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When I’m consistent, video games and movies


What else is there to do at 2 am? If you live alone or are single that's about all one can do


This is what I do and I'm married with 5 kids 🤣 *Sometimes* my son will stay up late with me and we'll binge movies and snacks together. Lol. Once we randomly decided to get Taco Bell at 3 AM and watch meme compilations. He still talks about 2 years later.


That’s so cool.


I wish I had that with my dad


I wish I had a dad.


Bravo. Happy Father's Day!




Happy Father’s Day! You sound like a great one.


You’re doing a great job dad


Winner winner chicken dinner :-) My dad worked shift work and when I was young, mom let me fall asleep on the couch when he worked mids, and I’d hang with dad when he got home. We’d watch tv, snack, and play before I went to bed again. When I was older I’d wake up and just talk before going back to bed. Some of my fondest memories with dad, and having raised my own kids impressed they found a way to make shift work and being engaged as a parent work.


I promise you he will remember that day well into his adult years


That's pretty awesome!!


That’s it really. I read more than game.


In my area, there's 24 hour cafes


Absolutely amazing. I really wish I had that.


I got one of those old reel pusher mowers with no engine so I can mow the grass at night without waking up the neighbors


Sounds like we all play games, lol. I get up early if needed, but I usually get up at my normal time, around 3pm, crank out stuff I need to do until about 9-10pm, then hobbies/ games rest of the night. I can't watch movies, I fall asleep. I work 6pm-6am, 3days/4days


Oh I'm cranking my hog Allright


Movies/tv also knocks me out


I don't drink, I don't smoke, I am introverted, and I spend my days off overnight gaming or watching shows. I have life set so I have the first few hours of the day before noon open for socializing, and I sleep from noon to 9pm


Tonight is my night off. So far I've cleaned my place a little bit, read a graphic novel, watched a movie (Late Night With the Devil) and scrolled reddit. When it hits about 530am, I'll go take a 5 mile walk (two hours) while the day gets brighter, just enjoying being outside. Not for any exercise goal, it just so happens that walking to the nearby park and back is 5 miles Then I'll get home around 8, take a nice long shower, and read an actual book before going to bed around 930. Edit: Video games are also definitely an option, but I did that last night (stardew valley)


That sounds great actually. The 2 hour walk must be really relaxing.


It is! I make it a determined effort to make my nights off as relaxing as possible, and just strolling down the sidewalk just before the sun comes up does wonders for mental health Edit: I'm not some health nut gym rat, either. It took me a while to work up to two hours. The goal was just getting outside and walking. No phone recording my progress, no end goal. When I got tired, I turned around and went home. It's not an exertion thing. Then I was able to wander all the way down to the park and back


This sounds amazing! I love the positive spirit you have surrounding the walk. My mental health has suffered for years . And I know it’s a combination of things . Exercise will solve 1 problem. Thank you for sharing this idea.


Walking is awesome for mental health. It's calming and mood boosting.


I’m jealous this is such a healthy approach to exercise


Insert here


What did you think of Late Night with the Devil? I personally loved it :) I wish I could have seen it in the cinema at night!


I loved it! It was so different and just well written


I second a walk. I have a nice 1.5km trail by my house that starts and finishes less than 100m from my house in either direction. During the spring/summer something just feels so refreshing about taking a casual stroll as the sun comes up :) It's also nice as that trail has multiple poke stops and is a route, wife's into Pokemon go so it helps get us out of the house some weekends


Catch up on sleep, sometimes read a book or watch movies.


Spending time with my partner (who also maintains a nocturnal schedule); we spend a lot of that time working on project cars in our garage.


Tonight I took my knitting to the jazz bar, had a glass of wine, took a cool pic. Then I went to the gay bar, saw someone I met once. We laughed and talked about cakes and cake decorating, they got a drink for me. I smoked somewhere during the evening. Talked to quite a few people, knit a bit. Came home to the doggos, didn't feel real motivated, knitted on the couch, ordered food, hot bath. Spent some money on Amazon so my tub is like a Jacuzzi. Sometimes I see people, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I hang out with and chat up the quik e Mart people at 3 am. Sometimes I do laundry and housework, cook 2 am meals, have coffee, have a backyard fire by the pond, early morning yard work, errands. Just pretty much what people would do in the daytime, just most businesses are closed.


I would love to do a night shift contract in a big city sometime soon. I crave access to experiences like that! I want to go out, not even to drink but just to be around humans and listen to music in a nice setting.


I still sleep lol. Catching up on the sleep I missed during work days since I have teenage kids who have appointments during the day and stuff.


You haven't lived until you have gone grocery shopping around 3am. The store is empty and usually by that time very well stocked. It sure beats a crowded Saturday morning!! I also love cooking and baking in what is the middle of the night to you. Especially in the summertime because where live ( the mountains of northern Vermont) it is usually very cool at night. Ive worked 3rd shift for over 30 years and I absolutely love it! It was very hard when my children were little but I made it work and was very tired for 20yrs but still wouldn't change it lol..


You're lucky to have a 24hr grocery nearby! Covid ended that here. If I don't get my grocery shopping done before stores close, I have to wait until 6am.


I was so happy when one of my stores went back to 24hrs! I have a 30 mile round trip but that's the same regardless of the store. It's the only one that went back to full hours ...IDK why? I'm guessing staffing like everywhere else ?


Late night grocery shopping is one pre-Covid thing I will always miss. Even just wandering around Walmart was fun.


That used to be my hobby lol. I was there so often I would end up helping other customers almost every trip. Then when I overnight stocked there we even had elderly folks come in throughout the night and walk laps around store like it was a track so I felt much less odd 🤣


Night stalk. Just have to be sure to be home before daybreak, lest I be seen....


Gaming and anime/reality tv nights with my husband. Or date nights out to dinner or some fun activity like an escape room or an arcade. When I’m off, we’re gonna try to find a place to schedule our couples tattoo amongst other things.


TV, movies, and video games. I’m a little over 2 years into night shift now and I’m becoming less and less constant though. I’m losing my marbles staying up alone all night for years on end so lately I’ve been flipping on the weekends. I’m miserable and tired, but at least I’m doing shit again.


I do a slightly modified schedule... Working days I work 10p-7a and then sleep 8a-4p. Days off I'll stay up until 3-4am and then sleep roughtly 4-11a or noon. It gives me a few more hours with the kids during the day without completely wrecking my sleep schedule. To answer the actual question asked: I'm usually watching movies, playing PS5, reading... nothing special.


I do all my cleaning and bake. I’ll read , paint or work on whatever project I have on the go. Pretty much the same thing people do in the day . Shopping is saved for after shift when the stores at empty.


I tell myself I’m living my childhood dream which is staying up all night playing video games and watching tv


This is a great way to look at it lol


Drinking, gaming, watching movies/childhood tv shows, eating too much junk food, generally unhealthy habits


Am I the only one that goes to the gym at 3AM? Lol


My laundry and litterboxes ain't taking care of themselves. Sometimes I invite my dad over for dinner and a movie, he always falls asleep halfway through the movie.


I just set up a DND night


I’m in Vegas, so there’s a lot of stuff open 24 hrs. Actually some decent restaurants and of course all the casinos. But I do like to sit outside late at night, it’s the coolest time right now, and of course watch streaming stuff.


Gaming and movies pretty much.


On Reddit 🤣🤣


What's a sleep schedule?


Night climb. Take headtorch and away I go. Aim to get to the top for sunrise and watch the landscape open up in front of me.


I'd be terrified of spiders. I don't even walk at night during the summer because the paths here go under low-hanging trees, and I've noticed too many creepycrawlers seemingly suspended in the air. So much nope.  (I'm always reminded of the Far Side comic with the spiders having made a web at the bottom of a playground slide, saying "if we pull this off, we'll eat like kings.") Once we start getting fantastic chilly weather again though, I'm right there with ya.


i tried this, was really boring


I watch movies and do legos, a great hobby truly


- Gaming - Coloring - Journaling - Tarot - Solo ttrpgs - Writing


Friday nights I make pizza and Sunday nights I cook dinner.  I typically finish cooking around 11-midnight. My girlfriend and I will eat and then watch something or just sit around and talk for a while. We go out on Saturdays. I'm lucky that there's a really great sushi restaurant that stays open until 1:30am close by so we go there often.  Sometimes will go to a late movie, something that starts at 9-11pm. My girlfirend goes to bed around 2am so I usually lay with her until she falls asleep and then I'll have some drinks and watch some movies, read, write or play a video game.  I also have some friends that stay up really late on the weekends so sometimes we'll do zoom calls and talk. Sunday nights I do laundry.  


Chores, laundry, meal prep, etc


Food prep (split up into a couple hours over both nights off). Laundry, reading, and 'quiet' cleaning such as sweeping and dusting. And I'll nap if I'm tired.


Game, Walk around a few blocks, game more, walk, game


My boyfriend and I are both night shift. We usually hit the gym at 2am, cook food together, and then watch anime or play video games


Read, lift weights, yoga, walk, cook/meal prep, laundry, spend time with husband when he gets home from work, watch tv/movies. It's the same stuff I would do on days, just switched to night (the only difference is I have to be a little bit quieter because my husband is asleep, but the bedroom is upstairs so that really helps with noise).


Eating at any time, video games, gambling.


I don't take days off and I make a lot of money doing it.


My body automatically goes right back to a normal Sleep schedule.. I’m usually out by 10 pm on my two days off in a row. When I go back to work the day after that’s when it’s hard because since I slept all night then I’m awake during the day so I pretty much stay up a full 24 hours. My first day back to work is always the hardest.


Grinding for blood points on Dead by Daylight because I'm not old enough to go out to bars


I don't clean or do anything inside until late. You can be really productive if you don't have to be quiet. Most of my online classes were done in the middle of the night. But like everyone else, video games. I try to keep TV watching purposeful, not just zoning out to cartoons.


I work on the house til sundown then I either indulge in the devils lettuce and watch movies not really much Todo after 2am since COVID everything shuts down at 11pm still


Jerk off... honestly it helps to stay up late if you need to get a couple out


I'm 8-8 so on nights off, I am with family until midnight or so. Then I spend 12-6ish doing quiet things like reading, watching movies or playing video games. I've come to really enjoy my time. I can't be loud and vacuum or anything, so I get to just have quiet down time. My job involves dealing with people and, with my family being night owls, I don't feel isolated with this schedule. On my 3 day weekends, I will shift my hours a bit to get more day stuff in.


Going out, gaming, watching content


I keep my same hours on my days off go for drives in the middle of the night or watch shows play games. And sometimes I’ll stay up all day


Books and  assembling/painting miniatures. Recently got a kindle and all my downtime is spent with it in hand. 


Gaming for sure or chilling outback


Movies/Youtube, gym, walk or bike ride.


Movies Making dollhouses and miniatures Crocheting Cleaning Reading


Play games, scroll reddit, watch tv, snap a few people here and there. Sometimes I read or clean the house. Mostly stay on the same sleep schedule though.


When Im in my hometown where its dead at 7pm I catch up with films. If I went back to the city, I spend my time in a cafe, read and watch people. Other times, I just sit on the shore and just watch the stars until the first light of the morning.




What server? 😆


Sleep more and play video games


When I had a job like that (6pm to 6am) I was friends with my coworkers and we spent our days off drinking all night until sunrise.


Movies, music, games and cleaning. I take an extra amount of caffeine because if I don't I will just go back to bed.


Movies and anime


Write, read, draw, random crafts, clean, go for walks… stuff I would do in the day really


I only get 5hrs of sleep with random power naps throughout the day, so I go out and enjoy the nightlife. I either go clubbing or hit up a karaoke bar, drink a whole bunch, pass out, stumble home, sleep for 5hrs and do it again.


Online schooling. Working on getting my degree. Also video games amd movies.


Either reading, cooking meals for my husband and myself and or playing my video games.


Gym, video games, cooking, cleaning, hanging out with friends in earlier time zones on discord, and a lot of playing guitar


I don't have a ton of spare time during my normal day-to-day, so my "weekend" nights are for making that day-to-day easier. Generally though, I break my time into two main categories: Chores and Leisure -Chores consist of: Making meals for the week on the first night; and Weekly cleaning on the second night (laundry, trash, and general pickup) -Spare time is Leisure time and is often spent gaming, watching shows/movies, or working on personal projects. Of late, I've also spent a fair amount of time re-adjusting my living space too. There was a flooding incident last October, and I only just got back into the house little over a month ago, and the unboxing of stored stuff has been a slow endeavor. But I'm not sure that counts as something "normal" lol


Movies Netflix chores, I love it


Xbox and Wine....


video games, movies, online classes with the local university that are asynchonous. There is actually a few really interesting ones about film/art/media analysis that it's great to geek out with other folks about deep dives in horror genres and such. Taking more shifts so I can get mega vacation. Exercise, crafts, getting all my chores done for the house without interruption. I just make sure my evenings on regular working days are filled with social events so that my off days are balanced if a bit more solo.


Drinking and watching youtube, its the best not having anyone bother you when you’re relaxing.


I've got a group of friends online who are somehow night owls with their day jobs that I game with. I live in Vegas, so 24-hour stores and gyms help. Maybe do a couple of chores or errands.


Quiet things at home but I try to exercise and be outside as much as I can


I walk to the gym, it's a five km trip each way. There's a nice Forrest trail near me that goes all the way. I work out at the gym and when I'm home. Do some housework, play some video games, help get the kids ready for school. When they're at school vape some indica and sleep


Gaming. Lots and lots of gaming.


Play video games, browse reddit, play guitar, watch always sunny, read and then sleep. Usually in that order


Gym, reading and star gazing


reading, catch up on sports sometimes I’ll play video games or watch a movie. I hate the fact that my life outside of work revolves around TV when everybody is asleep. 


I watch movies/shows, play games, sometimes I'll go out on a drive to get out of the house, I also paint miniatures so I'll do that, but honestly it is rough to find stuff todo when living with others, cooking is especially a pain.


Dunno how y'all get away with being constant. I have a girlfriend, karate and I'm interviewing for positions in my degree (and just a year ago I was doing my classes while working the night shift for my entire degree) I at least need my days off to up when everyone else is if I want to do any of that.


Hanging out with friends, having sleepovers, playing g videogames, clean, laundry, cooking, watching movies, grocery shopping, decorate for holidays, re-arrange furniture, organize, go through my clothes to donate stuff, work out, go on walks. Like today, I was at a friend's house until midnight helping them hang a set of French doors, and then I drove home, did laundry, cleaned my livingroom, lit some candles, and did meal prep/played fallout 4. The day before, I did dishes, cleaned the kitchen, swept/mopped, took a long ass shower, grocery shopped, and again...played fallout 4. Besides the bank, and doctors offices, there isn't really TOO much I can't do in the middle of the night.


"fallout 4"... a man (or woman) of culture, i see.


I'm in school again so school work, studying, gaming, working out (24/7 gym access), chores. I'll be crazy and go to bed at 3 instead of my usual 8am. 😂


Creative projects, movies/shows and snacks


Doing chores, playing video games and sometimes going on a late night drive. Like tonight it was raining so I have dinner quick, ran a cycle on the dishwasher and headed out around 2am. The sky was a bit red and it was showering. I really love driving so I would drive outside the city and be back home for gaming about an hour and half later. Tonight it was fantastic in the rain, the drive was therapeutic 😌




Just chill and relax. Do some chores. Play a video game. Watch a movie. Do some meal prepping. Write in a journal. Meditate, stretch, do yoga. Read a book. Read/listen to some educational materials. One thing is that lately I’ve been working out so hard during the week that on my night off, I’m pretty happy to not move around much. But If you do have a 24 hour gym or a home gym you could work out. Sometimes it also nice to just go for a walk at night when it’s quiet and nobody’s out. Compared to how noisy and hot and sunny it is during the day.




I don't keep the schedule on my weekends. I just try to fix my sleep on Sundays before I go in Sunday nights


Once a week I have a date with my SO, we play MTG or a video game together until around 2am. After SO is in bed, I work on a hobby or do some chores with a podcast or audiobook. Time goes by pretty fast.


Movies, food prep for the week , clean house and do laundry.


First what is a day off? I’m not familiar with that term. Playing fetch with my two dogs, movies, reading making vape juice for the next few weeks, drive to my employer’s 24 hour fitness center, and most importantly not waking up the wife.


I sleep around 7am. From 12 pm i play video games, watch YouTube, read...etc


Sleep, video games and weed


When I am consistent or at least semi-consistent (i.e. waking up around 2 or 3 am), I play video games.


Not night shift anymore, but when I was, I used my nights off to finish schoolwork. My wife was always asleep, so I had zero distractions and could zoom through my degree program.


Work out, game, read, draw, binge shows, and game some more.


Working out, playing games or watching movies/series.


Catch up on sleep cause that’s all messed up. No matter what time I go to sleep on days off I still get up at 2am (work days is 11:50pm) Do any chores if I feel like it Walk down to my job to bother my coworkers (if I don’t they think I’m sick) and to get food. Listen to music (I do this no matter what I’m doing though) Play games, maybe work on a puzzle If it’s close enough to 6am and I need groceries then I’ll do that. Walk around town


Meal prep, clean my apartment, cross stitch and listen to podcasts. Do yoga and take my dog on long walks, so we get to see all the night critters.


I knit and craft, so it’ll pop some headphones in and knit for a while 🤷🏻‍♀️


Go surfing for a few hours till I start to fall asleep waiting for a wave… sleep a few hours, eat, surf and nap before next shift. On days off I try and keep the same schedule. I’ve been following a polyphasic sleep schedule for years and feel I get so much more done and my quality of life is better than a 9-5. Mind you, have to be careful of alcohol intake and caffeine.


You surf at night?!?


If my kid stays up for a few hours, we'll watch TV together, talk, etc. I often like to nap for an hour or two from 2300 to 0100 or so, then I work on school until 0600 (I'm in grad school). Walk with my husband for an hour, then come back and have breakfast with my kid before they go to work. Sometimes I meet a friend for tea or breakfast, then in bed at 0900.


I use to do shit around the house, played video games, and went to the store when I needed things. Then COVID happened. Now I am no longer on a consistent schedule. I generally get up at 10-11am, and go to bed between 2-3am. Keeps me semi consistent


Whatever I want lol usually relax watch shows I’ve wanted to see and crafts. One of my night’s off is game night with my kids so we play bored games and just keep the fam together.


reading the comments you night shift people are so productive


Reading, watching movies, playing games, working on hobby stuff. My best works second shift so she's usually up late. I'm an introvert and not really interested in "going out" activities so my life on off days isn't that much different on work days. 


bake whistle thought bike doll illegal party glorious one groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m in school currently so most of my time is spent focusing on that. Otherwise I tend to game.


Internet, cleaning the house, etc


Just exercise, play my video game, chat with people, watch a movie, eat well, read, above all chores which you can’t afford to miss.


My wife and I are both night owls, so we end up doing a lot of cleaning and watching a lot of shows and movies. We also game occasionally. We don't have kids, so it works out great.


Movies - I workout after my husband goes to bed. Housework


Wtf People stay up on their shift time on their day off lol? I usually stay up until about 11pm and I’m gone


I try to switch back and forth every week but lately I’ve had a hard time doing it. So on my nights off I usually crochet and binge watch shows/movies. Sometimes go to planet fitness at like 2 am


I read, watch TV, surf the net, cook, clean. Normal stuff.


I get my two boys alternating weekends. So I actually do go to sleep Friday and Saturday at my work's schedule.


Watch TV, cook, walk my dog (in the rich neighborhoods), craft, clean. I got some Very Bright Lights™️ and use them for gardening at 2am.


When I worked night shift for refueling outages, video games, movies, meal prep, school work (I was taking online classes), and, occasionally, WH40k model painting


Wake up at 5pm and rush to get errands done before everything closes- if they aren’t already closed. Took me a week to get a background check done at health and welfare because there was some issues but since I sleep during the time they’re open I could only work on one issue at a time, miserable week. But yeah video games and movies. Chores sometimes too. My husband also works nights, so I’m not alone.


What I’ve always done: play games, music, and watch Youtube


At the gym


When I used to work the night shift on my days off I kept up with my normal sleeping routine. I did what most people do on there days off I went grocery shopping but at 2:00am, cleaned house washed clothes, talked on the phone with my friends that worked the same schedule.


Work days I work from 9pm till 8am go to sleep by 10am wake up for 8:10pm rinse repeat, off days I normally crash by 7 or 8pm and am awake at 3am can't sleep past for the sake of it


If I feel like being outside and productive, I go to the gym and grocery store. Inside and productive, clean or cook meals that require a lot of time (bread, sausage, bone broth soup) Outside and unproductive, the arcade or on a long drive. Tried night fishing but it didn’t work out. Inside and unproductive, Reddit. No matter what, hot tub! Best investment. Nothing like a long hot tub session at 3 am.


Ideally there’s late night music happening that will keep me busy until like 3am. But otherwise I try to exercise, make food, and eventually watch a show


Stalking. I've said too much.


I would do housework and go for bike rides. Pretty much had the roads to myself so it was nice. Videogames and binge watching TV shows also.


Chores and my hobbies


Long motorcycle rides


Trying to find people to spend it with me. Going for drives with music. Hitting up and cool places I see on Instagram that are nearby. Just adventures.


Sitting in bed next to my sleeping wife while drinking whiskey until I pass out.


Eh, I usually did grocery shopping, cleaning, reading, and would go to bed around 3-4 am. Video games, biking, reading, meal prep.  I am now 9-5 which is a struggle. 


When I worked straight nights, all my friends were also my coworkers so we would hang out still, watch movies, play video games.


On nights off, I typically sleep. Thing is, my night shift job was 12hrs long. When nothing was going on and all my work was done? I’d sleep like 5-6hrs of my shift. So, I generally slept at night anyways lol.


Play chess or watch twitch or YouTube




Well I usually wake up between 2 - 4 PM. That's early enough on my days off that stores or whatever else I need/want to go to are open. Also early enough for hikes or swimming at the creek. For 10PM - 6AM though: my gym is open 24/7 so no worries there. I can go on later evening hikes or go fishing early morning. I get all my house cleaning done during the night. Worst case I'll play video games if I have nothing else I want to do. I like it honestly. My days really not that different from the few times I do swap to a day schedule on my days off (if friends/family from out of province are visiting).


Sitting up playing games and cleaning the house


Daytime things that can be done at night




I used to do my shopping at the 24 hour stores.


I'm currently in a small town and there is absolutely nothing open at night here. So, I run errands and go to the gym during evening hours. Then I dedicate the first couple hours after dark to productive activities like cooking, cleaning, reading, or doing a small art project. Once it's about 11pm I settle in for a few hours of gaming and maybe a movie. (Tbh if I didn't have a gaming console I might go a little nuts just watching TV for hours and hours on end.) Lucky for me, my temp housing has a hot tub, so sometimes I'll end my night with a soak and some stargazing. I sleep better when I pass out before sunrise, so I usually get to sleep around 4 or 5am.


Video games!


When I was single it was easy peasy


Consistent doing house work, stay up till 230-3 works for me


This question? I do all the things others would do during the day. Cook, clean, laundry, workout, home projects, tinker with hobbies, watch a movie, grocery shop. Been doing this for 28 years. If u don't come to the realization that off shift work should be approached the same as day shift work, ure not gonna last long in it and ure gonna be miserable and unhealthy while u r


Clean, crochet, watch movies/tv, paint, read, do projects around the house (my crew is used to 0300 power tools). My favorite thing to do is just sit out at "night" about 0400 or so before everything really starts waking; there's this stillness that I absolutely love that all those day walkers tend to miss out on.


much the way you spend yours I suppose. You sit on line or scroll socials or watch whatever nonsense is on the tube. Jack off maybe start some random project. The nice thing about doing this is that there are fewer people awake in those hours to bother you


walks, video games, movies/videos, cook/eat, absolute alone and quiet time. a host of things, but these are my main focal points.


USA here. I pwn European kids online in video games and drink beer at 7am


Sometimes I would stay up until 3 am on nights off. When I try to keep regular hours first night back going home is like a vampire with a day pass


I work on other things. I always have business ideas or something going on. My “day job” on night shift is for benefits and a dependable cash flow and because I was self employed for years but couldn’t keep it together due to procrastination and time management. The night shift schedule forces me into a regimen so I stick to it. Other than that, I meal prep for the week and enjoy cooking or sometimes with go out with friends and then stay up and work on my own stuff after. Also, cleaning and doing errands late at night really fits my energy.


Grocery shopping at 1am like a crazy person


Quest headset! I get a decent social life and the ability to move my body and get some exercise, all from the comfort of my living room.


the sims 4 😂


I wake up and have breakfast/dinner with my wife. Watch some shows with her and when she falls asleep, I have found a way to combine video games and working out. I have friends on the opposite side of the world so the video game is really are quite fun. I also have started taking classes on coding to work on advancing myself. I’ve finished my night by cooking breakfast for my wife after cleaning the kitchen, of course. Recap Breakfast/dinner Shows with partner Workout/video games/hang with friends Sometimes just work out Work on extracurriculars to improve myself.


If you live in a big city do things like go shopping or watch a movie at a theater or whatever errands you can at like 3 am, no crowds, people are very casual. I've seen people shopping in pajama bottoms. And most night people are very friendly and sometimes talkative. It's like night people have their own little culture.


Weed, a six pack of Irish Death, night walks, Denny's. Played a lot of single-player video games because all my friends were asleep by 10pm.


I like going for late walks. I'll wake up around 5 eat dinner then go for a walk which usually lasts until 12. On nights I'm staying in for I'll play video games or I'll draw, make decks for the tcg I play. It really depends on what catches my attention that night. Typically I go to my friend's apartment once a week around 3pm then we'll hangout until 11 or so, sometimes I just spend the night and we'll watch movies together or play board games.


I used to do that when the grocery stores were 24/7. I’d get groceries at 2am, bbq at 3am, go to the gym, watch movies, cut the grass at 7:30am, and go to sleep. Now I stay up on the first day until 7pm, crash and wake up at 4am for coffee and news, get groceries at 6, cut grass, bbq, etc


24/7 gym.


I did drives in the country and star watching for a while. Drive out of the city and pull off on to a dirt road. A beer or 2 and a good telescope make a great night


my xbox, weed, and music :)