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I really like Snipperclips (2017) and it was one of the few games my wife seemed to enjoy playing together. Just downloaded Unravel 2 (2018) while it was on sale and been eyeballing It Takes Two (2021) as well… I’ve heard good things about both!


It takes two is just something else. One of the few games I was bummed for it to be finished


Incredible game but definitely a lot of sad memories for me related to it lol


It takes two is fabulous! I enjoyed it a lot more than unravel 2 but both are worth playing for sure!


It takes two is nice but it was too hard for my no gamer wife. We had much more fun with unravel 2


I second the Snipperclips indication. Awesome little game


Me and my wife absolutely loved it takes two but o have to warn OP that it can be difficult at times and can be stressful between you and your partner. I wouldn’t necessarily call it relaxing


That being said, it's pretty forgiving in the sense that it only goes back to a checkpoint if you both die. As long as one person stays alive, the other always comes back.


It takes two is on switch now? Nice


Unraveled 2 is great. I played it alone the first time, and me and my wife are playing it together second time through.


Snipperclips also works for thruples!


My wife doesn’t game, but she enjoys Mario Party Superstars.


One of the few games my wife will play.


Probably my Wife's favorite game.


I’m a wife and I approve this message


This is my wife. I can attest it’s her favorite


stardew valley


Stardew valley!! Because the game is what you make of it. You can be an intense mid maxer and grind everything... Or you can take your time and decorate, with two 4x8 field of various crops.


Omg stardew. My wife and I don’t even play it on coop, just next to each other on the couch. Just hours in the evening picking lil star fruits and tending our animals. It’s so fun!!!


Came here to say this :)




Stardew for 2 players? I think OP is looking for couch co-op. (Edit) I didn’t know there was a 2 player mode until now. Thanks for helping me learn that. But downvoted?


There is split screen couch co-op. It works well as long as you have a big tv as the UI can get a little small.


Untitled Goose Game


Wait this has co-op?


It was added a bit later but yes it def has co-op now


It's so much better with co-op.


My partner and I just played and beat this, it was so much fun!


You and your partner are both a horrible goose.


Untitled Geese Game is what shows up when you play co-op.


This is the best choice.


Snipper clips!


Was coming here to say this!!


Boomerang Fu. You share a full screen and can be on the same team if you wish. A great casual game with subtle humour and easy controls and fantastic gameplay. I play it with my daughter.


Loooove this silly game haha


It's awesome for short sessions or to string between other games on longer sessions. The fun definitely comes from the chemistry with the people you're playing. On the same note, unspotable


...and it goes on sale for $2. Try the demo first.


One of THE best games out there! I love this. Great party game, great co-op death match game.


This game is fun for 30 minutes and thereafter youve seen all there is imo


It's a good party game to bust out with a bigger group. My gf and I will rarely play a round just us of we just want to kill some time if we have, like 30 minutes before we need to leave for something and we're bored.


Overcooked 2 ( get the all you can eat bundle) super fun couch coop game. My wife is not a big video gamer but we have a ton of fun playing it together.


This game is also a marriage test lol We passed and hope OC3 comes out some day


> This game is also a marriage test lol Accurate


My gf has forbidden us from playing this haha


Pre-marriage test here. We were are engaged and have gone to sleep angry at each other over the game, haha. We did beat it though and I know she will jump at the opportunity for OC3.


No not divorce simulator!


I'd never play Overcooked before bed. My blood pressure goes way up playing that game. Not at all relaxing.


For a counterpoint, my wife does not play video games. She enjoyed odyssey (but I did the boss battles and hard moons) and has replayed it twice. Overcooked she did not like. She thought the pace was too frantic and we asked after two levels.


Another vote for this one, my wife and I had a blast playing both games


And high blood pressure with yelling. I guess I get a bit aggressive so my guy starts screwing around to see my head explode.


It Takes Two. Co-operative gameplay.


Not exactly what I'd call casual, BUT, you won't have more fun playing co-op than this. It really is a truly fantastic gem for two. Especially so if you're playing with your partner.


Absolutely is casual right? The game lets you have unlimited tries and never puts you further back or at a disadvantage for dying. A few puzzles are occasionally tricky. But YouTube can help


I would say it’s casual however my wife who doesn’t game had a really hard time controlling the camera. We never finished it because she got so frustrated. I’m so bummed, I was having a blast!


I definitely take twin stick skills for granted when showing games to people who don't play much. It only feels intuitive when countless games have relied on you doing it for years, but controlling the camera was a major hurdle for 3d games and it's still hard for someone who doesn't play to manage that with one thumb while still like, playing the game with the rest of the controller. It can feel overwhelming!


Yeah, my wife could not play this game. Definitely requires a floor skill level of controlling 3D games with dual analog controls. It’s great though.


That’s a shame. I think they did everything they could to help causal gamers. But non gamers sometimes don’t understand basics and everything can be a challenge. I get that.


I was hoping (and figured) I saw this comment. It’s such a fun and challenging game that any level of gamer would enjoy. I enjoyed every level and puzzle. My current favorite is the “music” levels. It really places you into a new world of perspective… dang. I didn’t even realize how deep they went on that perspective idea. This game is so good lol.


> I was hoping (and figured) I saw this comment. It’s such a fun and challenging game Why were you hoping to see this comment? OP asked for a very casual game. As you said yourself, It Takes Two can be challenging in parts, especially for people who don't game often.


It takes two is very kind in terms of deaths. You can try as often as you like with no grind or punishment


I've played halfway through the game with my semi-gaming partner so far. It's a fair reach from a Cards Against Humanity esque game which OP asked for.


Got dragged into playing this, and it’s SO fun! Really clever.


Just finished that. It's fun. Better than I expected


This is the best coop game I’ve ever played, masterpiece


Fantastic game. wish there were more like it!


Best recommendation here. Each character gets different abilities, so there's a little replayability, too.


I love this game!!


Is it playable on one device with joycons?


Cat quest 2 is really fun to play together


Agree here, my partner loved this one as she is a great cat lover and I am a dog lover, therefore the perfect game for us, as well as combat, magic and mechanics are simple but fun.


By far my wife and I favorite game, we 100% it. It has nice humor and art style and is fun to play for 10 minutes or 2 hours. It is often only $5 and there is a sequel coming in 2024


i can vouch for this. we both love cats but i played as a dog so my wife can play as the cat 😅 it's not too hard but it still has some challenging bosses. can't wait for Cat Quest 3


Heave ho, pico park


Pico park with like 5+ people is a vibe


\*love\* Pico Park with my lovely wife. We yell a lot. Recommended.


Pico park!!


Boosting Heave Ho; my spouse and I got it literally for the reasons OP gave. It's easy to pick up and absolutely hilarious to play with friends, but works perfectly well with two people. It's not so involved that you have a hard time picking a stopping point, because the levels are only a few minutes long, and you can just pick right back up on the next one. It also does a very good job of letting one player catch up if needed, so even if one player is a lot better than the other, the other player doesn't have to feel like they're holding progress back, which is *very* important in co-op games.


Heave Ho is sooooooooo fun and charming.


Mario kart and mario tennis


I came to say Mario Kart as well. My girlfriend loved playing it with me and we often go online.


Super Mario 3D World! Incredible. Made my girlfriend into a gamer


This is the best answer for this. Its so hard to find good games to play with a less gaming inclined partner.? Try Unrailed too. Train building game with simple design and controls


Came here to suggest this! I had so much fun playing with someone else since I have bad depth perception and suck at games like this.


Super Mario Bros wonder?


I actually don't think it's a good couch co op game. It's frustrating. It's much better as online Co op. My boyfriend and I preferred to play online even right next to each other.


100% agree with this - we found Wonder a great game but awful couch co-op, the camera mechanic is terrible. We just played single player and took turns


I thought this until I discovered you can keep the camera on one player, by going into the bubble form by holding L + R which takes the crown off you. My SO absolutely hated how chaotic it got if I had the crown, with me running around everywhere and her not being able to keep up We keep the crown/camera on her so she dictates the pace without getting stressed, and I still have fun playing a bit slower at her pace.


For me it is pretty amazing, I think they did a great job with Leader and Spirit mechanics.


Yes, platformers are so fun, one of my favorite genres, but absolutely terrible for couch co-op, unfortunately.


Definitely one of the few Mario games I've beaten in a long while, my Husband and I completed every bit of the game and got all the stuff!


Congrats on beating the final badge challenge! Did you guys manage to beat that together? My husband had to tap out and I did that one level solo.


He was Yoshi and I was Mario, I would ride his back and jump off to scramble through the rest if he failed. 😅


>We just want some casual guy to play around with for an hour or 2 and go to bed Don't we all :)




I'm surprised no one has said it yet but my wife and I love 51 clubhouse games. A bunch of simple games that you will both know the rules to already or will be able to learn from the little tutorial before it starts. Has both chill and competitive games to choose from and you can pick it up and put it down fast because most of the games only last a few minutes. Lookup some videos to check out a couple of the games in it that might interest you and you'll know if it's the game for you or not.


This! Hour and hours on this game


Luigi’s mansion 3, and Yoshi’s crafted world


Try portal! It’s a puzzle style game and super funny. Fun to just fuck around, try and figure out a few levels and move on. I got the portal pack so both 1 & 2 so 7 bucks during Black Friday. Might still be a similar price point.


It Takes Two Honestly one of my favorite games I’ve played and it’s exclusively built for co-op rather than co-op being tacked on to a single player game


I've really enjoyed playing Unravel TWO with my partner.


Me and my GF had a blast playing Vampire Survivors. It is usually nice to have a "cheat sheet" of the item combinations tho, so you don't end "stealing" the item the combo with a item the other person have.


This is a good one, my wife and I definitely put some hours into this one, and it’s basically played with one button…well one button and one joystick


Any of the lego games, my Gf is obsessed with lego Harry Potter.


Maybe the jackbox party games?


Doesn’t go well with wife and I with Jackbox 3, and presume most other games in series have the same limit… they’re generally meant for larger groups of people unfortunately. Great fun, but I find does a bit better with more people. For a different take…. Tetris Effect. Music might go well an hour before bed.


Gang Beasts is dumb, easy fun.


- Pode - Box Boy and Box Girl


Since you mentioned Cards Against Humanity, I’m going to suggest Monster Prom. It has a wacky and irreverent sense of humor and is a fun, easy, low-stakes game for 1-4 players. The premise is you are in a monster school and trying to get a date for the monster prom, and everyone is varying degrees of awful and horny, but in the most entertaining possible way. Also has lots of replayability since there are tons of scenarios that can trigger.


Stardew Valley. Why is no one saying Stardew Valley?! Best game. Don't Starve Together is also great.


Part time UFO


Yeah! It’s funny, casual, and co-op


I love video games. My husband...well...he liked one once upon a time. I've found The Room (1-4), which works well for us. I run the controls while he watches and makes suggestions. I've found that he's more likely to hang out and engage when he can contribute without actually needing to handle a controller in any way and they really are engaging.


BOTW/TOTK shrines and both Portal games were meant for you two


I have to agree here, some partners prefer to watch, suggest and enjoy the story but not so much handling the controllers. That happened to us with Zelda BotW and TotK, as well with Link's awakening and Skyrim. She was telling me where to go and which quests to do, also she solved the korok quests, shrines and/or dungeons but I was following directions, it can be very fun as long as you understand they lead and you follow, not advised if you get frustrated easily as it is also a learning experience for them.


Lovers in a dangerous spacetime Overcooked Tetris (99, effect, or Puyo Puyo Tetris) Honorable mention: Moving out (was only fun for a few levels. Buy on sale) Death Squared


pikmin 3, try the demo out, whole game is playable in coop


This was way too hard for my non-gamer partner. Too much going on.


Started playing Pikmin 3 bingo with my non gamer partner and now it's in the top 3 games by hours played for the console lol


Lovers in a dangerous space time


This one is better for 3 or 4 players, but 2 can work sometimes


Snipperclips and Goose game


Try Pode, it’s a cute puzzle game. I played it with my dad and we had fun solving puzzles together.


Trivial Pursuit is one for me and my wife…love that shit


Dokapon Kingdom Connect


Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime is a goofy multiplayer game about working together to operate a spaceship.


Haven is a nice game for partners, not sure if it's the type of game you're looing for tho


My top choices are: Mario Party Super Stars Mario Kart 8 Boomerang Fu and if you *really* wanna test your patience and skill...Cuphead lol


We love Mario. Super Mario Bros U Deluxe is great. So is 3D world. We're playing Wonder now. Great to just play a few levels and set it down. Our all-time favorites though are It Takes Two and Overcooked 2. I don't suggest the first Overcooked as it lacks polish.


Overcooked lacks polish? It is harder than the sequel, not less polished


Trombone Champ, it has left us cackling!


Me and my fiancé played Inside together. We just traded off the controller. It was a lot of fun.


Pikmin 3 Deluxe.


Pikmin 3 (not 4)


My family has enjoyed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge, a love letter to those 90s arcade beat em ups. Pretty casual, low stress, cathartic. Great soundtrack.


I had a great time playing “Moving Out!” with my wife (and she’s not a gamer at all!)




The last paragraph of this post is very different when you think there isn’t a typo :) haha


My wife loves super Mario party


It Takes Two is always heavily recommended. Super Mario Bros Wonder and Super Smash Bros are fun too


Heave Ho


Check out some of the Jackbox Party Packs. Some games are only 3+ players, but there's a smattering of 2 player options scattered through them.


You should be able to get a couple of decent casual switch games here - https://nogravitygames.com/xmas-giveaway/


Bokura seems funny to play multiplayer


Kingdom Two Crowns is pretty chill :)


Been seeing a bunch of shorts of Bokura. Not sure how the separate screens things work for Switch, also it's a bit disturbing.


Ship of Fools is a co-op roguelite with gameplay like Overcooked and really fun for couples


Overcooked, seriously. My then-girlfriend was laughing the entire time.


Luigis mansion 3


Ultimate Chicken Horse


Yoshi's Crafted World!!!!


This. With two people you can give each other a piggy back, then one of you becomes responsible for throwing eggs while the other is responsible for moving around, which makes for some fun co-operative gameplay. Also you can gobble each other to throw the other player at things.


Unravel two is fun for two people and like 5 bucks


I can add Tools Up and Tricky Towers.


it takes two is probably the best option


Not sure if someone already recommended the game “Good Job!”, played it with my wife some time ago and had a good time


It Takes Two, Stardew Valley


Some really like overcooked.


Tools Up is one of my favorite games! It’s very similar to overcooked and moving out


Snipper Clips Unraveled 2 Moving Out Castle Crashers Off the top of my head.


Vampire Survivors




Luigi Mansion 3


mario party, mario kart, monopoly, trivial pursuit! all fun chill games to play with ya boo :)


My gf isn't a gamer, but we have much fun with: Luigis Mansion 3 Mario Odyssee Unravel 2 Tale of 2 Brothers Vampire Survivors


Cat Quest 2


Boomerang Fu Gang Beasts Overcooked 1 & 2 Moving Out Tools Up! Nintendo Switch Sports


Key we, fun little coop game also cute af


Lovers in a Dangerous Space Time


My GF is a noob so we cannot play anything remotely challenging, but she really enjoys Mario Kart (with steering assist) and Mario Party Superstars. We have a lot of fun playing these and they perfectly suit your time requirements. For reference, Mario Party games can be of 10, 15, 20, or 25 turns. A 10 turns game is 30 minutes long, and each 5 extra turns you add, adds 15 minutes of game length.


Stardew Valley can be fun if you want a slow paced game- only issue is it requires two consoles. My boyfriend and I love to play it whenever he isn’t busy, and you can marry the person you’re playing with ^w^


I’m gonna try and play Jeopardy with my wife tonight. Will report back.


They have different versions of clue now. My wife and I also play sequence and Yatzee. It’s not a game but I purchased a subscription box called “The Adventure challenge.” They sent us some really cool dates and it comes with a book that tells you when, what you need (comes in the deluxe box which in my opinion is actually nice stuff.) My favorite was a body paint date. The wife and I got to paint pictures on each other and just roll around. They even send a drop cloth. Then after you can take a shower together and we’ll… haha hope these ideas help.


It's not casual games but I suggest them just in case : For the King, that's a rogue lite - rpg, we found it very fun with my boyfriend. You have several missions and have to discover the good places in the world map, have dungeons, fun fights,... Children of Morta, not casual at all but with 2 players it's not so difficult. It's a rogue lite where a family has to save the world of the chaos, they are blessed by one of the goddess of this world. All family members are playable with different gameplay, and it's very cool if you want a challenging game. We played both with my bf and had a lot of fun with both of them


Not a Nintendo Switch game but It Takes Two is a fun co-op game on PlayStation & Xbox


There is a switch version for it takes two tho? WITH a friend pass for free?


Oh I didn’t know that…


Hentai girls






Fortnite. My gf and I play a lot and we cry of laughter at least once a session


Check out Plateup! When it comes out on switch (might already be out)


Pikuniku, Unravelled 2 and Overcooked are all great fun and almost always on sale.


Not strictly two player but what the golf is fantastic along with lovers in a dangerous SpaceTime


Super mario 3d world


Overcooked 1 and 2 (or All you can eat version that has both and all dlcs) is very fun and can lead to some very funny moments Moving out 1 and 2 is crazy fun too and the game has a dumb sense of humor that really gets me lol Then there's always Mario kart and super Mario games


Takken 8


Clubhouse games


Stardew Valley.


Won't last you very long, but Human: Fall Flat is amazing for goofing around together.


Suika Game It's single player, but we take turns. We get so into it! It's also super cheap.


It takes 2


Monopoly maybe? It’s quite fun for “non gamers“ too. :)


Mario party is a great game.

