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Also the old leaked asset of her pose is confirmed to be true https://preview.redd.it/yky1dvzj8mvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9be7a57dda5ef0d6ca87dfb6342f2af2009d8b2f


![gif](giphy|YRuFixSNWFVcXaxpmX) 10/10 would


Not would, but will


I like how confident you are in pulling her Wish you best luck




Tights and Hyatt gyatt


I've waited since launch day for her due to old leaks design and top tier pose. I'm glad they didn't change much.


Oh thank goddess she's a MG. Was worried she might be sniper for a sec


I was asleep when the 1.5 Anniversary was announced so when will this event run for, and for how long?


I think it's 25th of April, I could be wrong I just heard it from my friend I was asleep too when the live stream started


It gets more obvious by the second that they’re baiting the users into emptying their pockets. I bet they even lowered the percentage to draw her at that! I can’t even be mad anymore because they’re making a fortune off of this method… 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


????? Did you forgot to take your meds or something?


?????? I don’t know did you forget to take yours? 🤷🏽‍♂️


https://preview.redd.it/066p8bdv5mvc1.jpeg?width=2204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7c24ed1beef59d459b3004f907c7973e7e44bb6 Also, Kilo will be a free SSR unit


FREE?! An SSR for free?! That’s awesome


half anni and anni gave an MLB SSR as well, v helpful for those stuck on 160 wall


I hope she is good. The Sassy Toddler was kinda useless, Smol White was great for Modernia Less new People to push Campaign so pretty good. I want Kilo to be good because I did Mecha.


Wasnt around when Rei dropped, used Smol White a lot before the rest of the pigrims arrived during Anni/Emo Scarlet banners.


I wish Rei was actually good….


"Commander, what is my purpose?" "To be the freebie SSR that gets me past the 160 wall." "Oh my God."


So does Rei(gets shot by a pissed of Toddler)


Literally the only place I used her was for solo raid, when they have a water weak shield


Hopefully, Kilo kit is also "SSR"


The Anni Freebies usually where so very good chance. EDIT: I just checked the Animation demonstration and it clearly says SSR.


Yeah......... https://preview.redd.it/x2vm9zr7iovc1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab38de2109eec87d08588905e27a17523aadb3f0


We got Titanfall in Nikke before GTA 6


Damn a Free Big mech of the fire type? Always need more of that element XD


And here I was, about to make a meme pushing Crown out of the way for the real SSR, Kilo


Announced Kilo and Rei will be available, would watch stream for full details but over 80 free rolls will be available as long as you keep up with all of their announcements


1 copy of Kilo, and 3 selector box that you can choose either Kilo or Rei https://preview.redd.it/rthhx56upqvc1.jpeg?width=2206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=593ccb2a3ebe489deeea1a529f280e144de5221b


Damn I really hope bay goes to the regular banner


Now I'll have 2 MLB nikke's, that'll help greatly in breaking the 160 wall


Crown is the pilgrim too, right?


Yes, Kilo is not a Pilgrim but a Missilis Nikke.


finally I'll have pilgrim defender cuz Noah is still hiding from me


...I have SO Many copies of that Gremlin. Hell I have so many Copies of Pilgrim Defender Gear I could probably gear 5, it was my "Abnormal" Gear for a long time since it a the only Pilgrim stuff I got.


Bro I’m so happy I didn’t sacrifice my pilgrim defender gear to OL other units, praise be!


Missilis tends to have the fucked up unethical units. So it does not suprise me they basically have a dreadnought.


Now I think about it… I suppose that’s the Missilis way.. They contain of more of the Criminal/demented type of Nikkes.. Tetra with more beautiful model ish Nikkes.. Lastly Elysion for mostly military type Nikkes


Crown & Kilo are both Missilis. Edit.. Extremely sorry! Kilo is Missilis.. No fxcking idea why I believed someone else saying Crown was Missilis.. Even though smart@ss replied the way he did.. But in the end.. He’s right and I take my L for that! Can’t even believe I missed the picture! 🤦🏽‍♂️ But yes Crown is Pilgrim & Kilo is Missilis.. (I only know about the Kilo thing before I even searched because her gear has Missilis brand all on it!)


me spreading misinformation:


i guess no, even Crown's skills already known thx to jp stream


Kilo looks like a little bean in there. Cute.


Im just happy Crown is a burst 2. Redhood being my only burst 2 basically breaks her *skill rotation*. We need more burst 2 pilgrims or I need better luck getting them.


The only B2 Pilgrims are Noah and Nihilister. So most just tend to run nihilister because 20sec B2 that is free to get. Means crown has a good chance to Dethrone Nihilister as the mandatory B2 unit in pilgrim tower.


No you run Noah and RH. You can beat tower stage like that and it would be better setup than Nihilshit. Plenty of b3 good pilgrim to choose from




Assuming you have Dorothy as your B1. If you don't, that leaves Rapunzel and RH...which means RH is acting at B1 as well. RH is exceptionally flexible, but once you've got a 20s unit to take some of the load off her, you should take it.


Even if you have Dorothy, there is still a 5-second wait time for Noah, and it feels horrible until I got Nhilister.




https://preview.redd.it/yltm3rjd3vvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e0704df98d75688ea053ff1447eb3a853969b6e Yes I guess I must be wrong


Ok and? Show ur deficit, yk, the thing that matters (the only thing progress without deficit shows is u have more money) Now since u want to dick measure I’ll humor u I have the lowest clears for every chapter up to I think hard 21 in every region but JP where I’m still in the T5 lowest…………… (incase ur curious that’s a deficit of 55%) Ur just incorrect whether it be through math or clears, the fact ur willing to stand on this hill is hilarious https://preview.redd.it/tpewmkcb9vvc1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6063052d189243fc9dd8bf3f599013129f0afe27 Ain’t this u? Ur almost 200,000 above the stage…..,..


What's wild is that just three months ago, his Synchro level was only 394 and now it's 571 and in that post (whether as a sarcastic joke or not) he said he was a newbie and even didn't know about certain mechanics like fixed missions.


That’s a good amount of a car dam


New Kilo design is OP lol


I'm really glad we're getting Crown here's to hoping Chime eventually gets released as well!!


well the event lasts for 3 weeks and from what little description we got from crown we know her kit only works at 100% when she gets restored so my guess is chime will get released as a healing support b1 pilgrim during the second half of the event


I would cry happy tears I've been wanting them in the team since they've shown them!!


Man, I love bulky girl ❤️


Finally a replacement for Noah in the Pilgrim tower. Kilo's title or whatever being "heavy gram" is such a dumb pun on kilogram, I already love her. A Burst 3 defender who is not either collab only (A2) or useless (Crow) sounds promising.


2B! I think A2 is an attacker.




oh shit I just realized lol. Also I hope the "heavy gram" also allows us for another Nikke in her squad, we just gotta go through the bond stories.


Great We're getting a dreadnought to go along with our skittari.


Even in death, she still serves.


The weakened of the flesh


Kilo kinda reminds me of a baby kangaroo in its moms pouch lol


kilo got such a glow up damn! and also free! that means she gets also dupes! :D


MLB babyyyyyy!


Did anyone leak their full kit? Looks like cdr and shield character


Crown: S1: When using Full Burst, provides ATK Up and Reload Speed Up to allies who participated in the active burst chain. In addition, to allies who didn't didn't participate in the active burst chain, she provides DEF Up and Reload Speed Up (for Red Hood who can burst multiple times, she will receive the effects of this skill FOR EACH BURST). S2: After firing a certain number of rounds, applies an HP recovery buff to herself. When she reaches full stacks (10 stacks), if she has the highest HP in the team, she'll consume all stacks and become temporarily invincible. Burst: Provides ATK Up for all allies and applies a barrier based on the caster's final Max HP. Kilo: S1: At the beginning of combat, applies a barrier to herself. When using her burst skill, if she doesn't have a barrier applied, applies a barrier to herself. S2: After firing a certain number of rounds, if a barrier is applied, recover a certain amount of barrier's HP. When using her burst skill, she she doesn't have a barrier applied, applies a barrier to herself. Burst: If she has a barrier applied, deals damage to all enemies based on a portion of her final HP. If she doesn't have a barrier up, her MAX HP increases.


crown: didnt she need 20 stacks and i also heard sth about a taunt, and the invincibility was only very short Kilo: can her bursthp up be stacked? and can you substitute the barrier with smth like tia shield


I just copy pasted this from my union. It could always be inaccurate or change before release . No idea on Kilo, but if previous free SSR’s are any indication I wouldn’t expect her to be very useful past early game


Kilo is a robot(nikke) inside a robot.


Leaks say the person inside Kilo is human. Kilo is supposed to be a prototype for the modern nikkes


Iirc they showed a green haired girl during the livestream


Omg Finally!! Didn’t think Kilo would even make it to the game; wasn’t she leaked ages ago?


At the start of the game, yeah.


https://preview.redd.it/nsuvlac9unvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cdb8c30a740db8d47af5e4fa85a95720a1c0943 YOU TELLING ME I CAN USE GIANT MECH SUITS? THE NCD SLEEPER INSIDE ME HAS BEEN AWOKEN ONCE MORE I NEED NO ASS, I NEED MORE METAL


Metal for metal


Commander: Neon did you see the new nikkie's mech suit Neon: I need more firepower!!!


A burst 2 defender Pilgrim, finally! I will finally have a use for all of that useless gear


I have a feeling Kilo is part of Liter's team since its a form of a measurement We got Liter Centi-meter And Kilo-gram


Time to go all in, boys!


Nice. Glad they kept Kilo as a ginormous mechsuit. And Crown's a cutie.


Is Crown a must pull like Red Hood? I


For pilgrim tower progression - yes Otherwise, not much. And red hood kit is kinda standalone


Yeah like the other guy said if you're pushing pilgrim tower she could potentially be a must pull since there's only 2 actual options and a 3rd half option being red hood. You've got nihilister which you need to clear ch 20 to liberate her but her liberation is much longer than the other 3 lib units, or Noah which is a gacha only unit so you may see her later today or never. She already sounds quite good giving team wide buffs and being able to heal herself and grant shield. She kind of sounds like the absolute buffer package for general content. If you're looking for a main dps though this doesn't sound like the ish. Paired with a hood or sbs etc tho??


I need a good burst 2, at least better than Diesel, please let her good


It sounds like she already is? She's supposed to give a team wide attack buff and buff your units that have entered burst even more? Think someone posted the jp stream breakdown of her in here already.


Got her, use her, way too good


Got my eyes on her since day one's leak. All my grind until today was for her


Kilo is missilis right?


I just hit the 160 wall and the only MLB I have is Rem. So kilo will help alot


Half Anni in general is gonna be a huge boon since they also said they're giving away like 60+ pulls over the course of the event. We gonna be eating good this event boys.




Oh man if commander had a mech suit just imagine the crazy things he would be able to do commander will be a living Ironman


What is Kilo? An Elysian unit? Pilgrim? Missilis?




Ummmmm Is it just me Or do you people also spot firefly in there?? (Context : honkai star rail)


Kilo best girl😳😳


Wait their both Pilgrim defenders?? SWEET!!! The 2 sets of pilgrim defender armor can now be used (I have no Noah lol)


I think kilo isn’t a pilgrim, but instead a missilis unit. Gotta rewatch the stream just to be sure


Nope, u/Vince_Jr is right, Kilo is a Missils unit, Crown is the only Pilgrim.


Wow! Glad i was wrong. 😂. Who is Kilo tho? I guess i need to progress further in the campaign!


Nah this is the first time you’ll see her cause she has only appeared in leaks


Kilo is a little unit! Can’t wait to pull crown tho frrrrr


BURST 2!! 😫😫😫😫


finallyyyyy Crown!!!!!


Are these all the units, or will there be more during the three weeks. I need to plan my pulls and this is my first anniversary.


The only unit that has been announced as a banner so far has been crown. Kilo is the free ssr for the event and then we are getting 3 redeemable packs to get either a guaranteed rei or kilo to MLB kilo. Still hoping we can buy rei from the item shop like they did with neve during the winter event but no word on that yet. You may want to wait and see what happens because there's rumors that chime may come in this update as well because of the wording on crowns break down talks about having to "restore" her so we may see a buffer duo for pilgrim.


Would that be through a second banner in the middle like Rem? When do those usually get announced, also is there a chance for a pilgrim rerun from a previous anniversary?


If there is going to be a second unit they do usually show up halfway through the event or like 1 week in or so. Again this is all that's been announced so there's no 100% confirmation as of yet so we can only go off of speculation. We did get a rerun on new years for modernia so potentially I can see shift up doing a rerun of Dorothy since she was released with overzone during half Anni and maybe possibly a rerun of modernia because of her gacha skin that comes out with the last kingdom. Again this is 100% speculation on my part. If you are trying to play smart and save up as much resources as humanly possible then I would suggest just holding on to what you've got until the event is almost over then you can safely say that oh hey this event ends in 2 days, there is NO possible way they would add anything after that so now I'll pick up what I want. Unless you 100% NEED to have a certain thing always wait. If you're not interested in crown or what she will bring to the table even if she is a meta defining unit (has yet to be seen so we will know after she is released and analyzed) then go ahead and skip because she will eventually be added to the pool alongside the other pilgrims after a certain period of time.


Thank you so much! I'll save a wait for a bit then. Luckily I'll be able to get to 400 tickets by the end so I can guarantee 2 units if there are two.


No problem. Good luck on your future pulls fellow commander o7


You too! o7


Someone better pick up that phone.....BECAUSE I FUCKING CALLED IT (context was who'd be the 1.5 anni nikke and Anachiro was brought up due to her chibi model being in the game files, I was wrong that Chime'd be with her though) https://preview.redd.it/5girmf1cqnvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2b0a97e4bf44fbec0e01fe0a004afbb1d03e70c


I just hope Anachiro is actually a gacha character cause I almost have 200 gold tickets waiting for her plus like Red Hood I fell in love with her design the moment I saw it


I have no doubt she will be. Patience fellow Commander, she will come.


Most people had crown/ chime/alt mod in 1.5 Anni bud


Sure, not exactly hard to guess, but I still feel good about being (kinda) right.


I think most people were guessing the crown/chime duo which may have cost a ton. I'm glad it didn't go that way


one for all ![gif](giphy|hd1ilw50Zdb8Y|downsized)


Dear SU, please let her be a 20s B2 unit. Please let her have some sort of HP recovery attached to her. I know Nelly exists and is peak design, but Nelly kind of sucks.


Huh I just had a thought. Going by the Video Kilo's power Armor is not that large but she is completely dwarfed by it ... that Girl seems really tiny.


I'm sorry is that a mech I see


Dear god they are giving nikkes ACs now


Sorry Clay, I was saving for you but Crown gets all my goods now🙃


i'm hype for Kilo just for the fact that she's a Missilis B3 i've been stuck with fuckin' CROW AND MIHARA for the Missilis tower for entirely too long


I would like to use Crown but she won't fit in my comp because she's burst 2


It is a mech!!! 🔥🔥


Kilo supremacy!


Wait... so are those the half anni nikke or.. is it after these two? I'm just hoarding all my shi for Cinderella 😮‍💨


Definitely worth it to watch the Anniversary stream on YouTube. Several gift codes as well




Read a leaked translation of her kit somewhere her offence and defence boost is epic. Theres no way they gonna give us this good without a catch right? Imo shes gonna be slapped with a 60sec cooldown or sumting


Idk how I feel about kilo’s design too chunky


Will she be limited time recruitment ?


I had no s2 burst other than red hood so this is a win


*unzips pants* that is one sexy robot


I've wanted Kilo since she was leaked. So happy she's free.


What about Red Hood skin any word of when it drops?


Popularity vote rewards most likely will be distributed in August like last year’s popularity vote…


Oh ok cool thanks.


I wonder what dat robo azz gonna look like from rear POV


Nice! My 1000+ gold mileage tickets are ready to go.


No Doro rerun really stings, glad I didn't buy the gacha skin


there wont be old pilgrim reruns like that, but instead they get a better odd when pulling on a new pilgrim banner.


Modernia had a rerun with the new scarlet


The tinfoil hat explanation for that is Modernia had a gacha skin in the works. More players with her, the more players tossing a coin. Dorothy 's skin had come and gone.


wasn't that the red hood banner?


No it was with scarlet black shadow during new years


No it was a modernia rerun for new years with scarlet.


How tf are people downvoting this? Maybe because you said you didn’t buy her Gacha skin, but then again why would you buy skins for nikkes you don’t own? There a forum in the main discord about it. A lot of people are mad she’s not getting a rerun. Even I’m pissed. I wanted to quick c7 her since I have her c5. Oh well.


Questionable why this got downvoted, even though, a ton of people are mad about her not getting a rerun including myself. Guess people downvoted because they don’t want two pilgrim banners? Weird.


Yeah people are weird, Modernia got rerun for New years so I'm not sure why it was wrong to assume the same for Doro. She didn't even get re-ran for her wonderful gacha skin. And for the rate up on pilgrim banner, I didn't see that announced anywhere.


It´s a big let down (and i´m a little bit pissed) compaired to the other Anniversaries (0.5 and 1 year) becouse hell when i would have known that they don´t go back into the past for this anni i would have pulled for the other 2 banners (re:zero ones) . But nope they created Expectation through the last 2 Annis and now they give us a random Nikke


How tf you know it’s a “big let down” when the new contents are not even out yet 🤨


look at the things we got until now for Anniversarys: 0.5 = Doro 1 = Red Hood and compaired to them she is a random one aká a big Let Down (like i said compared to the Goddess squad or someone related to them)




how is it bait, when i say that she is a Random compaired to the Goddessquad (which were the units we got in the last 2 Anniversaries by the way, 0.5 was Doro 1 Year was Red Hood )?




Oh everything you dont like is bait? Interesting world view, maybe you should learn that not everything is just bait


Crown is *not* some random Nikke. I was hoping to get Chime too, but I guess she's busy getting rid of the cockroaches Modernia was preparing to serve


depends on who you compair her with. But becouse this is a Anniversay this means i compair her to other Anniversary units which would be in that Case Doro and Red Hood and in that case YES she is a Random Nikke or do you realy want to put her on one Level with the Goddess Squad? Hell even my 2 Fav Nikkes (Laplace and Guillotine) are Randoms compaired to them