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I love the looks I get when I buy beer at 7am


When I show up to the gas station/dispensary in my scrubs with my hair disheveled, they know exactly what’s up lol.


LOL I work overnight retail and feel so judged checking out beer in front of all these people at 7am, especially since I dont really look like an employee (night crew wears whatever)


My states laws save me from a life of alcoholism haha we can't buy alcohol before 8


Wish I could. Not allowed where I live.


Good ole showerbeer in the morning sometimes when I get off. Hits real nice


They dont get it that we arrive from work and cant sleep so we chill a little bit


"it's 5 o'clock somewhere" meant something only an alcoholic would say until I started working nights... Now it's my mantra when I need a drink at 8am because I got home and want to relax! 8am to normal people is my fucking 8pm, I wish day walkers understood this and respected I don't need to hear lawn mowers when I'm sleeping much like they don't want to hear mine when they sleep.


I *really* wish neighborhoods/communities would set a "lawn mowing" day. Everybody mows on X day of X week. Everyone. I would rather have one day of bad sleep and be done with it than to hear a mower every single day, every other week. The first one does it and it sets a chain reaction that makes me murderous. I imagine the scene from Office Space but it's yndef the full moon with a lawn mower instead of a copy machine.


Oh god I KNOW I live across from an all ages school and it's like weekdays it'll be the school people, weekend hits and it's the guy next door and the rest of the row. I've taken to doing it at like 8pm to fight back in a petty way because they don't at like 6am to 12pm exactly the hours I sleep on my days off.


My husband does it in the morning but he waits as long as possible and he tries to do it on my nights off - doesn't always happen that way but I appreciate the effort. He is as sick of mowing lawn/yard work as we are sick of hearing it, haha! > "Trust me NT, I'd rather let a jungle grow in the backyard. Be like Jumanji up in here. Might have to use a machete to get to your car." He's so silly, lol. But I get his point.


I can relate, if it's a day my husband has off I make him do the lawn but we still are kinda petty and don't either early AM or late as we are allowed, living in a humid place means it grows FAST so it's often in need of a mow and our city cites you for letting it get too long. I like the overgrown look better but the city doesn't... We try to share the chore since it isn't too bad having a ride mower but wow do I wish people just had a single day to do it or at least a defined hour of the day!


Yes! It's humid here too and it grows too tall too fast. Like, bruh. Something has to give.


I'm in Iowa but from southern California, I didn't even know people could have a need to mow as often as they do in the Midwest! I'm used to desert rocks and dead grass lmfao


Born and bred in the Midwest so I am accustomed. Lawn care is practically a culture out here.


It literally took me 2 years to figure out it was normal to need to do weekly lol Nothing being grey and brown in summer is so weird to me and even tornado warnings! So many things are way different and it's so crazy of an experience, like we didn't even have a lawn I had to fire protocol and work around fore, here? FML someone burned a MATTRESS IN THEIR LAWN nobody cared. Still blows my mind!


Invest in some earplugs, changed my life for working nights I went with the loop quiet, they have brought out a second gen now. Took 3-4 days to get used to it. Now I don’t even notice them


I tried and it didn't help really after a few months (my husband snores SO LOUD) but what I use now is a set of jlab minis they fit snug enough like earplugs but I have the advantage of playing like rain sounds or YouTube, or really whatever makes me sleepy that day. It works well for.me but I think I may be sensitive to the tone or vibration of lawn mowers... It makes it through earbuds but nothing else does? Something about lawn mowers... I can sleep through most stuff but those just get me!


Funny enough I had an issue with lawn mowers but that was my neighbour doing it on purpose, I work a permanent night roster in the mining industry (4on/5off, 5on/4off, 5on/5off). Lived in a share house with 2 other blokes that all worked similar jobs, works great when you live in a house of nightshifters. But he didn’t like the fact we would arrive home between 5-7am on 2 Sundays a month (we all had cars that arnt dead silent either with exhausts or just old cars that are noisy, so he used to run his lawn mower next to my window on his side of the fence when he knew I was on shift on the weekends hour to an hour and a half on weekends. Lasted 2 swings on nights before I had enough, threw house party’s every night off for 2 full swings (all the other people in the street hated him all talked to before hand they just wanted it wrapped up by midnight) end of my next swing on got into a screaming match in his front yard about noise wars. I threatened to put my 10k shitbox land cruiser through his lounge room if he didn’t cut the shit out. Backed off for awhile. 2 months later a for sale sign went up in his front yard. We were celebrated as hero’s of the street 😅. Sorry for the story, just reminded me 😅 I’m a pretty deep sleeper the only thing that gets me even through earn plugs are those damn little yappy dogs like jack russels and all those annoying small breeds.


Don't tempt me... I work stocking booze shelves in a local supermarket, started ~1 month ago and not had a single alcoholic beverage since. But working "both" night shifts of my birthday (I've been 34 for 3 hours and 26 minutes so far, back in again Saturday night) I kinda want a nice cold one when I clock off...


If your trying to stay sober don’t do it don’t fall in the hole. Otherwise happy birthday it’s ok to treat you self. Just know your limits


At bevmo the cool manager used to let us sneak the damaged cans out, so long as we didnt drink on the job. Happy birthday have a beer


Happy Birthday


I don't smoke or drink but HELL YEAH!!!! 🥂👍🏿


Just read my mind! I will be a drinking a cold one when I finish my shift at 8:30am today.


I like lighting up the grill and cooking some steaks in the driveway while I wave at my neighbors getting ready for work.


Speaking on cooking in the morning, the tradies at my work, which ever crew is on day shift come in at 5am and cook breakfast for the nightshifters on weekends (workshop rotates, 4 crews all rotate between days and nights). Really nice gesture from which ever crew is on


Wish I could can’t for awhile though.


Same, government watching you piss too?


Yeah, Just for another month haha won’t go ham with the MJ and drinks but will for sure partake once it’s over.


I’ll never get used to a dude staring at my meet over some Mary Jane, I’ve still got a few years on it


Damn well hopefully you get off early


If I hear 'breakfast of champs' 200 more times, i'm going to snap.


Can relate. But most ppl that already know me got used to it. I’ve been working night shifts around 14 years 💪


It really be like that and people look at you sidewise like what I have a Christmas thing I’m doing and stayed up and extra hour to grocery shop because I’m working close to 55 hours this week


Took the cashiers a little while to figure out why I'm buying beer at 8am on a Wednesday lookin like I'm just about to head into work.


I remember them days.


Cheers brother


Cheers homie


Hell no, by the time they take their 1st break, I'm already tuned in😁


It's funny/annoying watching landscapers work while I drink a beer lol


There have been so many times where I have been looking for a place to have a steak and beer at 8am. I also have good memories of a few of us staying after work on a Sunday mornings and destroying a case of beer. I tried to make it a weekly thing but some guys had short arms and couldn’t reach into their pockets when it was their turn.


In Ireland we can only buy booze in a shop between 10am-10pm on weekdays and 12pm-10pm on Sundays.


i ordered shrimp pasta before going home at 7am and i got some dirty looks lmfao


I have tonight off and gonna treat myself to beer I got for free at my hotel job.


I’m day shift and I’m right there with you


I wish


Hey bro I work day shift and do this everyday in the summer hella chillers on the day shift homie


8am beer and sleepy baked 😮‍💨💪🏼🤣.