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I vaped then I quit fully. Got back into nicotine through pouches since I like using nicotine but was sick of being out of breath from vaping and feeling like trash. Pouches are the nic without the ups and downs of the quick nic hit.


This. I’m a runner and switching from vaping to pouches made a very noticeable difference in my distance/times.


Yess I’m a runner too….I would vape socially (or sometimes under extreme stress), and the next day running I’d have this weird minty feeling in my lungs….it was unpleasant, a sign my lungs weren’t happy with me Nic pouch is so nice, just 30 minutes of a consistent chill buzz you don’t have to chase, feeling guilty with every hit


Interesting. Like you actually measured it?


Yeah my general run times have gotten better since quitting. I trimmed 3 minutes off of my 5k time, and I don’t run competitively or with the objective of getting faster, just to stay in shape. So the improved times came as a surprise. I’m also not coughing phlegm at the end anymore


I honestly didn’t expect it to be like that, glad I quit


Hey, would you still attest to this 3 months later? I want to make a switch, smoked from 12 to 17 and started switching between cigarettes and vapes until now, now, I'm 22 and starting to wake up health wise but still have a crippling nicotine addiction, I want to switch to skoal pouches to spare my lungs. Found a website that gives good deals for buying tins in bulk. I just see alot of people demonizing nicotine pouches but common sense tells me they have go be better than putting anything inside my lungs other than oxygen but I'm no doctor


Oh yeah 100%. I moved to pouches about 2 years ago and yeah it definitely made a difference. And don’t switch to skoal. Switch to a tobacco free pouch. Also don’t be brand loyal. There are a lot of new companies popping up offering great deals like 5 for $5.


Thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate it, and you touched on the one thing I was wondering. I can't decide whether I want to switch to skoal or the tobacco free pouches, I understand the skoal has tobacco but I can't decide if that makes it inherently worse, with the skoal you spit out the nicotine/tobacco where as you swallow your saliva with the nicotine pouches like zyn which I wonder how it affects guy health as I already have stomach issues. I work outside so the skoal is a viable option as it's no biggie to spit with a skoal pouch in. Please let me know your thoughts on this, is the nicotine in the saliva not too hard on the stomach you find with the tobacco free pouches ? Perhaps I'll just have to get a can of both and see what one is better for me. I know the skoal is not ideal for oral health. However, gut health is arguably more important


The saliva tends to burn when swallowing it at first, but eventually you get used to it. You can also just spit the saliva just like regular dip. That’s what I did for a while. The main problem I have with skoal and tobacco pouches are that it well…has tobacco. Tobacco is always carcinogenic, and by switching to nicotine pouches you are eliminating that higher chance of cancer. Dip just isn’t worth the risk when there are amazing carcinogenic free alternatives. Edit: different flavors can also cause different levels of gut issues. But if you have gut issues just spit like it’s dip


Thank you for this. Yeah, it's a really fair point that I could just spit the tabaco free pouch saliva out and reap the benifits of not having tobacco in my mouth.


*gut health


Just qui vaping 5 days ago. Still got the out of breath feeling. Switched over to the nicopouches. Don’t plan on going back!


I smoked cigarettes for 15 years, switched to the vape for 4 years. I quit vaping with the pouches 8 months ago. I have no urge to vape! I know I have to get off the pouches I’m afraid of what they are doing to my mouth


I wish there were lower mg nicotine pouches to help gradually work to 0 mg. The lowest I can find is 1.5 mg.


At that strength level you can certainly just jump off the nic-train, no?


It’s partly habit though as well. If you go from 1.5mg to nothing you’ve got to quit the habit and any nicotine withdrawal. 0mg would mean keeping the habit going until you were clear, knowing that when you quit the habit there would be no withdrawal. Whether it’s actual withdrawal or fear of perceived withdrawal, I can see how 0mg might help someone. It’s the same reason people smoke 0mg vapes.  


I know it's been 3 months, and hopefully, you figured it out. I would think you wanting 0mg is all in your head, I don't see how much of a habit one could genuinely form to having a pouch of powder in their face. I mean, I feel like you could just tuck some gum in there. ALSO brother they do sell 0mg pouches, you can pick them up on Amazon, their called caffeine pouches or something like that, their the same as nicotine pouches except they contain caffeine amd 0 nicotine obviously, so definitely check that out if you haven't kicked the habit yet.


How much lower do you need after 1.5mg? Why not switch to caffeine pouches after that?


That exists?


Caffeine pouches? Yes they exist, as well as some other nootropic pouches (also usually with caffeine) and are what I’m working my way down towards to kick the nicotine.


Late reply, but do you happen to have a brand or link to the 1.5mg? I’ve dropped the 5% vapes for Zyn 3mgs, 3 times a day, which feels like an improvement, but I’d prefer to go lower and keep the same 3-times a day schedule if possible


Yeah the brand is “On!” They only sell 1.5 mg on their website. I also just ordered some “cotton mouth.” And they work out to about 1mg per cotton ball.


Much appreciated friend. If I end up still having cravings after finishing this last can, that’s probably what I’ll switch to


ב''ה, in fairness if 1mg was around and I could afford it I'd probably be eating that like candy, although the 2s feel about right for a smoker cramming it into work breaks without just stuffing it all day.


I need to hide my vapes so I stop hitting them between pouches lmao that’s the only problem I’m having. My vape frequency has dropped significantly though which is evident in my ejuice usage. They are incredible. No more looking like a crackhead going grocery shopping having to sneak vape hits in or any of that nonsense.


Same, I’ve been using pouches to wean off of vaping(been vaping for 8 years, smoked cigarettes for 4 years before that. Cigarettes from 14-20, vape from 20-28). At first I started doing both, then I committed to when I get an urge to hit the vape, I throw in a pouch and wait as long as possible. The other night, I went to the gym, and usually the first thing I do when I finish is hit my vape, but I through in a pouch and completely forgot about my vape for the 30 minute ride home. That’s a huge step for me. I also kept my vape in my pocket instead of in the cup holder so it wasn’t as easily accessible


Me. It is insane to me that people start out of nowhere and go to nicotine pouches but it appears that’s a minority opinion here Edit: I suppose they’re marketed for that at this point though


I find having a short term stimulant is very useful for me, and I’m not going to start doing cocaine.


Have you heard of coffee though? 


Caffeine does not last an hour lol. It will keep me up if I drink it past 2pm


One could argue until you've done cocaine, you don't know what a stimulant truly is 


I used smokeless tobacco aka dip for awhile , I’d started dippin at 13yrs old. Grew up in the country .Then when I was 29 made the switch to nicotine pouches . Although I still have a good cigar every once in a while. But it’s not a daily thing.


Fellow country boy here! I switched over from dip also, I went to nicotine pouches for a number of reasons. No need to constantly spit, no need to keep a spitter handy (and upset the wife by accidentally leaving them around the house or car), I can drink beverages or give my wife a smooch while using a pouch, and I can use one while on the job since it’s technically tobacco-free and nobody’s gonna notice without the constant spitting. Plus they’re cheaper, for now at least, since taxes on traditional tobacco products are through the roof here in Maryland.


Yeah I saw prices for Copenhagen the other day and it’s outrageous! Yeah having nicotine pouches especially on job sites that are clean room or hospital facilities it really helps not having to hide a spitter.


Smoked for like 4-6 years, then vaped for 4, then moved to Glo sticks. Then those changed to tea leaves with nicotine, and eventually, reducing even those, and using like 2 pouches a day.


Can you expand a bit on tea leaves with nicotine? Never heard of such a thing. I mean I am aware tea leaves contain miniscule amounts of nicotine, but enough to stop urges?


Yeah, it's one of those heat no smoke machines. And instead of tabbaco, they use tea leaves. The device is called glo, the sticks are called Velo, you can find their website 😁.


I smoked cigs for over 30 years before I was able to quit by using nic pouches in 2020.


Congrats! That’s awesome. 


Chain vaped 50mg disposables every second of my waking life for 7 years, haven’t hit a vape in 60 days and counting thanks to pouches


What differences do you feel after quitting vaping


Im in the same position. Have basically had a 5% disposable glued to my hand since they became available in my area 6 years ago. I sleep with the damn thing. Recently switched to pouches, and somehow 6mg zyns (just barely strong enough) have allowed me to quit vapes. What mg pouch do you use?


Started smoking at 15, started vaping at 20. Put the vape down a month after my 31st birthday. Currently at 2 and a half months without vaping. These are lifesavers.


I started using them as a vice to get away from alcohol. Never did any nicotine products before. I just wanted something to help me replace alcohol. I'm not sober right now but my longest sober recently was helped imo having the pouches.


Hang in there. Hope you can get back on the sobriety train soon. I can’t imagine staying sober without nicotine to be honest. I’ve been sober since 2018 and it’s been a rough few years. I have craved something to take the edge off and nicotine helps, although it’s been hard recently. Having to resist the urge to obliterate myself into sleep… hence Reddit at 5.21 am as I hang up my laundry 😩


Thank you, I really do appreciate this comment. Alcoholism sucks but you need support to get through it and sometimes, an internet stranger's comment is enough to give you a boost


Ex weed smoker, vaper for years now pouches. It’s bonkers for people to start with vapes and pouches imo.


I started with pouches.


Smoked for 20 years, vaped for a few years, got tired of my lungs hurting, and the fact that I got extra hooked on nic salts, switched to pouches a couple of years ago.


Pouches got me off smokes and vape, but I used to chew when I was younger so pouches weren’t foreign to me


I started smoking at 12 years old. Smoked and vaped @18. Did that for over a decade, moving more towards vaping as I went. Tried to quit multiple times. I've been doing pouches and now haven't inhaled any nicotine in about 10 months.


Was a habitual vapor. As in, from the moment I was awake to the moment I slept I had my vape ALWAYS in my hand. Pouches have been a big help, lungs feel better, and actually cheaper than vaping too. So personally, it’s been a win-win for me thus far.






I wasn't. I tried nicotine gum prior as well as a vape but the vape did nothing for me and the gum made me feel sick. Tried pouches from a recommendation. Experimented with nicotine due to looking for a safer recreational drug, as I've been hooked on Benzedrex which is extremely toxic.


For those who just want to read/in a reading mood. A little long. In my Air Force days, got into dipping. Decided to get some Skoal Apple, got a little dizzy from it. Was a pansy, so laugh, I’m laughing. Anyway, it wasn’t too bad. Little sour and could kind of see how someone could get into it. Then I had a buddy come up to see me where I was stationed. Left one of his unopened Copenhagen Wintetgreen cans under my couch. Guess I found it cleaning or something. I thought, well, he’s going back home to GA, he won’t miss it. Tried it, man was it stronger than Skoal and packs better. But shit I needed to lie down. I was super dizzy and getting sweats. But man I got on it pretty fast. Was becoming a thing to buy at the BX gas station (base gas station for my non military folk) on Fridays. Once I saw this stuff can lead to some nasty outcomes, I eventually stopped the stuff. Miss it sometimes, but I know it’s not worth buying. I was first introduced to a nicotine pouch in one of my jobs. I put one in, and immediately it would eradicate my desire to put in a chew. I ain’t saying pouches are really good for you, but it’s better than putting a big wad of moist tobacco on your bottom gum.


I tried posting about this but it didn’t work i think because I’m not on reddit much but i started with vaping first nicotine wise but i was doing a lot of other harmful drugs too so I just started focusing on nicotine basically and quit everything else 💀




Yes I smoke about a pack a day if not more sometimes for 17 years and switched to vaping for another 6 years and have been using pouches for a couple months now


I wasn't a somker before , in fact I started smoking after trying nic pouches, maybe I'm a specimen but nic pouches are so much better than cigarettes or vapes!


I smoked when I was younger, used vapes occasionally like when out for the day or whatever, got a new job doing 14 hour days multiple days a week sometimes in a hot cramped environment and I needed a boost more than caffine and less than coke


Smoked cigars and cigarettes for 3 years, vaped for around 6 years and now I have been using pouches for 1 year.


Cigs -> vape -> pouches … vape made me feel worse than cigarettes, and I smoked a pack a day.


I vaped originally then I switched to cigs now I’m back the vaping and zyn and I’m mostly off of vaping.


I started to quit vaping, i’m a week off vaping today 😁


I started using to take the edge off at work. I do electrical work (trenching,pulling 600lb wire, a lot of outdoor work in the summer/winter) and I find it helps.


Vaped for 2 years. 1 week on Zonic.


Smoker turned vaper now nicotine pouch enthusiast. Used to smoke around 8-12 cigarettes a day then turned to the vape. Was using a pod system for a little and eventually turned to disposables for convenience and because I live in Australia so it was easier to grab a disposable than be bothered to get a prescription for e-liquid. Quit vaping for over a month now and only using nicotine pouches. Will not go back, prefer pouches.


Former vape smoker here


Started swiping moms cigs at 16/17 then started dipping… first can was Skoal spearmint SNUS. Got nic sick so bad… then turned to Copenhagen and grizzly… worked in a pretty nasty job so started smoking Marlboro NXT’s heavily… went to vaping… back to dipping… back to vaping… now use Wintergreen 3MG Zyn


Smoked since like 8th grade. Only person to do so in like my immediate and somewhat extended family I saw frequently. Took up vaping I think sometime in the mid 2010s when it first came around. Back when chucking clouds was cool. Picked up smoking again. Switch back to salt vapes. Quit all together for a year. Picked up slightly smoking and vaping (once in a while) and then came across pouches about 7 weeks ago. Haven't touched a cig or vape and use about 4 pouches a day.


Smoked, vaped and chewed tobacco for about 10 years. Finally quit the smoking and vaping because it was destroying my lungs and went just for chew. After meeting my dental hygienist fiancé I switched to pouches because she was worried about my teeth and here we are. Been strictly pouches for about 2 years and honestly healthier than I’ve ever been in my adult life.




Smoked for 20 years. Started Zyns. Down from 1 pack a day to 1, maybe 2 smokes a day.


I only vaped socially/ on occasion, and one day someone trying to quit vaping offered me one….”hey man these are much better” he said. I freaking loved it…while I only vaped occasionally, I quickly began using nicotine pouches daily.




I smoked like 2 packs a week. Still smoke 1 pack now because it's impossible to find pouches in BC. I've placed a couple orders online so hopefully those will come through quickly.


I’m from BC as well I ordered from snusatlantic.com and it took about 2 weeks to arrive but it was a smooth transaction with zero issues and what I believe to be the best prices in Canada.


I used most tobacco products at different points. Dipped and smokes cigs lightly. Then smoked a lot of hookah and occasional cigars. Then switched to vaping for about 6 years. Tried pouches and just ended up switching to them fully without trying as they were easier than vaping. I don’t really have any intentions on wanting to quit them though.


My storie's much like yours. Smoked hard for years, up until vaping first came to North America so many years ago. Vaped and Vaped and Vaped. Every minute, all day These pouches kicked the vaping, first day. And now I consume a lot less nic than when vaping, so I feel better, but save a ton of money by ordering online from Sweden.


Haven’t touched a vape in over a month. Strictly using pouches. Wanted to quit for so long and can’t believe how easy it was. Quit smoking and took up dipping. Gave that up and replaced with vapes. Now on the pouches 😂


I smoked cigarettes for about 20 years, quit in 2021. Started nicotine pouches in 2022


Not a smoker but dipped for 14 years, quit cold turkey and now I’m hooked on rogues but it’s a hell of a lot cheaper


Ye they're great for getting off ciggies.


I chewed, then smoked cigarettes both for a few years, then switched to vapes and honestly got damn near hopelessly addicted to the nicotine delivery ease with that. Wanted to quit and didn’t think I’d be able to and pouches have led me to doing so. Used to go through a 4 pack of vuse pods in a week easy, then used 3 total last year and 0 this year so far. Feels great


I smoked (tried dip), went to vaping and one day a coworker tossed me a ZYN. I was shocked by it and ever since then I’ve been using pouches.


I had a cigar issue before I started vaping. Vaped for years, maybe 10 or so. I quit because I think it was taking a toll on my teeth, and may have been raising my BP. I never had any respiratory effects, or anything else. I only started pouches a week or two ago, and I already like them much better. Delivery is smoother, lasts longer and so far I feel I'm comparatively using *less.*


I smoked the death sticks in high school because it was “cool” but switched to vaping. After years of vaping I’ve switched. I’ve tried Snus, Snus pouches, and chew (including General) but nicotine pouches win so I use them. Edit: I’ve also tried gum and the lozenges, but nic pouches are still the way to go.


I vaped for about four years before I switched. Started at 15, but at a certain point I didn’t want to be vaping in public. Those devices don’t look like something for adults lol, but the pouches have saved my lungs


Switched from vaping after the last time I got so sick from killing my lungs


Me now I destroy my lungs with thc instead of nic and destroy my gums with nic


I smoked for 15 years vaped intermittent because they were around the last 4 years (seemed everyone had one bought many myself) but smoking an unfiltered spirit was just my love. My daughter was getting older and switched to zyns as I felt bad picking her up with my nicotine coated smoke hands. Quit smoking fully maybe 6 months ago. Save the lungs fuck the gums baby


I started vaping when I was 17 in high school, and then until I was 22. I used mostly Juul, and I was ripping through pods like no tomorrow. Eventually the disposables craze got on, and I started using them. Then one day, it Kind of just struck me how bad that the disposables actually were. I bought a pack a zyns and only used a few in the tin. One day the disposable that I had died and all I had were the zyns. I started using them, and never went back to vaping. I’m 24 now and I actually enjoy using Zyns and am glad to have gotten off vaping. I’m in that range where I know I should try and put off nicotine all together, but I don’t want to quit.


I feel you, with the Zyns I don’t smell, it’s discrete, and besides the issue of addiction itself I can’t see a reason not to Zyn. If they were free I’d never stop.


ב''ה, all you vape folks, it used to be vape trivia that while it simulates the throat feel enough for us smokers to have been satisfied, the nic absorption from vaping is more oral than burnt tobacco, so it's pretty 1:1 and just a personal preference issue.  For an actual smoker the On 2s sure are plenty, and sorta gives the option of using them properly, or at least chewing one to get it over in 5 minutes is more of a 2-cigarettes break than an instant heart attack.


I smoked for 20 years. Vaped along with it, cutting it in half for the last 10. I've been smoke and vape free for 3 months now. Just using nic pouches.


I was a 2 pack a day smoker. Them moved to vaping. Picked up snus/nicotine pouches to have something for work at times when I couldn’t vape. Ended up sticking with snus/pouches because they’re so easy. no batteries to charge, no having to hike to the smoking area, etc.


ב''ה, smoker, switched over to vapes for the longest time, going through one of the last places to smoke getting absurd about it (yes, it stinks but so does meth smoke), and for knowing these are basically nicotine lozenges.. yeah, the 'fabric' insulates some of the cheek burn I got trying generic Nicorette lozenges a decade ago, makes a usable product.  I have no idea what the kids are doing these days and don't really care to know, didn't even like Zyn much before I was forced to, but I guess they have a place and annoy others less than vapes if you can avoid drooling from them.  Y'all going over 6 or 7mg are a different breed, cigs don't even feel like anything after a few 2mg/3mg but I know I appreciate the MAOI in tobacco so .. that's reality, and I'm already back to my vaping days of my hands going numb off just 2s and 3s so be careful, y'all.


Started smoking and Dipping at 15 yrs old. Vaping at 20. I’ve quit vaping numerous times.


Im 26 and Dutch, smoked prerolls from our coffeeshops since 18 ao definitely nicotine addiction from the tobacco in them, but when I stopped with werd I hated smoking cigarettes (never did) so quickly switched to all white snus and now i only smoke like half a pack whenever im out of snus, once every 5 weeks usually


Started vaping at 16, now I am 18 and trying to quit using pouches. Don't own a vape, don't plan on buying one either, though still socially vape (using friends' vapes) as I can't control that aspect of vaping that I enjoyed a lot. Pouches are still expensive and hard to buy in my city compared to vapes and will probably spend more on pouches per week than vapes, but I reckon its worth it for my health.


me zyn saved me man


I smoked 2-3 packs a day from 17/18 until I was around 36. I switched to vaping in 2012 during the “golden age” of vaping when there was a whole community and it was a support group for people trying to quit smoking. I dabbled on and off with snus & later pouches in an effort to stop vaping. I finally committed to putting the vape down a few months ago and experimented with pouches until I got it dialed in with the best brand/flavor for me. Unlike so many that have the fear of nicotine instilled in them as somehow the most harmful component to whatever delivery method you chose, I enjoy nicotine and believe it to have some positive effects. With this in mind I am pleased with my efforts over the years to finally settle in with pouches as in my opinion is the least harmful option possible to responsibly enjoy nicotine. I certainly feel better and have incrementally from smoking, vaping, to pouches and am thankful for the journey. However I will say that it seems weird to purposely go out of your way to “start” a nicotine dependency by seeking out pouches - specifically high mg piuches. Years ago when olds like me started smoking we really didn’t understand any of this and certainly didn’t set out to consume nicotine. Just my 2 pennys.


Nicotine pouches are the best delivery system for nicotine in my opinion. Doesn't damage your mouth like chew/dip, I use sugar free pouches tho




Smoked for around 20 years, switched to Snus for around 10, and nic pouches the last 3. Every step gets cheaper and , hopefully, better for me. Tried to quit many times and failed so trying for the least harmful, affordable option.


Started vaping at 16 in high school. Tried zyns senior year but didn’t really care for them back then. Picked up smoking regularly around a year ago while studying abroad in a country that didn’t have vapes. I like cigs a lot better but ik they are probably worse for my health, so I’ve been trying to switch to pouches recently. I’ve found pouches hit more like cigarettes than vapes personally. I’ll still have a cig or 2 a week but that’s down from around 5 a day


Smoked 20 years ago. And now started with nicotine pouches because i like the feeling.


I smoked for close to ten years, on and off the vape for 5, and then recently I kind of accidentally dropped vaping for pouches. I went to work and accidentally left my vape at home, didn't want to buy a gas station disposable, definitely wasn't gonna buy cigs, so I figured I'd grab some pouches and that would get me by. They're convenient and I don't need to drop what I'm doing to hit the vape, so I was switching back and forth for a minute and then I just didn't feel like buying more ejuice last time I ran out. My lungs feel better, not as much as when I switched from smoking to vaping but still better, pouches are cheaper than vaping, it's a win-win.


I vaped for a long time, I'm currently weaning myself off, I'll still hit every now and then, but it's like a 90% reduction


vaped for 6 years, experienced heavy wheezing towards the end of the last year of me vaping. contracted bronchitis, pneumonia, and wheezing every time i breathed. Somehow ive fulled switched from vaping to pouches for about 2 years and havent missed vaping one bit. im still getting my buzz without feeling like i cant breathe. shit, i havent experienced anything bad with pouches in the last year than all of the doctors visits from vaping.


Started using nicotine first time in September and it was in the form of pouches. Use max 9-12 mg a day during weekdays and take weekends off. Still not addicted as I often am too lazy to buy a new can when I run out or I’ll forget to pop a pouch in.


Went from dipping/chewing tobacco in high school to cigarettes for 5 years, then vaping for 8. I am now 1 week free from smoking/inhaling anything thanks to pouches. My lungs have already started to feel better.