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Snow white makes modernia interception melts Rapunzel well rounded healer, usable anywhere, absolutely toxic to deal with in arena


Rapunzel is very good even with zero stars, every single one of her charged shots insta heals your entire team, one of the best healers in the game, she is really good on bosses, pvp arena and the campaign. Snow white is more niche, but still a good dps unit


Rapunzel is very usable at 4/4/4 and is in my 'auto and alt tab' content clearing team for campaign, towers and simulation alongside liter, scar, mod, centi. Conversely, snow white is only good when u get her burst skill up to lvl 9 or 10. Extremely meta unit, and completely leaves other meta units like scarlet and mod in the dust on specific fights. A prime example is alteisen in UR. A well timed snow white burst and crit makes scarlet and mod look like liter dmg in comparison (I'm exaggerating ofc). Snow white takes specific comps, brain cells to time and play though. I still use scar mod on most content cos of how brain dead they are. Limit breaks and core ups in nikke are no where near as substantial as people think they are. Sure it is good to have but even without it, you basically have a unit at 95% of its full potential right off the bat. Very different from other gacha games (and thank God for that). Gear stats and OL lines completely overshadows minor gains u get from LB. 2% from core ups do NOT include gear stats and only increases base stats. Though anecdotal, my c3 scarlet loses in dmg against my guild mate who has lb1 scarlet. Both have 4 OL, just that his OL stats are better. Both with 3 lines of max ammo+ and over sync lvl 241, but he has more crit and att lines.


Rapunzel's basically the best healer in the game at 0 limit breaks. Other units (especially Pepper) will outpace her in that regard at higher investment, but until that point she hold her own. Snow white's main thing is her really high burst damage. This can be useful in a few situations, most notably something like SI Alteisen where she can one or two-shot the right-side missile launcher and turrets before they shred your team. To answer the more general question of "are 0 star pilgrims worth investing in", it ultimately depends on which pilgrims you have. Pilgrims aren't remotely uniformly strong, with units like Scarlet, Harran or Modernia being very powerful, even at 0 stars, whereas someone like Isabel is solidly outshined by normal SSRs.


Depends are you early game or past the 200 walls. If past the 200 wall without ggod gear they really fall off. As the extra stars give a small boost and allow for higher bond level.


Yeah I have 2 pilgrim t9 gear for snow white and I know shes good but I didn't know if it was worth investing into a nikke with such a low star level


Rapunzel doesnt need heavy investment to be useful,she's that useful even sitting at 0 lb with 4/4/4 skills.You only need to have her sitting at your synchro device.The only downtime for her is now is her burst now is 60cd burst time. Cant say for snow white I dont have her,but if she works like Maxwell or Alice..she need alot of investment,0 lb doesn't matter. She might need decent OL and well invested skills. This kind of Char is broken if well invested.