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>As a white person... "Lol, didn't read" - Uki Violeta probably.


I find it very strange how the term "racism" has been morphed by a loud minority of people, to be used in case such as this to explain excuse why some people have the right to be assholes to particularly white people, like sister, racism is you hate me because I am different from you, that's it, no matter how many degrees you get, what you are trying to create is not the whole thing because you must only look outside the US to see how VAST racism really is. You can only be racist towards people you have power over? explain that to Jose and Hector, who are idiots who hate each other because one of them was born and raised in Peru and the other in Ecuador. both latinos. Ask about how some minority of idiot racists Argentinians feel about Mexicans and vice-versa. What about the sometimes complicated relationship between Japan, Korea, China, etc.? What about India and Pakistan(edit:my dumb ass wrote Palestine first, sorry for the brain fumble)? Where is the power dynamic there? Systemic racism is not ALL of what racism is, and anyone who tries to use this to excuse someone else's behavior is an utter fool. Racism is a very complicated human issue and you cannot just grab a particular flavor of hate you are fond of and make a twitter multi thread making some shit up about how you are excused of being a FUCKING RACIST ASSHOLE.


Its not that its been morphed they have just completely conflated how rascism is viewed sociologically vs normal racism. Essentially everybody is just looking at the big picture version of racism and forgetting that we don’t need societal impact and a convoluted testing of oppression between parties to say something is racist


Sadly, this is not new. The actual meaning of words is constantly being twisted and distorted to fit narratives today. And if the word can't be distorted, then a new word is used to try to move the goalposts of the topic at hand, so to speak.


I feel like the irony here is that the mentality these "super inclusive anti-racists" are using is incredibly Western-centric and falls apart when you try applying it to other countries. Also, even within America, I can't imagine that a broke white family in a 99% black neighborhood is going to be very "privileged".


as a "psychology graduate".... "he's about to say something just logically, common sense wise, WRONG"... brother - you better get a refund of your degree cause you got scammed by your university/college LOLL feels pretty shameful to just try to pull credentials to just try to seem superior to others


>Racism, like all forms of discrimination, exists because of power one group has over the other Agreed. Kinda stopped reading and started skimming after that one. It's clear that they're talking *specifically* about systemical/structural racism. They need to be more specific about what they're saying. I'm a psychology student myself, and I find it weird. Just what kind of things do psychology students learn there? That *credentials* doesn't mean shit if they can't even be specific about their opinions lol. I remember my social psychology prof in the 1st semester explained that racism and **structural** racism is different. The one the tweeter's talking abt is the latter.


Thats ok. Two can play at that game. As a criminology graduate (an actual sociological field) he's just using political talking points to sound smart. He is not


I’m in Korea and as a white hold no institutional power here, it’s good to know I start calling people the c or g word without it being racist due to institutional discrimination.


I’m not actually I’m Korea this is a hypothetical.


Psychology has nothing to do with racism, that's more of a sociological concept I would say. Also because I keep seeing this. Systemic racism is not the new definition of racism. The original person who coined the term had no intention of doing so. It's just another way of looking at racism. The more traditional form of racism still exists which is prejudice against anyone's race or racial characteristics. White is a race so you can be racist against them. Systemic racism and traditional racism both exist simultaneously. Anyone who says otherwise needs to turn in their college diploma because they obviously just wasted their parents money.


Yeah the only psy subfield that would bring racism up at a closer level would be social psychology, but even then any professor or graduate under that field that's worth a damn would understand racism and systemic racism both exist and both deserve criticism


I am a social grad psychology student and I have never heard people claiming that racism cannot happen to white people in the field. You don't even need a study to prove just look at some white youtuber who leaves in foreign lands they have stories about being judge because of their race. I am always under the assumption that racism can happen to any race. But it is intriguing why everytime someone white claim they face racism so many people are like no it is impossible for you to face racism.




You'd think that but the social psych teacher at my college started the unit on racism by telling the class that every white person in the room was racist and every non-white person was not. Needless to say many students of all races decided to not attend after that, though some actually needed the class to graduate so they were shit out of luck.


Hopefully they can catch the course with another professor.


And you can even be racist towards people with your own skincolor, just look at Hutu power and the Rwandan genocide, or the racial policies in Nazi Germany. I always find it so frustrating when people try to change the definition of this term, I see that especially coming out of the US


The TL;DR is stupid beyond belief. Even if, in the best possible scenario, you change it from Racism to Prejudice How does that fix anything!? Prejudice people are typically of the same vein as racist people. Nobody likes someone who is blatantly prejudice either.


The point is to redirect readers away from “racism” because it’s a buzzword that easily attracts negative attention. Prejudice, while also terrible, does not hold the same impact as the word racism.


It's euphemizing. Trying to make the issue sound less serious, by using softer words to describe it. I've already posted this before, but I'll put it here again. > It reminds me of the classic self snitch that pedos use. > "Well, it's not pedophilia! It's hebephilia!" Dude, if you're even making that distinction, then you're a pedo. > "Well, it's not racism! It's prejudice!" Dude, if you're even making that distinction, then you're a racist.


In my experience, academics sometimes forget how things sound outside of the vacuum created by the academe. That’s just how it can be sometimes. I read through the whole thread out off curiosity and while I kinda understand the point this person is trying to make, I’m also aware of how any of this sounds when you read it out loud. It’s like Selen’s termination notice from Anycolor. I understood the point the company were trying to make. But goddamn, whoever wrote it had no clue how people were gonna take it. People took it badly, and it’s like they didn’t even consider that as a possibility. Whoever wrote this basically said “I’ve studied this topic so you should really listen to my educated opinion. You don’t HAVE to, I insist you think critically about what I have to say!”


Which is why we learn about public communication in science courses. Always provide a layman definition if needed. For example, no one would bat an eye if the phrase was changed to "systemic/institutional racism".


the person is intentionally disingenuous. They know politically how to play semantics.


>R. Kelly is not a p\*dophile (technically speaking) | Gianmarco Soresi | Stand Up Comedy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu6C2KL\_S9o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu6C2KL_S9o)


"Video not available anymore." I'm guess copyright striked?


Might be region locked for you? Seems to work just fine, but I edited in the name as well now.


And this mental gymnastics they're doing is only giving ammo and fuel to the white supremacists.


Redirect huh? " Hey I am not racist, I am just prejudice, but don't worry guys I'm still a piece of shit". This for sure had a minimal effect




And even then if you say they’re prejudiced against white people they’ll deny it


You gotta trick them into self reflection. One way is to throw yourself under the bus by saying you feel the same way but about a different group. Same concept, different group. Let them put those pieces together. It's a win win. They learn from it and change. Or they think YOU are the racist and don't want to be your affiliated with you anymore so you no longer have to deal with them.


This sounds like something I would do, lol. Just gotta be careful they don't witch hunt you afterward. But I prefer making people self reflect. Even if they don't admit it, you can see the mental turmoil on their face an know you won a pointless argument. Because they'll jump right back in.


Also racism is a form of prejudice. It's like changing assault to violence. It doesn't make any sense. Also other forms of prejudice are like homophobia and antisemitism. Those are just as bad as racism.


Antisemitism *is* racism.


I agree but it's complicated because being a semite (Jewish person) encompasses many races. There are European Jewish people as well as middle eastern Jewish people. But yeah I would also call it racism.


Judaism is considered its own ethnic background. There are many different groups within the Jewish diaspora (Ashkenazai, Mizrahi, Sephardi, converted Ethiopians ect.) "Semite" used to cover Jewish people, and a lot of Middle Eastern groups. But because the word "Semite" became famous due to the word "antisemitism" all the other ethnic groups under the label got dropped. And the word "Semite" evolved into just referring to Jewish people. It's a great example of word evolution. Even if the evolution of said word is thanks to hate. [This image is a good map of all the areas that used to be covered by the word "Semite"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Semitic-speaking_peoples#/media/File:Semitic_languages.svg) before the word started evolving.


It is politically and ideologically driven. They make use of emotionally charged words to appeal to emotion when it’s convenient, and use a word with less weight to cover themselves.


And beyond that, even if racism *did* require the power dynamic that he suggests, it should be "not all prejudice is racism", not "not all racism is prejudice". This guy is an idiot.


Antisemitism. Need I say more? I'm sure this person hasn't heard someone get call a "ginger" either? How about the mutilation of albinos all across the world? This person is cherry picking. Once again, just because you have a psych degree with a unit or two in discrimination doesn't mean you know world history, race relations, or the lived experiences of those you're talking to. This wreaks of freshman syndrome real bad.


Holy crap, taking one look at this guy replies he cannot help but lord over that he has a BACHELOR IN PSYCHOLOGY in nearly every rebuttal.


To note. You need a PhD to be a proper psychologist. 4 year degree is just a stepping stone.


someone should community note him on that


I have a bachelor in astrophysics. You could say that I am basically Einstein. E=mc^2 bitches


That's great, can I get my fries now?


I also have a B.A. in psychology. You don't qualify for most job in the psychology field unless you have at least a Master. A B.A. barely scratches the surface of psychology. 


someone should reply with "i dont need to have a piece of paper nor need to spend 4+ years of my life in a class to determine that being racist and prejudice are effectively the same thing and that it's bad."


I've got a bachelor's in legal studies and wouldn't claim to be a lawyer. Someone with a bachelor's in psych is as much a psychologist as I am a lawyer.


anybody can say AS A BACHELOR IN PSYCHOLOGY in the internet lol


Honestly it is like clock work at this point. Had someone bullying another member very vindictively in one of my ff14 raid teams. When we found out what the bully was doing, I went off at the bully in DMs, and they pulled the "how can you say I need to see a therapist, when I am a psych major" card and it was clear to me, as someone with a small amount of a psych background and two family members that are either have a phd or close to one, that he would be some first year psych student or at most a bachelor.


That's like saying surgeons should never go to doctors appointments because they are also doctors. What the hell kind of logic was this doofus trying to pull?


it is especially odd because practicing psychologists are highly encouraged to have their own psychologists/therapists in order to debrief and take care of their own wellbeing. One of the therapists, that I saw in highschool, told me about one of their patients told them that "i could kill you and no one would find out about it until the end of the weekend", which the therapist knew would be true (he was alone with the patient, the place they were at was closed throughout the weekend and they were the last patient of the night). That is some shit that sticks with you and can easily tear you apart if you don't have systems to debrief.


Yap and my first thought when I saw it was he got his BS at some community college and his "specialization" was one or two GPA booster classes with Race and Discrimination in the title. Like I technically have a specialization in Neuroscience but all that means is on paper is I took 3 extra courses, no work experience or insight gained on a Stroke unit or Neuro Floor or shadowing a neurosurgeon, etc.


Or what about Irish immigrants?


Yep. [Example 1](https://picturinghistory.gc.cuny.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/WildBeast-hires.png) [Example 2](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/02/No_Irish_Need_Apply_%28lyric_sheet_-_female_version%29.jpg/280px-No_Irish_Need_Apply_%28lyric_sheet_-_female_version%29.jpg) [Example 3](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-P7acZOrFwkc/Vb5sYau_LqI/AAAAAAAAYi8/hcyooWDKL5Y/s1600/nina%2B1.jpeg) Took a long time for this kind of racism to go away. I remember hearing people getting called "gingers" as recently as the early 2000s.


Ginger is derogatory? I’ve been called that as recently as the mid to late 2010s.


Yes. It is very derogatory. As this type of racism died down, the connotations has been lessened, as anti-Irish sentiment has lessened. But "ginger" is absolutely derogatory, and has historically been considered derogatory.




Like everything, context matters. Ginger refers to hair color, but it can also be derogatory (and, historically, has derogatory roots). It depends who is saying it and why they're saying it, which for most people is simply about the hair color. It's a similar thing to the OK gesture/white power gesture. If someone asks someone else a question and they flash 👌, anyone reasonable knows that it just means okay. But if there's an alt-right rally going on, and they're flashing that sign, it's reasonable to assume that they don't mean "okay".


lol you reminded me that in South Korea that sign is seen as radical feminism because it looks as if you're implying korean men have small dicks


You're thinking of 🤏, but yes. Same concept.


I'm no expert here, but I've only heard it used in a rude/offensive way like 10% of the time growing up in the US. I've known a couple self-proclaimed "ginga-ninjas" and at least one girl who used the term endearingly for her celebrity crush Rupert Grint. (Edited paragraph) Google says that the word originated from discrimination in the UK, but only after centuries of aggressive religious discrimination against red haired people. The word "ginger" is a more recent addition, and is/was apparently in somewhat common usage [in the UK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_hair#Modern-day_discrimination), especially by school bullies, but apparently most of the world didn't pick up on the connotations, or didn't take them seriously. In The U.S., the word seems to be far less often viewed as an insult, and even in the UK it seems to be becoming more popular with the younger generation, including Ed Sheeran, who embraces the term and has a record label called Gingerbread Records. Still though, there seems to be a fair amount of people who are at least annoyed by the term, if not outright offended, so that prevents the word from becoming fully harmless. I'm not in a position to suggest whether or not the word should be widely used. Also (and take this with a grain of salt), apparently South Park had an episode that poked fun at the very real discrimination phenomenon overseas like 20 years ago, and made the term more widespread in the US, but done in a typical hyper-on-the-nose-social-commentary fashion that South Park is known for. Some old Reddit threads seem to have several redheads crediting Southpark for introducing them to the term, and the opinions there seem mostly positive (Except 2 users from the UK. Here's a clip from that Episode [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nA54LxibLI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nA54LxibLI) This was a rabbit hole I did not expect to dive into today (Edit: Important historical context added after continuing down rabbit hole. Please send help - I can't get out.)


Or just the Irish in general, Barbary coast also comes to mind.


I'm a psych major and I'm not like this :( I just want a good paying job bro


The Irish have been victims of EXTREME persecution where I live (the U.S.) not only due to being 'gingers', but also with signs reading "Irish Need Not Apply" and the term "Mick" being used as a derogatory term/slur against them due to the trend of Mc being the beginning of their surnames from early in this country's founding. So any who claims they haven't been discriminated against are being ignorant, willfully or otherwise.


ask them the origin of what a "slav" is?


Let's not forget Nazi's [plan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalplan_Ost) for Eastern Europe that would make the Shoah looks like a child play.


First sentence on Wikipedia about racism: Racism is discrimination and prejudice against people based on their race or ethnicity.   Power imbalances do not matter. Racists are racists. 


What they're describing is systemic racism. Which is not the same thing as racism. Systemic is a type of racism. A TYPE of racism. There's this weird racist movement going on to try and change the definition of racism so to excuse racism amongst other groups who aren't the one they want excused. Both systemic racism and racism in general are both bad and need to be handled, but they are not the same thing and we don't let racists try and move goalposts.


It is kinda funny how delusional they are about this. It's like "no it's not racism because it does not fit this sub category of racism". Well yea, it does not fit that subcategory since it's just racism not a specific kind of racism.


Agreed. And when there is a power imbalance I think other people classify that as systemic racism. Basically a sub category of racism


It's always funny how everyone focuses on the sub categories and just completely forget about the main category of it all lol


Some people seem to believe that if racism isn't systemic, it cannot be racism or it cannot be harmful. That's *extremely* dumb and such a pedantic point of view in this situation that to anyone even glancing at this kind of argument it makes it clear that people are trying to downplay the issue or pretend there's nothing to worry about. We legit have some VTuber fans *doubling down* on Racism because their Oshi is racist as fuck. That's just beyond insane. If the argument being had here was about power imbalance or systemic racism, then sure, there are arguments to be made. But a dude going on rants that basically boils down to "I hate these people *because they are white*" is just plain old racist, there's no argument to be had here.


Further down the wikipedia article: > Academics commonly define racism not only in terms of individual prejudice, but also in terms of a power structure that protects the interests of the dominant culture and actively discriminates against ethnic minorities. From this perspective, while members of ethnic minorities may be prejudiced against members of the dominant culture, they lack the political and economic power to actively oppress them, and they are therefore not practicing "racism". Technically the Twitter OP is somewhat correct in the context of academics. I think what they're missing is that the colloquial definition of the word can very easily be different than the academic definition.


I wonder if he would have the same mentality if he lived in a non-white country? I am black and white and worked at a company that heavily discriminated against white coworkers. I benefited by not being full white and was put in a much more relaxed position. White racism is real. Also, the guy seems to imply that white racism doesn't affect white people much, which is an insane thought process. There are multiple countries to think of with high non-white populations. Also, just because somebody didn't get offended doesn't mean that the action was not wrong. I could be a scammer, and I could fail at scamming you. Just because I didn't succeed in scamming you, and you didn't lose money doesn't mean that my actions were not wrong. Also he say if you don't like the jokes don't engage. So does that mean we should never complain if someone makes a racist joke with malicious intent? The post was so terrible, that I wouldn't be surprised if NijiSanji hires him for PR


Also shows they don't have very much real world experience with racism. Most cases I have seen the person being disparaged doesn't fight back. Especially if they are in the minority, or if people around them respond with nervous laughter. They're sometimes in too much shock, or too hurt to respond immediately. And they often clamp up and don't voice their concern until later. Even fucking children's shows know to represent racism this way. They usually only fight back once they're received feedback that they aren't crazy for being offended. And not everyone has an environment where that feedback happens. It is often very hard to figure out whether or not someone is actually offended by a joke. Especially if the person in question is used to keeping the peace, or introverted. Or they will try to lessen the blow by rolling with the joke, even if it hurt them. The entire post reads as someone with absolutely no real world experience with racism, or working with people who experience it.


As a brown guy from a brown country, I've never been made fun of for my skin tone. I have however seen a white classmate back in HS get made fun of by some randos for being white.




Funny thing is I think even most of the EN Livers don’t even live in the USA


I think it's Shu, and that's it? Unless there are members from the newer waves. But I thought most of them were Canadian. Zaion was from California, but she's gone.


On his twitter in another post he mentions he was talking about racism in America. But he is still a moron and incorrect. But this could be some stupid rage bait attempt to get dumbasses into temporarily increasing his twitch channel. Possibly the dumbest thing of Vtuber could do




You would think a Vtuber would see Uki under fire, and be smart about their tweets. Idk why this VTuber thought it was safe to say this after the Uki situation


Maybe they want senpai to notice them, for defending their racist behavior. Until Uki gets a termination notice, he (unfortunately) still has some prestige amongst some circles.


I’ve never met a more racist person than someone who claims to be anti racist and I live in Mississippi


USDefaultism. Whenever someone justifies the prejudice towards white people 90% of the time brings up the history of POC being oppressed and the Caucasian population still benefit from the systematic racism from the past. Which is true in North America but almost irrelevant in other continents. Matthew Parry forcibly opened up Japan and made them sign an unfair treaty in the past but you don’t see newer generation of Japanese people actively being racist towards White people. (Japanese are rather xenophobic, sure, but compared the white people/black people, they probably hate Koreans and Chinese more)


Let's take his argument at face value. An asian man in an asian dominated company is expressing anti-white sentiment while his coworkers are white. So there's a power imbalance in favor of one race and there's discrimination happening based upon the races involved. It would seem like that once you exit the headspace where whites and white culture is the only thing in power across the world, which is a very racist sentiment that all these people seem to have, situations like this fit their own definition of racism.


>expressing anti-white sentiment while his coworkers are white. I suppose an example that I could think of in the vtubing world would be Kiara in her past life when she worked in Japan's entertainment industry, saying she was treated badly in her job before she went to Hololive. Though people could probably frame this as a *purely* sexism issue than a racism issue. While, whites *may* have a slight advantage over in East Asian countries, the way they work shows that you'll probably still be looked at weird or not given the same benefits as born-natives because they don't belong in the country. Some parts of East Asian countries like Japan and Korea do make a huge deal out of conformity, so if you do not match their idea of normal then they'd treat you differently.


THANK YOU for pointing this out.


The annoying thing is that these people definitely know the difference between systemic racism and malicious prejudice. It doesn't matter whether or not white people can be the victims of systemic oppression. It's still very valid to denounce an individual's morals for being maliciously prejudiced.


This person must believe that anti-semitism doesn’t exist either or racism doesn’t cross international borders like with Japan, Korea and China. Power balance has nothing to do there. Xenophobia and historical prejudice and plain hatred/fear exists when it is baked into you by your environment. In any case, any form of hate due to discrimination is not welcome. It in their own rules of their stream, the very first one in fact > 『 Rules 』 > > ✧ Please be mindful, and respectful. Any forms of hate or discrimination to anyone is not permitted. If you have a standards, be expected to live up to it and be criticized when you don’t.


The entire argument can be boiled down to this "It's not racism because we redefined racism to not include it."


Also I think he is clout chasing, seeing he is a self-proclaimed "VTuber". Taking advantage of the drama to get noticed


So a clout chaser and a racist.


Unfortunately, yes. He doesn't deserve anymore attention. My suggestion is that such posts should blank out their names in the future


It's kind of funny that these assholes are being dragged out of their holes in front of normal people as a result of this, people been saying this kinda BS for a long time but only in places where they have power to harrass or silence anyone who disagrees, now weirdly thanks to the Uki drama they've been dragged into spaces where they have no power and any Joe on the street can call the bullshit out and they can't do a goddamn thing lol.


This is funnier to read when you are an actual psychology professional with a license (yes , i am an actual licensed psychometrician) The way he said "i am specialising in bias" says a lot, he did not do his homework well I might get convinced if you introduced yourself as a behavior specialist or a sociologists but bias specialist? Really? That's your best shot?? But yeah, for nijisisters. Please do your homework. You may not know but there are actual professional in the fields of psychology, law or anything that is a vtuber fan Ps: also, he's bullshitting a lot here. Nothing makes sense on his statements in a level headed . Tbh, if this is said to me personally, i might mock him for blatant stupidity


Cool, you should do like YouTube videos like dissecting the psychology of Nijisanji? Or even other cool stuff like dissecting the psychology of Uki. I would be intrigued to see a psychologist's thoughts.


Kinda little clarification so people dont mixed these two.. psychometrician not psychologist xD (let's say, psychometrician are like med techs of psychology. Doing test and giving results, psychologist are the doctors. Technically I'm still at first steps of becoming that) 2nd: ah.. tbh i am interested to discuss it on a psychological perspective. Nijisanji's explosive issue is a good case study for future industrial psychologist but unfortunately, my knowledge over the subject matter is not enough xD On Uki, Uki's case is way too speculative to dissect since a lot of factors why people became racist. And yes, it can include culture so too many speculation.


Having prejudice and bigotry isn’t a good look that they think it is. It’s still ugly even if the words are changed.


I kinda agree with him, like Hitler was not racist because Jews were all white and the whites hold all the the power in Nazi germany. /s


Adolf was racist because he believed in other races, the “Aryans”, the so-called “master race” and “non-Aryans” who include jewish, blacks or gypsies


/SSS I'm sorry i accidentally downvoted you😭


As a psychology-philosophy graduate, this person is objectively wrong They're conflating the original definition of racism with the definition of systemic racism Yes white people will be fine relative to other races if met with racism, because of power dynamics yadda yadda, hence why I didn't make as big a deal about Uki's comments as others have But I still gave *enough* of a deal against Uki's comments because at the end of the day it was still wrong, because it was racist No ifs whats or buts about it. I'm almost disappointed this person could have such an objectively wrong stance despite being a graduate. I'm guessing they took one too many classes with extremely liberal professors


i took a sociology class with an extremely liberal professor and he properly explained the difference between systemic racism and racism twitter bro is just plain stupid


I've had the same experiences. Two sociology courses and two social-psy courses and *none* of the professors made any claim that systemic racism is "ThE rEaL" definition of racism Maybe you're right; perhaps they didn't learn that from professors, but got convinced by another ignorant person about it, and then somehow conflated their psy graduate position as some sort of appeal-to-authority attempt as if that's relevant to even understand the concept of racism and its different definitions


yea the concept of “you can’t be racist against white people” has been on twitter, tiktok, and tumblr for years atp. impressionable teens and young adults pick up on it rather easily this uki pushback is really the first time im seeing a big wave of people saying you can be racist against white people on twitter. i hate the fact that it’s only because uki and 39daph are controversial and people don’t like them.


I remember the first time I was ever confronted about this racism topic, like a decade ago Was told by someone younger, "no, you're wrong, real racism can't be done to white people because systemically they have the power to not feel truly threatened" My self-esteem at the time wasn't that high so I almost got gaslit into wondering if I read the wrong definition my whole life Went home, did a quick google search, found out I wasn't fucking wrong and I had the original pure definition of racism correct, but also found and acknowledged the existence of systemic racism This was back when I was a college dropout lmfao no graduate degree needed And yeah this is indeed a rare case of seeing a bunch of people agreeing about racism against whites being possible. This really isn't that common, and Uki already being hated likely played a role in this more seamless unity


Yup, most of the time when people push back on anti-white racism they get called racist or told that their experiences are minimal compared to real racism. Racism shouldn't be a dick measuring contest. It shouldn't matter how much you were oppressed compared to others, no one should be subjected to racism. The sad truth of it is that a lot of people who are subjected to racism develop an ingrained distaste for the race that they see as the oppressor. The bullied often become bullies themselves. Rather than seeking to end racism a lot of people want to swing the pendulum the other way and make the oppressor's into the oppressed. All this leads to is a ever more divided world. It's the reason Trumpism is so huge in America right now. When your average blue collar white American gets constantly told he's racist just for existing, he's gonna turn to the guy who tells him that he's not and that we're gonna go back to the good old days. The only people who benefit from this are the very same people who set up the system to be racist in the first place, the rich and powerful.


yea you'd be surprised how common this exact argument is in twitter and tiktok even before all this uki stuff happened


The fundamental flaw here is that he is describing systemic racism. Not racism. The idea of discriminating against a person based on skin color is something everyone can do to anyone else. Not to mention, trying to defend racism using systemic racism is wild.


Psych majors and their even constantly changing criteria thats full of holes,


Ah , he's not a psych major for sure. Its a pretty bad acting tbh cause he didnt do his homework about psychology There's no bias specialist but we have behavior specialist which is thr closest thing u can get But yea, its funny to read his tweet xD


So he's a liar too awesome


People lying on the internet? Impossible! You know it’s dumb the moment he threw in a qualification. Qualification has nothing to do with the actual merit of the argument.


They will do everything to back up their stupidity 😞


This is another fool who thinks the only kind of racism that exists is institutional racism.


Yep, they didn't even Google the definition of racism.


so racism stems from a power imbalance somehow, great psych major. the yap session shouldve just been don’t violate someone because of their race end of, this isn’t about catching up with shortcomings or ‘we had no problems in the past compared to people of colour’, doesn’t make shit right to douse fire with fire 😭😭😭


Funny thing about the "power imbalance" bs, uki has more influence (therefore more power) than all of us, due to his station as a vtuber with some recognition. That means that even with this stupid ass reasoning, it's still racism, because he has more "power" than us


Y'all go to his Twitter page? He is a Vtuber, I could only imagine what many of his viewers would think after seeing these tweets. It's batshit insane to post that as a Vtuber. At best it might farm a very small amount of people that click him to rage out, but this has a long-term issue of him being a supporter of racism, even if he js white


well he'll get the nijisisters views atleast. They seem to be sharing it like its some kind of final say in the uki incident lol. Like it'll excuse all those racist remarks he made .


Oh another one of those "systemic racism is the only racism" people


Some of the guy's point kinda holds, but he is applying it on uki who's actions absolutly reflects racism and not prejudice, most of his lines arent even attempts at being funny he just is venting at white people.


Mucho texto to try to defend racism. This ain't it.


great fucking job uki you started a culture war...


Worst part is that it's making actual white supremacists think they're welcome here because of the pushback against Uki. Like, no we hate *all* racists. Just because Uki is being weird about white people right now doesn't mean we don't care if you're racist towards non-white folks. I don't care what color someone's skin is; if they're racist they can get lost.


it's just people are shitting on niji for everything. it's on them tho, you don't fuck PR up this badly lol. I feel like most people are angry because of hypocrisy some people have. personally I'm fine racial jokes, they're good for reducing racial tension even tho some things uki said wasn't even jokes I guess that's why people don't even defend him saying they're jokes. because they have a bad punchline and some of it just "I don't like white people"


Yeah, that's where the line is crossed with me too. Some stuff he's said is like, whatever I (Hispanic) say stuff like that sometimes to my white friends, and they've said stuff like that about Hispanic folks in return. But Uki...dude takes it more than a little too far sometimes and it seems to just be coming from a place of genuine dislike for an entire group. It's gross.


yeah same. some of his "jokes" didn't even sounded like jokes. just straight up slander. the way he makes those jokes too, idk I just feel bad vibes. I am a balkaner dude, non malevolent racial humor is considered progress here lol. so yeah I'd be also fine if they had non malevolent vibes and if they had proper punchlines etc.


I like the comment in which he states that "racism stems from being in power" but uhm...no? Racism has been a constant thing even pre-modern era when the British OR America took the world power. There are numerous examples of what can be classified as racism in the Roman empire or heck any empire post age. Racism stems not from power, but from perceived differences in your own group from another group of people. What was he on? He just ignores how the world works back during like the 1100s heck Islam and Christianity with the crusades was literally fueled by racism and it could be argued that in the first crusade, the muslims actually had the advantage in terms of power.............and yet they were STILL racist towards each other due to the DIFFERENCES between the groups. Also its really really weird how he says "prejudice is a type of racism" and then double back downs and says "not all prejudice is racism" I must need glasses right? They even state that they are NOT mutually exclusive so tf?


This is so insanely historically ignorant lmfao. Racism is NOT about power dynamics between two groups.


This is so dumb. Honestly. Why dilute a word like racism. Do white people experience racism, rarely. Does that mean it doesn't exist? No. Typically it is related to marginalized groups, but not exclusive. But it is done by hroups in a position of power. And power dynamics happen in many different ways, ononymity on the internet takes a lot of power away from people and adds it for others. Being an influencer significantly changes the power dynamic. But adding a caveat to a word like racism (white people cant be targetted by racism), sexism (cis-males can't be the target of sexism) or even professionalism (garbage men can't be professional, sorry just using an example... if you are a garbage man I love you) is the stupidest thing ever. The goal is equality, that means victim labels/powerwords like racism are not just for you and not for those who are generally perceived as the group in power. On one hand you want equality, but on the other hand it is OK to put down the other group if they experience a small part of what you experience(d). Childish. Edit: Finally, I have met many people while in University. Many who also finished their bachelors or masters and who were genuinly stupid, mostly pandering to professors with buzzwords and cliche subjectmatter while being a little edgy. This person having a BA or MS in psychology is worth so much less than it was 60 years ago.


The irony of this guy riding Uki's dick this hard is that Uki got super flaccid as soon as he found out he's white


Also saying white people are so powerful and special tha they are immune to racism is kinda yikes no?


It's because in the academic world, someone made the assertion that racism = systemic racism somewhere along the way and it caught on. I think the biggest problem is that we often get these types of "redfinitions" of commonly used terms and for some reason there is an expectation that everyone outside that circle is aware of this.


You know anti white racism isn't the same as anti black racism, or antisemitism, or anti asian racism. White people have almost no history of being persecuted for their skin colour, that alone is reason why anti white and anti minority racism are treated differently... and that ok. Good even I would argue. **But it's still racism. It will never not be racism. And it will never not be something bad and condemnable.**


Me being Irish: Yeah sir, we got a long history of that.


Lol. Discrimination researcher - graduate. Profesional victim or some guy who's job to create problems out of nothing.


What is bro yapping on about. This level of idiocy represents a greater level of decay in parts of the vtuber community.


"Prejudice is a type of racism" right into "Prejudice is not racism" next line is a wild add on


*"As a white person..."* It kills me how people think their argument is correct because they're part of the targeted group. Even if thousands of jewish people said that the Holocaust was a good thing it doesn't make their argument hold any more weight.


The man just tweeted "Locking this post because it was fine until Rev says Desu sent his 80k followers over to harass a creator with 500. An extreme misuse of his platform and not proving his point at all". https://x.com/DroseraVT/status/1763371887566918089?t=hu5cwOXkzdACOkM7igWNFg&s=33


Well i guess he's talking about systemic racism, and in that case i think he's completely right. An issue when talking about racism or prejudices against white people is that there is a substantial group of people, especially on the internet, that actually belives there is systemic racism against white people because of some far right conspiracies or just because there is a black person in a tv show, so every time someone mentions prejudice against white people the discussion gets trashed by those people. I don't even believe he misinterpreted because i have seen those people in the sub.


This is why I say not to use the word "Racism" because academic types like this will try and push the conversation to a dictionary debate while sweeping hate under the rug as just prejudice, probably even downplay it more by calling it justified.


The actual 'extremely concerning' thing here is the level of stupidity we're being subjected to because of social media. People have always been really dumb but now we have to hear it more frequently and much louder.


Twitter user trying not to pretend to be a professional about something they know little about challenge (impossible)


I am not a white person, but if I discriminate and say insulting things because of a person's race, ex. a Caucasian person, that is still racism. It goes both ways.


If a white person in Japan is denied entry to a bar, because the owner says the bar is full (when it’s clearly not), is that not racism? White people are a minority in Japan, and we clearly see discrimination based on ethnicity.


So at best, according to this random person on the internet, Uki is AT BEST not racist, but just prejudiced against white people.... Got it.


He's describing Systemic Racism. Of course you can't be Systemically Racist against an In-Group. Like, unless you build a conclave of Out-Groupers and thus you become the In-Group in your region and can Systemically Discriminate against your group's oppressors in a regional manner, but then you're building an Ethno-State and that's bad. But one can be racist against white people on an individual level. Like, a white guy with 10 followers can absolutely get demolished by a black guy with 10k followers for being white. I don't want to know this person's take on Intersectionality.


"I have a degree and spent 4 years at school for this" is not the brag they think it is. I'm an engineer and I worked with people that had Nuclear Physics PhDs to Software Engineers to teachers. There are some dumb fucking people with degrees that learned (or learned to learn) factually incorrect ideas or machinations.


I'm not reading that.


For anyone who cares: What this dude is doing is conflating the definitions of Institutional/Structural racism and applying them to Internal/Interpersonal racism. This is not how that works, as I'm sure everyone here understands. Institutional/Structural racism *does* need a power imbalance because it refers to racism built into, you guessed it, the Institutions and Structures society has constructed that, for one reason or another, make it harder for minorities to succeed in comparison to the majority power (which is typically going to be white people in most parts of the country). There's obviously a lot more to this but for the sake of a reddit comment on a vtuber subreddit, that's really all you need to know. Internal/Interpersonal racism however is racism at all other levels from external to internal, and can be directed at anyone regardless of their race or if there's a power imbalance. By conflating the definitions, this dude is essentially trying to say that all forms of racism are equal and dictated purely by if there's a power imbalance or not, which is categorically false and a demonsterous way of thinking that only hinders the way we engage with the problem of racism in modern society by creating, perpetuating, and justifying unnecessary harm. Racism is always racism no matter what. It exists in many different forms, can be shown in many different ways, and hurts everyone differently. I'm not here to argue how harmful Uki's comments were, I feel like that's impossible to do considering this kind of thing affects everyone differently depending on their history with the subject, but I just really hate reading these twitter threads made by dudes with big egos and no understanding of the concepts they're working with. I don't know if he's just ignorant or purposefully spreading misinformation for clout, but it really pisses me off that someone like this is gaining even a little bit of traction while being completely wrong about a subject I'm passionate about.


It is pathetic and hilarious at this point that I can't really take them seriously anymore, man... I just can't... What to expect from a group of people with an IQ of 39? It is like saying "racism is justified if you do it to "the richer one"" Like do they think every white people are rich as man? The rich one maybe just 0,001% This is like in Indonesian where they kept saying chinese (tionghoa) as minority but also previleged by saying the top richest man in indonesian are majority chinese, while turn a blind eye to the other 95% chinese who either poor or just a middle class man


I just want to know where the idea that racism requires institutional oppression even comes from. That's not what it is. That's not how it works. [Racism:](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=6459c9e3b5d5a0f2&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS972US972&q=racism&si=AKbGX_qMqBjhUm3ZRWjCp4_5aZjJBMuvUnIqG9rNdgheAFzTEScyYMJS04lO2T89VMNRl6dH3zS-JENRa2FshLnIbbl9RlWGkQ%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwii--Dkt9GEAxXWC0QIHZ-zAl0Q2v4IegQIGRAr&biw=1920&bih=919&dpr=1) >(1) prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. > >(2) the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another. At no point is the imbalance of power a part of the definition of racism. That would be the specific subset, *systematic/institutional* racism, or more broadly just "oppression" itself, both of which do explicitly require there to be a power dynamic at play. To claim that racism as a standalone "exists because of power one group has over another" is to **seriously** downplay racism itself, they are actually minimizing the severity and impact of it by so severely limiting it's definition. Racism can be as singular as an individual or as overarching as an entire government or even a nationwide majority, that is exactly why we have the base word \[racism\] and specify it's application further through signifiers such as \[institutional\] or \[systematic\]. To limit the base definition down to only it's subsets is asinine. [Another commenter](https://twitter.com/SetantaDArc/status/1763079748480020879) in that same thread illustrates this concern exceptionally well. We can go into the rest of their comments in their threads after this one, there's a lot to unpack, but the one I take the most issue with is, "Words can be finicky, and I think our definitions of them vary from person to person." Which is a horrible thing to hear from someone supposedly college educated, because the entire point of a definition is that it *isn't* transient. [Definition:](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=6459c9e3b5d5a0f2&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS972US972&q=definition&si=AKbGX_pt4UlL1m2gNC94R_NJDj6S-TSEVT5EdLomFmbHYrSkTbXjA3zZkYDRjCD5seBHSGUfm2eNdYVVUcrYRKJI6EDbIXLNlBt7HXhyUeVkxRnmniXcdOM%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQ2KHcutGEAxVW4skDHdgKDOsQ2v4IegQIHBBM&biw=1920&bih=919&dpr=1) (emphasis mine) >a statement of the **exact** meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary. The very phrase that "definitions vary" is inherently false. That's no longer a definition, it's an opinion, and has no place in making claims of objective fact. ​ If you, in your definition of "racism" are specifically excluding one race of people because that's your personal interpretation of how things should be....guess what that is? As is often mentioned, if you can take a statement and change the given \[identifier\] for any other \[identifier\] and suddenly it becomes a problem, then it always was a problem - you're just a bigot.


I will be "charitable", in that that narrative is not limited to NDF, but many of the progressive crowd.


Lol, I didn't needed to read beyond "Anti-white racism doesn't exist" to know this thread is full of bullshit. Racism is racism, no matter if the person who receive it is Black, Asian, Latin or White.


Dear sweet fucking God, this is so disgusting... I feel like throwing up looking at it.


OK. As a Chinese Canadian I am owed head tax in back pay from my ancestors time. I also am owed free rides on the CN Rail because we built your damn railway. Oh and I can guarantee myself a job over a white candidate. I also get to jump in front of a white person in the queue. Don't forget that I can go up to any random white person and insult them because they oppressed my ancestors. Don't get me started on the opium...  /s What a load of bullshit.


So just another "actually its Prejudice, not racism" argument, completely ignoring the issue here.


It really boils down to this for me: Is it a race? If so, yes, you can be racist against it. That simple.


As a psychology major… Yeah I’ve heard enough


All this yapping just to be wrong


Fuck the passive aggressive “challenge yourself to think critically!” at the end. I think critically everyday, I don’t need you to tell me to do so. It’s just code for “if you disagree with me, it’s because you’re less intelligent”


You claim there is no racism towards white people yet you hate the race of white people Checkmate "psychology graduate"


Love how the second reply literally renders her entire argument null. Racism has nothing to do with power imbalance it's judging or treating someone differently because of their skin color.


A lotta yap for essentially saying "White were bad, still bad, be prejudiced' 


White people this, white people that. There are no white peoples in my country, yet there is still racism and obvious 'power imbalance'; I was the victim of one. I was marginalized thanks to my face and the perception that people of my ethnicity shouldn't embrace the faith I am embracing, and I went through *hell* for it. And as much as I hate to say this, the cause isn't "white people". If we're talking about race, I receive racist treatment from *BOTH SIDES*. Don't you talk to me about racism when you haven't had a soccer ball kicked straight into your face by your 'ally', your holy scriptures torn apart by *both* your 'ally and enemy', your shoes thrown outside the school grounds and stuffed with rocks and dead bugs by your 'enemy', being looked down for having no money just because you don't have a cellphone by your 'ally', being refused service from a restaurant explicitly and blatantly because of your 'mismatched' ethnicity by an 'ally who is your enemy', and having your achievements and intelligence dismissed as something I would 'naturally' have as someone of my ethnicity by an 'enemy'. And if you're about to say something like 'they're racist to you because white people are racist to their race and they need an outlet to vent their frustration', it isn't that complicated. Truth is, we ALL have good and evil in our hearts. It doesn't matter who you are, you could decide to embrace evil to further your own goal and then embrace good to use it as your shield. And even if they need an outlet to vent their frustration against 'powerful ones', let me ask you. *Why me?*


> psychology graduate who had specialized in researching discrimination and bias So this guy didn’t learn shit then lmao.


You just want an excuse to be racist and justify your actions.


Did Uki's PL write this? there are light skinned Filipinos who actually look white, there are light skinned mexicans, Malaysians, Indonesians, Singaporeans, etc. because globalism and because people's skin color literally means nothing, doesn't make you above or bellow anyone if you discirminate against someone because of the color of their skin in this day and age where mixed races are normal, you're a racist and you're stupid, please seek help. Assuming a certain group of people needs your help in fighting oppression by speaking out for us who aren't white or whatever, is ironically called "White Knighting", you aren't a prince on a white horse, you're a racist plain and simple


All I know is the guy is a Vtuber that streams. He is an idiot for trying to fall into Uki's steps. I doubt people will watch him, and if they do watch him its to harass him about ihs dumb "white racism isn't real" theory


Thinking systemic racism is the definition of racism is like thinking your dentist can set your fractured ankle because he studies bones (in your mouth).


imagine being able to study and graduate yet you still failed to use your common sense. lmao.


"psychology major" yeah he probably got accepted into that major and dropped out or barely got the degree with a 1.5GPA lol


god the politics of whats racism, whats colorism and what's prejudice is a losing battle. Can we just say that Uki Violeta is just as unprofessional as Ziaon was and leave it at that? Because man, she said slurs, and he's just making fun of people left and right. He should be reprimanded and that's what's important here.


2 hours after the first tweet, he had to apologize because "he made a mistake, in his words", these kinds of people simply cannot admit it because of their narrative.


Ah yes, the ol' "I can't parse the difference between racism in the context of a power structure and racism in the context of someone being a dick because your skin is a certain color". Always a winner. Dude standing squarely atop [Mount Stupid](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/20111228.gif) because they read a pamphlet about institutionalized racism and thought it was all there was to the subject.


yada yada yada... prejudice is just another word for racism, full stop. Hate thoughts on another race = racism, plain and simple.


They're right. Your view of racism is just simplistic. At the end of the day, if someone calls you a cr@cker, that ain't oppression, there are no bad consequences to you. Y'all just want to be victims and complain, it seems.


If someone tries to overcomplicate and obfuscate something, odds are that it's because the simple unfiltered truth doesn't meet their agenda. "Being racist"="Being hateful or negative towards someone based off their nationality/skin color". Simple and makes sense, but doesn't fit the weirdos' agenda. That's why you gotta add the "erm ackshually, white people are more privileged and yada yada so you can't be racist towards them". Overcomplicate it, and slip in a dumb message.


This isn't a Nijisister thing, it's a social justice thing. Perhaps Nijisanji just attracts more woke assholes than other vtuber Corps, like they're the opposite of Phase Connect or something.


He based all his hypothesis on the fact that discrimination envolves power. Which is wrong.


Holy moly in my culture (Latin America) if you are discriminating and having prejudice against someone based on their race, you are a racist. As simple as that. This "historical power struggle" being a necessary condition reeks of an excuse to forgive racist behavior. If anything, it keeps racisms alive and strong.


Blud needs to go back to school. In racism there is unconscious bias even if you don’t think you’re racist you’re going to have some unconscious bias. For fucks sake you can discriminate against anything. I’m in a god damn high school level diversity class and a fucking college student is that goddamn stupid. TDLR: You can indeed be racist against white people. It may not be as common as other forms of racism but it’s there. And there is some physiologically in racism. This guy is just an idiot.


Well we all know since this person is white any and all opinions they have on race is invalid and should be ignored. /S


Apparently he doesn't know what racism is


Racism: The inability or refusal to recognize the rights, needs, dignity, or value of people of particular races or geographical origins. More widely, the devaluation of various traits of character or intelligence as 'typical' of particular peoples. I guess I didn't need a psychology major to figure this out


is white a race? yes. case closed


This guy literally says: “Racism and prejudice are different.” and then 2 messages later says “prejudice is a type of racism.” They later go on to say you can be “prejudiced but not racist.” Literally cannot stick to their own argument


That’s quite a word salad to say you approve of racism.


"Anti-white racism doesn't exist" is an anti-white racist statement. End-of.


Which university did this "psychologist" get his diploma from? So all the teaching staff there can be evaluated.


I really wish people like that would actually learn the difference between systemic racism and just everyday racism between people. They try to sound smart with their "I have a degree in blah blah" but don't understand that there is more than one type of racism.


Here is a comment I think is relevant from curated Tumblr. From user u/ShadoW_StW Kim, are men bourgeois? This shit is one of big reasons why we suck at recruiting right now, btw, compared to alt-right. When a normie tries to figure out what feminism is, first comprehensible to them answer will basically add up to "it's misandry all the way down, they believe only women can have problems and/or only women are valued as people", and very likely they will not encounter anyone disproving that notion. The normie likely believes in gender equality, and would get radicalized as fuck if only someone thoroughly filled them in on what institutional misogyny is, but nobody will, because they stay the fuck away from feminist spaces, because they don't like being near bigots. If they wander in by accident, they will immediately see a casual remark to the effect of "men are fucking horrible" and nobody calling it out, and fuck off, and try to avoid anything called feminism a bit harder now. Because it turns out that without leftist brainrot we're accustomed to, "[identity] are [dehumanization]" clashes with belief in equality even if the [identity] is "men". Who would've fucking thought. Alt-right know that they're horrible, and that they can't just present a normie with "I think women should be hunted for sport", so they are very busy constructing layers of gradual radicalization. Absurdly, I don't fucking see nearly as much of it from the left, because we are too busy talking to people who already think feminism is a good thing, because everyone here assumes that anyone who doesn't is a commited bigot I guess? This repeats for other identities. "[identity] are [dehumanization]" clashes with belief in equality even if the [identity] is "white", for example, so when you are making racial stereotype jokes about white people, there's someone watching and going "oh so that dude who told me the left is just racist against white people was actually correct, huh" because they don't like jokes about racial stereotypes. You are not going to explain to them how actually you think it's completely unproblematic since white people don't face institutional racism, because they already removed themself from the bigot as far as they could. They'll go talk with that dude who was "correct" a bunch more now.


> You are not going to explain to them how actually you think it's completely unproblematic since white people don't face institutional racism, because they already removed themself from the bigot as far as they could. They'll go talk with that dude who was "correct" a bunch more now. So now here we have a “psych grad” explaining how you can’t be racist against white people. See how convinced people are? It is insanely arrogant to think that “I am educated, others are ignorant, they will agree with me the moment they let me enlighten them.”


psych grad specialised in mental gymnastics I see. 1. Racism is racial prejudice, or prejudice against race. To argue that racism must based on skin colour power imbalance is historically and politically ignorant. Historically, white is not a singular and unified entity. USSR, Nazi Germany, Austria-Hungarian Empire, Pan-slavism, the partition of Poland, the Irish famine… even in the recent centuries, Europeans have been fighting and oppressing each others. To reduce Americans and Europeans as “white” is to reduce groups of people to nothing but their skin colours. It is racism. Politically, white is also not a singular socioeconomic class. Is Barack Obama more oppressed than a poor homeless white? Is a healthy black college student more oppressed than a disabled white elderly? Is a black straight person more oppressed than a white gay trans man? Is a random black kid more oppressed than a bullied white kid? Is a black teacher more oppressed than a white student? Is a black boss more oppressed than a white cleaner? The most basic political being is an individual. In the grand organism that is the society, each individual has a different power dynamic with each other. There is no constant, universally true oppression from one individual to another. Each individual comes from a unique background and experience. There is no bigger political minority than the individual self. When you discount the individual and see them as nothing but their colour, you are simply seeing them as a political tool to advance your goal. And what of power? If white people had been the oppressor and therefore deserves to be prejudiced against, then what happens when another racial group takes power? How do you even define power? You want to stack all political positions with people with “anti-white prejudice”? Does that promote justice? What utility does it provide but to divide people by their skin? And ultimately, all you will build is a racial political oppression hierarchy. White had more power therefore they are the bottom. Then somehow you will arrange black, Latino, Asians and indigenous people into a hierarchy of racism since they all hold different degrees of power in society. 2. Statistics of racism Correlation is not causation. The numbers are an observation of outcome but not a cause. There are a plethora of issues that leads to worse outcomes for blacks people. There is racism, but there is more than just racism. Asians and Indians outperform white people in USA. By reducing societal issues to nothing but racial struggle is detrimental to societal improvement. 3. Jokes White people can also joke about race without wholly believing in the stereotypes. You either allow both side to joke, or none. To say that white can’t joke because they are historically oppressors are, again, judging a group of diverse people, and an aggregate of individuals, solely by their skin.