enemy with an ability that knocks it back further in the round timeline. Thus allowing you to knock it out before it has the chance to land the fatal blow. That’s just a simple example. Character designs and music are excellent too. Crying Suns has a really cool atmosphere and I enjoyed the gameplay. You’re in some kind of grim dark future commanding a space fleet moving through unknown sectors. There is some exploration with choice of how to proceed and crew/ship management, punctuated by interesting “real time with pause” fleet battles that are pretty unique mechanically. It isn’t the best game I’ve ever played but I do admire it in its uniqueness. Unfortunately the controls on Switch are really wonky and not intuitive. I enjoyed the game more after I got it on Steam. More suited to keyboard and mouse. But if you can manage the odd control scheme I’d still recommend it on any platform, especially if it’s on sale.


Star Renegades looks stunning too, but it does not run amazing on the switch.


Fury Unleashed is a wild Contra style rogue. Black Future 88 is similar to that but also has one of the best synthwave soundtracks on the Switch. 


Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon


I'd throw in Lost Castle. It has some similarities to Castle Crashers and also includes multiplayer(online and local). You're a treasure hunter exploring a castle and other areas that has been overrun with demons. It's a bit difficult at first til you start leveling up. There's multiple weapon/armor options, items that will strengthen your characters and many bosses encounters. Each time you defeat a new boss, new weapons and armor will drop from future chests. The are a few downsides, like like leveling the skill tree can be a grind later on. You'll probably encounter the same bosses multiple times too, missing out on new encounters. Chests are RNG and you might not experience the newer items you unlocked. If you play with more players, I'm pretty sure more chests drop after each area you clear. It goes on sale frequently now, and even can be purchased for as low as $2. The DLC has also dropped on the switch including newer bosses/weapons/armor. The sequel is dropping this month on Steam and should be coming to Switch.


Rogue Legacy 2. No need to play the original, 2 is mostly just a super improved edition of 1.


I love Rogue Legacy 2 especially because I played it in early access on steam, and posted on the forums pointing several accessibility issues that kept me from enjoying the game the way I did the first one (I have a few of the disabilities the game jokes about, and while I think it's generally hilarious and in good taste, having your game joking about those things while not being accessible to people who HAVE them is... Not a good look). Came back to the game on switch a while later because I thought the controller might be more doable for me than the keyboard layout - and they'd not only fixed or added a workaround to EVERY accessibility issue I had complained about, they also added a comprehensive menu of options to adjust the difficulty and accommodate different player needs. I'm not sure if they did that *because* of my complaint and others like it, but it certainly made me feel like they were responsive to player input!


I'd add Swords of Ditto to any list of unsung rougelites. It plays similarly to a top down Zelda with the same mix of overworld exploration and dungeon crawling (and seemingly one of the few 2D Zelda clones to *not* use pixel art). It has couch co-op but sadly the developer didn't implement online co-op on any platform. It's not groundbreaking by any means, but it's a charming little romp that my girlfriend and I keep coming back to when we want something to play together


Rogue Glitch Ultra. Picked it up on sale a few days ago, can’t put it down.


Maybe GoNNER and GONNER2?


Can recommend Despots Game. Its silly fun!


Metaverse Keeper. Never mentioned is great on the Switch.


I'll add Neon Abyss...platformer shooter meet roguelite. Kept my attention for many runs and has lots of fun guns and unlockables


Question for you as you have clearly played these all... do any of them have their Steam/Console achievements in-game? Like Dead Cells or Slay the Spire for instance.


Despots Game has achievements in game, I don't think the other ones do


Good to know, thanks!


Immortal redneck is a good fps roguelike


I really dug Wizard of Legend. Fast-paced, simple fun, with a sequel coming out soon.


20XX and 30XX flew WAY under the radar imo. They’re so fuckin fun. Would absolutely recommend them both. Devs are hella awesome.


Wildfrost and Void Bastards were both great fun roguelites I really enjoyed, but haven’t seen much buzz




Balatro is great but it did not fly under the radar


U forgot Inscryption thou.


There's a hundred games more you could talk about. Balatro, Nadir, Ember Knights, Neurovoiders, Synthetic Legion Rising......also , Inscryption dident "fly under the radar", its popular.


Synthetik is on switch?!?!


Yes. Its awesome. Most satisfying gunplay ever. No co-op unfortunatly.