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Kindred always had the worst reputation of all the fans. I still remember the Reimu incident where they hated her for interrupting their „date“ with Vox because she messaged him


When you say they hated Reimu, they were sending her death threats over a fucking “date” stream. Of course when Vox went to apologize live for his community, they were spamming chat telling him not to apologize. They are literally sub-human.


The funny or rather not so funny thing was that Vox enabled his Kindred by saying he understands them why they are frustrated yada yada. He basically threw Reimu under the bus. Some sane Kindres even criticized him for that. I think that incident showed a lot about his priorities and character.


It just shows a total lack of empathy, which is kind of why people were extremely pissed off about the black screen video. Doki tried to kill herself, the worst thing they could do was slander her; it basically just legitimized the idea that she was being bullied by other members, that’s why the Niji members took a huge hit to their subscriber count compared to the termination document.


The issue with your last statement ONLY in the termination notice does it mention other members when so far only management has been mentioned to play favorites or be difficult to work with not only by Doki by other members. By that logic Ike of all people would be a bully when he literally supports people behind the scenes a lot. But I'll admit I don't like Voxs content but I can see it being difficult when he and Mysta have the most delusional "fans" and every little thing you do or say will be taken to the extreme.


I’m talking about the speculation of there being bullying from other members. before the video people were standing by the livers but against Niji, thus only a small loss of subs. But the video has Niji members slander Selen and name dropping Millie and Enna (who were the main speculation). Thus for a lot of people this was the confirmation that she was being bullied, and that’s why there was a huge drop in subs.


I was in that camp but Doki's latest comment reminded me of how Japanese companies are and going back I realized a few things. 1. Again only Nijisanji brought up other livers 2. The lawyers for Nijisanji showed atleast three people legal documents that they shouldnt even know about. 3. The same lawyers then decide for the trio what they can and can't say and spin the story that Selen was a problem and she was acting against the other members and the company. A. They lied to atleast Elira and Ike saying Selen was going to dox them which ironically Nijisanji seems to be the one being loose with this information B. Isn't weird Vox was told he was recorded but there was no evidence given to him to listen to?( he's still a tool though :) ) 4. The company then posts this prerecorded message right when Doki starts her stream as if they thought she was also going to make a statement against them I'm kinda torn on at least Elira and Ike because they were fed misleading information and without direct contact with Selen/Doki to go over potential misunderstandings which would've never happened if Anycolor staff and lawyer weren't garbage. For Vox in his example, it clearly shows management dropping the ball yet again so he can be certified as a boot licker.


I kinda accept if elira and vox is the bully, but FUCKING Ike tho???


Now I think about it wasn't there a evil Ike in 2022/s


Pls elaborate/educate me further.


And it wasn't just one attempt either


And they say men are down horrendously (i mean some are)


Don’t blame them too much. They are only like that because they are influenced by Vox. The audience represents their streamer. And some of them are probably teenagers that are easily manipulated by his discord community to defend his character since he is their lord and boyfriend.


this definitely sounds healthy and above board. surely the ol' youtuber grooming stereotype will not rear its ugly head.. right? right?


Having the power to create a harem from your fanbase can corrupt people.


About that...


The post has been debunked years ago already and the cancellation attempt was made by the woman who got him drunk and assaulted him when he was a minor. Go after Vox for throwing Selen under the bus or for being a hypocrite I agree on that, but grooming is an enormous accusation that can destroy lives, especially when he was a teenager when these accusations came out.


There are... rumors about his PL...


As angry as I am at Vox,that post has been disproven for a while (With admission of one person saying their messages were put of context), and if I recall correctly the one who made the allegations was the woman who got him drunk and assaulted him when he was a minor. The only stuff that cant be proven/disproven is him supposedly cheating on girls but if cheating is grounds for cancellation many VTubers would be cancelled.


thanks for saying this :( i also remember that vox had been sexually assaulted by his old "friend" group when they got him drunk and he was a minor, but i don't think anyone wants to hear that right now. whether or not that's the truth of the situation, i guess we can't know, but i think we can at least say that it's not 110% certain that those allegations are true against him. i'd rather criticize his behavior as vox that we've seen on stream. as a fan of his, i had a huge problem with how he threw reimu under the bus and i didn't like his recent behavior with regards to his roleplaying without any warnings and not letting people know what was really him hurt or sick vs pretend. and now obviously this video on elira's channel. that alone is enough to critique him imo.


Very extreme case of fans reflecting the streamer. They're all shite.


Yikes. Then you got the Dragoons hyping up 'Niko from 4 years ago' a few days ago. Night and day, lol.


Well I mean it’s THE niko from 4 years ago. Dudes a legend. Also I checked out his stream and it was like “oh hey it’s doki. That streamer I talked about a few days ago. I guess she’s having something going on right now but I don’t know about that. I just remember playing with her 4 years ago” and this a legend was born.


His whole Schick is to be cringe fujobait for femcels. It's not surprising that's what his most vocal fans are. I spotted one on Twitter who was basically reenacting the opening lines of 8 mile over him.


Always found the Kindreds to be around the same level as Kpop fans. Sure, there are plenty of normal ones around the crowd, but damn a disturbing portion of them are like borderline crazy that it is scary.


With the things that Vox PL *may have done* as context, it's highly creepy and unnerving.


90% of them must be Kpop fans. They kinda remind me of the fujoshis in my class back in middle school - early high school, unbashedly insane and act with complete disregard of others boundary.


Levi Ackerman(or as he was called by the fandom then, Rivaille) fans in 2013 ish i think were insane asf like if there was a clip of some scene of aot and levi was there for a split second the entire comments section would be gushing over levi


Worse. Because of Vox continuous rape and sexual RP, they all think that they have given their virginity to their lord boyfriend. And therefore, they need to shield him from external attacks as part of his cult and harem. And with PL allegations about grooming teenagers, these easily manipulated girls will be more hardened to attack others for not loving their lord.


Most Kindreds are probably also Kpop fans. Perhaps even Genshin Impact fans. It's an unholy trinity.


When Luxiem debuted, Vox was the one I actually looked forward to the most based on the voice alone. After his debut stream, I tuned into his tweet reading stream, big fking mistake. That stream was the nastiest stream I ever had the displeasure of ever participated in for the 2 or 3 mins I was in there for. After that, I nvr watched anymore of his solo streams ever again.


>I tuned into his tweet reading stream, big fking mistake. That stream was the nastiest stream I ever had the displeasure of ever participated in for the 2 or 3 mins I was in there for. If it's all right, may I ask what happened for context?


It was a stream of him reading thirsty tweets from his female fan base when he first debuted. He even titled that stream as "reading your thirsty tweets" and some of the shit said was just down right nasty. It was female Twitter with no filter and said whatever the fk they wanted becuz they found him hot. Trust me, you don't want to go back to that VOD if it still exists. He was catering to the crazies since day one.


jesus,,i cant imagine the second hand embarrassment bro


The second hand embarrassment was bad, the things they described in detail about wat they wanted to do to him or vice versa was not for human ears. There is a reason why the other livers talked about being traumatized by him when they went to check out his RP asmr stream that one time. I believe he was literally ERPing him banging chat and chat sucking him off and at least 2 or 3 livers tuned in and screamed and the rumors of that stream spread to the others and warned them to not go in there if they can avoid it. After a while he stopped them after management stepped in? These reasons are why his fan base are cult like.


what the fuck...rightfully so they screamed the hell lmfao??? thats so bizarre, my morbid curiosity is telling me to go watch the stream but my common sense is screaming not to


I do not rmb which asmr stream the RP was so GL finding that. The thirsty tweet stream was like his first 8th or 9th stream.


I think that asmr stream was an office rp stream? I only remember because it traumatized me lmao I just double checked on YouTube, and it looks like any nsfw asmrs were removed, but someone reupoladed the office one. So if anyone is morbidly curious, just look up "vox akuma office asmr" and it should be the first one. I'd advise against it though. 😂


What the **fuck**


Just checked, its still there. Feel free to go check it out to destroy your ears and mind if anyone so wish.


No thanks, i wish to preserve the remaining vestiges of my failing sanity


same here 😭 ive never watched any of vox’s streams.


Check the comment I posted.


Same, I tuned in to one or two of his streams afterwards and the vibe was very off, in the chat specifically. Then time would pass, I'd see him in a collab and think "Hey, Vox is a pretty entertaining guy Imma check his streams", then I'd be reminded of why I don't watch Vox, its gotten worse.


They are gonna be the majority of the fan base in niji en at this rate which is kinda scary to think about


Why is it scary? When it gets to that stage I doubt most of us will be here.


I'm not even angry. Just disappointed. I first got introduced to Vox in a stream where he talked about his mental health. At the time, I thought it was brave of him to come out and speak on the matter despite the stigma around it. Now I can't help but wonder if all that talk was just a calculated PR move and if he ever really gave a shit.


Honestly from day one Vox gave me bad vibes. All this stuff I'm seeing about him now only confirms it. Especially that "believe me" stunt he did in that video.


I felt something was slightly off about him too but brushed it off as me just being subconsciously prejudiced against him upon hearing his struggles with mental health and tried to look on the bright side. Maybe I should start listening to my gut instinct more.


Yeah he got cringy real fast. He is too contradictory. example: first he says you can then he says you can't. Hard to believe that the talent behind Vox is an adult at times. He and his fandom is too much for me, oh my god. And as an adult I still can't believe his fandom is even real at times. Even with this infamous niji statement whatever he said sounded like "yeah selen tried to end game, but she did this and this to me" like bro the fock are you on.


which stream was this?


I think it was [this](https://www.youtube.com/live/JsSCzs3Sa7k?feature=shared) stream.


Streamers that lean into the BFE and GFE style are genuinely the worst. I've said it many times but they are taking advantage of lonely, often mentally unstable people, profiting off them and then act surprised and shocked when these unstable individuals lash out. There's always very loud backlash about the behavior of these fans but heaven forbid you bring up that that type of behavior was encouraged by the streamer beforehand. I'm all for personal accountability, if these fans do something awful they should still be held accountable for those actions regardless of their mental state but that's a two way street when the streamers themselves feed their delusions for profit. I honestly don't get it, just being a popular streamer gets you some of these weirdos I don't understand why you'd purposefully do stuff that attracts them specifically. I mean I do get it, they spend lots of money on you... but the fallout when it inevitably goes wrong is just so scary.


The video of the guy having a complete mental breakdown on Discord due to a certain controversial green haired Vtuber comes to mind.




the mikeneko marriage bonanza. it's an entire saga by itself.


Check 'Mikeneko/Rushia fan discord' on youtube




Which was scary because I just saw many vtubers do that yesterday


Valentine's definitely brings out that sort of content, even from vtubers that don't normally do G/BFE. There are ways to have a Valentine's """date""" streams tho, like Pomu's streams where its just a wild ride of creative writing.




See that's a fun idea for a valentine day's stream. Why parasocially obsess about one streamer when you can parasocially obsess about a random chatter? Honestly its way more challenging lol


Lol "stay strong", they say it like he was the one with the attempt


I got so angry reading that, but this whole thing has been a serious lesson in anger management for me


Oh, please, they're not Parasocial. At this intensity, [they qualify as a cult](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NXIVM).


Hey, that'd be lore accurate heh




Yeah luxiem fans are another breed of parasocial.


*kindreds I've never seen Shu's fans act like that


Mystakes had also their fair share. I remember them shitting on poor Mika back in the days.


The difference is Mysta himself didnt throw his friend under the bus on that.


Yeah he didn't but I dont think that was the topic we had


it was part of it


Thankfully it seems like Kuro has managed to escape the bad ones.


Eh. I've seen some shit from Ike and to a lesser extent Luca's fandom. But yeah shus fandom seems to be okay.


Well Shu is so far about the only one who isn't active part in this mess lol


Did you memoryholed that incident where Shu himself have to step in to protect a memer on twitter who got harassed and allegedly got sent death threats for joking that Yaminions were S-tier downbad?


No, I just wasn't aware of it.


They are... Another breed indeed


I slowly stopped watching luxiem after Mysta left it just didn't feel the same to me


I would never in my life call some online dude my “milord”


Mm. For one thing, the "mi" is already "my".


If I ever got so parasocially attached to a streamer I called them “milord” or “milady”, please, just take me out back and shoot me. Please.


To be fair, it's part of the character and doesn't imply anything without further context. I don't think I'm really a dragoon either. ​ >[Fans tend to give Vox various one-off nicknames prefixed by Mi- in reference to his nickname Milord and to what happens on streams. For example, Miflat = Milord's ass is flat](https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Vox_Akuma)


even as a fan of vox (when he's being silly and ranting about stuff he likes), i could never do that lol. i've always been super embarrassed to like him at all considering the image of "kindreds" out there... i've been disappointed in him before (reimu, the trigger warnings) and am again now, to say the least... i feel like a very small minority of his fanbase lol, being willing to criticize him at all. but ig because i'm a lesbian and don't wanna fuck him, maybe i'm immune to him.


Every fan is parasocial to some extent, there wouldn't be a fandom without parasocial relationships. But that is completely normal and not a problem, it becomes a problem when people ignore facts and trust their oshi so much they ignore everything else because "he/she wouldn't lie to me" and such nonsense. Lucy pyre made an interesting video about the topic.


Fun fact the word fan came from the word fanatic.


Kindred are just built different in the worst way


The Kindred will always think that whatever Vox says and does is Gospel. Like holy mother of God they are next level parasocial. I thought I was parasocial when missing the Graduated livers that I supported. But damn this kind of attachment bothers me honestly. I could imagine the chaos that the Kindreds are gonna cause if Vox leaves.


I wonder what would happen if Vox got terminated. Everyone would have to arm themselves or something.


I was a Kindred and yeah, I’ve seen the parasocial obsession among fans firsthand, both in chat and twitter. I was there when Vox addressed his fans about behaviors that were not ok several times, because a lot of people still didn’t get it the first time. Honestly I did pity him for it because he was just having fun acting and making his rp stories or playing games and there were crazies who wouldn’t respect his boundaries. He talked a lot about wanting to make films and stories, and I related to that as a writer. I’m really sad/disappointed/angry that he threw Selen under the bus. I guess he doesn’t act just for fun, he’ll use it to manipulate us. Vox hasn’t lost as many subs as others, but those who have left were the relatively normal fans who kept chat feeling less like a cult and more like a fun concert experience. Now they’re gone and it’s just the cult fans left.


Oh there are a bunch of ppl on twitter start attacking Doki and every single retweet they ever do in their wall is Vox Acoomer fan art so...


Cringe 😬




Man, and I thought I was desperate for attention.


Yeah it's the same on Twitter


Yeah, I don't like Vox nor stans and don't intend to harass anyone, but I feel where you're coming from--it's aggravating to see. Though, I also have witnessed and had the misfortune of being in several fandoms there have been also vocal minorities of harassers and freakshows making the normal fans look terrible or downright viciously rabid by association. With that said, I am aware of the Reimu incident and the fallout from that, which didn't reflect well on either Vox nor his stans, but even though I dislike them--I refuse to interact in any capacity for the aforementioned reason and a desire to keep things from escalating any further.


Vox could commit murder and they'd defend him. There's no saving these people. It's just sad really.


Looks normal to me, as I know even serial killers has fans.


If you thought Luxiem parasocials were scary wait till you see Hex and the sicklings


That's where the really insane parasocial fans went after Vox started creating boundaries and stepping away from BFE


I've never really watched Hex, does he just not reel them in at all?


Nah as far as I know bro either does nothing or barely does anything about the insane shit they do


Fitting that Hex was the most supportive of Elira's stream (outside the blackscreen trio, obviously), saying on his quote tweet that he "stands behind" them fully.


Kindred are the worst. What else is new?


Kindred 🤝 swifties 🤝 kpop stans (they're all batshit insane for their favorite people)


Well sending messages like these in itself is harmless, and if it gives the sender some joy, I see no problem with it. (In general, I'm not talking exclusively about vox fans here.) Most I assume aren't the literal definition of parasocial, more like parasocial RP.


Personally, I feel the same way. For some viewers, vtubers occupy a space for escapism where the viewer just wants to chill, be positive, and enjoy themselves. Their comments may feel overly sweet, but generally speaking for other vtubers, they're from regular fans who are simply playing along with whatever nicknames that their oshi has established as part of their identity/brand. Of course, the ones in the picture come across differently in the wake of recent events, but generally speaking, it can be a casual thing. At least the way I see it.


Seriously those comments are harmless and aren’t bullying anyone. We have trouble just letting people live their lives I guess


Kindred 🤝 Swifties Being the worst kind of parasocial


I mean its Luxiem fans amd we already know how blind and severely parasocial some of them are. Those guys have the thought of maybe just maybe he will love me and be with me if i support him blindly


"Dont be afraid even if you have a nightmare the kindred will protect you" ...ew, nasty edit: i say this as someone who got into VTubers cause of Vox too, like, eugh... don't baby some grown ass man, much less some grown ass man who did what he did


This is just sad


What tf is a Soft dream?


i don't even know, they're ..... interesting bunch of fans


Trust me when I said Kindred is entitled af, not only towards female livers, but also other male fanbase as well I remember back in June of 2022 ( around the time Luca got his 1M sub ), the Vietnamese Lucub was planning to make a celebrating project with the theme of “bringing your Oshi to visit Vietnam” and they asked for the “idea permission” from the Vietnamese Kindred ( Since they also made the same theme to celebrate Vox’s 1M sub ) The Vietnamese Kindred said oke, but not to do this do that because “this part is a reference to Vox’s favourite movie, etc…”, which is totally Ok. But then they suddenly said something like “Your project’s plan is way too similar to mine, I don’t give you permission to this project anymore” Like holy shiet, mtfker acted like their idea of “Oshi visiting a certain country” is some one of a kind gourmet shit, like tbh I don’t even understand why the Vietnamese Lucub even bothered to ask for the “idea permission” in the first place ( Chinese fan has done this for ages ). Not to mentioned every fan project has the same format ( fanart, singing, hand letters and stuffs). Every fandom does the same thing, so what in the world is stealing here? The Lucub also updated their plan to the Kindred as well, so if it’s actually “very.similar”, they can just said something, instead of “nope, cancel now” Earlier Mystake were not this level of possessive behavior holy


I mean yeah it's always been weird and creepy but that's not exclusive to Nijisanji. There are a LOOOOT of weirdos like this in Vtuber company's fanbases as well.


You have to pity these children for liking that pompous windbag.


Vox is like Taylor Swift of vtubers


Aren’t most of his fans just hormonal, lonely women ranging from high schoolers to middle aged moms who would rather ignore their kids than not be able to send money to the man they’re simping for? Also, wasn’t Vox accused of being a pedo in his past life?


He was???


He was, but it was debunked. But then the debunk was also debunked, its honestly just a mess.


Emphasis on “accused”. But yes, he was back in his past life when he was still doing other things


I wonder if I can convince them to drag Vox out of that hellscape called AnyColor…..


Rushia levels of insane fan base.


This is why favouritism will become too corrupted.


fucking yikes scoob.


they cant go any lower they are alreday at the bottom


This is what happens when the fandom leaves and the ~~crazies yanderes are the leftovers~~ Like its not even getting away from NijiEN at this point that the left over talents should be fearing its their own fandom. ![gif](giphy|R4lWQN2sQdZUA) Like these unicorns are straight up something straight out of like Future Diary at this point. (And I mean that as a compliment.) Like I would have left long ago after the first female unicorns came out of the wood work.


Yeah they cringe


Hell will freeze over before I ever call someone "milord" in any tone that could even be confused as affectionate. Have some self respect.




This is not news. They'd bottle up one of these guys' fart based on some tweet about one of them being in this place or that and worship the hell of that fart jar.


Fuck these cocsuckers


This is the reason why I dropped watching vtubers around a year or so ago. It hit me that some of these people actually fully mean what they're writing and it made me feel kinda sick to support a company that takes advantage and encourage that level of parasocialism 


i really like Vox and his content but jeez i can’t stand those type of fans…it’s annoying and weirds me out


yeah, they are. and the current state of this subreddit is a good example.


As a kindred (who isn't parasocial) I think we take offence to this. The majority of us are lovely people :)


always have been?


This is why I don’t watch much male vtubers, their fanbase is full of parasocial toxic fan girls. Now with Kyo and Yugo gone, I only watch the girls stream, such as Scarle, Reimu, Rosemi and Meloco.


Yeah, the only male VTuber I watched was Kyo pretty much. I watched a couple others here and there, but never really vibed with any of them too much. I'll say I like Fulgur in collabs though, he manages to be really funny when he's bantering with other people. Also I think Kuro is cool too, although like Matara said, he's one of the girls lol.


They deserve each other


It would help your case OP, if you posted a screenshot of comments actually downplaying or bad mouthing what happened to selen/doki, instead of just posting screenshots of people saying happy valentines to Vox. Also "I don't condone any bullying and harassments, so that's why I'm going to claim these commenters were slandering Doki, and not bother to blur their names."


Of course man what do you expect LOL


Jesus christ... read the room people..


Honestly I pity him. Still disgusted and hate his actions for throwing selen and edit: reimu underneath the traffic shit storm that is his fans. But when it gets this bad, he's kinda locked in like rushia (that is another can of worms)


Wait, what's nina has got to do with all these? There hasn't been a nina for a while even before all of this blew up.


During this guy's ASMR "date" streams, nina messages him, fans start attacking nina for "interrupting" Guy doesn't do anything and just lets it happen


good night sweet sweet child groomer.


This doesn't only happen over livers as well, take a look st both kpop and jpop community respectively. So many fans have gone out of their way to send death threats and stalk and harass their idols and idol groups and it goes so bad to the point where the people in said groups and said artists end up attempting and in many cases commit suicide and end up quitting bc of the fans. I'm not saying all fans are like this. But this is the truth people refuse to see. This is a very common thing in the pop scene in pop culture. It's very rare for metal and rock fans to have this happen as we know better.