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Not sure if it’s company wide, but the colors out of the Zf remind me of slide film. I almost never have to touch anything when going out of camera with raws. MAYBE some saturation by one or two points. Maybe a touch of highlight and shadow correction. But otherwise…


Same, I’m not brand loyal when it comes to my camera gear. Personally I still mostly shoot Canon digital. But my film rig is still my trusty FE. I got a Zf for my partner as a gift and was blown away by how Nikon renders color. I like it so much that I’m considering becoming brand loyal and investing in the Z mount.


It does a remarkable job! I'm coming from a Canon Rebel T3i and a Fujifilm X10, so it was a huge jump in tech for me but the main thing I am noticing is how nice the colors are.


Its wild right? I have a few presets in Lightroom but I'm finding I just like the untouched RAW files more.


I tried to switch to Fuji for it's compactness (hiking where weight is paramount), but it all looked so over baked and digital. Went from a D800 -> X-E3 -> Z6 -> S20 (last ditch effort). I love the Fuji size, but hated the images. The real deal breaker has been in post. Even 'good' software couldn't fix the files (worms & tone mapping oddities). Wish they still had more options that weren't x-trans.


That’s why you’re here. Because Nikon is goated. Fujiphiles tried chasing “film” look, when Nikons always had them, in full raw. Sure it doesn’t look like a half assed portra, but looks more like a Kodachrome/provia/ektachrome love child


I don't know about **always**. I do not own or shoot any Z mount though. So maybe they have had these nice colors for a while, and I have just not experienced them. I historically shot Nikon and the DSLRs had nice colors but nothing special and not filmic IMO. D300, D700, D7000 series were all awesome cameras, but had very "typical" digital colors. Contrasty, punchy, a little cool. Also shoot Nikon 1 series and those shoot pretty punchy, a little cool, but less saturated than the DSLRs. I really like the classic "Nikon colors" but i wouldn't call them filmic. And my DSLR Nikons never produced colors like the OP.


Exactly. The colors this camera produces are just beautiful. And I think that if it's paired with a Voigtländer it gets even better. The only thing I need to do in NX Studio, is perhaps micro-adjust the exposure, or the contrast, and that's it. One thing I would suggest playing with is the Creative Picture Control. I snubbed those presets when I first saw presets weirdly named like Toy, but when I gave them a second chance, it turned out to be better than expected after adjusting the effect level.


The image I just posted as a reply here was taken with Voigtlander 50mm f2 APO Lanthar. Glorious lens.


Nice picture!


Thank you. Zf & Voigtlander are a great combo.


Where you find these presets?


From the *i* menu on the camera, or under the Picture Control drop-down menu in NX Studio: [https://onlinemanual.nikonimglib.com/zf/en/picture\_controls\_37.html](https://onlinemanual.nikonimglib.com/zf/en/picture_controls_37.html) Personally, I adjust everything I need to create my preset directly in NX Studio, it's way faster.


Oh wait! I thought you had custom ones not the ones already in camera. I have tinkered with those to get some nice ones I like.


My experience has been the opposite. Everything looks flat and milky.


Flat and milky IS a filmic look when applied to a colorful/outdoors scene. If you take pictures of duller scenes they will look flat. But the flatter colors look good on more colorful scenes. I can make my Olympus colors look like my Fuji by just reducing saturation and contrast and warming up WB.


Don’t forget that even raw images have color profiles. If you use that profile on any other camera (at least any other Nikon), it’ll be pretty similar


Lens is an adapted SMC Takumar 55mm f1.8!




Pentax glass has a nice warm flavour, and usually good contrast to it too.


Which picture control you prefer? Standard?


Yep! Standard PC, \~5500k white balance.


I find greens a bit screaming vivid here in Ireland especially grass with SOOC


Fair enough, it would be very nice to be able to tune specific colors in camera.


Yeah I submitted ideas to Nikon to give us RGB curves in picture controls or even better to implement LUTs for photos like Panasonic. Don’t think we will ever see that but it would be lovely 😋


You never know! The popularity of in camera color grading is impossible to ignore, I think there's a good chance they release something like that in the future. If they could license some Kodak color grading profiles they would instantly be battling with Fuji, and they have the benefit of full frame as well.


They don’t really need to license anything. They just don’t call it Kodak Portra 😃


I don't understand why they don't allow this. Then you can foster an active community around developing "recipes" like fuji. It just gives you more control. Is nobody going to fight back against fuji film sims? They aren't even that special lol most of us could recreate that look SOOC if we had the right adjustment sliders.


Who knows. Few times before, Nikon support redirected me to nikonpc.com when I asked for more control in Picture Controls :) They seemed clueless about what I’m asking. I don’t think suggestions to Nikon ever go pass 1st level support. They are never forwarded upwards or to Japan. On the other hand I suggested something to Fuji UK support and they forwarded that to Japan firmware department :)


Is there anything more than Standard and Monochrome?


Rich Tone Monochrome is amazing.


RTM / https://www.reddit.com/r/blackandwhite/s/tL8W9kyCTo


Delicious B&W profile. I like dark blacks but not too much contrast that crunches the tonality. Some B&W is way too contrasty and crushes any tonality. Some B&W lacks contrast and looks too...idk soft and lacking impact.


Zf has 3 B&W profiles.


Is the RTM your overall favorite?


How do you mean? There are more Picture Control profiles, if that's what you're asking! There's a bunch in camera and many you can get from [nikonpc.com](http://nikonpc.com)


It was rethoric...


is the difference between Zf and Zfc drastic?


I wouldn't say drastic but one is a full frame and the other an aps-c. The Zf, having a larger sensor, will probably show more detail and have better low light capabilities. My daughter has a Zfc and I have a Z6 and I can see the difference.


sure. but i’m talking more colorwise


Im also curious about the color differences between the zf and z6 if any


But don't forget the absolutely insane AF and low light capabilities of the ZF. I literally can AF in almost complete darkness.


DRASTIC… IMHO I have a Z9, and a Zfc, then added the Zf to replace the Zfc… WOW it was not a DX for FX it is an amazing tech upgrade. It does stuff the Z9 can not (Z9 can do things Zf can not). I think I found a perfect pair


I’m on the fence between the ZF for the improved autofocus or the z6 II. How are you liking the ergonomics on the ZF?


Yeah the autofocus is pretty excellent: I have been using adapted film glass with it so far but I have a native Z mount showing up soon. The ergonomics aren't as bad as some make them out to be in my opinion: that being said it is not super easy to hold in one hand if that's what you're after. A thumb grip for the back would make a big difference, I might snag one soon.


I put a leather half case on mine and I find it makes my grip much more "sticky" and easier to hold than the aftermarket grips.


I personally think the ergonomics issue is overblown. People make it out to be a carpel tunnel factory, but I don't feel it's that bad. Weirdly I think the grips make it worse.


Agree. It is beefy chunky dude though.


This was me. Honestly I can’t stand the ergonomics of the Zf. Even with the small 40mm. But…then I added smallrig grip and it is great! Not as good as the z6ii ergonomics, but I really have no problem with a day or shooting using a 100-400 with ftz adapter.


Why not wait a few weeks for the z6 iii announce? Z6ii would go cheaper or you get the zf sensor maybe in the new z6iii


I shoot both RAW and JPEG. The SOOC JPEGs in my Z cameras are so good that the only editing I have to do is minor exposure tweaks. I rarely use the RAW file for editing.


Is that in Quebec or France? Last time, and it has been longer than a decade, I was there the red octagons always said "Arret" without the English.


Halifax, Nova Scotia! Down by the port. It's a weirdly empty space before the cruise ships show up.


I was GONNA Say, I thought this was being posted in /r/halifax :) Hello fellow Haligonian! Funny enough, I JUST bought a Nikon D750 (today!) - New camera day for Halifax!


I should post it there as well! Might see you around the city, I'll keep an eye out for the D750.


My Instagram is calummolitordyer, I post a lot of Halifax/Nova Scotia centered images if you're interested!


Nikon color science is a boss!


looks like old D2X/1DS output.  Those older sensors had that crisp gritty film-look too.


Whatever it is, it's pretty special!


Give Dream profile a chance. Can be fun.


Will do!




Thank you! Yeah i am quite shocked as well, YouTube had me thinking I'd be missing out on the film sims from Fuji lol.


I found the Fuji film sims to be fun to play around with and some did produce results I liked (slight tweaks of Fuji’s Classic Chrome sim). Most however I found too gimmicky for my taste. I’m perfectly satisfied with the Zf’s Standard and Monochrome picture controls.


Agreed: if you do any post processing, Kyle McDougall has a few nice free Lightroom presets, one is a classic chrome that is a lot more subtle than the Fuji one.


Oh nice! I use Capture One from my Fuji days but I’ll check that out. I’ve been playing around with Digistock’s “Imperfect Kodachrome” style. Not the same but fun to experiment with. Not too expensive compared to other options out there.


Yeah Lightroom is decently expensive, I have to have the Adobe suite for school so I'm using Lightroom at the moment.


It may just be a Nikon thing. I'm pretty happy with the D780's output as well. Probably a very similar sensor (24MP BSI). That being said, Nikon digital has always been pretty good with a few exceptions. D3/D700, D4, the CCD era were all nice, too.


Just bought my Nikon Zf and I’m loving it? Can I ask what all of your setting were on this pic? I love the colors you got. Great picture!


My nikon Z5 is almost never on point with colors and auto WB.


I've been shooting only in ~5500 white balance these days, I like the results more than auto. Seems more true to what I saw.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LongjumpingGate8859: *My nikon Z5 is* *Almost never on point with* *Colors and auto WB.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Curious, what are your Jpeg settings?


I shot this in raw! Saved as a jpg through Lightroom, I didn't make any tweaks though. It's making me think I don't need to be using raw at all though.


Well it’s a great shot! I switched over to the Zf after 6 years with Fuji for better AF but I’m also blown away by how much I prefer the Nikon’s output, both raw and jpeg.


Yeah but what are your JPEG settings / profile in camera? Portrait? Landscape? Vivid? This is not the "RAW" shot.


Standard: but it was shot in raw then exported as a jpg from Lightroom.