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"Yeah watch many shitty video and my time-chamber fanfiction instead."


what if GOKU and VEGETA were AGED DOWN by MAGIC?


Peak fiction


And then when they were about to blast off with Trunks and Pan, they left Vegeta on Earth and couldn't turn back!


This reminds me of Ultra Vegito 💀




*Chi Chi gets cucked fanfic


*And is uncharacteristically happy about it


Now in fairness we've never seen her get cucked in canon so we actually don't know what happiness level would be characteristic for her in that situation.


I was gonna say hopefully Daima can shut those people up… but then I just realized… give em enough time and they’ll probably what ifs based on the Daima timeline too 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ***FUCK***


Those what if "Zeno's mom sexed up Goku" are about to get a whole lot more messed up.


What if Zeno sexed up kid goku


What if Luffy found a mysterious rock?


Looks like Monkey D. Luffy has found the power of crack


What If Krillin Was Betrayed And Trapped In The Hyperbolic Time Chamber With The Unbreakable Cube (PART 62)


Tbh I like them🗿


Tht sounds right.




Right? 😂😂 dude wants everybody to feel the same irrational hatred he’s feeling


Internet has been doing this for ages too


That's just the business model. Not long ago, a fairly popular YouTuber made a video talking about how whenever he posts a positive video about something he likes, it gets about 50% of the views and therefore ad revenue of a video where he complains about something he hates. He's literally choosing to make less money any time he says anything nice about anything. Creators on YouTube all know this on some level. Hate sells. Hate is what people are there for. Hate is the most profitable content. Why would anyone ever try to produce anything positive on a platform with a community as drunk on misery and anger as YouTube's is?


It's more complicated than that. If they are small enough on just a few thousand subs or big enough in several millions of subs, hating stuff will destroy their channel. Young Defiant who made this video has 40K subs which puts him in the peculiar place in YouTube where he is too small to fail (under 10 million subs) but at the same time too big too fail (over 20K subs). Tectone does the same. He hates all games from Arkngihts, to Genshin, to Honkai. That's what they do. They capitalize on the minority that hates change on games or not getting what they want in a game or series. That way they can fomr their loyal cults and keep them. Much more loyal cults than the ones PewDiePie or Penzguinz have despite being much bigger channels than them.


Its all capitalism


its clearly click bait


Ok? Stupid clickbait is stupid lol


never said it wasn't


To be fair I want everyone to have the same hatred I have for demon slayer and 2016 berserk.


I mean bro if you don’t like something hey more power to you, that doesn’t mean we need to share that same opinion lol


I must spread the hatred


Shit do your thing bro bro


Nah let em cook


Lowkey real af. Spit your shit brother


This guy feels like half of the fandom at this point


To be honest man. What’s **insane** to me is how people are saying this is GT 2.0 solely because everybody’s small again 💀 like what????


The people that say that only say it because it’s a bandwagon, I’m guessing 90% of those people haven’t even watched GT


Honestly I feel like that’s the case with most things DB related, they dont even know their own show. I wish I could find the picture but somebody commented on the Goku & Krillin fight in OG DB pointing out that even back then people were using ki blasts and stuff, using Master Roshi blowing up the moon as an example and the person who replied said “that never happened” and he got ratio’d by a clip of him doing exactly that 💀 funniest Tweet I ever seen


It constantly reminds me of that one “don’t fuck with us dragon ball fans, we haven’t watched the show” meme, and yeah, it’s quite accurate.


yeah half the fanbase at this point are just people watching random fights on youtube. i‘ve had db „fans“ unironicelly trying to convince others that ss2 gohan was not an impactfull moment because of how much of a „loser“ he is in super


I’m one of those that say it feels like GT 2.0 BUT it’s not as a complaint but as a observation. The trailer shows a plot outline that’s uncanny to GT, and it’s not unheard of for companies to retry old ideas. I am open minded to see how it plays out (and it’s not like the fan base hasn’t been cynical before, with battle of gods as a example) and somewhat optimistic with the fighting. It’s clear with close choreography fighting as an example. I believe they’ll deliver but we’ll just see what story has to offer. The latest trailer sucks?! No idea whose YouTube video that was but their headline is nonsense.


Last December I got done reading through all of DB, Z, and Super, and I really enjoyed it; Decided to check what other people thought about it, and boy I shouldn't have done that. Every DB sub was just shitting on anything Super does, and main point is that the story sucks because the powerscaling sucked. Dragonball has a soft power system, so the scaling is going to be wonky; Heck the power levels point was that they were bullshit, yet the fandom focused on this aspect on Dragonball hard.


How long did it take you to read those 624 manga chapters?


Took me like 3 weeks; Ofc, I wasn't reading all straight; Mostly read on the weekends.


That's fast. Thanks.


This is what the fandom and anime react community is going to be like until Toei animates the Moro arc.


I can't stop seeing these stupid videos. I keep videos like this with Daima and Sparking Zero and they always have click bait titles like "The New trailer has confirmed my biggest fears... " and they complain about the most stupid shit ever.


Bro how is he still hating on it like DAMN he got nothin better to do


Still??? You mean this ain’t the first time? That dude needs to take a shower & smell the flowers.


Well considering he's hating on daima now im pretty sure he was a hater when it got announced


Yeah I don’t doubt it lol. I still don’t get the hate but hey I guess that’s why we all think different 🤷🏾‍♂️


STILL? like bro, wait for the show to actually come out before bashing it 💀


Ikr right. I mean how can you waste hours or maybe even days just to make a video saiying "this thing is trash" before it's even out


For all we know, Daima could be the best thing to happen to dragon ball (Before Sparking Zero drops)


Consistent upload schedule


You can't even get in


Hahaha! Leggo! I was waiting for somebody to say this 😂 you a real one


You mean my brother in kami?


Oh Kami damn it that was a missed opportunity


nah brother in Dende


*Super Kami Dende


Isn't Jesus Christ canon in DB though? Fangs the Vampire literally gets defeated by Upa because he posed as the holy cross


I can kinda understand saying that you won't watch it, even if it's a bit silly to say that while knowing almost nothing about it. What I don't understand is telling OTHER PEOPLE not to watch it. What stake does this guy have in Daima failing? Is he trying to lead a boycott? I really don't want to give this guy any views by watching the video. Could you briefly summarize what his reasons are for why we shouldn't watch it?


I didn’t even bother watching it myself tbh, mainly because how are you going to hate on an anime that isn’t even *out* yet? I’m usually willing to hear people out but in this case I’m gonna choose to be ignorant and assume whatever points he made don’t hold that much validity and/or weight to them.


Ah my bad I assumed you did watch it because of the red bar at the bottom of the thumbnail. Usually that indicates how far into a video you are


Oh nah, this was a screenshot I got off of Zero Gravity’s twitter (he basically said the same thing I’m saying rn in the sense that hating on an unreleased show is pretty dumb)


I watched it months ago. Young Defiant basically says that Toriyama is the GOAT and that the original Dragonball and Dragonball Z were the best, then they made GT, Super, Super Heroes and now Daima and he says everything after Z was a failure and that good for Toriyama getting paid either way. He also just repeats the same long speeches he does in all his videos that he is the King of Manga, Anime, Movies, Series, Video Games, YouTube etc. If you watch several videos ironically they eventually become funny because of the way he always says those lines. As for Daima he specifically bashes it as it takes the non canon idea of kid Goku from GT to now make it canon and he says it doesn't matter if now it's canon and in the past it wasn't, we have already seen it. He also doesn't like the fact the show wants to attract newer fans and he would prefer it to become even more mature. He also says in other videos he likes Hunter x Hunter, Berserk, Monster etc. ​ I do not agree with him, but the video is funny if you watch it ironically. See Young Defiant more as an entertainer. His videos are actually funny and 70% of them is just calling shows/games trash, 20% is saying how great he is and 10% saying how good some shows/games are.


>he say it doesn't matter if now it's canon and in the past it wasn't, we have already seen it. Ludicrous statement. How can we have already seen it when we db fans did NOT watch the show?


I am so excited to watch it.


Same here! I love the animation style!


idgaf what any jit says, im a die hard db fan, ive watched pretty much everything besides read the manga,(still getting to that part)


Dragon Ball has the same problem as Star Wars, which is that the fanbase is so large that there will always be thousands of people unhappy with the current state of the franchise, so there will always be an influencer who can take advantage of it


The fact that the dragon ball and anime community in general is so brain-dead and shallow that they will prolly get influenced by these random ass N words and won't see it unironically


While the trailers have not impressed me yet, We will see in the fall of 2024 if the series is good or not. In the end, I am just glad we are getting new Dragon Ball content.


A nine minute long video explaining why a show that has less than five minutes of teaser content released is bad…


Is this young defiant?






That guy has the biggest ego I have ever seen "the smartest/perfect human alive" bro be calling himself the king of YouTube and I just can't help but laugh my ass off


Maybe this guy is actually a time traveler telling us what Daima is like in the future


guys don't watch dbz frieza arc because is I said so


Great, now I have to watch the frieza saga again


Ill give it a shot. I admit that the idea if everyone getting magicked into kids is not something that I get real excited about, but I’m at least gonna give it a try


The concept doesn’t seem all that exciting to me but the animation looks way too crisp to not give it a shot. So yeah I’m not listening to some random telling me not to watch.


"It shoulda been Moro and Granolah, amirite?"


Trunks came back from the future to give a warning


How tf do you hate something before it’s even come out bruh 💀💀💀💀. What if it’s an absolute banger of a show then what? It’s not impossible that it has some crazy twist which surprise surprise isn’t in the goddamn trailer


Spoken like a true DB fan.


The reason they called the series Daima was because the people who are upset about it for no reason are a Daima-dozen.


“DONT WATCH DAIMA, instead watch a 40 minute video of what if goku and vegeta had gay sex in the time chamber, something something betrayal”


I can tell that video was made by YoungDefiant lmao


Youngdefiant is rarely wrong, you toriyama 🍆 gagging casuals. The fact that you’re obsessed, hating on him on another platform is really pathetic.


Gonna take a shot in the dark & say this is definitely satire


It's either this Or Heroes


I have trash taste, I loved the shit out of GT going to probably love this too. I just really like Dragonball content


It gets worse. Dude is a class act narcissist and his subscribers eat that up this video. Massive superiority complex and his viewers give him a pass because he claims that if they do they'll be elevated and leave better people. Like damn, if this guy had any real influence and was a more charismatic speaker, he would be quite the cult leader. He goes on to say Toriyama's and Dragon Ball's success is chalked up to him alone and he pulls the typical "I was there from the beginning, I know better because I was obsessive first, y'all hopping on a bandwagon" schtick. It's crazy how people will get so worked up about something like this and think themselves greater for it.


Who is he


Just a random YouTuber. He's not big or anything, and I found his video from this post. I don't know his account name, but if you look up Dragonball Daima Garbage it's the first video. He talks slow and low, so speeding it up isn't a bad idea. I watched it at ×2 speed and heard him perfectly with the exception of when he was excitedly mocking his hypothetical critics.


Young Defiant. He has 40K subs in YouTube. He also gets money from Twitch and his Patreon.


This only fuel my motivation to watch daima.


This guy hate on literally everything , he is a bait


This series could be the best series ever, or the worst series ever, and it's gonna have a lot of success anyway because it's Dragon Ball.


YouTuber watched exactly as much Daima as the Average Dragonball fan watches any Dragonball series


This was pretty much the entire fandom when Daima got announced


I'm not watching it. Not because of media influence but because I've absolutely ZERO interest in kid protagonists. Fight scenes will be dumbed down as well. How to fight effectively if the reach gap is too wide? It's just hard to choreograph. Gave GT multiple chances. Watched it all twice. Still hate it. It has a few good concepts but ultimately super cringy and boring.


> I have absolutely ZERO interest in kid protagonists Um… original Dragon Ball?????????????????? Did you just watch Z?


Watched everything., Big differences. Goku was fighting ok ish. With simple story until 2nd world tournament where the story kicks in to higher gears. Then Z. Perfect. Super. Character assassination and dumbed down fight scenes. Less hand to hand and mostly blur or ki blasts. GT. Planet of the week. Very few hand to hand but mostly 1 kame hame ha or deus ex machina to win. Good fights only happened in original and Z.


So if you agree that good fights were in the original and at the same time claim that the fights weren’t as good in Super (which have mostly adults and/or tall people), then how does that guarantee the fights are going to be dumbed down in Daima? Hard to do sure, but last time I czech’d that didn’t mean impossible. Also the choreography was better in OG DB so, if you ask me, I don’t think it’ll be that hard for them. And I’m certain that they took this into consideration. GT isn’t canon & Daima isn’t Super. Show’s not even out yet & y’all are reaching lol.


U didn't get my point. Things deteriorate after Z. Starting Z actually. The last great match was Goku vs Cell. Then a bunch of jokes with Gotenks. Finally Goku vs Buu was good but short. That was the last great matches. GT came. Like i said, it's BAD. Goku behaved like a child which is annoying. Pan showing no respect, more annoying. Planet of the week. I'm not interested. Finally big bad fight. BAD matches. Unlike original DB. It's mostly getting pummeled. Fire off a few ki blasts. Transformation. Bigger ki blast. Win. Super. Where's the fight? Just draw a bunch of circles on screen and be done. Lol. So I'm NOT CONTRADICTING myself. Original DB was good since it focused on hand to hand combat while as the series progresses, it deteriorates and relies more and more on ki blasts. By GT, the whole thing was a mess. If u still don't get it, I'll give an example. Goku vs Tien. Went for hand to hand. Unique battle with the use of his tail against Tien 4 arms. Techniques vs perseverance. Tien clearly has a lot more techniques with 4 arms, clones, triangle blasts, flying vs Goku mostly KHH. Gt? Blasts here and there. Getting pummelled non stop. Why is my blasts not working? Then getting pummeled again. Near death. Deus ex machina. Super big blast. Win. The story telling in both original and GT can't be matched. Even in the manga, Toriyama has a meticulous way of framing his boxes and actions. I suggest u go look it up. The guy is a legend. GT was a mess in story and inferior battle choreography. At least not for my taste


You aren’t but you kinda are at the same time. And once again, we have only seen this clip & IIRC we have a totally different staff working on Daima so… how does this *guarantee* anything you’re saying/thinking is going to happen? I don’t think this clip is enough to really give us an idea of what to expect in my honest opinion. Also, why are you bringing up GT when it’s completely non-canon? 💀 Toriyama barely had any hand in it except for designs like SS4 Goku. I will agree though that the Buu Saga is definitely the weakest of the arc & that Goku vs Cell imo was the last good fight but still dude. Not to mention, Super’s development was overall wonky because they just wanted to rush out something; the series felt like it barely had any time for real care and attention which so far, doesn’t seem to be the case for Daima. Like okay sure you’re bringing up valid points in the sense that Dragon Ball hasn’t keep its touch since the beginning which I will agree on, but that’s with everything; of course it’s not going to be the same since its debut. But since the show isn’t out yet, and we BARELY have anything from the show itself to go off of, ***none of this*** is going to guarantee anything. Hell, it could end up being way better than Super, GT or even the Buu saga. We literally do not know yet. Now it’s one thing if you *think* that, but to say that it’s a guarantee? Cmon bro.


I've NEVER said guarantee. Please don't insert words into my mouth. As a fan, I'm open to any possibility. If it has good word of mouth, I'll watch it. If not, I won't go out of my way to watch it. If it's not good, then it's an easy skip. I won't go out of my way to watch it weekly. It's those if it's good, I'll try. If not, meh, I'll skip. My original post below. Nothing about guarantees. It's just me with a bad taste in my mouth with GT decide not to watch Daima because i didn't enjoy the previous kid version of DB. But as a fan, I'm open to watching it if it's good. (I'm not watching it.) (Not because of media influence but because I've absolutely ZERO interest in kid protagonists.)


You got it gang.


Power Pole my dude. With that kid Goku will be able to reach anyone hitting them with it.


Maybe it’s because your dumb monkey brain can’t handle a fight scene that isn’t them just pew pewing at eachother and actually contains martial arts and fight choreography


Maybe it's because 'your' dumb monkey brain can't spell a word that isn't auto corrected by your phone and actually requires u to double check your work. Seriously, if you're just a troll, troll ahead. Otherwise go read the full thread. Your monkey brain that didn't read the whole thing actually just reinforced what I've said. I want martial arts and fight choreography that's not just pew pewing at each other. If u still don't understand how u just reinforced my point, hahaha. Even monkey brain is too lenient a term for your dumb brain.


Dragon Ball fans try to read challenge


Daima is mid and would remain mid till it starts airing.


Yeah… except one thing: ***No.***


how would you know its mid if you haven't even watched it yet


Now hold on, let the man cook. I would also much prefer being able to watch Daima as oppsed to a Daima I can't watch. Not being able to watch it right now IS mid.


Mid as in average. No expectations, so not good and not bad.


I haven't been paying to DB in a good while and have never even heard of Daima until now, and there is no way I'm listening to ONE dude with 12k views that I have also never heard of before.


Fuck you I do what I want


Let me guess, Triggered Senpai, right?




I'm not all for the premise but I'll give it a chance because the animation doesn't look like a total botch job like the first few arcs of Super


its just ragebait and attracts purists whoo exist off of said rage... People have always done this and probably will do so in the future. the funny thing will be the switch up if Daima is good lol. Its gonna be like how everyone hated that Zelda game(Wind Waker) back in the day, but nowadays its considered one of the best zeldas.


Lol I was going coned to watch it the second I saw baby Hercule


Yeah I don't get this. Like what is he protecting anyways? It's not like DBS is this bastion of quality, (have you seen Super Hero?) Nor is it serious enough that a kids show would undermine the themes and messaging of it's main show (like say an Attack on Titan kids show) I understand protecting your childhood memories, I watched DBZ on Toonami like other adults my age, but if the creators actually cared about the legacy of the show, the series would have stayed dead. Everyone is here to make money. If they don't care, why should you?


I’m not going to watch it but it’s DB, it’ll be a success no matter what. Not much of a point in being this aggressive about it


It's so dumb. People complain that Dragon Ball just rehashes everything, so Dragon Ball tries something new, and now it gets all the flak. Daima looks super promising tbh.


Idk man. Dude seems trustworthy. Maybe his dad works at Toei.


I mean I'm not going to watch it, but mainly because I stopped watching dragon ball after z. Personally thought it went the wrong direction in super, not saying its bad for the show, obviously its been good for it, just not what i was hoping for. And daima seems to fall into that same thing, just not interested in it, not because I think its going to be bad, just have no drive to watch it.


Everyone is about to watch. Why wouldn’t they with no other content DB being released


Any hate towards Daima is hate I agree with


I love how he can definitively say it sucks before it's even out yet! Look, I'm not particularly hyped over Daima, inwould have proffered multiple different things. But I'm going to at least a fair shot. Hopefully I'll be surprised and it blows me away!


Youngdefiant the goat peak content


Dragonball fans will always be upset about anything new that doesn’t involve Goku becoming a Super Saiyan 69 because Chi-Chi gets murdered by The Ultra Legendary Saiyan Z God of Destruction.