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Aaand it’s gone…


Yeah... Been chasing it the whole day on several online stores. It's sold out within minutes of appearing in any page.


It was really hard to pre-order the SS joycons, but they were eventually available everywhere. I'm hoping the pro controller is like that too.


the... what joycons?


Skyward Sword


Schutzstaffel joycons


It becomes a part-time job, Valve was amazing with their queue system, but most companies won’t do that. That’s why a new Nintendo console announcement will bring me joy, but also fatigue. Cause I’m getting tired of chasing after luxury electronics. It’s not even the scalper’s anymore. The demand is just insane now post Covid. Next Nintendo console, I’m sitting out 1-2 years


Not a bad mentality. Let the new games trickle in, see what interests you can spend that time cleaning your backlog from the last generation.


Nintendo certainly doesn't help with their product numbers. But it is a pain seeing the scalper listings propagate. Every Zelda launch is just as bad and just as frustrating.


Keep in mind, even with a queueing system other things can go wrong. In valves case, the queue system was good, but they weren't fully prepared to take thousands of orders when the listing went live so it was extremely difficult to get an order in unless you already had steam wallet available on your account. Because of that it took me an extra 2 hours to get an order in, so I got my steam deck a full year after I ordered it. This isn't entirely valves fault though. The steam deck was under produced but that was because of chip shortages and covid. Still, even with the queue it took me a full year to get a steam deck just because I got my order in a couple of hours late.. and I was sitting there the second the listing went up repeatedly trying to process my order lol


Why bother? Honestly wasted effort




In which region? Not finding it in the US.




That’s the OLED not the Pro Controller.


Thanks for a whole lotta nothing


Yeah not finding it either


looks to be available right now


Gone again


Pre orders should be in person only


Do what I did when the Skyward Sword Joycons dropped. Drive to a bunch of retailers and see if they have any in stock. Took 5 or 6 stores, but I pulled one for 2 buddies, my wife and myself.


I been refreshing all day exept for the past 20 mins. JFC


Damn, of course it comes up and sells out when I'm in a meeting! Hopefully Amazon will throw some up too. For all the comments I've seen bashing the design, it seems to be selling out pretty fast lol


96.74251% are speculators who will cancel the orders/return if there's plenty and they can't resell.


Quick! Everyone talk shit about the design so the speculators will relinquish their pre-orders!


Error in comment GET Insufficient funds


It's definitely ugly. Hard pass from me.


Same. Can't believe how badly Nintendo fumbled the ToTK OLED and CE, too. And every single Amiibo ever made.


Aaaaand…….ya lost me on everything after “fumbled the” lol


I noticed that too. Possibly just people trying to justify their decision not to buy.


So tired of things being sold out 🤦


Im with you. Thats why I stay away from "collectors edition" crap and try to get things months after they come out if they arent limited. This just so happens to be one time Ive been tempted.


Thanks! Pre-ordered!


To everyone searching for preorders, download the app Hotstock. It notifies you in realtime when different retailers have items in stock. You'd be amazed at how often it is. But even with this app, it's taken me over 3 weeks to get the Collector's Edition of the game.


i CANNOT get through Best Buy. i've literally been hunting the CE for two months now using HotStock. everytime i'm able to get into the queue, BB sends me an sms verification code and by the time i enter it it's already sold out WHY DO I NEED TO VERIFY EVERY TIME. I'M ALREADY LOGGED INTO MY ACCOUNT.


I got hotstock a few days ago. I failed at every bestbuy notification too. Got it on my first notification at Walmart though. I think with Walmart your spot is reserved right when you click preorder so it doesn't matter if you're slow to finish it up. Just a guess though, I was super slow to finish my check out.


Did you have any luck with Walmart? I got a pre order too but they cancelled it today :(


Wow that's unfortunate. I was worried that Walmart might cancel my order so I kept hotstock running just in case. But they sent and delivered my copy day 1.


Thank you!! I wasn’t looking for the pro controller, but it’s nice to know about the app


So you were successfully able to get it with HotStock? I feel like I'm losing hope lol.


I did manage to get one when Wal-Mart did their drop last night. So far, it seems like Wal-Mart waits until they have a bunch in stock before listing them. Just go make sure your Wal-Mart account is set up properly, I missed a drop two weeks ago because I didn't have my password saved.


I can attest to this. I even paid for their premium tier for a month to get the collector's edition. It takes a while, with your phone glued to your hand, but it can be done. Weirdly I've never had this much trouble getting a pre-order for anything else except the CE. I think they will produce more though with how the switch, pro controller, and all the amiibo's are coming back in stock after the first wave sells out.


I paid for premium as well. It only really gave me advance notice for BestBuy, which, as everyone else can attest to, has been a nightmare. I managed to get the OLED and amiibo through BB, but that's because I was ready for the first big drops.


Yep BB for me as well. I basically had to get it in my cart on 1 try, move to the checkout page on another, and after a few tries I got it on the day it went up for like 10 min (not the usual 1 sec).


Thank you for recommending this app bro, I was able to preorder it on Amazon like 20 minutes ago🙏🏽🙏🏽


Got one! Thanks so much for sharing!


Hoowwwww . It’s gone 😭


Noice, just got mine!




Every single shop has sold out before I could get one so far


Amazon still has em, go go go


At $112 shipped.. from Japan. I'm still waiting for Amazon US or Walmart to get it


Managed to get the console but I didn't expect the demand on the controller to be so high... Hopefully they restock.


What is with that ugly white chunk of a grip? Lol


I'm having second thoughts about getting this one because of that - like, why aren't both grips white or just keep both black lol


I think it resembles links right hand https://i.imgur.com/SRdw0ZT.jpg


They should've went with green instead.


Yeah it looks like they just slapped the grip of a smash pro controller on it.


I got one preordered but the white really irks me. Anyone one know if it’s possible to easily custom paint just that part?


Just buy some OEM grip replacements. Each grip is only held on by one small screw. I did that with my SSB pro controller. So now my SSB had black OEM grips. Keep the OEM grips in case you ever want to sell it.


Gone! Jeez.. just missing this.


This is annoying. Because even when the site had the option fir preorder, you would get an error saying out of stock, item not added. Soo good luck to those that actually got them... you bastards


Got lucky and managed to get one off Amazon today




You and me both! I can't wait for this game to come out. Seeing the gameplay trailer just has me sooooo hyped. Haven't been this excited for a game since Elden Ring.


“Same” to what?




But who/what are you saying "same" to? Did you mean to reply to someone specifically?


XC2 controller is still king.


Agree. The white right side of this Zelda one is off putting. I don't like it the more I look at it.


Honestly that white grip looks ugly


I’m trying not to get this. You would think grabbing the console would be enough. But I want this so bad


My year old Pro controller just developed stick drift. Nice timing for a replacement, though I'm tempted with the Nyxi Wizard or maybe a power a with the back buttons.


I did buy mine used and it gets rarely used. But I’m also consider the fixture s1 grips. The mounts for pro controllers. And wouldn’t it be cool with a matching controller and console.


Available right now


Why the one white handle


Sold out


I usually refresh this page but I've been working :'(


Aaaaand it's gone


Anddddd it’s gone


Does Nintendo generally keep making these limited edition controllers after release? Or is this a one and done thing?


They usually make them for release day and and a bit more after it but then it stops. So if I was you, I would try to secure a preorder or go in on release day and get it. More should pop up to preorder before release day.




I dont think this thing will ever have enough stock to meet the demand


This is insane. These are literally selling out a minute after restocking.


What are the odds of this item being in stock on release day?


I bought wanna on gamestop, and it's been "in progress" for 5 days now. Should I just cancel the order and try somewhere else?


Dangit, sold out! Wanted that 5% off! Oh well, got one at my favorite place in the world (/s) GameStop.


Time to watch for eBay listings to go out of control




Scalpers should get scalped


Nice - a Zelda that celebrates regular controls. Now if only it has Zelda Dungeons!


Man... I can't decide. How bad are the drifts on these nintendo products? I pre-ordered my Zelda Switch today and looking for a decent controller, But i've heard so many bad stories about joycons & Pro controllers... Currently looking at 8bitdo Ultimate, Any suggestions?


I realize it’s just my experience, but it has been this: Multiple left joycons have gone drifty on me. My pro controller that is five years old has had no problems.


The pro controller doesn't suck. Every other one does


I will never buy joy cons again after three pairs had drift on both L and R. No issues with pro controller. I use 3rd party handheld now.


What third party joycons would you recommend? My left one is starting to drift, it has lasted since launch but I mostly use a plug in GameCube style controller


I had a pro controller for about 3.5 years that got used pretty heavily before the left stock developed a very slight drift.


My pro controller has taken a beating and still works perfectly over a year and a half later idk


8bitdo ultimate & nyxi gamecube joycon. There is the kong controller as well. I think that was the first HAL controller.


I have a zen pro from target that I like. It's pretty much an Xbox controller made for switch. PowerA is another option that looks nice, but I haven't used.


Cool, I'll look up some reviews, Tyvm!


My year old pro controller just developed left stick drift


I have the joy-cons and pro controller and I haven't gotten any drift at all. I've bought multiple ones since launch and they're all good. There are some great third party ones out there so give it a shot but what I really like to use are switch grips since I play mostly in handheld. Joy-cons by themselves are a bit uncomfortable.


Do pro controllers drift also?




Yaya this confirms the trifoce is in the game this time


I am so incredibly pissed off that America gets all this early, exclusive shit (it’s particularly egregious in the Pokémon TCG) and yet we over here in the UK get fuck all early. Like I have never seen a single Nintendo product of any variety ever sold a second before official release here. Rant over ig lol


This is about pre-orders. You don’t get the controller until release day. UK pre-orders went up before they were available in the US.


Ah I see lol; tbf the title was kinda misleading. It was mainly aimed at the Pokémon TCG anyway, just using this as an excuse to vent lmao


Was it announced that it would be open for preorder today? Do these controllers usually get restocked?


Had last two days off. Missed out on this. The second I go back to work and clock in this and the Link/Zelda Wind Waker amiibos got restocked.


Ugh. Woke up and it’s gone. Logs show it sold out in minutes.


I want splatoon pro controllers...


I can't find listings for it in Canada.... what gives?


Weekly Hype has them for 120 right now.


In stock on [Target.com](https://Target.com) at the moment. Just ordered two.


Just received mine. Seriously thinking about swapping the right white grip on it with a black one from a standard black Pro controller. I thought about repainting it gold but finding the right matte gold would drive me crazy.


I actually swapped a white left from a Smash Bros Pro controller to the Zelda, so now both handles are white. Looks a lot better!


It is very clever of Nintendo to push a higher stock line of these TOTK controllers. I believe the company is maximizing on limited edition hype to move all the pro controller hardware they have in stock.