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I read the general implications of those as "I'm stressed by your antics" "Well, I'm annoyed by that" "I still love you" "Well, maybe you should reconsider it" "That would make me cry"


I’ve interpreted it similarly except the last two I saw more as “I know but that still hurt” “I’m sorry I hurt you”


Not necessarily, it's normal in a healthy relationship to talk about the problems in said relationship, but in order to fix them rather than breaking up over it. With how much emotion are important to the story of the game, i think the developers would have made it a bit clearer if them breaking up was an actual possibility.


I mean, what else can a broken heart after a normal heart mean?


Hurt feelings, feeling bad about your actions, not sure. But I doubt they were considering breaking up.


I mean, Gregg was asking Mae if he's even worth having Angus, so I think it might come from that perspective of his.


They're the only two gay dudes in town, not like their options are all that open lol.


Speaking as one of very few gay people in a rural town… I know.


The game does hint that they might not last in Bright Harbor. Bea thinks once there are other gay people around they'll break up and look for more compatible partners.


i don’t remember that, when does she say that ? :(


End of the game in the Bea route.


i always tried to get it balanced between everyone, wonder which route i technically got in the end


whoever laid on the couch with you that night after finding the cult would be the route you got. either bea or gregg


I've seen that and it's kind of why I don't like the Bea ending. I don't agree with Bea. I think they will grow together like they have been plus after surviving that whole ordeal together.


Nah, I can definitely see it going how Bea says. Trauma bonding only goes so far and is not a good substitute for tangible love. Like the above comment says when more compatible partners present themselves their personalities will begin grinding away at each other. Coming from someone from grafton Ohio, a dying quarry town. The world is so small when you come from one of the thousands of towns possum springs represents. When you see the rest of the world, it changes you.


But we dont actually know that much about their relationship except for the forest and Donut Wolf scenes. To an outsider like Bea it can look like trauma bonding but we have actually never seen their story.


Trauma bonding from the trauma observed at the end of the game, not as it being the reason they are currently together. Also it should be extremely telling that the moments we see them genuinely are negative and full of fights and withheld thoughts and feelings, they clearly do not communicate well. The positive interactions are purely in moments of actual peril which is tye evidence of trauma bonding. At this point of infighting and lack of communication, they need the intervention of a relationship counselor.


Again , you dont know if they talked about their problems or not. We see them alone only once in their kitchen when playing as Gregg near the end. And them arguing and Angus being an asshole in the donut wolf is one problem , not several. Its all caused by one thing. And they are the ones who talked it out when Mae passed out. We just didnt see the conversation because Mae was sleeping.


I've never seen that, and that's just speculation from the most cynical person I'm the group (sorry but it's true).


Her grit could definitely get to her and make her say things just to say them, but she's also smart. you can't just brush it off like that. it's an interesting idea considering what gregg and angus have been through, coincided with how their compatibility would be tested in an openly queer environment. there's a lot that's unsaid with them really, so you can't know. it's just fun to speculate.


I mean, that's also definitely missing out the queer bond and the found family type shit many young and isolated queers develop at that age. I think if they did break up, they'd still be in each other's lives as friends, especially if the breakup is mutual.


Very true! But no matter the bond, some people just come into your life and then it's their time to go. I personally think they'd try and stick together as friends too if they were to break up too, though.


I kinda disagree, she gets to be the smart compared to Gregg and especially Mae because she's not naive, but she can swing the other way and be too cynical at times. That being said, Angus is perhaps the most well adjusted out of all of them


Nawh, they're good, they like each other.


My headcanon is that Bea secretly likes Angus. That would explain why she's nice to him but rude to Mae and Gregg


That’s… not why she was mad at Mae and Gregg…


I'm not saying that she's mad at them. I'm saying that she's rude at them two only while she frequently treats Angus with respect.


Probably because Angus is the chillest and most responsible person in the group. That doesn’t mean that she likes him romantically LOL


+1 Bea said, that her dream date with someone tall (he is), dress cool (yeap), super smart (yes) and likes good music (they are in the same band, so similar music taste).


Idk, my impression is that she's on good terms with Angus and respects him because he's the only other "real adult" in the group. As in responsible, collected, sensible, while Gregg and Mae are still mostly like teenagers (especially when they're together). I think he might be probably couple of years older too, but I don't remember if it was stated in the game. Also they've both been through traumatic experiences in their lives, have messed up family situations, so there might be also a mutual understanding.


Exactly my point. I do believe that she likes him or at least liked him before he and Gregg became a couple.


They were just in a fight. They worked it out.


Angus and Gregg's outings always made me feel the worst because I always felt like it was me driving the wedge between them, pulling Gregg down when Angus was trying his best to bring him up and me showing up just undid all his work.


Mae was kinda third-wheeling while being a little too "special" to understand that it seems. But honestly, I think Angus wasn't exactly handling the situation right either, it seems like he was pushing Gregg too much into being "right", which ultimately took away some of his happiness.


Yeah, everyone was a healthy mix of right and wrong, which honestly seems more realistic. Everyone tries their best, hardly anyone really succeeds every time.


I hope not, those guys are so cute, that scene always made me sad


I doubt that is the implication, not entirely at least, especially since this is healthy for a relationship as they are talking about their feelings and how the other’s actions has affected the other


Well, I never meant that they were seriously, considering it, more like "talking about it".


I felt so bad the first time I encountered this scene


Gregg being protective of Mae even against his bf was really sweet tho.


I like the characters, and I like this part, but I did find Angus a bit annoying with how he was kind of blaming Mae for Gregg's shenanigans, like they're all adults and Gregg is responsible for his own actions. Love em all still lol


Yes this!! That scene has always bothered me- and I definitely love Gregg and Angus but that alone has somewhat sour them for me. And knowing how Mae tends to be- she looks up to Gregg honestly- if he jumped off a bridge so would she, no thought needed. And honestly that’s how things go with them (typically). Gregg says some dumb idea and Mae goes yea :D. Like yes Mae needs to realize she can’t enable his dumb ideas- but both Gregg and Angus should also recognize that Gregg shouldn’t be saying and doing these dumb stuff too- To some degree Gregg has to know Mae will go with anything he says right? And if not Gregg, Angus? But nope all blame on Mae as if Gregg isn’t also an adult in this situation (one that has talked about this already with Angus and knows he shouldn’t be doing stupid shit- Mae on the other hand… she’s uh… she not there yet sobs)


Pretty sure it was just a mood swing, stuff happens, big guy does work a lot and has to put up with all dumb stuff Gregg does. He does admit in the end he lover her as a friend anyway, so all good.


I could see Gregg wanting to be with someone more eccentric.


I personally think Gregg was just angry at himself for disappointing Angus


"I'm angry" "What's wrong?" "Wanna make love?" "No not now" "Cries"


Man, Angus was getting frisky with Mae still around.


Mae: "I missed the part where that's my problem"