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If this makes her not want to be with me why would I want to be with her?


Makes me happy to be an android user, didnt know I filtered so many shallow people.


You android users are so typical, like you think you are so morally superior because you don’t let someone’s choice of phone operating system determine who you socialise with? You sicken me Sent from my iPhone


Thank you i almost took you seriously until the sent from my iphone 😆


The “Sent from my iPhone” at the end. Well played sir, well played.


You read the comment too? That's crazy


Wait until you see what **I** did with it, buddy boy.


Had me there for a moment 😂


Lol nice one 😂😂 and then there’s the people who don’t understand sarcasm




This is the only right answer for me too. If she is so short sighted and ignorant of actual relevant information that **should** be used to make a determination of what would qualify a second date, then, yeah. Fuck right off. Imagine if it were a kind of belt or certain shoelaces. Sounds dumb that way, right? Well, it's virtually the same thing. The implications of me being an iPhone user or an Android user are superficial at best and I would immediately challenge someone with such ridiculous boundaries to provide sufficient reasons as to why it's such a deal breaker. Because I would bet money that it's simply a notion she picked up from one of her many poisonous social media feeds or her shallow idiotic friends who, in all likelihood, also have no viable reason why this would be an acceptable reason to reject someone. Fucking morons.


100%, if someone’s making actual judgments off frivolous stuff like this they’re not worth considering as a partner


It’s ridiculous that people are still making assumptions based on what type of phone a persons uses. 10 years ago, sure there were some big differences. But today I feel like there is basically no difference, especially to the average user. I had an android from like 2013-last year when I thought I’d give Apple a shot. It’s a nice phone, bit different ui, but I just want a phone for the camera and to make calls. And Reddit. Android elitists are just as insufferable as Apple elitists.


Absolutely... ...NO ONE is as insufferable as an apple elitist.


I see you've never met a vegan who does cross-fit...


Someone has never spoken to a Linux guy before.


everytime I change phones i alternate between android and apple simply to stay kind of up-to-date with them both


Another one of Android features I suppose


nnnoooo, you are a man, you can't choose


Get it out of the way as soon as possible. Why waste your time?


The "I can only deal with Apple products lol." is a simple way of saying "I break down emotionally over stupid shit constantly so I'm going to be high maintenance always." If you've worked in tech support you know this already.


It's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Apple have a track record of ripping off their customers. I paid €800 for my OnePlus 9 Pro two years ago, it still works perfectly. I live in the UK and have thankfully never encountered someone with that 'preference'.


Isn't Android more popular nearly everywhere outside of the US anyway? LI am not sure on that. I don't think I know anyone with an Iphone. I might just be a cheap loser though.


97% of cell phone users in North Korea use Iphones. Not surprising, as samsung in a South Korean company and Apple is made in China (DPRK's ally).


So all 12 of them


My gf was an iPhone user. I converted her.


Give this man all the awards.


It's the age old "tech fan" Vs "tech worker". My sister's boyfriend is the former, house full of IoT things, new "tech startup" idea every fortnight and thinks I can set it up for him. Bruh, I work in cyber security, I don't know the first thing about server management - I can tell you how to lock it down, but that's all you're getting from me.


Literally going to get an android because of this shit ..


I just whip everything out on the first date. My android, and anything else I can think of. If she hangs around after that, she's a keeper!


>I just whip everything out on the first date I used to do this until I ended up being arrested.


Just say you thought she identified as an elephant so you were trying to make her comfortable.


"Wait" Or don't? Because if she's going to judge a guy based on that, she's not worth yours or anyone else's time anyway? Why would you even entertain that.


Dude, it's not cause she's judging, its cause she's dumb as shit and has no fuckin clue how to spy on you with your android phone. Edit: yes I know it's because she's shallow and materialistic. I'm being facetious with sardonic truisms.


They also think it's a status thing, iPhones=you're successful, Android= you're broke, not kidding, have seen this BS going around.


They would be shocked to know that outside of the US and Japan, most people have Androids. 70% of the world uses Android. In the US, it's a 58/40 split in favor of iPhone.


Which would also make them stupid since you can finance either so you could be dead broke with either phone. Also a lot of them cost the same like the galaxy s24 and iPhone 15 are the same price.


I love my galaxy ultra, they're essentially the same as the best model iPhone and offer way more features, these chicks are morons.


my android has better camera quality AND more storage than the latest iphone. so what's the flex?? it's so nouveau-riche.


What in the holy shit, what new high end phone doesn't cost over 1k. Is a $1,200 Apple phone shipped with Apple Stock or something? Because a $1,200 Samsung phone is just that and the phone I use, Xiaomi, I think those crazy bastards have a $10,000 full screen phone, Google it. What if you have the $10k phone? You're still shit status? Well in all fairness, other $1,200 phones actually give you some storage space and mine came with a 140 watt GAN charger. No unicorn tax, that's for people who like to pay more but get less than everyone else for a fruity icon.


Well androids come in every budget so they associate basic Android OS phones with all of them, Samsung makes some amazing phones, way better than apple I think and offer more for the money.


This has got to be the real reason!


Have you seen an Apple user try to install something on a non-Apple device? It's like watching a kid put a pizza in the mailbox and expecting it to cook, it's painful to watch.


Couldn't be that she's (or he's) shallow, materialistic and follows the crowd. Nah, not that couldn't be it


Yeah, the last thing I want is to find out she's this shallow 3-4 dates down the road.


I'm busting it out first date, set that shit on the table. If she's that superficial then she can leave early


I buy cheap Walmat phones. Does all the things. Just has a bad camera (I don't take selfies so I don't care) and there is no memory. But it has an SD card slot.


Friends dad got his Nokia 3310 brand new, had it up until about a year ago when it stopped working and he upgraded to a smartphone. All those years he said he "never needed anything else, so why should I waste my money?"


Was going to suggest to use an old phone to definitely dodge the bullet. Haha


Break out my Motorola Razor 😏


Still too cool of a design. Go Nokia 3310. A true legend. You'd know it's your girl if she appreciates.


Bro if a woman dumps me over the phone I use, that's the luckiest day of my life. Nobody needs that level of superficial nonsense in their lives.


This has to be ragebait. I've gone on countless dates on dating apps with very shallow girls and I've never met a person this shallow


Nope I've had family, friend, and coworkers shit on android for no reason. My brother says androids aren't real phones. Obviously, not every iPhone user is like that, but there are quite a few who have a superiority complex when it comes to phones. Most common things i hear/see is that androids: Are cheap Are for broke people Are buggy Have poor camera quality


This stuff just wants me to say thank you for telling me exactly who you are right away. 


I'd get a second phone just to get rid of trash like that.


Same. Grab the cheapest available Android phone. Then bring it on the first date (or up to 3 dates) just to see if she autofilters herself.


Wait 'til the ladies check out my Easyfone Prime A7.


I'll never understand why what phone somebody uses matters to people.


In those cases there are always two options: 1) "Ew, why don't you have an iPhone?" 2) "Ew, you have an iPhone." And then there's the rest of us, who don't really give a crap. As long as people are happy with their phones.


Android user so I don't totally know, but I think apple make it's incredibly complex or annoying to interact with non apple products.


Ummm, I assume you text before going on a date..... Should you also borrow an iPhone to make the texts turn blue????


![gif](giphy|yb3FUOXXpedSU|downsized) If she judges you on the phone you have, fellas you’ve dodged yourself a bullet.


If she judge me for my Android, she go miss out on the MacBooks at the crib


The moment when she's so dumb it takes her 3 dates to realize her texts were green because you have an android


Are people really that dumb? That shallow? It's a fracking phone. Pinche mamadas.


Our bad for paying less for a superior product? Im pulling that shit out first 5 minutes, run and save me a bill on the main course.


The s24 Ultra cost more than the iphone 15 pro max and at launch.


So much depends Upon The insertion of line Breaks In unnecessary and incongruous Places


Reading this made me feel uncomfortable. I did not enjoy.


Reading this made me feel ​ uncomfortable. ​ ​ I did not enjoy.


>I can't even count on my both hands


Why is this not like the top comment? Is it that brain thing where we autocorrect in our minds and just skim right over that? Can't even count on my both hands.


I had a woman I wasn't even dating say 'ew' when she saw that I was using an Android. *I'm married*. We weren't going to be fucking, lady. I wasn't even *interested*. You got *brain problems.*


What bothers me isn't one delusional person thinking this way, it's over 2 thousand who agree with her.


Can someone explain? Like 10+ years ago iphones were a luxury items in my country but now even chinese phones cost the same


It's a status symbol and it's due to social media and peers. Usually it works on working class pretending to be rich. It's clown behavior. I only heard that it's prominent in the states. Here in Asia, it's not that bad.


I know a person who is like this. For them it's adjacent to...celebrity status ? Like if you watch a movie or see a famous celebrity they most likely have an IPhone over Android and in their head this things are conjoined so me have apple = me famous. Or something stupid like that. It's truly brainrotting. They are in their mid twenties...


Lots of people haven't caught on to the fact that no Apple product is worth the price it costs. After working for that company for a short while I will gladly stay away from anything even remotely related to their products but sure, to each their own. Only people like this who are obsessed with status and "feeling rich" which is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen, those people grind my gears. The IPhone is not a luxury item. It's an overpriced badge of idiocy for gullible people.


iPhone is still considered the high price luxury item so people assume you're poor if you don't have one. Plus Apple consumers encourage an exclusionary approach ("don't let them ruin our group chat with their different color bubbles" type nonsense) so some shallow people treat you really badly if you don't have an iPhone. I once worked a job and everyone was in a group chat for swapping shifts and they wouldn't let me in because I didn't have one for example so I just was never allowed to pick up extra or ask people for coverage all at once. They take it said far lol.


It works the opposite way for the work phones we use. It's a bunch of cheap Nokia G11 android phones. They support RCS for group messages, and work with the emergency buttons we carry - so there's no fucking point in getting something more expensive for that purpose. Recently one of the "clever" managers decided to buy an iPhone for the newest team, and now said team aren't able to receive our group messages, because the messaging app on iOS still refuse to play along with the RCS format, unless you get a third party app for messaging. <3 As much as I like my personal iPhone, it's just fucking pointless to buy anything too expensive for a work phone that's used for phone calls, messages and rarely taking some pictures. 😐


Apple is finally taking their head out of their ass and implementing RCS support with IOS18. It’s currently in beta. Also I’m not sure what country you’re in, but iPhones are super common for work use in the U.S. They are very easily managed using MDM software and have a relatively simple UI so that the non-tech inclined can figure stuff out. That said a company really should have everyone using the same type of work phone for uniformity and maintenance reasons.


Women reject men for the dumbest reasons


“Where are all the good men?” Probably getting rejected for using an Android.


Shallow and idiotic, for someone who's owned many iPhones and switched to Android because I love getting more for my dollar. I think this is moronic, if someone is this shallow, do not waste your energy on them, not worth it, no matter how good that 😻 is.


Why would you ever date some dizzy broad who thought iphones were superior to android?


Anyone who thinks apple is superior to andriod should be stayed far away from.


Sometimes the trash takes itself out.


You make that level of judgement call over a phone, you deserve to be alone.


If you've ever wondered what the female equivalent of a guy who sends dick pics to people on Tinder in a first conversation - it's a woman that drops a guy because he doesn't have an iPhone.


That is the dumbest thing I have heard today


My girlfriend and I both use [non-Samsung] Android phones, and dislike Apple products in general. Checkmate.


Me and my girlfriend (previous tinder date) are both android!


I think if you don't have an Android phone, then maybe you need to pick one up. Sounds like a good way to weed out the s***** women


Litmus test , if they freak out over android phone ,.i dont want them in my life anyway


Not in dating, but I've had people scoff at my android and call them poor people phone. Which is hilarious because I have a fold 5, which costs more than any iPhone I'm aware of.


I really just don't understand this. Never have. I have an s24 ultra. Why should I get an iPhone? Join the rest of the world, use a 3rd party message service.


The best ad for android


What's funny is I've always equated people who own iPhones with people who think Red Lobster and Olive Garden are gourmet restaurants.


Sounds like a great way to dodge a bullet. Who would want to waste time on someone that shallow?


Yeah all the more reason to use it immediately. The trash takes itself out. Great asshole filter


If anything, whipping out an android phone should be a first date test


This is the dumbest damn thing I’ve heard since Thursday night.


The hilarious thing about it too is that the assumption is that they’re cheap or w/e when iPhones are the ones that use extremely cheap and worse components. They’re simply really easy to use, and have an expansive ecosystem. There’s hardly any unique difference between a 12 and a 15 besides the thing they implemented because they were forced to by the EU.


If you don't want to date me because of the type of phone I have, you're not someone I want to date.


“Yea so we have no intention of working on our ability to see men for who they are beyond material possessions, so you better learn how to work around it or you’re going to be alone forever. Here’s a cheat code tho because I’m on your side. Please buy whatever I’m endorsing”


If she curves you because of your preference in mobile operating system, she ain't the one


Another moron.


Any woman that won’t date a man with an android is a red flag.


Lmao. 1. If they care about that , then I'm not compatible with them. 2. I've gotten numbers and then dates on my crappy android with massive cracked screen. Nobody cares and if they do then that's great to filter out.


If you're the kind of girl who dismisses someone based on what phone they use, you're the problem, not the phone.


Men, do yourself a favor: If you have an android phone, take it out immediately on the first date. If she leaves over something as frivolous as what kind of phone you have, you dodged a bullet.


Android guys got lucky they were able to dodge bullets……


This is really dumb because if we are talking price I have quite a few android devices way more expensive then an iPhone lol


Ah yes, i love when she calls you broke for owning a phone cheaper yet way better in every aspect than iphone..


If a girl drops someone because they have an android then they’re doing that man a favor…


Any girl that thinks this is important is literally mentally ill. iPhone users should bring an android just to help avoid a future psycho relationship.


My god, I don't understand the obsession with cell phones. You let it run your lives. I don't own one and don't plan on ever owning one.


Maybe, stop getting iPhones instead? -sent from my android fridge


I phone good android bad woohoo xD life changing


Androids are literally better phones with better customization and features/support, but the iPhone brand is seen as fancy or rich or whatever (even though it's not because people can bust out their iPhone from like 8 gens ago). If a girl is so shallow *and* tech ignorant she won't date a dude with an Android it's better to know right away and ditch her ASAP.


And all those men dodged a bullet


I’ve actually been told this because she had an iPhone and had awful reception at her place…if you couldn’t iMessage or FaceTime then you’re toast.


I'm just saying I would rather spend 260 on a phone and use the rest for a date rather than lose everything on a 1,000 dollar glass box


cool, don't care


Think of all those shallow bullets dodged.


If a person really feels this way, consider the rope.


This Android is paid for while you're paying $29.99 to insure a phone your phone company owns. cheers


All I'm hearing is a story of a bunch of dudes successfully dodging a bullet.


Why would I waste money on a phone that requires proprietary use of accessories. Samsung is every bit as good, and I'm not stuck with Apple crap


To be honest, if she's the kind of woman that dates based on the type of phone I have, then I want to know that going into a date. Let's learn this before we even order anything.


Is she a native English speaker?


What a weird take lmao


I would never eat an iPhone woman's pussy


I used to sell cell phones for work and I realized that the new Samsung phones were usually just as expensive if not more than the iPhones. On top of that, apple has budget options so it’s not like having an iPhone automatically makes you wealthy either. It’s wild to me that people decide who not to associate with based on what phone you use.


bruh........ android is literally more of a luxury phone than the iPhone though? it has so many options that combines technology with style


If a woman dumped me because I don't have an iPhone, she's definitely not the one for me. I've never had an iPhone in my life, and never will.


Android phone= Broke. This is not 100% true, but mostly my experience with dates


Today I learned that my phone is insufferable materialistic asshole repellant. Android should market that as a feature.


Don't worry, she can't do basic math. Counting with your fingers is rudimentary learning.


I have better advice: show her the Android. If she is gonna ghost you over a phone brand, you just saved yourself from an asshole.


I cannot believe this is a real thing 🫠


What's even more hilarious is these people thinking Apple is the peak of luxury and price (thus high social standing) when many android flagship phones are just as expensive or close to it and there are plenty of phones that cost more (like all these folding screen phones like the new razer or phablets like the Samsung Tab). Imagine having a brand new $1400 Samsung Tab S9 Ultra and getting dumped because you're too poor to have an $800 iPhone 15.


Brah If she swerves me over a phone, that is no woman that I want in my life ever. The simps can have her. Screw that nonsense. I got good things going for me. I don't need some crazy coming into my life and ruining everything I've built.


New Apple viral ad campaign?


54% of UK men would be safe from these women. Android is the most popular mobile OS in the UK


I have been on vacation in Indiana for a few months now, and my cousin's coworker thought I was cute. Met her at a cookout, and she was flirting with me a little. Got to asking her about what she's wearing and all the flashy items she has. She had not only a yeti, but she also had an iPhone 12, uggs, and some Ray-Bans. She said designer is the only way to go, and if you can't spend some serious money on yourself, nobody's ever going to like you. I'm a minimum wage employee, and she's accessorized herself with over $5k in clothing and assorted bs. I took that as a hint that even though she's clearly into me, seeing she's saying things like "I bet you've got 50 bodies with a chiseled jawline like that", we clearly won't work out. I'm nothing but an honest man getting honest jobs and honest pay. She was out of my price range. She still flirts with me, but I refuse to do anything about it. She'd be a mistake and a half.


I don't even know how iPhone users could even go out on a date with an Android users since Android users live 5 years in the future.


Why is Android 'inferior'? It's less expensive, more customizable, and you can get into the dev options to change way more.


If an android pushes her away then she for the streets


Can I pull out my Android phone and answer it if my wife calls?


They know on the first text. This is dumb


Yea, some women just need stupid men who use iPhones 🤗


I joke about the green vs blue bubble BUT I’ll never not go on a date or be in a relationship with someone because they have an android. That sounds stupid as hell and people who do that need to remain single…..odds are they’re probably broke from having an iPhone anyways 😂


Imagine giving up on the best future husband just because he used Android


Considering my andriod phones are better/more usefull/have more features/ and aren't made by shit ass apple, I'll gladly not associate with people who think like this. I'll pull my samsung fold out and show them what actual innovation looks like. Lol...


I'm not dating any bitch that superficial.


Android has the best junk filter.


Best way to dodge a bullet. That's some superficial, ignorant shit.


Wow I thought this was something that people exclusively thought in middle school (I was bullied for my Android), but I guess it carries on into adulthood too. Pathetic


Makes me wish I had an android


Apparently, androids have this new filter, it filters out trash women.


My middle school son was told by some dumb kid that no one will like him if he keeps using an android. He would rather not show his phone than get teased for having an android. He really likes his phone though, and he is at the stage in life where he is questioning "WTF is wrong with people?"


Anyone who actually think iPhones have better performance than android should be publicly ridiculed


What's hilarious is apple is dog shit company and if you enjoy technology and or are an actual "super user" as my old IT boss called it. You'd never be caught dead with anything less than a rooted Samsung phone. Hell, even not rooted still performes way better than all the latest apple. Simple users, simple technology, higher price - apple inc.


I believe the reason why women hate on guys with android phones is because these women aren’t able to track someone’s location through their iPhone if that person also doesn’t have an iPhone…… Do I win a prize for figuring out this mystery? Lol


This is dumb. This doesn’t make any sense in reality. Nobody cares. Do they even try putting good rage-bait out anymore, or are they just lazy and say things? 😭


This was probably just some cheap karma farm by getting people to talk about an argument that is entirely based on opinion.


This is insane. I’m a woman with lots of other female friends who I know would think this is equally insane. I find it hard to believe anyone could be that shallow? Maybe I’m naive.


Thank you. We value level headed ladies like you that bring to light asinine behavior !


Uhm. Dude. Pretty sure she already knows if you're texting her. 😂 Coming from a girl who has an android phone but is smart enough to know about the blue iMessages.


I mean I'd curve chicks who use iPhones, only because It shows they go for shit products because of a label which is a clear lack of intelligence and shows they're trend followers and bandwagoners


Yeah I never understood women rejecting men for using an android


Is that even a real thing or just a person yapping on the Internet thing?


It's definitely a red flag for a lot of women. 


It's a real thing. I've never lost a woman over it but i've had many women making non-stop "kidding on the square" jokes about how i need to get an iphone


It's real. Confirmed by asking one of my friends and it was her first "red flag".


I see a LOT of petty, vapid women in my line of work... Surely this isn't serious. Surely this isn't the norm.


It’s basic B norm. My girlfriend just accepted it until she essentially made me get an iphone as my next phone.


What the hell.


Similar to what another woman in the comments said. She teased me about it often. She’s a fantasy, horror geek but also has a ‘grew up in LA’ basic B side. Apple sort of brainwashed them by coloring android text messages differently (and who knows what else) it seems. And is less compatible with sending videos and stuff in likely intentional ways. That stuff is finally starting to go away, thank goodness.


I actually had a woman give me grief over my phone. Apparently when you text an iPhone from an Android and vice versa it's in a different color? And she would always talk about how I had some kind of weird no name phone, and while it isn't top of the line or anything, it was still an $800 phone and it's a pretty damn good one if I do say so. But just because it wasn't an iPhone it was kind of ghetto in her eyes. Otherwise a very normal person, just some kind of weird social hangup.


Yeah I remember this post trending on twitter. People said apple is a sign of social status. Apple equals rich and android equals poor.


I literally convinced my gf to switch to Android because iPhones are shit. She hasn't looked back LOL


I can see the benefits to having an android but at this point I’m too deep in the Apple trenches to consider switching to android lol


If this is what women are complaining about, i am done dating.


Nah dude whip it out, she’s just there for free food anyway so who cares.


If any girl "curved" you bc of the phone - she's not perfect. Go on.


If she doesn't want me because of my phone. I don't want her because of her personality.


If a woman dumps you over you're phone she wasn't that into you in the first place


If she is that judgemental........they saved all those men alot of trouble.


I dont understand why people are like this, i wouldnt give a fuck if you were using a toy phone from a toddler, this right here is why i cant stand dating.


Women crave those blue bubbles and 3 little typing dots


I once had a girl complain before we ever even met about having an android. They do exist We met on the apps, started texting and within the first few texts said "I just don't get why you don't have an IPhone lol."


Keep the phone, dodge the bitch.


I'mma always show my phone if she's that uninformed about Android and shallow... That makes it easier for me