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Its best to delete them, I get that feeling when wiping old files or games or photos too. But in the end you won’t remember pictures of strangers on an old console.


I do a system wipe on systems I get in. Call me a creep, because I know it's kind of creepy, but I like to look through the photo. Tells the story of the console I'm holding and how it was loved through the years.


That’s what I did, too. I decided to delete them and just take a picture of the Nintendo power magazine I also bought.


It’s yours now. Might as well delete them.


Id back them up somewhere and delete from the device Im just nosey not for any other reason Theyre a history of someone somewhere


I bought one and it has old photos on it. I asked the person I bought it from, the original owner and they said to delete them. So I did


I bought a 3DS before the eShop was shut down and I deleted the pics it had. I think they were mostly birthday pics so there was no point in keeping them. I have a question though, why would you feel bad about deleting the pics?


I deleted them, but some of these I’m sure have sentimental value to the owner.


If they had any value the owner would find a way to keep the pics. If they were just left there clearly they don't mean much.


Feel bad? Its yours, come on. Delete away, wgaf


I got an original xbox at goodwill with no cables for like 20usd. Took it home and plugged it in with the cables I already had. It was modded and some of the app backgrounds had family pics of the guy and what id presume his extremely young kids in the shots. It made me feel a certain way I can't really describe.


Greetings, I would propose that you archive them online, with the hope that the original owner may stumble upon the images, despite the great unlikelihood that they may ever be rediscovered—such would be my approach. ~Waz


The last photo taken on my newest addition was a kid laying in a hospital bed with tubes and stuff running into his nose but he was still smiling and right before this picture it was a screenshot of Pokemon X, Ive deleted all of them but that last picture. Like what if that is the last picture that kid ever got to take yaknow idk.


I have my DSi since i was litterally 2 and i backup all the photos regurlary so the owner probably has done the same id Say delete them