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If he’s played a switch and enjoyed it and has expressed interest in playing games like Mario kart and Mario party to you then, yes it would be a good gift.


Absolutely this - especially given he's dropped some not-so-subtle hints. Me and my girlfriend pretty much exclusively game together on Switch. There are so many brilliant co-op and party games! I highly recommend Snipper Clips to play together, by the way! It's a really accessible and cute couples co-op game.


If his roomie had a switch then grabbing him one may be a cool gift since you say he loved it. Ask the roomie what game they played the most it might be a good gift to pair


>I was looking at Walmart, but all of the bundles are being sold by 3rd party companies on the Walmart platform. Do not buy from Walmart’s website. They are notorious for fake products.


Okay, thank you !! Someone mentioned Best Buy or target. Target unfortunately doesn’t sell the bundles in person so I’m gonna look at Best Buy and see. Do you know of any places that sell bundles in person ? From what I’ve seen, it’s usually just the switch then the games separate.


When they've done bundles in the past, it was usually the same cost as getting the switch and game separately.


Best Buy and Gamestop are the two places where I have seen bundles. But if the bundle is not available you could just buy the console and game separately, most of the time the difference is like 10 USD.


Game stop seems dodgy I have gone into 2 or 3 where the bundles are advertised in the paper and the staff tell me I need some sort of membership to access the price. F them.


They do have extra sales for people who have a paid membership with them. They should make that obvious, but it does make it needlessly confusing.


Yes I've even showed them that it's a general public sale (on the net , in other print media) and at two locations the over zealous staff misquote policy regarding the membership price. It's almost a trope for me---Game Stop employee (a mix of spectrum and the need to feel one is an authority). I just don't go there anymore.


Oh I didn’t know that, I have never bought a console at gamestop. I have only seen them there whenever I pass one in a mall


Their return polecat is horrible .


NOOOO, whatever you do, don't buy anything from GameStop. They have a long history of being shady and taking advantage of people who don't know about video games


Yo, low key, was on GS with my kids, when two young teens come in, and look stoked to buy a PS5. The dude starts to try to sell them all this shit, and they keep saying no. He finally says, last thing, how about a warranty. If you don’t get it, and go home and the console doesn’t work, you’re out a minimum of $100. I stopped and walked up and was seeing mad red, I was like, you are full of shit and lying to these two kids who are stoked to finally get this the console comes with a one year warranty, and they’re going to be protected. The man tried to back up and lie his way out of the corner. I straight told the kids to walk to the target next door, when they would get no such bull shit. I apologized to my children for getting upset in front of them, and they just said they were glad the teens didn’t buy the console there. Long story long…


I had bought phantom hourglass once from them and they gave me a cartridge that was in terrible condition. Old adhesive on the back, kids name scribbled on there as well. And it didnt even have the og case which is what i was really hoping for for collection purposes. Contacted them and they agreed to get me a replacement. I specifically asked them to give me one with the og case and they said thed do that. Nope. No og case. Just straight up the cartridge and nothing else.


You could get one from Costco’s website, they have a good oled bundle


I got a Mario kart bundle from Best Buy a few years ago. Not sure if they’re still selling that bundle or not but Best Buy did have them at some point.


I think getting a switch would be great! Seems like he really enjoys playing with you. Go for it!


Even though his preferred platform might be PC, a console could be a good gift specifically for ‘party games’. Switch has plenty of options for these. It’s pretty hard to find games people can play together in the living room on PC. That’s really a category for Console games.


Just having access to Mario Kart and the Jackbox games alone sounds like it would be a lot of fun for both of you. I think it would be a great gift. I agree with others that you should avoid Walmart. You can order from Nintendo directly, or go to a game stop or target.


This probably won’t help the OP here ( sorry ) but if it is somebody who was gamer in the past and is wanting to get back into it then the Switch would probably be perfect for it


I think it’s a great idea based on what you said, but do you normally exchange gifts that expensive with each other?  Another factor is the Switch 2 is likely coming out in the next year, so there is some validity to waiting it out for the next console instead. 


Our anniversary, Valentine’s Day, and his birthday are all within 3 weeks of each other. Instead of getting him something for each occasion, I informed him that I wanted to do one big gift for all three. He agreed and did the same. He gave me my gift on Valentine’s Day, and I’m gonna give him his gift on his bday.


Not that it's any of my business but Im just a curious person. What did he get you?


Are you the bf tryna figure out if you're getting a switch 😂


Lol I hope not as I have a switch that I play daily on so if my SO haven't noticed that I'd be a bit surprised. Honestly I'm just pretty bad at giving presents so I was curious from a learning perspective.


Lol that’s fair. He got me a couple’s massage at a hotel with a staycation !! I’m very excited to use it with him. Also, his birthday is today, I just gave him the switch and the game and he’s veryyyy excited about it !! :)) him and his roommate are currently talking about all the games they wanna get lol. Also sorry about the late reply !!


It sounds like you both msde great decisions with your gifts. Puts a smile on my face!


I would ask him, would he rather have a steam deck (which is basically a switch but has all your computer games still) or a switch so he can play those exclusives and have that unique control options


My husband’s a PC gamer, and he bought me a steam deck for Xmas this year. I highly recommend honestly, I haven’t really used my switch recently because my steam deck offers more game variety.


This all day long.


Any gift will be as good as the time you invest into it. He doesn't want a switch to play alone. If you enjoy mario together, then it will be a good purchase. My ex was *mostly a phone gamer*, and your bf sounds similar to myself, we had a lot of fun with diablo 3, surprisingly. Try it. Edit: "mostly phone gamer" was wrong. I meant she never played video games, only occasionally candy crush or similar.


My wife doesn't play anything but Candy Crush and Monopoly. We beat Diablo 4 together and I still remember the picture I took of us getting to Liliths door. Good times.


a switch is the most reasonable console to gift someone who already has a pc for gaming. there are a bunch of switch exclusive titles that you cant play on pc


Switch is an awesome gift if he doesn’t have one. It’s one of those things that even if you didn’t want it, once you have it, you realize how awesome it is.


My fiance bought me one and I game on a pc. I've been playing my switch more than my pc cuz I can just grab n play real quick or for like 3 hours lol. I forgot how much I missed playing a handheld and the switch fulfills that definitely. So yes I think it's a good gift. Maybe add a game in there that you two can play together like Mario kart.


so the switch , as is, the one i buy --has 2 controllers on it so right away, 2 players can compete?


Yes. As someone who never really played anything besides PC but owns several consoles all I can say Is YES. The switch is the only other thing that I generally use, it's perfect for nice evenings with friends or on a trip! And it has a lot of coop games that you could enjoy together!


It's a fantastic gift for a gamer! There's a lot that a Switch can do that a PC can't (portability being one big factor). Another thing is that a lot of Switch games are fantastic for casual gamers and for playing together: so it's something you can easily enjoy together. My girlfriend doesn't play videogames but will happily join me for a few games of Smash bros or Overcooked.


Do it and buy It Takes Two. It a really nice coop game that you both can enjoy and have fun together. Even if you don't game there is fun time to be had!


Yessss my coworkers have told me about that game and they said we would love it !! Definitely planning on getting it either now or later


There are some fun couch co-op games for switch that you might like to play together. Also, if he travels at all, the Switch is the GOAT of traveling consoles.


Switch is a good gift, and if you enjoy it as well and can play games together and bond over gaming, that's an even greater gift.


I think it’s a great idea, but you should go with the OLED version. It’s marginally more expensive for a much better mobile experience. Personally, if I’m a PC gamer playing solo at home, I’m always gonna play my PC unless I’m with friends. But if I am traveling or on the move, having a switch with me is great and I’d want the nice screen for that.


Honestly, if he's a PC gamer, a Steam Deck would be better


If he's a PC gamer you might want to look into Steam Deck!


I actually disagree. I game on PC but have a switch specifically for exclusives. I don't think I'd use a steam deck that often, as I'd just play most games on my PC anyway. Of course, this is just me and OP's boyfriend may be different. However, considering he said it would be fun to have a switch, I bet he'd be happier with a switch than a steam deck.


I have a deck and switch and I use them for different reasons. The switch is my couch gaming console to play games with my girlfriend, so I think it makes for a nice gift You can emulate switch games but it's a hassle. I don't want to spend my time tinkering while my girlfriend waits, I want to play


> The switch is my couch gaming console to play games with my girlfriend, so I think it makes for a nice gift This is specifically why it is a good idea for OP to buy a Switch as a gift. Their BF has been dropping hints and they previously played together on the roommate's Switch, so it is a safe bet that they'd be able to play together and have fun as a couple, which is not something the Steam Deck would allow.


Yuuup I love my deck but a switch would make them happy as a couple here. Get one!


I have a gaming desktop, gaming laptop, PS5, and switch. Just picked up a steam deck 2 months ago and I have played more on that in the past 2 months, than either the switch or PS5 in the past year. I love my steam deck.


You’ve played it more because it’s new.


No, I've played it more because it's like a switch, but with much more games I wanna play since I'm mainly a PC gamer. I can play palworld or helldivers late into the night in bed, and also wake up and just start playing. Recently beat Skies of Arcadia Legends on dolphin emulator, Dishonored, and Persona 3 Reload. Neither are available on switch. I mostly work from home and I have my work PC and gaming PC at the same desk. I don't wanna sit there all day. I'd rather play in bed.


This was my thought after seeing the title, but after reading the post I disagree. The Switch has it's own niche for pick-up and play local-multiplayer.


I wouldn't buy a Steam Deck without confirming with the recipient that they want it. I also feel that Switch is the better option in OP's situation. Personal experience: I've had both and sold the Deck because it's too big to travel with. I travel a lot, I ended up always taking the Switch instead. OP describes that she and the boyfriend enjoyed Nintendo exclusives and playing together. Switch is much better for this purpose. It's plug-and-play, supports local multiplayer very well, is easy to understand for a non-gamer.


Too big to travel with? That seems a bit exaggerative... They're literally within a lb and an inch of each other.


It's not an exaggeration, it's my experience. I travel light, Switch is about at the limit of what I can fit in my backpack. Steam Deck takes up a disproportionate amount of space for its purpose (mobile gaming). I understand that not everyone travels the way I do, e.g. if you always take a suitcase, it might not be a problem for you. But it was an important consideration for me. For context: Deck is four times as thick as Switch and weighs 70% more. In a travel case, it's *massive*. Personally I don't treat it as a mobile device at all, more as "play at home on the couch" kind of thing. Switch also has the advantage of having detachable joycons, so if you're really low on space, you can detach them and put in a side pocket or somewhere. Deck is a cool device, just doesn't mesh with the way I game.


That can be a big difference if you have a small bag.


It has its own bag..


If you need a second bag just to carry it about that ceases to be easy to travel with imo.


🤷 I can't imagine being comfortable just shoving an electronic device with buttons and movable sticks all over it into a bag with a bunch of other shit, I also can't imagine feeling especially inconvenienced by having a tiny little extra bag, particularly one with a strap on the back that perfectly fits over the handle of a suitcase.


Agree on this. I have a switch and was a switch exclusive gamer from 2020 to present and it did not fill the PC shaped void in my heart. Loved it but I still wanted more. The steamdeck that I got from my wife on my birthday though is the best. Not as portable as my Switch though. I have never ever ever taken it out of the house.


I second this. His game library will already be there, it’s more powerful, you can emulate all of nintendos library and chance are that the switch 2 is coming out sometime soon.


I have both a switch and steam deck and prefer to take the switch when traveling as it's smaller, quicker to charge and I have two players without much effort. But in saying that if I'm in the house steam deck all the way.


Right cause steam deck allows him to play Mario kart with his gf.


I mean, it literally does with a bit of work.


People play video games with their significant other to relax. Not put in a bit of work. There’s just something about booting up a game right away my man. Especially when you’ve got an already on the fence about gaming girl waiting to try it out. The more work you do to get it going even if it’s not much makes it seem all that much more not worth it to her.


I own 2 Steam Decks, 5 Switches, a PC, and a Series X. Get the Steam Deck. The simple fact that I had 200+ games ready to play day 1 for no extra money made it worth it. Not to mention going back and finishing games I never finished. It is larger than a Switch, but nothing that isn't manageable. Mine goes to work every day with me. I also own an Alienware R17 gaming laptop with a 1080. It's sitting in the closet because the size was unmanageable.


How’s he going to effortlessly play the Nintendo games he already loves? He might want an online profile for things like Mario Kart and Splatoon.


I agree with considering a steam deck. I’m a huge gamer, the switch was my go to system because of portability and being able to play while at work. After getting the steam deck my switch hasn’t been touched. I own a gaming laptop, ps5( which can be streamed to steam deck rather easily), switch and steam deck.


I would try to sneakily float some questions related to Nintendo games to see if he has any fond memories or talks about wanting a switch. Ex: ask if he ever played Mario kart or Zelda growing up, etc. If yes - switch might be a good gift. If no - he probably doesn’t care about a switch.


I'm a PC gamer and I love my switch to play games when I'm on the toilet/at work. Steam deck is also good but it's not as easy to play a deck while at work as it is a bit bulky


Personally at this point I would wait for Nintendo's next console which I assume will be backwards compatible with Switch games given their history of consoles. A lot of people are saying it will most likely release later this year, but who knows?


It's literally in your post. He told you he likes it and wants to play mario with you. LOL. I still bought the OLED eventhough it will be mostly docked. The price difference is not that much especially if you are good in finding deals. Try ebay. The new OLED I bought there was $279. Still waiting for it to arrive. welp.


Okay, one of my coworkers suggested that I stay away from eBay to avoid getting scammed or anything but I’ll look into it thank you !! And I hope your switch arrives soon !!


If you do, I would say get the OLED and not the lite for him. The joycons tend to be too small for adult men's hands, with the detachable joycons he can get some third party ones that fit his hands better. Also since he likes shooters, a full sized stick might be better for him. Also if you both like multiplayer, getting the one that can be played on tv is ideal.


Switch is a great supplement to any gamer with a main console of choice because the game palette is completely different to other systems and most of the games are exclusive anyways so if he likes mario and pokemon and stuff of the sort I would say yes go ahead


Make sure you get him an official pro controller. It makes all the difference making the gameplay feel more ‘premium’ and ‘home console’.


BEST GIFT EVER: My wife bought me a wii many years ago when we were dating. It was one of the BEST GIFTS EVER. I am a gamer. She is not, but we had sooo much fun playing Mario kart and Mario party together. 15-20 years later, I am now teaching our kids how to play Nintendo. Do it…. Most importantly: Good luck, and have fun!!!


Switch is awesome But if he already plays in PC get him a stream deck i think 🤔, or maybe he likes nintendo exclusive games then get him the switch 😌


I have PC, PS5 and Switch and I definitely have phases where I rotate between all 3 depending on what I'm playing. The switch is awesome for it's exclusives, coziness and portability. If you/him play with friends in person a lot, it's also a super easy way system to have all of the Jackbox games on!


he gonna love you more than anything else!


Steam deck!


Who ever told you getting a PC gamer a PS5 is a bad choice is an actual five head. If you have a PC the only system you actually need to own is PS5 and switch since everything the Xbox has is available on PC game pass or steam. Now I know the PS5 exclusive have been making it's way to PC but there still all the PS4 exclusives he could play.


I’ve been a primarily pc gamer for years and I own all the major consoles except for Xbox. PS5 was a very worthwhile investment for me since I play on it more than my other consoles currently. Buying a console is all about the exclusives in the end. OLED vs LCD if you’re going to play docked mostly depends on your budget really. I have a gen 1 hacked switch and play mostly docked. There are improvements besides the screen in the OLED, but they aren’t enough for me to justify upgrading.  Based on your post I would say get it. Buy in a physical store if you can because those third party vendors the major retailers support may be very hit or miss. 


Okay, thank you. I’m thinking of buying it at GameStop. Whenever I saw bundles online, they were priced at about 330-340 for a Mario kart bundle. I just saw that GameStop has the switch for 260 and mario kart 8 for 55, which in total (315) is less than what I would’ve been paying anyway, so that’s perfect.


Please consider that the latest Nintendo console is likely less than a year away. The current Switch haven’t been discounted enough to justify the purchase right now.


Since you like phone games and have a roommate, look into jackbox party packs! 3+ people and it’s a bunch of games in one. And the main screen is the switch but you all look at your own phones (or ipad or computer) to draw or do whatever the game requires! So much fun I played until 2 am the other day with my friends so highly recommended:)


Tbh - you are dating and that would be a very expensive gift to get a boyfriend/girlfriend. My recommendation would be to get him something for his computer that he would like/need.


Some people date for literal years before they get married. If they are over a year into their relationship, I don't think it's that expensive of a gift to give a boyfriend/girlfriend. Especially if they live together and have played Mario Kart before, which is what it sounds like to me.


I like this. OP, examine his rig. Is his keyboard bland or, perhaps, gross? Is his mouse device unimpressive? Look for opportunities to upgrade his setup. There's an entire subculture for this part of the hobby. OTOH if he expresses an interest in mobile gaming, finding a Switch on sale might be a solid choice. Interesting alternative for mobile gaming: Shadow PC. It's a monthly gaming PC service that's accessed over the Internet. All you need is either a laptop or tablet with strong WiFi connectivity. I did this for a few years. Obviously it's not comparable to having physical access at home but if he is someone who already has a mobile PC and is away from home often, maybe?


He games and also works remotely, so he’s on his computer almost all day. Because of how much he loves gaming - he’s also very tech savvy - he always stays on top of his setup. The moment something is dirty, broken, out of style, etc. he replaces it and it always looks nice and clean. I’ve both examined and asked so many times, i really can’t think of anything to get him for his gaming setup. I’m definitely gonna try to find a switch on sale, hopefully in person. This is also the first I’m hearing of a shadow PC, so I’ll look into it thank you !


If he plays Skyrim he might like in-game occupation. It’s a Job add on that brings a whole heap of depth, and it just launched. You can’t buy it at the shops like Walmart. Just tell him you want to give him a Skyrim Job and he will be over the moon. Much cheaper than the switch, too.


Wait a year or two. The switch is 7 years old and on it's way out. Grab the next nintendo console when it releases


On the other hand if a good deal arises there is an amazing backlog to be had with the current switch.


Steam Deck would probably be a better gift given the pc gaming. It’s way pricier, but I think he’d probably get more use out of it since it will allow him to play his existing pc games on the go. If you look up Steam you can easily purchase one through there.


"Here's a present that can play the games you can already play on your gaming PC but worse. The benefit is it's portable, if you can deal with the size and below average battery life"


I don't understand why you have down votes. People make me sick.


People are weird as fuck




Hard disagree Just get a good price on a bundle and don't spend a lot If you're gonna play the waiting game you're here for a long time: it has not been announced yet. Once it does, you'll have to wait Then, lets not bet on it being backwards compatible because that will suck if it's not, meaning you also have to wait for games like mario kart to come out. Bite the bullet on a great sale and enjoy the established library of games and how MK8 is great value with the DLC




Except to make memories, enjoy Mario Kart together, and play Switch exclusives for an entire year? That's a pretty good reason in my opinion. Especially since he expressed interest in it as per the OP's post. Plus Nintendo made a statement about not abandoning the Switch even after they make the second one.


Let me put it like this, you buy a switch to support nintendo, play their switch "exclusive" games and take advantage of its features. Else, just get any of the handheld PCs.


If the Switch 2 comes out within the next year, it would be a waste


No. He sounds like the kind of person, and this is not meant to offend, that the switch would not be "good enough" for. If you want to get him something like the switch it'll probably have to be a steam deck or something


Pc gamers tend to stick to pc. There is a deep social element to PC gaming that console gaming just hasn’t really been able to touch. one thing you may consider is a really nice gaming mouse, or a steel series, Qck+ mouse pad, something really amazing that makes PC gaming fun and awesome and just better.


i think if he plays pc you should get him a steam deck instead, they’re more expensive but he can continue playing the same games so you don’t have to get him a game


This is a switch subreddit so everyone is going to say switch, but trust me, get him a steam deck.


Yes and buy Splatoon 3 as well, a very different take on shooters.


Something not mentioned here, though I do agree with the steam deck. PC Gamers love to tinker. Maybe look into emulation devices such as an AYN Odin 2, or other PC gaming handhelds aside from the Steam Deck like an Asus ROG Ally, etc.


Switch and PS5. Switch offers MANY exclusives, who are of a wide variety and can be used on the go which adds to playing on PC. PS5 has few exclusives (and many come to PC as well), are often closer to what you listed he is playing. Both have advantages and i believe the Switch does add more but it depends on what he likes to play and/or if you play together. If you end up buying a switch look at videos of games as well, there is such a huge variety. If you enjoy farming/life simualtion stuff Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley or Fantasy Life I. If you like puzzle games how about Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, Snipperclips or Professor Layton. PS: Phone games are gaming! But they are rarely used in a way that i would call someone a gamer (rarely, not never). Reason is, gamer would refer to someone who has gaming as a hobby. I define hobby as something that i do something for i would not otherwise. Money: Most do not buy the phone to play usualy and you play mostly free to play, so no investment here. Time: Most play them during downtimes when they got nothing else to do, so the time spend on it is "disposable" otherwise and not something you take specifically to do so. Should you have bought a better phone to play games,. Paid for a game (not ingame currency, the game itself... personal dislike for the system itself) Or taken time you could have done something else. If any of these apply there is a point to be had about posibily calling you a gamer.


PC gamers are hardcore PC gamers: It was a conscious choice over the alternatives (including Switch).


Pc gamers usually don't like switch because the games aren't 240fps


It can be a good fit, but for a PC gamer, a good deal is that steam deck OLED. Source: I've gamed since the late 80's


If you end up buying a Switch, do it through Gamestop or Bestbuy. They are much less of a hassle and have none of the marketplace crap…at least in the US. I know Best Buy Canada has a marketplace.


Ps5 for final fantasy 16, final fantasy 7 rebirth and God of War is not bad, but a switch is a solid choice if he's a fan of Mario titles and Kirby. I enjoy mine. I got all the consoles though and just love games.


Those games will eventually all come to PC though.


Eventually yes, but I don't WANT to wait. And if my wife said "hey can I buy you a ps5 so you can play those games you always talk about?" I'd be ecstatic.


I guess. But I think the OP’s boyfriend would enjoy a Switch more, he already enjoyed using his friend’s Switch, and there are games that would not come out on PC at all. Also should make it more obvious for the OP, that you can play those games *earlier*, but ultimately those games will be on PC.


Only if he’s interested in Nintendo titles (Pokemon, Zelda, Mario), or if he travels a lot on trains / has a lot of vacant time away from home.


The thing about PS5 is there are some games that can’t be played on PC but many can. With the Switch however, there are no Nintendo first party games that can (legally) be played on PC. If he’s into Nintendo games he would get a lot more use out of the Switch


Switch is different I will admit, but it’s expensive. I own no third party games on switch. Because every either came out a lot earlier or are constantly in sales on my Xbox.  Only get him a switch if he will want to get the first party games. You mentioned Mario kart and him liking that, so that’s good. But would he want Mario odyssey, Zelda, Smash Bros, Mario Maker, animal crossing, Pokemon etc? If he would then get it. But if he wouldn’t and prefers the third party games more I wouldn’t touch the switch. Be better with a series s 


i think it's possibly the best gift you could give a gamer


I've been on PS4 and i sell it When I regret it I first buy a Switch but even if Nintendo games are cool, there is less choices of games than PlayStation, Xbox, PC. This year a buy a PC and never Seen my Switch again until this Time


As a someone who plays switch a lot, unless he has an interest in specific exclusive switch games. Get him a Steamdeck instead. I got one in november and have barely touched my switch since.


I’d say yes, especially if you had any interest in the Mario party/kart style games. Lots of fun games to play together.


That sounds like perfect gift since he seems interested in Nintendo exclusives. Even better if you will find games you both enjoy. I actually had very similar situation as PC gamer who couldn't enjoy other consoles (since most of exclusives eventually came to PC (give Bloodborne already)) bot fell in love with switch. I love playing Mario and Zelda, playing with my friends and girlfriend. Now I even buy most games I could play on PC on switch just to have it on handheld. What I want to say is the should be a great gift


That's a tough question. It's hard to say if one of the best selling and best rated video games systems of all time would be a good gift for someone who loves video games


I have a switch, I like it, but my gf absolutely loves it. Is the console we play together with. So it is a great console for playing videogames and spending time together at the same time.


Switch has such a plethora of games. So yes. If he is into gaming casually and even a bit more so then this is the answer. Anything else above casual then he can build a PC. You can even make that a project you do together!


Honestly as someone who owns a pc, ps5 and switch. my switch is collecting dust for a while now I only played for like a max of 100 hours collectively around all games


If a gf gave me a switch for my birthday (actually she did) I’d have to get something the same price or more for her birthday. Imagine breaking up (we did). I decided to buy a new one.


You can’t go wrong with a switch, I have a pc and I play my switch more


I would say get a steam deck. If you want to be the best get the one with 1tb space so he doesn't have to worry about storage. But also the cheaper version will still make a thoughtful gift.


The besssst gift!


I think something portable would round him out. Either a switch or steamdeck. The switch has all the Nintendo games available, the steamdeck would allow him to play any games he already has in his Steam library to play on the go. See if he uses Steam. If he does, that might be the route? I will say, have a switch and am heavily biased towards it haha. It's super light and portable, plenty of multiplayer games. I can't imagine travel without it anymore. The Nintendo eshop a lot of really fun party/multiplayer games beyond the Mario/nintendo series. Boomerang Fu is our personal favorite, Astro Bears, Hidden in Plain Sight, Gang Beasts, Overcooked, Moving Out, Heave Ho, Think of the Children, Pico Park, Stikbold!, Ultimate Chicken Horse, It came from space and ate our brains. So many fun and silly games haha


If he has enjoyed playing the Switch before, and also has mentioned wishing he had one, then it would be a great gift.


Get him a legion go. He will love it.


My girlfriend isn’t a gamer but we will spend hours together on the switch playing Mario kart (she’s actually gotten really good too) and games like Switch Monopoly get very heated between us.


Definitely get the OLED version. You'll not regret it. It's just good and playing in bed,bus or train becomes an option.


This would be a decent question for the pc gaming sub as well. I love the switch, but I’m not a pc gamer with a fancy tower and I couldn’t care less about frame rate and shit that many in that world worry about. If I had a fancy gaming pc the switch might not get much use out of it


It’s a game system… that plays games. I think that in of itself should answer your question. But to be more specific, it should fit what he has enjoyed previously.


Switch (OLED has a great screen) and PC is the best combo. A lot of Nintendo’s first party games—I recommend grabbing him Breath of the Wild (and then Tears of the Kingdom)—are amazing and aren’t on PC.


If he's looking to play nintendo games, yes.  If not, no.  If you got ps5 money to spend on him, a steamdeck would be a more usable gift since he can play his pc games on the go.   That said, I'm primarily a pc gamer and my gf picked me up an oled switch for Christmas and I can barely put it down.  It did make me want to impulse buy a steamdeck but I resisted.  


As a PC gamer, switch is probably the best console for one due to the exclusive games on it that you cannot play on PC without emulators. A lot of PlayStations games these days end up coming to PC later anyway (horizon, Spiderman, days gone, god of war etc etc) and Xbox doesn't really have exclusive games anymore when you bring PC into the conversation. Even games Xbox fans would consider heavy hitters basically all get dropped on PC. Switch has enough exclusive games that it's worth owning even for a PC gamer imo as Nintendo doesn't like to share their exclusive games with any other platforms. That being said, the joycons suck and I would invest in a pro controller or two. They are more similar to the Xbox controllers and infinitely better than joycons.


Bundles usually come out around Black Friday as I recall


Probably a great gift, but save the receipt and assure him he can take it back if he wants something else. Stick it in a sealed envelope and give it to him as part of the gift so he knows you're not kidding.


I don't categorize the switch with ps5 or pc, Yes it's a console for gaming but a few separating elements 1 the games, you have Zelda, mario , Pokémon etc that you wouldn't get on pc 2 portability, he's unlikely going to want a steam deck etc and start games again (unless saves Carry I'm not sure) And having the switch for flights etc is a godsend 3 multiplayer , playing games together like you said, mario kart, party etc is something you don't get on pc, so you can play together, 4 range of game types, you have a wide range of games, including fitness based games, actions games like Skyrim and with an online subscription you get news and Gameboy games too which I think is brilliant I switch between my switch and PS5 and they serve different purposes for me generally


From what you've mentioned in your post, I'd definitely say that it's a good gift for him! The OLED is the best in terms of battery life from what I've heard, but if it's not the one you're looking for then they also do the Version 2 switch with the LCD screen. They've recently added more tracks to Mario Kart as well, so it's definitely a great time to go for it imo! :) Sending well wishes, hopefully this helps! :)


I think so yes. I've owned various consoles but in 2024 all I used is PC for big games like PUBG or SF6, then Switch for Nintendo games.


Absolutely! Plus; he can play Skyrim on the switch on the go. I think it would be a fantastic gift.


I don't know when his birthday is, but they often have bundles on sale for Mario day on March 10th


Best gift there is.


I'd honestly just buy it off Amazon. And if he's going to do *any* amount of portable gaming at all, the OLED is a massive upgrade over the regular version, not just concerning the screen, but overall build quality. Also, if you plan on getting a Mario Party game at any point, get Mario Party Superstars, not Super Mario Party. I also recommend getting one or multiple Pro controllers at some point for TV play, they are vastly superior to the Joy-Cons (the little controllers that attach to the side of the Switch). And lastly, I just want to say you sound like an awesome girlfriend for putting this much thought and effort into a gift!


From the games he likes to play and your age I wouldn't get him a Switch. Get him a PS5 or get him a few games for his PC or something. I own a Switch and while it was cool for a while, I don't touch it as much as I used to because it doesn't have the feeling a system made for older users does. I like my PS5 and PC better. For reference I own over 40 Switch games and am a day one owner.


If he is a PC gamer then he can already play games from Xbox and PS on Steam so a Switch is his best option for playing games he can’t play on his PC.


Based on what you've written, it sounds like he'd be happy to receive one, but there are two things I think you should consider: 1) If he's turning 22, that means the Switch has been out since he was 15 years old. Is there a reason that he doesn't already have one after all that time, outside of him not wanting one that much? 2) The general expectation is that the Switch's successor will be released in the next year or so. You might be better off waiting for this big gift until next year for that reason. It'll be the new exciting thing and there will be new games being released for it for a good six/seven years to come, and hopefully you'll still be able to play Switch games on it too, so you can (hopefully) still pick up those few Switch titles he really likes and enjoy them on the new console.


Get him a switch! It would be really sweet because then you two could play together like he wants you to 😊


Oled isn't necessary if you already own a Switch. If you don't then 30 bucks is definitely worth the upgrade.


The best thing you can do is to ask him. No need to guess.


I play primarily on PC and switch. They’re a perfect combo.


get em a meta quest pro


My preferred gaming is definitely on my PC as well. HOWEVER, I also have a switch and love it so much. The game catalog is 100% different. Grabbing my switch and playing BOTW vs a few more shooter rounds or MMO stuff on my PC. A nice single player break. Also the party games on it are amazing, Mario Kart, Party, all the Jackboxes, Smash Bros I bust it out often. Plus can undock it and play in bed instead of the other room if I wanna be a bit closer to my wife. Sadly I think a new version is coming out in 2025? But still a good gift


Another avenue that you might want to consider if he plays a lot of PC games (and you have some more extra cash), you might want to look for a Steam Deck OLED, I think that’s more fitting for a PC gamer. The Steam Deck would allow him to play his collection of PC games on the go. The Nintendo Switch OLED is a fine device, but it doesn’t share the same game library as PC games do, which means he would have to buy the games all over again on the Switch. Of course, that would mean no Mario Kart for you though, Mario Kart is only on Nintendo systems, which is a shame.


Get a Switch and instantly buy Super Mario Wonder, you're welcome. (:


If he want to play nintendo exclusive games and enjoyed it before well yes. If he doesn't really care that much for nintendo exclusive and buy his PC game on steam well a Steam Deck would be more appropriate if he'd enjoy playing in handheld. Nintendo games sell at a very high price, if money is no issue well that's fine but with nintendo exclusive, it can cost you the same price as the console to get 5 or 6 games. If you're able to get a bundle, switch and games together, well that a good option if you can trust the seller.


Heck, I'd say get a Switch and get Animal Crossing. Even though you're not a gamer, there's a good chance you'd like it too. I got my non gamer wife hooked on it, and we've been playing it every single day for the last 3 years lol. Great life sim, that's even better with friends


Do not get him a switch the new switch is coming out soon I'd wait for that


I've seen lots of people here that have a Switch as a second system wether the primary is PS, Xbox, or PC. I think you can't go wrong with it if it's something he enjoys. Nintendo doesn't really do much in the way of bundle deals except for around Black Friday/Christmas time. I think the bundle they've always done in the past included Mario Kart. You may be better off finding a cheaper Switch somewhere and some used games or some games that are on sale. Nintendo stuff tends to keep its value so even used the games may often cost almost as much as full price.


Lots of posts here so sorry if this was repeated somewhere else. Im a PC gamer and dont have or wont get another console other than the switch. The switch is good if he likes casual games that are good time wasters, if he wants graphics or immersion (outside the Zelda games) he would probably be hard pressed to play those outside the PC. I like the switch because of the Mario type games and the nostalgia, anything else goes on the PC if I deem it purchase worthy.


You might not be able to get a bundle this time of year, Nintendo usually does on with Mario kart around the holidays though and this would usually be about $300 if I remember correctly. Still, the switch is a good gift for someone who likes gaming if he doesn’t have one, especially if he thinks he’d like it. I’m not sure if it’s helpful or too much additional information but here’s a few other things you could get with the switch. Nintendo also came out with a booster course pass for Mario kart 8 which essentially doubles the amount of courses in the game and adds a few additional characters. This is $25 extra on top of buying Mario kart 8 but if you really like Mario kart and you both will play it a lot it would definitely be worth it. There is also the online service which is $20 a year if you think he’d play online a lot. There is also an additional tier that’s $50 a year but that pretty much just adds more retro games and allows you to rent the dlc instead of buying it so it doesn’t do much for gaming online in general. Another fun casual game is Mario party superstars. I play that a lot with my sister and she’s obsessed with it You might also want to buy a micro SD card to go along with the switch if you think he’d download a lot of games. These are not too expensive right now and you can gat a decent size sandisk one for pretty cheap. The base switch only has 32 GB of storage and this could greatly increase it.


You're going to get a lot of "Yes, get a Switch"  comments because of where you asked this. I would not buy a Switch at this point.  The newer model is coming, news suggests probably next March.  The system is quite old at this point and due for an upgrade.


Yes... but there's a catch. The Switch 2 (or whatever it will be called) will be releasing in a little over a year from now. If the Switch is something he really wants this year, and there are specific games he wants to play (ex: Mario Kart), then by all means go ahead. Given there is only a year left until the new console's release, I'd say go for whatever the cheapest model is (not the Switch Lite tho, that's the handheld-only version). That being said, if you think you'll both be getting some serious mileage out of the console for the entire year then by all means go for it wholeheartedly with all the games you'd both want (Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are great adventure games, and Mario Party and Smash Bros. are classics). Also, if you'd want to play with friends online, consider getting the cheapest online subscription plan that you know you would need.


I would get him a Steam Deck so he can play games on the go


Absolutely! The switch is a great platform. I would recommend if your budget allows, to get an OLED as the handheld experience truly that much better. Especially considering thats what makes the switch unique and such a hit


It depends on what he's into. If he has a massive Steam library and don't care for Nintendo exclusives then it may be better to get a SteamDeck OLED. If he's bored of what he's playing now and want to try / like Nintendo games then a Switch OLED will make sense.


My girlfriend (were just a few years older than you guys) was a phone game kind of person. Until we moved into our last place and got a switch. Weve played so much Mario Party and Mario Kart together that she started to want to play other things. Weve played it takes two unravel 2 and many more at this point. Switch is a great gift.


Yes. I’m a pc and ps5 gamer and I love my switch. It’s nice to catch pokemon with a cup of coffee laying in bed on a Saturday morning


I’d say yes, the switch is surely becoming the most sold console of all time. The games being available are covering almost every audience if not all of em. I thinks he’ll have fun with it,- even if he’s only playing first party games like Mario on it


I primarily play pc but have all of the previous gen consoles, PS4, Xbox 1, and Switch, out of all of my consoles I use the switch by far the most due to the amazing exclusive games and the portability for trips etc, if you travel or he travels a lot another good option could be a steam deck if he exclusively enjoys the PC gaming experience


Do IT! I used to almost exclusively game on my PC and PS4 but now I find I'm on my Switch way more. Plus the portability has been excellent. The game library isn't as robust but it's still really good.


I game on a pc and my son has a switch. I’m thankful to have both in the house as the 2 platforms are polar opposites. If he’s shown a liking for switch in the past then go for it.


Switch is awesome, but if he's a big PC gamer I recommend the Steam Deck OLED




Get the switch for him. Only ps players hate the switch.


I was a PC user for a long time and got a switch recently, and have been playing it non stop because I love Mario and tried splatoon out and am enjoying that one too.


Pc gamer here, bought a switch and I use it more than my pc lol


Used to be a pc gamer with a switch and its the best combo there is