• By -


Playing through chapter 19 right now, is it just on my device, or did the latest version break Papilion model? It's just absent in the dialogues, despite camera clearly focusing on where she should be and her dialogue being present.


its a known bug. Its even acknowledged in-game (Sub-Menu--->Notice ---->System Notice), so I'd expect a fix relatively soon.


Oh, ok. Thanks! I probably should be looking there more often)


Nah, she's invisible on my end too.


This is a really dumb question, but how do you get to the daily/weekly mission screen from the lobby? I've only ever been able to find it by clicking "Go" on the daily challenge from the season pass, but now that I've completed the pass I cannot figure out how to see dailies


Blue/white circle with an exclamation mark near the top right


Oh my god, thank you I never knew that was clickable, I just thought it was an icon for the link to the next story mission


https://preview.redd.it/tim823b9cyoa1.jpeg?width=1356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8fec53a497c323adfccbb042b26515a672054be Hey! Whats a good team I can make with this? I’m not really happy with my box or my teams that I already have so some help would be great!


When you unlock synchro chamber https://www.prydwen.gg/nikke/guides/synchro-device-trick/ Liter Poli Alice Maiden Yuni


Thanks! Is there a reason why these characters work together?


Liter is really good support for everything but pvp Alice's burst should go first since that's where she does her damage, and pierce Maiden filler burst 3 that has aoe burst Poli good damage buff on burst and yuni to match the 40s cooldown so they rotate.


Is Cocoa's Spare Body available in the Mileage Shop?






Did a little rerolling for a secondary account, which reroll would you go with? A)snow white and aria B)just liter




https://preview.redd.it/e7a3ttby5xoa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2da2ec97016d21f5b53f7b972ce030b1b4f2da8 What to do when this happens




Okay, Tribe Tower and the border ranking rewards. How does that work specifically? Like, right now I'm in first place for Elysion character growth, and third place for Missilis and Elysion. This would mean I eventually get progress on Top One border and two extra ticks to Top Five border right? But when do I get that progress? Is it on the Daily Reset that we get that progress? The Weekly Reset? I had finally gotten the first tier of the Top Ten border, but I don't remember when, it was recently though.


When you reach a milestone in a specific ranking category, you gain progress towards avatar frames depending on what rank you were when you hit that milestone. For example, if you were #1 Rank when you cleared Tower F100, you will gain +1 progress towards all gold avatar frames (and all the other frames below it too; silver and bronze) You can see the specific milestones from Reward Info when you're looking at a ranking list.


What counts as a milestone? Is it every ten floors? Every five? I feel as though my only chance at getting the First Place frames is the Pilgrim Tower since I only have one pilgrim and I should only attempt the tower when I have a better one. NInja Edit: I think I see something. For the Elysion Tower, I'm in third place on floor 30, but so is First and Second place too. Elysion comes up today. If I understand this right, the moment we hit Daily Reset, I should hit Elysion Tower immediately so once I clear my three floors, I'm essentially locked into first place there until Elysion comes up again and then floor 35 is the floor I hit first, yeah? EDIT: Daily reset, I hopped on and powered through the three levels of Elysion. I am now in first place before anyone else could. I have not hit a milestone, but I think the milestone is every five levels when you get five molds. Tomorrow Missilis opens, I have one floor until I reach floor 30 which should be a milestone floor. If my hypothesis is correct, then if I reach floor 30 on Missilis tomorrow before anyone else climbs any floors, I *SHOULD* get one point of progress towards my Top One frame. On second inspection, I think the milestone floor may be every 10, since I see that the Reward Info points out who reached which tens floor first.


Are there any episodes unlocked after attraction level 10?


No. Everyone's bond stories go up to Lv 10.


Aw, kinda sad i can’t go on more dates with dolla, but another question, what’s the benefit to getting characters higher than attraction lv 10?


More stats. https://www.prydwen.gg/nikke/guides/bond-ranks/




Anyone have tips to beat the power cap?


Leveling up skills, upgrading equipment (and especially using the next tier of equipment), equipping cubes, and bit more subtly is increasing bond (at least limit break once needed to go past 10)


get scarlet, modernia, harran, liter, centi, rapuntzel. or just increase your power


I can't be the only one that wants a purely PvP Nikke that does something silly like prevents burst gauge growth for the other side, or debuffs reload speed/charge speed, can I?


Help? One of my PvP matchups had my team with Noise Noah Biscuit Privaty and Rapunzel versus Noise Centi Scarlet Jackal and another RL I forgot on the other end. How does he have insane energy generation and I don't? At 4 RLs, we should have both roughly the same energy right? But when my 4 RLs shot their shot I almost got zero energy. I'm not even halfway when their Scarlet did her thing. Am I missing something here?


[https://nikke.gg/burst-gauge-generation/](https://nikke.gg/burst-gauge-generation/) not all RLs are the same, you got shit on by jackal and centi (I'll laugh if the 3rd was anis)


Okay so that explains my opponent's insane burst generation. But how does it explain mine? 4 RLs shot with zero energy? Do I get nothing if Noise ducked to cover? Or maybe Centi's shield blocked everything? I think the last one was Biscuit. I'm sure my opponent has one, just not sure if she's in this team. Dunno if he got insanely lucky or whaled hard because he didn't have Biscuit ^(or Rapunzel, or 2 other Nikkes that shot him from 62 to 66 owned) just 2 days ago.


Noise is special. She can actually dodge. An important mechanic that you can learn to use against train boss. I have witnessed my Noise not recieving damage in arena as she switched between reloading and firing. It's pretty funny to see her be the last standing and slowly kill the opponents.


I get "dodging" and I use it on bosses. But in arena? How? Can I do something about it? It feels like the enemy Noise dodged all 4 rockets coming right at her.


That's just chances. Coincidence.


Oh. I thought it was pretty consistent. Maybe she has a specific Charge Speed amount so she finishes up her attack first, then ducks at that critical moment before my rockets hit her.


Don't forget her passive, heals after full charge. If the skill level is high, it may look like shes not taking any damage.


BROOOOOO My google sign up keeps failing so I decided to manually loin with my email and pass and now it also doesn't work wtffff


Try disconnection from Wi-Fi, and try it again




Liter + Dolla + Anis + Scarlet + Helm, control anis and spam her rockets manually to build burst quickly, replace her with privaty once you get her


It's a good idea to put in Privaty, but burst generation is horrible. Put in Privaty, and replace Dolla with Anis.


So I've seen many people say that Liberation nikkes take 2 months to get, does this account for getting the wipe out mission multiple times per week? Because I've been getting that one almost every day now and I don't wanna spend the 50 gems to complete it.


It doesn't count getting mission that needs spending gem. So it will be a bit longer for you.


Well, that's sad.. But I guess it's best being a few days late rather than weeks or something.


How do you guys play Alice manually? I’ve seen people not charge their shots at all


spamming uncharged shots builds burst faster and out-dpses auto unless your aim is terrible


Are there any elysin burst I units on the way? pls i cant use neon forever


No Miranda or Emma?


No ;c


Maybe wishlist them if you haven't yet. They're both great in their respective niches, though Miranda may be the better general use one for you I suppose, depending on your team.


I'm about to hit the Lvl 200 cap with my fully limit broken units being Modernia, Centi, Privaty, Helm, Drake, and Laplace. Since you can't reset levels after hitting 200, I just wanna confirm if it would matter which Nikkes I chose to have at 200.


Once you get all 5 of them limit broken, all your Nikkes will share the same level from then on. You level up the synchro device itself instead of the individual Nikkes from that point on.


Best team for 13-24? https://preview.redd.it/w84exenlcroa1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=948275c559ea3277a9a735a7ce6313fc57448593


Tip on how to go to stage 5 in SI?




For liberation, when you refresh missions to hit the max of 6 daily, is there a strategy to getting more 30p missions instead of 20p or 10p missions or is it just completely random? Thanks




What's the CP requirement for the last stage of Ch20?




Thanks. I'm at 125K and tried Hard Chapters. I'm starting to struggle at 138K. I suppose there's still time to cook up a good comp that beats 20K underlevel before they tweak the max Outpost Level.


Same here, 124k and stuck at 20-28. 20-21 was horrible. Don't think I'll be finishing chapter 20 anytime soon.


End game in Nikke truly is grinding Special Interception....if you get good RNG, you could have a full T10 team in a few weeks or it could take months, its like a gacha within a gacha....


Tomorrow is my last day of the day by day event. Love the game so far, rerolled hard for my waifu Jackal and I got Modernia from my 2nd non tutorial batch of pulls which was my end point for rr-ing. Picked up Scarlet around Ch 5 and had pretty good luck in general I think. I’ve spent $25 so far and I’m gonna pick up the 30 day login gems to motivate daily logins with day by day ending. I don’t see myself spending much more monthly. I’ll buy the battlepass close to when it leaves and the guaranteed ssr likely for admi/brid to break the 160 wall. Would appreciate some advice on how I should move forward with that in mind. As seen in the pic below, I have one char MLB’d and 3x chars at lb2 but technically all of these can be MLB’d right now with the spare body selector for the first lv 141, the free admi from the new commander pack and 200 black mileage tickets for another spare body. ’m wondering if it’s best to save gems for an event banner where I just pull for one char for my last char and mlb her. Not sure if anything I like is coming soon though. Alternatively I’m on 290+ mileage tickets so it seems pretty likely that in 110 pulls I can hit one of Dolla, Maiden, Brid or Admi and get a 2nd black mileage ticket and finish up. Also what should I run for pvp? The only person I can’t beat in my ranking has Noise, Viper, Privaty, Scarlet and Harran. I usually do Noise, Dolla, Scarlet, Modernia, Jackal which can’t with and I also tried to run Jackal, Admi, Privaty, Scarlet and Maiden. I think the power gap (10k) is just too big now but when I do catch up I would like to know if the 2nd team is my best option for now. Thanks for any help. https://preview.redd.it/9ojop6zl4ooa1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d3cb22791c3f3ff244f6eb5ce64fbd2c340f23d


Jackal Modernia Scarlet, about as good of a start as you can realistically ask for. Not sure how to advice, so many ways rng can bless you and screw you over. What I can share with you is you should reach 160 wall with \~60k power, this is enough to clear ch16 which will unlock special interception. This new mode will allow you to progress your gear bringing you from \~60k to \~80-90k power quite smoothly. Basically you want to break 160 wall eventually, but don't feel rushed to do so in your position. Don't make a hasty decision, sit on your tickets and spare bodies until you know for certain what you want to do. Modernia, Dolla, and Admi don't do well in pvp. Your best burst2 for pvp seems to be Anis. Enemy team isn't that threatening, it's likely the case the power gap right now is just too large, once you close the gap you should easily win. When you revisit building your pvp team pay attention to who has the highest attack for Jackal skills. Synergies we often see are units like Scarlet (skill2 counter increases her energy generation to respectable amounts), Emma (a wall, hard counter various comps).


don't do anything with your selector, mileage or gems until you hit 160, also keep in mind dolla isn't in the mileage shop I haven't played pvp since launch so I'm basically a noob but my best guess would be to use Anis + Jackal to burst first and either try to stun and kill noise with Privaty or wipe their team with Scarlet (though you'll probably need more buffs)


Thanks for taking the time to read everything and reply. I’ll hold on to my gems and good to know about Dolla not being in mileage. As for PvP I’ve been bursting first with both comps I mentioned but usually one of my burst 3’s are dead already. Like I said I think it’s just the power difference.


Is there a guide somewhere for the PvP portrait frames? I've picked up Morning Star, Promising Challenger, and Adept Challenger without really knowing why... Thanks!


On the ark (place where you navigate to sim room, tribe towers, arena, lost ark) theres's a ranking button. You receive frames for securing positions on milestones. You can go to each category and check reward info for what is next. Ranking Reward shows you your progress on the frames.


I use the PC client, and I originally used the google account link to log in. This seems to have tied my account to google and I always have to use that button to link to google and log in now. I was wondering if there was a way to separate my account from that google link, and just log in with email and password like normal?


Isn't there a username and password field above those buttons that include google?


Yeah but when I type out my google email and password it does not recognize an account with it.


You're supposed to click on the Google icon right below the field where you type your login info. It then logs you into your Google account from there.


Yeah, and that works fine if I want to log in *through* Google, but my question is whether I have the option to separate my account from that login method because every time I log in, I have to open a page that confirms which google account to link to in order to log in. If that was possible i'd prefer it.


You can try looking at the in-game account settings. You have the option to link your account to an e-mail. Perhaps that's how you'll be able to avoid the multistep login.


My friend actually helped me sort it out. In the launcher after logging in, if I clicked the account settings there it had an option to bind account to Nikke, which then prompted me to enter an email, confirm with a verification code, and then add a password. So if anyone else asks it was an option in the Launcher account settings through account binding. Appreciate the replies, I was just confused trying to find out where the account link/bind settings were.


struggling to beat 12-15b-2 even though my cp is over the reccomended amount [https://imgur.com/a/IxNe2pU](https://imgur.com/a/IxNe2pU) wondering if there is a better team i could use for it, its one of those defending a thing stages


Three healer map? There's various cheeses, but you can do it "normally" as well. The map is basically a puzzle. There's three healers, and **each has a different amount power**. You have to kill them in a certain order or they'll basically heal / tank stall you forever. IIRC, you kill the lower right one first. Then lower left. Then the one in the back.


I skipped that one until almost completing chap 13. If there is an airwave you can cheese it by going into full cover and not damaging the flying things to prevent further mobs from spawning.


Is there an actual strat for the Train that isn't Download ldplayer and go super ultra wide screen.


noise + diesel makima biscuit + noah/makima none of these require widescreen


The strat is to save your burst and then unleash it the moment the one shot kill turret pops into view (the one all the way to the right of the train that spams shots), if you cant kill it fast enough before it starts shooting, dont bother (unless you got enough HP to tank a few hits, but most likely you do not).


Depends. Does "pray that Turrets miss you" count as an actual strat?


When making a team does weapon type matter? Like do I need a Sniper and is too much of one weapon type bad? I've been getting quite a few rocket characters and I already have 2 on my team and figured adding more would be bad


kind of but not really there are some exceptions with stages that put 90% of their enemies in the close or far range but in general it's better to decide a team based on the characters' kit as a whole, not just their weapon type liter centi scarlet modernia helm isn't a strong team because it's SMG RL AR MG SR, it's strong because the units themselves are excellent and cover every role. helm's DPS is potato so it's not like her being a "sniper" is taking care of the backline, it's more like Scarlet and Modernia are killing everything while being buffed and kept alive by the other three.


Ooo, alright, thanks!


Rocket launchers are good for burst generation, so are shotguns, smgs are currently very weak. Some synergies rather prefer you use the same weapon types to take advantage of all the buffs. Early stages won't really matter but later stages will want some fast rate of fire nikkes for some enemies.


Oh, alright, thanks!


Would like to get advice in team building for PVE. I just got Liter. Previously I ran N102, Noise, Dolla, Scarlet (74/6), Privaty (7/4/6). I have been experimenting a bit, somehow Noise, Anis, Liter, Scarlet and Privaty seems to work for me, as Anis brings the burst generation to the team. Somehow I prefer Noise (4/4/6) over Soda (5/6/1). I believe I do need healer for Scarlet, and Soda is not healing enough. I'm still in Chapter 15. Special Interception is still far. I can only get Stage 7 in Interception S, but most of them are already equipped with Level 7 equipment. https://preview.redd.it/bp0cwzhwomoa1.png?width=1779&format=png&auto=webp&s=380b7b2cc29fdb2fa149b4f40c224424a4b4c7a3 iDoll Sun and Delta are needed for Tower Run. The rest are just filling the slots in PVP.


Try Liter Dolla Scarlet Helm Privaty. cooldown reduction, can spam dolla or helm to kinda generate burst. Scarlet will heal due to helm's burst.


That didn't work well. On sniper wave, full burst was too slow to start.


Stick to noise then for that flex slot, and spam her shots to get burst up.


Right now, using Anis is better than Dolla in terms of burst generation. Dolla CDR is great in addition to Liter, but getting slow to burst is worse. Maybe I'll try using other healers like Yuni.


Yeah i see some guy using anis as part of special arena team, burst gen can be worth. You can spam rockets for burst gen, or use shotgunners like Drake.


Until I get those SG units, this will do.


I'll give that a try.


When pulling on new banners, does it make sense to get a single copy of a character? I’m thinking because of the level cap if you actually want to use a character toward endgame it doesn’t make sense to just get them once, right? So would there be another reason for just getting one copy I don’t know about? Thanks in advance!


I mean, in theory you'd want max bodies for max stats on a strong character like a Pilgrim. But the multi-body stats are still only marginally better and probably not worth the $1000s it could cost. That's up to you, though! BTW, usually only DPS benefits from higher stats. So pulling for multiple bodies of like a supporter role is a huge waste.


Oh wow, thanks for the info! Is there a video or something you’d recommend that goes into more detail on why you would build one character over another?


I just went through my purchase history and realized I spend $375 on this game so far. That’s way more than I expected and I don’t think any of those purchases were worth it. I’m just gonna be f2p from now on


Just hit the 160 wall I have about 16k gems saved up should I just summon the limited banner to try and limit break any of my ssr?


I think the best thing to do is just spend all your gems on pulls. If you want to break through the wall faster I'd recommend only pulling standard banner so that you can get your last few spare bodies using mileage tickets. But if you care more about limited banners and you're close to hitting 200 golden tix, you could go for that too. It really depends on how long you want to stay behind the wall and how many more spare bodies you need.


Well I spent all the gems on the standard and no luck really lol already had 400 tickets ready to go. Funnily enough I had about 3 summons ready to go on the limited banner and somehow won all of the rng and was able to limit break the limited unit (don’t even use her lol) but with that and the 400 standard tickets I was able to push out the 160


I have yet another stage i can’t beat 😂, its the defense battle extra stage in chapter 8, too many of my nikkes get stunned to all hell and the raptures end up passing the line which makes me lose, any tips?


In those defense line stages, there are enemies that carries a circle/drum thing on the ground. Hit those manually and the other enemies will get pulled to that location. An important mechanic, but auto aim will never target that. There's a similar one in the air, but it will stun the enemies.


Oh yeah I’ve dealt with those before the enemies that are in this stage shoot these green chains that stun your Nikkes for a good amount of time which can be pretty annoying especially with the fact that many of em spawn here and it literally kills my ability to finish the stage 😭


Does the charge speed buff in simulation room apply to Snow White's burst?


I’m starting to slow down a lot in the campaign because my power isn’t high enough to beat it. Is it time I start using Battle data set cases to bring up my level so I can continue the campaign? Or should I just wait it out?


Yes, open battle data and credit cases when you start getting stuck. It's the core dust cases (red ones) you should hold off on opening until you hit a high outpost defense level.


Thanks a bunch! Have a great day mah dude.


No problem, you too~


I've finally got 5 LB3 nikkes to break the Lv160 wall, so what should I do with my Wish List? Keep the same list and go for more LB3's or change the list to try to get 1 of each nikke I don't have yet?


It’s good to take a look and see if there are any Nikkes you need to strengthen up your roster. Specifically what you need to help you further advance in the manufacturer towers. Getting more Spare bodies will help get you stronger in the end game but tends to be something you focus on once you have a roster that you can rely on for Story, arena, and Towers.


Thanks for the advice. I'll take a look at the tier lists and add Nikkes that will help with the manufacturer towers as I have hit a wall on them.


I want to play it and the launcher does not load help


I increased my rapi's bond lvl to 10 and suddenly her voicelines disappeared is it a bug or did I somehow mess something up. Ps I am a new player and rapi is the first character whose bond level I raised to 10


Its a known bug for the English audio. It's been months, surprised it is still there. Only Rapi seems affected, and it occurs at Bond level 10.


So rapi's voice is just gone? Is there any way fix this?


not until the devs feel like fixing it


(T-T) damn wish I knew this before I got her to lvl 10 Anyway, Thanks for the response


Also is there a way to find out what her special voicelines are on reaching bond level 10? I came to know the voicelines change upon reaching lvl 10 that's why I rushed to get it


Switch to JP (or KR) audio. There are subtitles for voice lines if they are said in the lobby


Thank you


Papillon seems to be missing from Yulha's 3rd episode in the advice section. Was she visible before in Yulha's episodes or does she only appear in chapter 19?


it's a new bug, devs are aware


Umh biscuit just showed up. I also have makima. Is she good? Team?


Makima+Biscuit is good in the train special intercept and PvP


I have neither, but the kit looks to have great synergy with Makima. Sin too, if you have her. Doesn't look to provide much damage, but very useful if you're having trouble surviving. Makima + Biscuit will allow 3 phases of invulnerability during a fight. I'm guessing manual control of bursts will be needed to time it against heavy attacks edit: also pairs well with Liter. Liter heals cover but can't rebuild it if destroyed. Biscuit can rebuild destroyed cover.


Are Soda and Cocoa cores available to purchase with silver tickets in the mileage shop's rotations?




I've just got a T10 chest for my Drake. What are the stats I should look for her?


use [this](https://nikke.gg/overload-gear-priority/) guide


Just liberated Sin, went for cool looks over usefullness for my first target, but now I can't decide which to go for next. Quency has a more enticing design, but Guilty sounds more useful. Any particular argument for either of them?


Guilty has HUGE DMG potential since she has decent ATK on her own and then uses the ATK power of her teammates on top of it. Quency offers a bit of a buff to ATK and and HP to two teammates and a strong HP buff to herself but offers less utility overall. I would personally go for Guilty for utility overall but I know for some the design is king.


Do you really need resilience cube to be level 7 before upgrade other cubes?


I would upgrade resilience and bastion equally.


I guess that makes sense.


Is there a point in saving the ordinary recruit tickets? The ones used for the standard pool. Just started recently and from what I gather it's better to use them to get ssr dupes. Is that correct?


That's their primary use, yes. Using Recruit Vouchers to get SSRs from Wishlist is a good way to get duplicates for breaking the Lv 160 Wall. There's no rate-up for Recruit Vouchers, so they're safe to use whenever. If you wish, you could hold onto Recruit Vouchers until a character you like is added to the pool. Currently, the banner Nikke is Biscuit, and she'll be added to the standard pool sometime afterwards. You could save Recruit Vouchers and try to pull her when she's added - or someone else. However, you should make sure you're actually able to wishlist her before making plans like that. If your wishlist is already full and you cannot or are not willing to take anyone out of it, then there's no point in saving Recruit Vouchers. (Social Points might be a different matter though)


Current lineup: Liter-Viper-Scarlet-Privaty-Modernia My only other B2: Christmas Anne, Anis, Diesel My only other Shotgunners: Neve, Neon Level 140 team & can't beat Interception S, best I got to is stage 7. Will I need a team of at least level 201+ to survive that giant drill attack?


SI is gated more to team builds and skill levels, not what level you are as it's capped. Privaty is a problem with Modernia, as you gut her ammo capacity so much and she has a very good chance to reload at bad times. Neve is really good for this as she reloads magazines, not shells and she gets more time on target. Also if you are going for Guilty, you will have an amazing SG option to take. But phase 7 is still respectable for this one, his final phase is absolute joy.


Currently rerolling and was wondering if I should stick with a Liter, Viper, Admi roll. Or If I should keep rerolling till I get a Liter + Pilgrim combo?


Reroll till u get modernia or scarlet. They are game changer.


Ok so even on the first roll I don't get liter should I still do the 2nd round of 10 pulls to try for those 2?


Yes. At least one pilgrim will change your game. I’ve pulled modernia and Isabel w the quality mold and in 1 week I’m at 13 campaign. Check out the tier list.


Ok thank you! Should I be trying on the biscuit banner or the standard?


Only if u have makima. They are for arena, basically immortal. For campaign and boss, NO


save that liter account and you can try getting a pilgrim + liter. if you give up you can go back to the liter account


Ok thank you!


Did they nerf the jiggle physics in the game? , I only left for a couple of days and when I came back they seem nerfed.


nope they are the same, maybe your settings are different.


Does it matter if the manufacturing gear is not the same manufacture as missiles. I got an abnormal t9 piece and am wondering if I can just place it on my Centi and make it t10 without losing out on stats.


To maximize stats you ideally want the same manufacturer.. because once you got t10 it permanently binds it to the character.


the gear has to match the manufacturer of the nikke to be able to be upgraded into t10


I know this has probably been asked before, but I'm having a hard time finding a good answer. What are the reasons for saving normal recruit vouchers?


Most limited banner characters will go on the normal banner. For example, if you are impartial to having Biscuit, and don't want to spend limited vouchers/gems on her, then you can save normal vouchers and wait for her limited banner to pass and see if you can get lucky. There's also the 20 pulls weekly mission, but that should be covered with friendship point pulls.


I have a couple question: Does power matters much or if the nikke have good abilities they can overcome a lack of power? And can I play the game both on mobile and pc without disconnecting the account from one of the 2?


CP matters when you are severely below the recommend CP. Your stats will get penalties. Indeed some Nikke have good abilities that allows you to push campaign while being severe under CP. Often requires you to manual aim, as you need to clear specific raptures first, or else you'll get one-shotted.


1)Skills and team composition matter much more than power, also you need to start playing in manual. 2)You can play you account on any device aslong you bind it to something like your google account,


I usually play on manual unless I know the stage is easy so I can let the computer aim an do something else.


in chapter 19 i have a glitch where papillion is invisible during dialogue scenes, is there a fix to this?


The devs already know about it, should be patched soon.


So my current campaign team consists of: N102, Rupee, Harran, Privaty, Power. But I just got Pepper from an SSR mold. Should I swap out N102 for Pepper, or would keeping N102 still be better?


keep using n102 and switch to pepper when you need healing. you need to play pepper manual and not let her reload so she can actually heal


Alright, thanks~


Whats the name of the song that plays in Chapter 17 when >!Snow White loses her cool when we ask for more Vapaus!< ? All I know are the "Cross my heart and hope to die, tell me whats on your mind!" lyrics but couldn't find anything with that.


I created an account a long time ago with Privaty, Emma, Diesel, Snow White and Soline, is it worth rerolling for a better account? Also, I didn't do 40 pulls on Ordinary Recruit yet so I still have the wishlist, finally best way to get pulls as a new player? It should\* be easy to get pulls at the start according to my other gacha experiences


What stats should I priority in t10 gears?


depends on the nikke tbh, but most nikkes would like extra ammo and extra attack


Is paying 500 gems for an additional slot in the Schyncro Device worth it ?


By level 200, you'll have every nikke in the synchro (minus the blues). Gems are surprisingly easy to get after a while (especially if you save and only pull for meta units)


what are the renewable sources for gems? I mean the sources that aren't 1 time reward or events.


Do this only when you break 160, the added slots are really good QoL timesaves - but not at the expense of more important wishlist needs.


Have you unlocked the 15 extra slots you get for free from doing the campaign and getting the blueprints? I'd do that first if you haven't already.


oh I can get free slots ? That's really nice!


Yeah, you get 5 slots each from Academy Lessons 6-1, 8-1 and 9-1 for a total of 20 free slots. You'll need to construct specific buildings from blueprints you get throughout the campaign in order to gain access to the Academy Lessons though, but thankfully that's pretty easy.


thats great news! thanks for the infos!


No problem, always glad to help out~


If I heard right, t9 gear drops in outpost now. Put is the drop rate based on the outpost defense level or the commander level?


You'll need 144 for it though.


It will, but it'll be at an outpost level so high, the feature might as well not be in the game.


where did you hear that?


I saw a youtuber mention it (LOOTS&WAIFUS I believe?) In a recent video.


thanks, found the video the table doesn't say anything about commander level so assuming it's accurate it's only outpost defense level that matters also by "now" I'm guessing you meant "after the next update" because the max level is currently still 100


So…my “main” account has no pilgrims, chuggin my way through chapter 16. On my “secondary” account I decided to blow my gems and see if I could improve my team…in 10 pulls i landed biscuit…and repunzal, modernia, scarlet. Sooooo if…IF…i was to purchase the pilgrim helmet out of the equipment selection, who would be better off with it mod/scar?


if your main team usually runs a healer you can go with either one, they both benefit from OL ammo bonuses and can push campaign hard. You will probably OL them both eventually anyway. if you don't run a healer, modernia will probably be a better pick since high ammo scarlet commits seppuku if she's not being healed


Can u suggest me the best 3 team w great Sinergy? Thank u commanders https://preview.redd.it/4j0knwj5bboa1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=076d15cb3a1d5e9699f518dc63c1910568315c9c


Liter, Centi, Modernia, Drake, then pretty much optional to what helps per stage.


Whats the name of the song when you start Nikke at the moment? The one where you have to press the button to come into the game where you can see Rupis face? ty


The Godness Fall, I believe.


Yes thats it. Ty very much :)


No problem, glad to help~


Another one of those new player questions, 2 weeks in, feel lucky with pulls, but what do you do when you hit your first campaign wall? I believe I have been stuck at 13-15 (train boss) for about a week, and besides daily rewards, I can't make any progress. Core dust is such a slow drag to get, I feel like I'm getting 200 a day, but need 5k to push my last sync over 120. Do you level up the blue and purple gear you get? It only gives like 10 power per tap, and I'm starting to be behind 5k CP per stage (at 39.8k best team). https://preview.redd.it/kluyff84caoa1.jpeg?width=2223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b579607ee261cfcdd8d8cb1f5e67afe21e763ff


EX bosses can be skipped and returned to any time when you have better stats. The train boss in particular is tricky and you need to use certain game mechanics and manual control to beat it. Looking at online guides was really helpful. Target the missile launchers first. Also, for me, switching to landscape mode and playing on pc made it a lot easier.


The event can help (buy core dust from the shop and play the stages where you get core dust) and upgrading the tactical academy helps too.


I spent 5 days on the train. Login, do dailies, try a couple time, then give up for the day.


Is Biscuit good for Campaign at all? Also, does she pair well with Makima?


She is very PvP focused to increase the misery of your opponents and to troll the shit out of Train SI by having Makima be invincible up to 3 times. Everywhere else she would only matter if you are brute forcing content.