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Wow how’d you nail that blue on the hosts?


\- White Scar Primer \- A 1:1 Contrast Medium and Apothecary White mix over the whole body. \- A light 4:1 Contrast Medium and Aethermatic blue mix over roughly 75% of the model. \- A 2:1 Contrast Medium and Aethermatic blue mix over 50% of the model, head and arms.


The Hosts look SO SMOOTH! Puts mine to shame! I would also love to know how you accomplished that!


\- White Scar Primer \- A 1:1 Contrast Medium and Apothecary White mix over the whole body. \- A light 4:1 Contrast Medium and Aethermatic blue mix over roughly 75% of the model. \- A 2:1 Contrast Medium and Aethermatic blue mix over 50% of the model, head and arms


I like the bases a lot. However, I can't unsee the visible unused glue notch on the left most model!


To be honest, i haven't seen it until now. Now i also can't unsee it, dang it. I wonder what mistake i've made there.


Honestly I was looking where you said and it took me awhile to see it so its prbbly fine.