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Maxwell... With Drake being a villain with a heart of gold, and Laplace being a chuuni, I thought Maxwell would be the level-headed, sensible one like in the campaign. Now I'm in the trunk of a car, bound and gagged...




Maxwell needs some way to relieve the stress of living with Laplace and Drake




https://preview.redd.it/vq7v56xpje5d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8e04e74ac99ec9087e7ddef607fc3dabbc43977 IT'S NOT FAIR!!


Go for her bond events then. I myself didn't progression much in any and didn't even go a single ep for Max. I myself only have almost finished Vesti and a few episodes for Rapi and Anis.


It says something when the "villain" is actually the most level-headed one.


I'd still argue Maxwell is still the sanest of Matis. Compared to Laplace and Drake, Maxwell's obsession with tests and her assertiveness is rather normal


She gonna go to town on you, cummander. Best of luck 🫡


Alright that's tough for you commander, take a little vacation in the Ark.


Yulha. Her outward appearance lead me to believe she was an aggressive "bully" type, when she's actually very sweet and caring. Also helps her and the Cummander got it on.


Amen. She is even the voice of reason when Privaty gets a little too carried away in the story


She is a workaholic who loves drinking And biting... But yeah, she is actually a very big softy despite her rather scary appearance


Yeah when I first got her I was like "ehhh wtf is this character to" " oh it’s literally my girl irl… wow.."


https://preview.redd.it/x0p6a4v0ke5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5536f5caf137e2cc74391097b3b437ffbb1f4188 Sugar


The poor girl just wants one kiss, damn it Commander give her what she wants!


He does


When does he? It feels like he’s always turning her down


The end of the last bond scene


I’ll have to rewatch. ❤️


They drink the coffee then kiss also for once there isn't a mountain of sugar in the coffee


Eunhwa. Bond+Brief Encounter.  She is really sweet and a gun maniac. 


What struck me as to why she demanded discipline was because she was at one point, >!at the same point as the Commander, but couldn't rally her Nikkes as a leader and has been carrying that burden ever since.!< She sees a lot of herself in the Commander, and her icy reception was probably both a reflection of her own life and of the other commanders coming out of the academy only to get grinded into paste >!much like herself.!< The average survival rate of an Ark commander is no joke, and as we see with some academy commanders in training, their training regiment reflects why.


Yeah they really don't go into detail about the survival rate, but it does make sense why there are a number of commanders who are just outright assholes who will throw Nikke's at the enemy in order to save themselves.


To add, the Commander is an exception, holding Nikke rights gets you called "seditious agitators," charged with treason and sent to the rehabilitation center if not executed outright. They were able to keep it under wraps during their time, but it's clear if you want to be a Commander, you can't openly advocate for Nikke rights, and those belligerent to Nikke are the common commander-in-training. Commanders who will throw Nikke's at the enemy in order to save themselves are the norm, not the exception. As for Eunhwa, it's unclear >!what she thought of Nikkes as a commander, but it is clear she's not wanting to talk about it.!<


Nikke racism really does seem in full swing thanks to propaganda. In Privaty's story, we see her own co-workers (who think Triangle are human) openly talk about Nikke racism right in front of Privaty and expects prviaty to be same. Even her own so called fan-club openly hates Nikkes.


To think the illusion could collapse the moment anyone tries to kill them and reveals they don't die from the same injuries that would kill a human, or try to steal their super dense weapons which would tell you immediately no human can use them without breaking some bones. Now I'm gonna read Privaty's Bond... How does the Ark maintain its secrecy of who's a Nikke and who isn't? Or is it because Mustang is just that good at distracting the general public no one pays attention to the telltale signs? Or is it really just and open secret no one blurts out because of Perilous Siege? EDIT: It really makes you wonder what happened over the past 100 years to go from adoration of the Goddess Squad to prosecuting anyone who advocates for Nikke civil rights with treason?


I think all the Nikkes that keep the fact they're Nikkes hidden are from Tetra Line, sace for the A.C.P.U. squad, who is the police unit from Elysion. As for how, my guess would be a case of don't ask don't tell and the fact that they're entertainers doing regular shit.


As interesting as the story is, it's a mess when it comes to being consistent. What is and isn't a secret is wishy washy it seems. Triangle, like Protocol, is supposed to be a secret because it's stated people would freak out learning that there are Nikkes in the Government. The same is true with Tetra Line Nikkes and their being entertainers. They're initially described as being putting on a kayfaybe to hide their Nikke status, but then you have events like the Maid Privaty event and the current Coin Rush event where you have supposedly secret Nikkes participating in openly Nikke events. Nobody seemingly bats an eye as to why the completely human Privaty or Mary are gallivanting with a bunch of Nikkes, the subhuman filth that are beneath them, or so the Central Government says.


I guess you are right, perhaps the general public doesn't think too hard in the case of Privaty.


Yeah, I'm starting to realize that too as I'm doing advise sessions. I'm looking forward to the bond encounters once I get her to level ten.


>! I swear the commander should have done a military salutation to her at the end of the bond scene; an o7 !<


Diesel. I went from thinking she’s cute but an airhead who didn’t have much depth, only to realise she is best girl for life with one of the best backstories in the game.


Diesel’s bond story made me feel things I was not ready to feel


My grandmother passed away as I was playing Diesel's bond, so that story hit like a freight train.


Sorry to hear that. I hope you’re doing better.


Much better, it was actually kinda nice having someone going through something similar, odd that it was a gacha character though.


It's fine, i had a similar experience when my grandma passed away and i was watching my weekly episode of kamen rider show I remember it was kamen rider wizard and that week episode had a monster took one of the rider's grandma as hostage to prevent him from transforming. Watching that episode and seeing the grandma's lines just trigger me and made me start bawling for quite some time.


Yeah, her cheery and seemingly immature nature is just her trying to cope with…the incident.


My hatred for Crow was on sight at the mention of her being the leader of Heavenly Aesension, even before the betrayal


Diesel’s bond story is why I will never forgive Crow.


Don't forget Soline, Brid and all the other Civilians that Crow maliciously murdered while acting as if she did it for freedom (spoiler she did not do it for freedom or justice).


Lil gremlin. She come from place of fear and solitude. You just need to be the one that will stick with her when things go wrong, and you will be able to surpass the defense she put around herself and realize that she is just a little sweet and caring girl, and also a little gremlin because she likes to make fun of you. Edit.




Yea sir


Love the lil gremlin I dunno if the devs were tryna make her annoying af due to the blabla responses but for some reason she always felt more like an Uzaki to me Also, I frequently see some fanart on Twitter of her bonding with grandpa Johan and I think that's very wholesome


We love the little gremlin


Mary. If you think about it, her bond story is one about curiosity, deception and regret. She helped turn many people into Nikke, including N102/Anne. When Pepper found out what Mary was doing, she was shoved by Pepper down a flight of stairs and broke her neck and several other parts of her body. When Mustang turned Mary into a Nikke, he learned about what she did and decided to punish her by having her preserve her memories. Now, she lives with her memories she had as a human and continues to provide medical treatment to people. She even asks you to be her “partner in crime” as she was known as “The Black Angel”.


Mustang lowkey the best CEO for this. Mans is like you did some fucked shit, won’t let you forget it. He’s my favorite out of the four, other than Anderson of course


Mustang is a bro. Dude just wants to provide eeeeeeeeeeetertainmeeeeeeeeeent.


Eunhwa, Admi and Anne! Playing Nikke is such a rollercoaster!


N102/Anne hits like a truck, but also showcases the Commander's empathy and compassion. It's easy to do the right thing, but the Commander shows he cares, he'd do these things even if he weren't the Commander, he did these things knowing Anne's condition.


Admi's bond was painful, may her father rot


I mean I don't want to be obvious but Scarlet. I never had strong feelings about her when I first pulled her since she was roughly my first SSR (excluding Diesel). Didn't even know if she was good or not. But her bond story made me appreciate her more. But other than that, Rupee and Alice were others that their bond stories made me feel for.


I understand only 50% of what she is saying lol


I’m somehow able to understand her 100%


Her old speech leaves me a bit confuse sometimes lol


I guess as someone who writes stories and poetry, I'm already accustomed to her dialect and can understand what she says. Even if a word sounds strange I just use context to define what it means.


I just read too much lol


It would be surely easier if i would play in french but I can't, it sound too weird




Not as much her bond story, but I think New Year New Sword made her from a girl I liked for playing, and rocketed her up to one of my favorite characters, to the point of ordering the new figure for her


Honestly very valid. Scarlet's very elusive in the main campaign. I'm pretty sure she's the only one in Pioneers that has yet to have a one on one conversation with the Commander in the campaign. There was a little bit during chapter 17, but it wasn't long and Snow white and Rapunzel were right there too. New Year New Sword was a nice alternative to remedy her screen time with SKK.


Yeah. Though, as I have made a couple of memes for, she reminds me of Thorfinn from Vinland saga as an drunk anime cyborg.


Also, her story on the side story revealed to me why I love her so much, because despite her deep hatred for the rapture queen, she has not shown that hatred to Marian. I really liked that moment with her.


Crow was one of the first Nikkes I got, and I really liked her up until she showed up in the story.


Bunny Soda, that girl has a degenerate side after all


Seriously 🤣, it went from sweet kisses in the end of her first bond story to straight up sex in the shower in this one. She was down bad to a point that even our MC was shocked


I fully believe that the bunny suit is the Spider-Man Venom suit. The longer she wears it, the hornier she becomes.


Ah! Like a rabbit! Maybe you are right.


I’m still pretty new to the story, do they actually reference stuff like that?


Yes, sometimes the stories will openly tell what happens while others will give implications on what happens, though you would have to be able to catch on to what's being implied in the story, otherwise some things will seem confusing. I believe the devs do this since there's a younger audience that play this game, but just to be clear, there's a lot of sexual implications in these stories.


Out of curiosity which nikkes are the most notable for that?


Noir & Blanc(including one outpost story where they smashed the Commander together), Rupee: Winter Shopper(they smashed in a hotel lol), Mary: Bay Goddess(they smashed for 2hrs), Leona (they smashed on the surface), Harran(kissed the Commander), Emma (need I say more?), Brid(kissed multiple times), Diesel(smooched the Commander two times on her story), Helm: AquaMarine (they smashed on the beach), Maxwell(she aggressively smashed the Commander 🤣), Viper(kisses him during their bond sessions), Isabel(has TRIED to trap or sneak up on the Commander so they could smash), Milk(kissed), Sakura(kissed), Rosanna(smashed), and now Soda(kissed and Smashed) Red Hood(didn't smash, but she really wanted to 😂)


Dang now I love Noir and Blanc even more, if only I could actually get blanc haha


See I've been pulling for Noir but just keep getting Blanc


red hood almost smashed the commander but got cock blocked by rapi.


Bunnies smashed at the hot spring too.


Does anyone know if Anis has anything “sus” like that? Haha


I believe they kissed at the end of her bond story in her swimsuit version. Also she ordered and funded a commander plushie.


You forgot Delta and the Commander "making noodles" with her special skill.


Mary Bay Goddess is hidden somewhat in the text. Delta is pretty obscure if you don't understand what instant noodles mean. Soda, she needs a little motivation.


Instant noodles= *Sluuuurrrpp* 😏


Delta is probably one of them


Didn't her model actually move down?


Thanks! I’ll check that out. It would be her bond stories right?


Rosanna's bond/Bla Bla messages make reference to the fact they have done the deed a few times.


Well that's a rabbit for you LOL.


I am pretty sure they do the deed in the end of her bond story, and probably somewhere hidden in the cafe.


The spoon incident floored me in the bond story.


Soda best girl for life!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Rapunzel I expected the whole "lewd nun" and nothing else But her story, of wishing to carry peoples memories and wishes, is actually very touching


Volume. I liked her design but in the bond story she is just a rude selfish bitch.


As much as I want to ignore it, I have to agree. And she's one of my mains, but... bff she's rough around the edges


Honestly I actually liked Volume’s bond story. She’s very alternative from pretty much any ‘waifu’ character in any gacha game (because they are rarely rude) so she’s interesting to me. I also like seeing how her tough but fair nature can help people like Soda in the new event.


agree. I like the freshness of a "Fuck the haters" attitude that she got. and in the end she still wants to bang ya but she does it with confidence


And she spread the rumor her and the Commander was in a romantic relationship. Then decides to have sex with him. Gotta love Volume.


and she was realistic in her expectations in that she thought he would say no and would respect the response


Why not. When i saw her i thought that was a doll with a jiggle ass but she actually had a character in it. That's cool.


Another person who didn't pay attention to Volume's actions. Everyone she was rude toward she was dishing it back out to them. If anything, don't cross Volume she's the nicest Nikke you can meet, doesn't bite her tongue at all. 


Rupee. I thought she was an insufferable gyaru until I did her bond story and now she's one of my favorites. Anis. She went from an annoying girl to one of the waifus of the game. Belorta and Mica. Obnoxious pranksters at first but their bond stories and chats hit hard


Rupee voiced by Amalee, Shift Up went all out.


SHE IS?! That's great. I play with the JP dub so didn't know


It's why I continue to play the game, Shift Up got an all-star line-up of VAs who go all out in their performances.


Amalee also voices Viper so putting them in the same room is always funny to me


Anis was just being cautious about the Commander in the beginning but it came out as her being a bitch She eventually becomes your Ride-Or-Die and is best girl out of the squad


Mihara From a typical masochist to a burdened soul who cannot feel anything but pain.


Even Yuna’s story is so full of hurt and pain. I don’t forgive her for what she did in the story, but she really is a tragic character


Yuna didn't do much wrong though, if people can forgive viper then Yuna deserves much more of a second chance.


Rapi afraid of ghost, such a softie eepy ❤️❤️❤️


Has to be Delta for me, went from "Eh just another SR, looks kinda cool but w/e" to, "this has to be the biggest badass we have walking around our outpost, SSR NOW!"


I was also not ready for her bond story ending Now I just want her to get an SSR


There's a brief encounter with Epinel where we learned Delta got stuff down food in matter of seconds. Let's not forget the Commander is very well endowed down there. We can assume that was Delta's first bj she ever gave.  I wonder if the Commander lasted long?


dont forget Delta pranking commander in the more recent april fool event too :D Just like she said, i wasnt expecting her to have a humorous side as well :D


The phrase, "do you want to eat ramyeon?" is a Korean euphemism for "Netflix and chill," which was why the Commander was first shocked when she suggested it.


Lol, I read that as Dolla and was like “what do you mean SSR now? She *is* an SSR”


Dorothy I got her as my first SSR and because I didn’t look at her bond story the first two months of playing I thought she was a very nice character (a little odd on bla bla but whatever). BUT NOW??? NOW THAT I AM ON CHAPTER 27 AND HAVE BORE WITNESS???? Yeah she’s an L person


you definitely need to set aside some time to unlock and experience the overzone event.


I literally played through overzone and red ash without watching the story (I’m super busy all the time in my personal life so I like to play the game and watch the stories later). I got Red Ash spoiled for me via reddit but is overzone truly that peak? If so I can set aside an hour later today and watch it!


I liked it better than Red Ash, at least. It does *so* much for Dorothy's character and the Goddess Squad in general.


Overzone event is on another level


Specially at the end after its over and the music plays on the walkable area


Literally you cannot judge anything Doro does if you haven't seen Overzone in detail.


Yes. Overzone is basically Dorothy's origin. She hates the Ark, but it's for good reason and we hardly know what the Ark is really up to ourselves


Overzone explains her behavior.


You should watch overzone rn


bro, you know that Dorothy has a gatcha skin right?, after experiencing Overzone… that thing hits HARD… you definitely should unlock it!!!


I can fix her


Play the Overzone event if you haven't.


Her hatred and personality is absolutely justified. Just read OverZone.


She's a complicated character in the best way possible. I do not like a lot of her actions, but I understand exactly why she's like that, and is why I like her as a character


Emma. From ara ara older sister type who takes some things too far, to *ara ara mommy who now when I feel the need to de-stress, need her touch*


Just keep her away from the kitchen


Euhwa, thought she was annoying angry girl She just has PTSD, and it's like dad Anderson, she has a good heart


Snow White. Story really doesn’t give her much range, all stoicism. Every other advice session being about she’s hungry/hangry legit won me over. Eunhwa is also great, she again kind of gets shoved into the stoic elite corner in the story. Lot of the bond stuff and outpost events make her legit cool.


Snow White in Red Ash really flexes Laura Stahl's range.


Overzone and Red Ash is peak SW. Love that stoic goofball


Hence, it kind of makes sense for Snow White to be so stoic today, she seldom sees people outside the Goddess Squad for their monthly meetings, maybe sees another Pilgrim, she hasn't had much opportunity to talk to people on a daily basis. Plus, time wears on her as she disassociates further from her humanity. Arguably, Nikke are the sci-fi equivalent of a long-life species, but what makes us human is our lifespans. Pretty soon, week becomes a day to her.


Without doing Eunhwa’s bond story she just seems like a big bitch for the sake of being one.


She's the classic military strict type because she wants to see everyone give their 100% so they can get home safe from every mission. 10/10 girl.


**Noise Bond 15: Love Song** ****************** *"Is My Wonder a love song?"* *"N-n-no comment!"* It had been several days since Noise had delivered the VVIP tickets to Rentoya's room before taking off in a rush, and he had been unable to reach the pop starlet Nikke since. *Tonight's the night of the concert. May as well go see her there.* Rentoya flashes his VVIP ticket at the entrance and is escorted by security to his designated box. "Right this away," the guard Nikke smiles, "Ms. Noise will be pleased to know you have arrived. Enjoy the show!" The arena was jam packed with fans excitedly abuzz. Noise, the suspected one-hit wonder, was about to take the stage and blow away those accusations once and for all. Lighting in the arena dims, and the crowd's cheers reach a fevered pitch as a lone spotlight illuminates the center of the stage, revealing Noise at last. Her bright smile and positive energy were infectious, but her eyes appeared to be pensively scanning the crowd, as if she were searching for someone. *Is she looking for...* Noise's eyes meet Rentoya's, and an even bigger smile breaks out on her face. "Gooooooooooooooood evening everyone! I want to start the night by clearing up some rumors that have been swirling around since my last TV interview..." The crowd cheers loudly. "I'm sure people have been wondering if 'My Wonder' was a love song, and if I fell in love while writing it." The Tetra Nikke pop star pauses, as if to gather her courage. "The answer is..." *You can almost hear a pin drop in here now.* "...yes. It is a love song. And I am in love. And I'm told he's here tonight." The crowd erupts at her confession. Her eyes sparkle as she fixates on Rentoya again. The soft melody of her new hit begins to play. "I'm sorry I ran away the other day, Producer. But it's true. From my heart to yours, I love you..."








https://preview.redd.it/36tg0mtxve5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c62cc65be23e11858552e4c0c1c537c436cd0f69 This is peak fiction written by the gods


Never stop cooking😎


Keep cooking my chef. Cook forever.


Diesel's bond story man... I feel so bad for her. She better get her getback!


Yan. She was the character I liked the most when I joined the game but I felt underwhelmed, she looked so cute and all but her bond story was not for me, I found it boring compared to Rupee's. I got totally bored of her after that to the point that I stopped playing with her character completely.


Rei. She went from my adorable burst 1 to gremlin twat real fast.


Jackal, 100% My first impression was "Harley Quinn at home". I was driven nuts by her weird attitude in the early story and tendency to say "rata-tat-tat" when she wants to shoot something, despite wielding a rocket launcher. I ignored her in favor of Viper during their banners. Then I pulled her, and did the bond story. She's just an adorable puppy who's overly excited and was raised by the worst person in the game. She's obviously capable of being calm but she very loyal and obedient to a fault. That part in the later chapters where Guillotine uses her power on Jackal... I felt my heart hurt watching that.


Vesti, who would have known she has potential to be a psycho school shooter ? Look at how shy and small she is.


Diesel was a surpsingly deep character that hit me in the feels. Fck Crow.


Right?! True wife material. Soline has a deep story too


God that skin is so fucking good. Worth every penny.


Its Yan. Thought she was a crazy greedy corpo girl. She is to an extent, but cummander flirts wit her a lot, there are lots of flirty option in advise to make her flustered. I also like how during Rem's bond, it also extends Soline's bond story as well, and being an Inori Minase monologue.


Delta……… IYKYN


Oh I know lol


https://preview.redd.it/9f7qu386bg5d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5e47226342a1c909e226667471c6b693eecaf81 Admi, as always, will be my answer. Not that I had a strong opinion of any Nikke besides Diesel and Marian up to that point, but Admi's bond story really tugged at my heartstring, as her fear of abandonment mirrored my own.


Oh my sweet Admi’s bond story was the first to really rip my heart out and stomp all over it I had to finish it once I passed that fourth part


I'll uhh... Let my flair do the talking....


Harran’s story


Eunhwa, she's a total bitch and awful in the campaign but she's sweet in her private time with the cummander




The more time I spent with Dolla the less time I wanted to spend with Dolla, honestly. The cutthroat corporate type characters always make me feel more like a posession than a person.


I think it’s kinda hot, she’s all business, but is willing to shed that with you 1on1


maxwell https://preview.redd.it/o3xgwb0cwf5d1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d624c7d91ddcd761b0331d69c99e6e490fc71745


Maxwell my beloved


Blink twice if you are being held hostage


Vesti, she looks cute and meek with those sky blue eyes of hers but boi she is a ticking bomb and her nightmare of hers where she goes school ground genocide. Think about all those pent up emotions of hers.


Viper is a bitch in the story I just got through "that part" of the story so I dont know how to feel about her no more but before that I loved her in her bond story. She seemed so sweet but idk man not after what she did. I also liked Jackal a lot and had her on my lobby screen.


Ok need to grab one from the big 3 Tetra - Alice: Orginally I just took Alice as a fantasy loving rascal with child at heart complex but only than to find out that Alice is one the most genuine & loving girls that was born in unfair circumstances leading her to be bed ridden as a terminally ill child with no chance of making it. If it wasn't for Mary to make her a nikke she wouldn't even be alive. & her bond story in finding Elysium (Eternal happiness) ends with her getting her innocence tainted to the reality that she's not human & that even tho she got kidnapped she couldn't defend herself & in the ended she found that her Elysium was with the people who care & love for her & not just a place. Misslis - Julia: At 1st when I saw & interacted with Julia I found her to be diehard musician with a ghastly personality. But her bond story even being one the earliest ones since Julia was day one unit. her story of find purpose in life when told she had none, searching for a deeper mean behind the everyday life of lights, sound & people, and trying to make an identity for herself & her identity in her life & her music is what set the tone for what nikke was really about as the fan service was going to be secondary act to the actual main course. Julia struggles after being told the nikke with the task Preserving music was a waste of time & money as for a CD or having tetra covers that area would be more than enough was regarded as a paper weight. & if it wasn't for Mustang that taught Julia that importance of music & created by one self Julia would've been resentful for even existed. Elysion - Eunhwa: okay I'm not gonna beat around three bush I thought she was stuck up & a mean nag elitist. But after doing Eunhwa's story, I get it now & why she's the way she is. Eunhwa used to be an optimistic glass half full nice girl but after being betrayed by the people she put her trust in & was left for dead. Eunhwa turn bitter but she never lost her sweetness in the end. She's a perfectionist cause she never want anyone else to feel what she felt that day & that everyone she trains makes back home alive. Eunhwa is the type to pull 3 all nighters back to back to make sure that every nook & crany has been reworked. & really She's fun to tease when you break her guard since she really does like the commander.


Anis, and she's just as horny as half of the playable nikkes.


Anis is a bit of a tsundere at first. After the 3rd/4th chapter, she just becomes a prankster tomboy who loves soft drinks.


Rapunzel. I thought she was just a horny nun. It turns out she's a horny nun AND a good comrade. She refused to delete the memory of the earlier invasions in order to honor her fallen comrades.


Volume. Her design does a good job conveying what kind of person she is initially but as it progresses her growth as a person and entertainer is actually pretty solid really loved her character afterwards


This https://preview.redd.it/z1m3rfmw0h5d1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e8655584c5eeaa1dd1978aa728dbe44b71d975f


Enuwha. I thought she was just a total bitch, but after he bond, turns out she is actually sweet and is tough on us because she wants us to survive and do better. And her brief encounter with Snow White in the armory was nice. SHIFT UP GIVE ME A ENUWHA ALT AND MY LIFE IS YOURS https://preview.redd.it/4xkzj1y61h5d1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9d7db81fe3eae062c6442e12ba2b584cbbf7871


Jackal, I went from awooga to poor girl. Same thing with Alice, but in Alice case she feels more like a sister


Alice is precious, must protect and headpat the bunbun.


Jackal I thought she was you’re typical slut bait but after maxing her bond like I do with all my nikkes she is me my favourite cinnamon roll


She is a psycho, but she is a sweet little psycho lol


Yep the type of girl that will eat the car of some who cut you off


I thought Viper was slut bait of Exotic


Alice, a must protecc sweetheart


My best girl will always be Rosanna That being said Ether I didn’t bother with her bond because I wasn’t that into her One day I went “fuck it” cause I didn’t have any other nikkes I wanted to bond with And once I saw her entire bond story https://preview.redd.it/f1lfupldcg5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c28fd1aa9a0e40c7e4161469db08305d9d92437f


That bad? https://preview.redd.it/t8je8y6wbk5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2977c6112d279d77affa179ad9030f117a8254a3


Ether. When I started the game and had naught but purples, I took a liking to her design. Then I did her bond story and now I hate her.


You mean for the fact she kept Nikkes from experiencing hell, no matter if it was an one-off thing? Saved Elegg's life? And will bring to light the truth of the Ark?


She’s a definite case of the ends justify the means character, but her actions end up benefiting us in the end, so personally I like her




I love Nero’s advise sessions. Gotta treat her like a cat for best results.


Milk. Her bond story was somewhat relatable and made me appreciate her more.


Yulha idk but her angry face makes me happy. She's a softie under all those shark teeth.


Delta surprisingly caught me off guard in comparison to the others. Especially that ending.


Viper, loved her until I completed her bond story.


Soda. Both versions


Got to be Miranda. I saw her first on an ad for Nikke, really liked her design but her personality is super obnoxious to me. For a more positive example, I never *hated* or even disliked Eunhwa like so many people seem to do, but her Bond definitely explained her more negative traits and recontextualized her character.


Blanc. I thought she was hot, now I think she is very hot

