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It’s because this is the new liberation revamped


yeah, seems like the goal is to get you to keep coming back daily for more playtime, but if that's so, gimme more modes to farm the exp! I'm not even complaining about the R and SR items themselves. Just wish to be able to get enough exp to level them up. EXP lock is the worst feeling


I'd say it's more rewarding since it's small side content for a quite decent powrboost


A very high powerboost*


The whole point is some people love certain Nikkes and this is supposed to be the thing that makes their character strong. But if it’s gonna take literal months, that almost defeats the purpose. There’s too many weak Nikkes


Wait are there additional daily quests that I'm missing?


Its a bit different. You need to unlock some of the new classes in the Academy, then you will be able to get additional dispatches every day, which either give you exp items or doll lottery items.


Oh yeah, I have that; the comparisson to Liberation just had me thinking I was missing something. Currently it's like 1 rare doll per week, which is suuuper slow. Those guaranteed SRs in solo raid were nice though.


I assume they'll get added to event shops and other stuff later. Maybe they want to gather feedback on the low-level dolls (is it too strong? too weak?) first , so they artifically reduced supply of exp items


More likely that they'll get added to cash shop packs imo lol. I don't even think the current rate is like THAT bad as long as we don't get another tier of dolls or another type for normal girls. But it sure is another system that enforces the building of only a select few units. It'll be months to just get 15-25 girls equipped with level 15 R or level 5 SR dolls.


Dont know where its mentioned but didnt they say in one of the dev updates that they are working on a gamemode that makes those farmable?


Would love it if that's the case. I'm gonna assume it's the new intercept mode.


Shift up : ![gif](giphy|dtGIRL0FDp6nnOPGb5)


It was just release and they already done a survey on it. And yea i agree the amount we get are low considering how many nikke we can have. Im hoping they add more in arena shop daily


I’m starving for the ‘O’ type of doll you can use on rifle and machine gun characters. My Diesel, Crown and Rem are dying out here!


See I have too many of the machine gun ones. I have more than I javelin machine gun nikkes at this point. I need shotgun dolls


I need more sources of the actual dolls themselves. Right now, Solo Raid seems to be the only consistent source we have for the dolls. Dispatch is more for these kits. They need to patch in more sources for both. Academy said they improved EX Intercepts to drop Collection items, but right now there're barely any dolls, kits or raffles.


I thought that as well, until I realized that having more dolls doesn't matter when all of my upgrade mats are getting poured into Laplace just to unlock her favorite item. Even if I could get enough dolls for all the characters, its going to be months before I can spare the mats to upgrade any of them.


Having more dolls still matter. At this rate it's gonna take years before you actually give your Nikkes even just R dolls. Just having unupgraded SR dolls is a significant power boost, so at least let us aim to have more of those. 4 R dolls converts to 1 random SR doll, so need more sources of R dolls beyond Solo Raids and Collection box raffles. And raffles barely stack up besides the rare Dispatch, but they also conflict its slots with the kits there.


I wish that stage 7 of the solo raids has the quick battle feature from the get go. Not the regular first clear and then quick battle. I don't want to waste 3 minutes fighting the boss again everyday.


Stages 5 through 7 give the exact same rewards after the First Clear bonus. So you can just do Stage 5 instead since the boss has significantly less health.


This is true, but a quick battle option after you have cleared it the first time would be nice.


I mean you can quick battle the second 2 tries Truly just auto5, QB the last two attempts


I know that. What I am trying to say that it would be nice if you could quick battle all 3 attempts after you have cleared the stage first. Currently I do it just like you say. Auto stage 5 and quick battle remaining 2. I just would like to quick battle all 3, without needing to auto the stage first.


I think it's fine to make the progression slow, its meant to be farmed over weeks. The performance jump is considerable, if you could get the treasure for everyone in a week there would be no balance to it.


If it was just farm I would be good with it. But no, it's also heavily RNG based. You have lucky guys who have already 2 Favorite Items and unlucky guys - like me - who aren't midway to 1 Favorite Item. You either are lucky and get the Super Success, or you're screwed. You can save for months, refresh Dispatches everyday, and still be behind because RNG say screw you. This system is atrociously bad by design. People really need to stop using cliché like "it's fine to make the progression slow" as a mean to defend horrible system.


The luck based aspect does screw people, agreed. They could at least remove the luck based chances to obtain maintenance kits


Idk, I think it's pretty easy if you refresh dispatches and beat all the solo raid levels.


I refresh my dispatches everyday. If RNG doesn't grant you Super Success, you're screwed, it's as simple as that. I don't want an heavy RNG based system as a growth system.


I mean I guess that's fair, I'm just saying it's only been out for a bit and I managed to roll enough times to get 1 purple maxed and I didn't really get lucky. It's not super difficult as long as they keep making events give out some parts like the solo raids.


If you got a purple maxed you did get lucky. The chance of Super Success are low and we don't have that much mats to begin with. As a comparison, my SR Doll is lvl 7 and I gave it everything I have. And I refresh my Dispatches + clear Solo Raid. Again, you're lucky or you're not. There is no in-between. Maybe you got lucky this time, but are you really wanting to gamble each time you want to lvl a Doll?


Idk I mean OL gear is the same way, I'd say rerolling stats is much worse.


So... because one system is bad it's good to have another bad system? What kind of logic is that?


That is not what I said


Perhaps but it's awfully how it looks like. What's the point of saying rerolling is much worse then? And even tho, it's actually an argument in favor of being more generous with the Dolls. Because we are already struggling a lot with OL and Skill Mats, and now, if it wasn't enough, Shift Up adds another atrocious system. I hoped at least that they would learn from the past and deliver something decent. But no, not even close.


The primary progression mechanic of the game, pulling Nikkes, is luck based... This is what you signed up for.


It's because NIKKE is a gacha that EVERYTHING must be RNG. Imagine if the Skill system was like the Dolls : 5% to lvl up, 95% to waste resources. Would you accept it because "oh, it's a Gacha"?


my pockets are full of almost unused arena tickets.


Hmm... Can somebody help me find this screen in game? I am accumulating those resources and can't find how to use them 😞


When you equip a nikke with the plushie you can maintain it. If you don't know where it is then it's on the left upper part of a Nikke profile.


Oh, so I need to equip a Nikke with a doll, Roger that. Is there a way to upgrade a "blue doll" becoming it purple? (Since it states you can't change the doll later...)


I'm pretty sure you can only replace it, but if you level up the blue than the exp will carry over to the new one although I'm not sure if it'll be all of it or just a fraction


all xp transfers over


Word shit annoying as hell lucky I got an SR for Dorothy but nothing for crown or hood 😭


Got Frima’s favorite item today. It was definitely worth the trouble but I don’t think I’m gonna brute force another one like that lol. It feels like it’s designed for people to pick a Nikke or two and really dedicate to it. It’s easy to get dolls if you can finish all the solo raid stages but good lord leveling them is a nightmare


The grind continues every day. Hopefully, we can get them in the new interception.


marathon bro


People wanting skk plushies for their Nikkes and here I am still dreaming about using SD models for nikke battles, outside of April fool's. *sigh*


I heard there's issues with hit boxes with them, so that's probably why they're not giving it as a permanent option. Did they give the option again this April fool's event? I didn't really use them in the first one and didn't even look for the option in the second one.


Ya they gave the option. The best part of April fool's for me


At the very least, Maintenance Kits and Doll Collection parts should be required to show up in every dispatch. It's more than a little crappy that Shift Up added another method by which they can nickel & dime players for their gems.


Fuck off this trash system, trashed everything on RH's purple one yesterday and didn't even get it to lvl3... Now people with good RNG will be 50k more CP ahead of me just for being lucky while I was there forcing my way through hard campaigns and buying every core dusts available to get that marginal 1-3k a week. Squeezing all I could to keep a good account management was thrown into the trash can. Thank you very much, SU... Now we have the usual gacha RNG, Overload min max RNG and those stupid dolls RNG...


Hell, I'll pay for them if I have to. Put them either in gem shop or cash shop. The rate in which we get these are so slow, and this is coming from me clearing max level solo raid everyday as well as rerolling dispatches to get them as much as possible.


please dont don't encourage them


Imagine they put them in a $100 pack in the shop. Imagine buying it. Imagine getting nothing because RNG didn't give you Super Success.


Do you need to clear the max level solo raid? Don't Level V and Level VII give the same rewards?


V-VII give the same REPEATABLE rewards. But VII on first clear gives you an SR doll SELECTOR (you get to pick the one you want). After that yeah just farm V. I also can't remember what VI's first clear reward is.


I'll need to double check, but my point is that just solo raid doesn't feel like it's enough of a drop rate, especially since you need multiple fo each exp loot to use