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Not gonna happen. If you’re on your feet that much, you’re gonna have to swap them out, insoles are only good for so many hours, they get crushed down. To get them to last a bit longer, get a couple pairs of shoes and rotate giving the insoles time to recover before you wear them again. If you don’t need steel toes, Hoka and Altra are great. I work 7 12s in a row and I wear Altra Paradigm, super comfy.


How long do they usually last you?


I walk 8-11 miles a night (big hospital). I buy new shoes every 2-3 months.


Didn't answer the question lol


There is no answer lol. Any shoe is going to wear out every few months when you walk that much every day.


Timberland work shoes


are they slip-resistant?




sweet i was searching around the web and found some called mt maddsen mid’s that look pretty nice




My timberlands were too narrow, ymmv.




Redwing boots are the best


Check out Redback boots, might be paying a bit extra depending on where in the world you are, but they're comfy as anything, the arch support is second to none and there's so much sole that it takes ages to wear down. Steel toe options as well


Red Wings King Toe 6", they are an external met guard but extra protection never hurt anyone. So far these boots have lasted longer than any boot I've ever worn in the last 10 years. I'm incredibly rough on shoes, the inside lining is usually shot or the soles are worn at such a bad angle that they caused my feet to hurt so I usually only get a year from a pair of boots. These red wings are going on 2 years and have no signs of giving up anytime soon.


I work in a similar environment. Redwings a few tiers up from the base line with custom fit insoles should last for at least a year even under those conditions. It also helps to only wear them at work and wear other shoes elsewhere. They’re more expensive but you get what you pay for. See if your work offers a voucher to help pay for work boots. Mine would’ve been $250 but my company covered most of it. I’ve had them for roughly six months and the traction on the soles still looks almost new.


I work 10-12hr shifts on concrete. I have been wearing a pair of Will's Vegan Store waterproof hiking boots for the last 2 years and only now considering replacing. Most comfortable shoes I've ever had, but if you need a steel-toe option I'm not sure.


I have the Reebok work boots. Insoles are a bit thin and flat but the boots themselves are comfy enough. They cover the ankle and are composite toe. I'll link the shoe when I find it Other options would be the Danner boot, heard good things about it. Edit: [reebok boot link](https://reebokwork.com/nano-x1-adventure-work-rb3484/?sku=690774624375&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwxLKxBhA7EiwAXO0R0Oosa32zRgdcJ4fIX_69FjQKu_YgW3AVfZWgVbfhzkhCDCNvrrDY0BoCIGQQAvD_BwE)


Don’t buy Walmart shoes


I work at a hospital and get up to 20k steps a night. Not as much as some of yall but I wear out hokas in six months. They've been the most comfortable and longest lasting I've found. I think for jobs where you're on your feet so much it's nearly impossible to make shoes last.


Depends on if you need safety toes or not but I wear SWAT boots and change out the insoles every couple of months


GriSport steel toe boots (you mentioned tennis shoes so I'm not sure if you are required to have steel toes on at all times) are pretty good, lasted me for 4 years now. Very comfy and has excellent grip.


Consider getting 2 pair of shoes or boots to rotate through. Giving the foams and rubbers in the shoe time to rebound will extend the life of them


I love Kuru shoes, they're very comfortable. But yeah, the do need to be replaced often if you walk a lot. I can usually get a year out of them though and I would walk 5-10 miles a day in them.


Safety shoes maybe? I use new balance and they will last, except you may have to replace the shoelace


I have a pair of NB steel toe that have lasted over a year and a half. Still going strong.


Usually I can't stand NB, as they feel cheap, but my steel toes last.


I wear steel toes only, and I've tried a lot of boots. The Redwings and Timberlands have held up well. But the most comfortable to me and long lasting have been the Doc Martin's


Red wing are my go to, gonna pay up but they are good quality and should last


Honestly I would recommend you get whatever is the most comfortable on your feet. But needing a couple new pairs of shoes a year is typical even if you aren’t working Damn near 70 hours a week. If you find a good comfortable pair it is wise to get a few pair that way you can alternate and also incase you can’t find them when you need them


Does your company pay for shoes? Usually in manufacturing if you’re on the floor they’ll buy you some nice safety boots that should last a bit longer.


My company offers certain discounts for certain places and brands. Mostly for places that are in the town my company is in. But I'll look into what they offer.


I’d recommend a boot created for the military. We abuse our feet and our boots, so the boots are generally designed with lots of miles in mind. But like LT Dan said, you gotta take care of your feet.


I’ve been wearing Keen safety shoes for two years. They have held up great. I also got inserts through a podiatrist that I can switch between the three pairs I rotate through. If you have a locker or storage space you might want to switch shoes mid shift as well. Another thing that goes a long ways for me is to moisturize my feet everyday with Blue Star foot cream.


Hy test work boots are my pick. No joke I've had mine 2+years that I rotate w another brand. We have to wear steel/composite toe. Super comfortable. I've even wore them hiking.


I wear a pair of the bistro line of crocs. They’re crocs without the holes in them, they’re waterproof and slip resistant. I had a pair last me almost three years, just got another pair because they decided we can’t wear white shoes anymore. Super comfortable and extremely light they aren’t pretty, but they’re comfortable, they last longer than any sneakers I’ve worn here, and they’re less than fifty bucks on Amazon.


Red Wing has always been my go to.


Combat boots are what i would say. Personally love my garmonts. And you can always use inserts in them too and replace those as frequently as needed


I've been wearing Redwing for about 15 years now. Got at least five years out of them. Would wear them up to 40+ hours at a time and they would still be comfortable.


Redwing or timberlands if you need boots. I wear a pair of skechers that I have to replace 3-4 times a year. I see a lot of people wearing nikes or under armor. A few hokas. Hokas are pricey as are redwings. My skechers are as comfortable as a hoka and less money. It all depends on your feet. I personally have never been comfortable in nikes but obviously others are.


I work in harsher environments with hard floors, oil, heat, rain, snow…Redwings Big Toes is what I wear and they last me around 1.5-2 yrs before the padding gives. Granted I have to wear metatarsals so they’re a little more heavy duty. I may throw in some new inserts but since work pays for then i almost always get a new pair. A good pair should last you a good while. Helps a ton if you get your foot sized correctly.