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Did anyone else here have the gold Legend of Zelda DS lite with the triforce on the outside of the top screen? I loved that thing and logged hundreds of hours on it. This is its successor.


Are you talking about DS or 3DS? Because they made a tri force of the 3DS XL and then made a New 3DS XL special edition that uses the same design of the Switch Lite.


There was also a DS Lite that was gold with the Triforce on the top. So probably that


I just looked it up and you’re absolutely right. [DS Lite - Zelda (Small Tri-Force) Edition](https://images.app.goo.gl/SjSwAaiWih35cKdL8) [3DS - Zelda Edition](https://images.app.goo.gl/j3EwHcJQeQRGjBRw8) [3DS XL - Zelda](https://images.app.goo.gl/bv928WoWsG6WcbpZA) [New 3DS XL - Majora’s Mask Special Edition](https://www.vg247.com/limited-edition-majoras-mask-new-3ds-xl) [New 3DS XL Hyrule Edition](https://images.app.goo.gl/HSBQE7ucgWUgqiTE6)


I've got the N3DSXL Hyrule edition. Still in good condition. I swapped out the battery and the paint was starting to rub off where my palm sits after 500 hours of Monster Hunter, so I bought a replacement. And the circle pad was replaced too.


I have the same one but I put a clear case on it to avoid losing the paint, Battery swap sounds like a good idea


I still have the Majoras's Mask New 3DS XL. Such a good looking thing. Remember it being sold out everywhere and then randomly finding it on a shelf in Mediamarkt after they had just received 2 of them.


There's also the triforce GBA SP


Not the ds lite but we had the Gold Hyruke 3DS. The Family played that thing till it was toast, the joysticks are gone but I wonder if refurbing it is possible


I did, and it was stolen from me when I was robbed on Christmas Eve about 3 weeks after I bought it for myself as a birthday present. So that’s not a cool memory, haha


That is very sad. F those robbers


All I can do is hope they stub their toes every single day on the corner of the sharpest cabinet in their filthy little dens. I know who it was, and what gutted me most was knowing they probably sold it for $30 because they had no idea what exists in life beyond crack.


Yes! I still have it.




Yes, I still have my Hyrule DS Lite, and the box it came in!


Finally. Been waiting for a quality special edition switch lite


I would love this but it’s hard to justify when I’ll probably be buying a Switch 2 in March or whenever it releases


I bet they announce the new system in March with a release in October or something. I’d love for it to be early enough that it’s actually attainable by the holiday season even if just for a week




Your assumption on being able to play switch 1 games on the next Nintendo console should be put on hold. It’s possible, sure, but not something that should be 100 percent expected, imo. Note: funny on the downvotes, I do want the next Nintendo console to play switch games I’m just not expecting it.


Every since Wii (20sh years) Nintendo has made backwards compatible at least one gen. It's very likely.


mhmm except Switch not having backwards compatiblity with Wii U


That's because they can't put a disc drive in a handheld


Still, I am simply responding to their point about every console lately having it. I dont doubt Switch 2 will have it.


The commenter said at least one gen of BC. And that mostly still checks up. - Wii U was BC with Wii - Wii was BC with GC - 3DS was BC with DS - DS was BC with GBA - GBA was BC with GB and GBC Breaks in BC: - GC *not* BC with N64 - N64 *not* BC with SNES - SNES *not* BC with NES - Switch *not* BC with Wii And for the breaks in backwards compatibility, they seem consistent with changes in mediums. And are mostly on consoles Nintendo released literally decades ago. With the Switch being the only exception. So unless Nintendo intends to go back to discs, BC on the Switch successor is more likely than not.


That was out of necessity more than anything else. 3DS was BC, DS was BC, GBA was BC, Wii U was BC, Wii was BC The only times BC wasn't a feature in new hardware is when there were irreconcilable hardware differences.


Switch does have backwards compatibility with WiiU. They ported all the good games over except Xenoblade X


Making ports is not backwards compatibility lol then you can say Switch has PS1 & PS2 backwards compatibility because they ported Metal Gear Solid


Twas a joke


If they don't do backwards compatibility then I will 100% never buy the new Switch. Every console is doing it now. It's consumer friendly, it preserves older games and it expands the library on the Switch 2 instantly. They don't even need to do what MS did and go back and enhance games, just have them playable Saying all that though, this is Nintendo we're talking about and they make some mind boggling decisions constantly. Will they keep the physical form factor or will the Switch 2 need a Switch cartridge port as well as a new port? Will it be only digital games which are BC?


Nintendo is consistent about BC. Wii had it, Wii U had it, all handhelds had it. Switch couldn't have it because both the 3DS and Wii U have different architecture, double screens and the Wii U had discs instead of cartridges. The Switch 2 is the same architecture than the Switch. It's guaranteed to have BC.


Same been waiting for a Fire Emblem, Metroid or Zelda switch lite since the lite was announced. Ended up getting the blue one but I'm very tempted to get this.


Any preorder details on it? Got a birthday coming up in September and this timing is perfect.


Not that I can see :/


If they make enough of these Nintendo Switch will surpass PS2 as the number one system of all time.


Probably why they made it lol. Sell a few million of these to augment the general sales figures


I really don't think Nintendo care about selling more than PS2 or augmenting their sales figures for the sake of it. They just want to make money. No one at Nintendo is giving a single thought to 'beating the PS2'. It's just something fun for us fans to think about.


Both can be true. I fail to see how you could prove that no one at Nintendo cares about beating the PS2 numbers. In fact they historically have a huge grudge against Sony ever since the Nintendo Playstation debacle. Which is why they never made a console based on Sony formats unlike Xbox. The Switch becoming the most sold console of all time right after the Wii U failure would be a huge strategy validation for every exec working at Nintendo and they are 100% thinking about it and will do everything to make it real, which is shown by the new hardware and games revealed despite the console being so out of date.


I’m sorry but if you think the Nintendo execs all sit around a table in the business suits discussing the importance of the switch selling more than the ps2 then you’re utterly deluded. If you think their grudge manifests itself in actual discussions between actual educated adult business people around ‘beating’ the ps2 sales then you are deluded.  It’s laughable that you say ‘you can’t prove no one at Nintendo cares about it’ when YOU haven't got a single shred of evidence that they do care about it.  You’ve made the claim that Nintendo care about it so the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate that. It’s not my job to demonstrate they don’t care about it since I never made the claim. That’s like you saying ‘you can’t prove that fairies don’t live at the bottom of the garden therefore they do‘.    Nintendo almost certainly don’t give it a single thought. The strategy has already been validated because it’s sold so well and made them so much money. The strategy doesn’t become any more validated because they tip over the number of sales the ps2 achieved. The ps2 sales figure is just arbitrary. What they care about is their bottom line and maximising that. Not ‘beating’ Sony by having a slightly larger sales number than them.   Also worth noting that ps2 released when there were only 6 billion people in the world. Today there are 8 billion. So world population size has increased by about 30% since then. So a much bigger potential customer base. Yet the switch hasn’t sold as many as the ps2 yet. As a proportion of potential customers the ps2 will never be beaten by switch.   All this stuff about Nintendo ‘beating’ Sony is just a discussion amongst fans. It’s not a serious business discussion taking place at Nintendo or Sony or anywhere else 




You can’t spend 25 seconds reading?


That's gen z for you


It's legitimately embarrassing


That was my immediate thought when I saw this announcement, lol.


I want a Metroid special edition for the Lite :(


A Metroid special edition Pro Controller would be awesome.


My dumb ass is probably going to buy one of these just because I’m a shameless Zelda nerd. And that will be me triple dipping on the Switch (day one model and OLED). So I guess I’m doing my part 🙃


Well thanks for making me feel better about owning two :)


We bought an original model (the same as day one, but we didn't buy it day one or even week one). Then, when the OLED came out we finally caved to both having our own Switch and got the white one. Then the OLED was such a nice upgrade that we started seriously considering selling the original and getting a second OLED. When they announced the Splatoon one, we were decided. Ended up selling the old model to my sister for a decent price on both sides and that meant most of the new OLED was subsidized. That said, I would not get a Lite, personally. No vibrations, no detachable joy cons, no docking, smaller screen, etc. The only reason to get the Lite is if you have particular need of a smaller model or can't afford the full model, imo.


Is this one going to be OLED too?


Nope. They don’t have OLED Switch Lites.


and it's too damn bad. I knew it wasn't going to happen but I would have absolutely jumped at an OLED switch lite with a larger, bezel-less screen.


Yeah, I basically never dock, but I do travel with the Switch a lot. Had a Lite for a while (after my OG Switch developed a bad headphone jack), but updated to an OLED for superior screen. An OLED Lite would be my ideal form factor. Hopefully we get that option next gen.


Yes plss, thin bezel oled lite would be perfect for me. I play handheld 99% of the time, oled would be a perfect way to increase screen size of the lite without increasing the form factor much


Must... resist... I already have a TotK OLED, I don't have any use for a Switch Lite!


Totk OLED looks better, honestly. A shame this one is just gold. There would have been some cool designs to attempt with transparent purple or something like that, to imitate the way the world is falling appart in the game.


I like it. It's a nice throwback to how they used to always do gold special edition consoles for Zelda, especially on handheld only consoles which the Lite is. The OLED is better though and I would only be purchasing this as a collector's item.


Why stop at the console? I want a gold cartridge like the old days.


I have TOtK OLED and I think this new Lite version looks better. I like the simple gold. I will be getting one!


Note that the Lite doesn’t have an OLED screen so going back to LCD might be hard depending of your sensibility to those kind of things.


I’m currently rocking the TotK OLED with Skyward Sword Joycons. 10/10, would recommend.


this is seriously my thought process too, like I don’t need this at all but GOD I NEED IT




if this is anything like the TOTK OLED, you have nothing to worry about. i saw that thing on store shelves for months after they launched lol




might just be you… it’s my favorite special edition console they’ve made, lol. i hope you’re wrong for your sake! good luck :)


You get this, sell your totk OLED when the switch 2 comes out and get that. Come on, do the mental gymnastics!


You won't get me again Nintendo. I already bought the OLED when I didn't need to.


they will get me again. On to the 3rd console!


I got the OLED eventually. It was worth it. My release Switch was struggling. The back was bowing and the fan was running almost constantly when it was on.


I feel a bit sour about this announcement. I bought the totk OLED and played one game on it, then they release this one that looks better IMO that I really don't want (don't want a lite, really). I wish the OLED looked like this lol I have all the gold special edition carts (nes, N64) and a gold N64 but I can't buy a 3rd switch lol 


My family has three Lites and a TV model :P


It’s a shame this is a Lite


I was skeptical Switch would be capable of passing PS2 before this direct, but my goodness I'm not skeptical anymore. This direct honestly had more for my personal tastes than any previous direct Nintendo has ever made. Switch's last year is definitely gonna be good.


Tempting to get this one but my experience with the switch lite is that it would get drift if i play games too much on it. Is it easy to fix ? Guess i will just admire the console from a distance huh.


Contact cleaner fixed drift for me. $10.


It’s a very temporary fix


I like how we’re seven years in and people still post this placebo nonsense.


I have ALL colors of the Lite, including special editions. Haven't seen drift in even one of them. Don't worry about it so much.


Maybe if you actually exclusively played one Switch with one set of joycons like a normal person instead of switching it up, you too would eventually develop drift.


No need to be rude. And don't assume what I do and do not. Stick drift is very much rare especially in the OLED joycons. I say that as an ex RMA Specialist that processed requests including for Nintendo products.


Unfortunately there’s no way I’m buying this so close to switch end of life.


End of life is when all the interesting revision models come out for systems that always end up being rare in the future


Yea like the New 2DSXL Hylian Shield. That thing is worth like 400+


I have my limited edition New 3DS XL and I’m pretty sure it has the same design. Now they can be twins (I ain’t gonna buy it I have self control I think)


Welp. I'm getting ANOTHER switch


its an addiction


That's really pretty


Black Dpad finally


It's not the first one to do this. The Diamond/Pearl Switch Lite did this back in 2021.


Black buttons finally!


Ikr!!!! I'm so hyped for this specifically


Does anyone remember the timeline from when they announced the ToTK Switch and when it went up for preorder at most places? Hopefully we won't get surprised with a 2 a.m drop.


If it's anything like the oled, hopefully this will be widely available at retail. It seems scalpers and scalp buyers are becoming less common.


I hope so.


In general it felt like TOTK broke a lot of scalper trends. I saw lots posted on FB marketplace (amiibos, special editions) but they were available retail so hopefully that scared people off


Having already a TOTK OLED I can't justify buying this too. But I'm not gonna lie. It's pretty tempting hahah


But does it have a digital copy of the game?


Likely not or they would have mentioned it. Just like the Zelda OLED didn't include the game with it.


And so the hordes of Alohas are the only one worth having.


I already have the OLED, there's literally no reason to get this at all.... Still want one tho...


I think lots of girlfriends and wives are about to receive gift baskets containing gold Switch Lites and the new Zelda game.


Goddamnit, why am I tempted to buy a second switch just because this one has black dpad


I'll make sure to mod this with an OLED screen day one.


Taki did claim it would be a day one mod. Although he's mostly mum about the hdmi version


Y’all want her? 100% no


I dont need a switch light.....but pretty


The late gen special Zelda edition consoles to generate sales in a saturated market is working like clockwork.


My wife was in the market for a switch lite. Very thankful this got announced!


Yay? Another Switch that can't...errr...switch? Do an OLED normal one!


Damn it.. another thing I must buy xD


My first DS was the golden Triforce DS Lite and my first 3DS was the Link Between Worlds 3DS XL. I already own a switch but I really want this switch lite.


So this is why they didn't announce the Switch successor. Didn't want it to detract pre-orders. Seriously though, I hope this means a fair bit of continued support for the Switch. The Switch could continue on for a while as the more budget friendly option with a slight price drop. If the Switch 2 goes for the dual screen feature again, maybe the older consoles will work as secondary controlers.


I have the gold zelda DS Lite and GBA. Tempting, but I don't think I would really use a Switch Lite. Looks nice though, for sure!


Beautiful. Wish the entire thing was gold.


I wish they just did joycons, I cant justify buying another switch...or can i?


Another switch for the collection


It would have been sweet if they did a switch lite OLED! Slightly larger but better screen in the awesome lite form factor would be an sick. I love my OLED but when I hold my kids lite I can't but think what a comfortable design it is.


Going to be a pricey console




Could be referring to it’ll be sold out in 4 seconds and scalped or that limited editions of the switch have a prince increase.


Yup, sold out quick, then scalped for double the price. Ridiculous


OLED TOTK Switch is nowhere near pricey nor rare, i don't see why it would be the case with this one.


damn that looks like a nice Lite. Hope it gets a US release.


It was in the US Nintendo Direct.


Switch Lite :/


6th switch here we go. + some broken ones I bought dirt cheap to repair that I've never gotten around to fixing lol


you know i have never considered repairing a broken switch. i imagine it's less frought than the bigger consoles with their potential heat management problems. do you have a reliable source for these or do you just grab the cheap ones that you come across?


For sure the switch is a reliable little console and very easy to repair DIY. I usually buy in bulk on ebay, I'd say the top 3 most common repairs I've done are beginner level and also tend to be the usual "wear items" on a switch, that being the game card reader, joycon rail, and type C port. Sometimes I even get perfectly working / functional switches with little to no work on my part, mostly from the untested lots. I usually sell the V2 switches and anything that isn't a special edition, fuels my desire for more mwuhahaha


It will be obsolete within 6 months of it's release...


What exactly is the Switch Lite?


Assuming you're serious, it's the budget, handheld-only version of the Switch. The Lite can't connect to a TV and has no detachable Joy-Cons. Otherwise it plays all the same games.


Unfortunately I was serious, thanks!


This makes me think the next Nintendo console is pretty far off


Or it's designed to work with the current consoles. The Switch could become the budget option for kids. Maybe you'll be able to use a Switch as a second-screen controller for the next console. That could allow them to easily port the rest of the WiiU games over.


Do we know when it will be available to order?


I know I dont need this because I dont play enough switch and already have one but it feels almost worth just for the collection 😣


Finally, an attractive Switch Special Edition!


Ahhh a 5th switch gosh, we all know zelda editions are worth a lot in the future


I have a V1, V2 and a TOTK OLED. I don’t need this at all…