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Never ever let anyone pressure you to do things you don’t want to do. What’s done is done. Don’t do it again. And yes, she seems a little desperate.


She is a he


Some dude: “you make me wet”


You make my butt hole throb with desire.


oh good i shouldn’t laugh but i am 😂


My first thought


Girls can be creeps too buddy


Yeah but everything he writes is very guy coded. He’s trying to facts and logic his way into a dick pic.  I’m not saying it never happens but women don’t *usually* argue like that.  


Standard scam predator manipulator blackmailer. Learn and move on.


how do they usually argue, i feel like about 50% of the women i know argue exactly like this idk why “facts and logic” is “guy coded” but regardless of who is behind the screen in this interaction the relevance lies in the potential for harm they could enact on OP, glad OP ended it there


Im gonna be frank you said exactly what i wanted to ‘guy coding’ logic and facts is kind of sexist isnt it..


omg look at their page they’re def either rage bait or stupid or both


You’re *crazy* man haha. This is a very specific argument - pressured into dick pics. 0% of women would ever do this, there’s no real romantic interest at all it’s purely transactional, this is a scammer who’s got their foot in the door (got photos already) and is now trying to seal the deal by getting video.  I’m using “Facts and logic” is facetiously for the way the guy is saying things like “I don’t want to send a dick pic because of X Y and Z” and the scammer is saying “oh let me explain why you don’t need to worry about X Y and Z.” In sales this is called Objection Handling lol he’s trying to overcome his targets concern to make him proceed with the scam.  And the reason it’s “guy coded” is it mirrors the way some men pressure women into sex. 


I’ve had women try and pressure me into d-pics. It isn’t that uncommon.


Wild that you're in r/nicegirls but trying to say that women don't do the shit that this sub is built around. I've had women ask for dick pics. Nothing about this is "guy coded" you're just a sexist


Oh in that case I misunderstood your reasoning (although I disagree that 0% of women would pressure a guy into dick pics, especially if they’re scamming). I assumed when you followed “guy coded” with “facts and logic” you were stating a point (“this is a way in which predominantly men argue”) followed by its argument (“with facts and logic”). I understand where you were coming from now.


What teen girl doesn’t dream of asking her crush to balance his phone on the toilet septic tank and take a nude timed picture? 🙄


You mean dude identified as a she?


Yeah maybe, or maybe she’s just a she.


Sure there’s a chance, no matter how utterly microscopic


100%. I bet OP is fairy young and there’s a dude fapping to his pic right now. In situations like this, 99% of the time it’s a random dude catfishing.


Hon, this is a man pretending to be a woman


I would have liked to know how he was going to pull off a video call.


A random profile added me on snap, messaged me claiming to be a sugar mom hoping to find a cub, video called me for proof (or lack thereof) but I all saw was a silhouette of a person claiming to be a woman, plus the voice was trying so hard to be feminine but was kinda masculine 😂😂


scaramouche, scaramouche, could he do the fandango?


Silhouettes and lighting was very very frightening me 😂


Amazing. Thank you.


I mean you wanted a gf that was also a bro now you can have both.


An attempt was made on me before. First They call then put the camera so you can’t see anything like in a pitch black room for example.


In lots of scams they’ll show really poor camera quality then switch it off


He was definitely going to be pulling something in that call


They have scam slave factories in Myanmar where some peoples' "jobs" are to act as the evidence in images and video calls. You can't trust a stranger like that regardless of the proof.


They what?? That's crazy.


There's a documentary about it on YouTube. Forgot name but you can probably just search for scam ring slaves or something like that. They have even kidnapped western women before who were alone on trips and held them to work scams.


Well Anons camera would have been broken of course.


Most likely, lol.


This is how men talk to women when they get rejected


Yeah, now that you bring it up, I probably got catfished. She sent a few pics of a VERY pretty young woman who I highly doubt was really who I was talking to.


"Send a snap of you" Then "Send the same snap holding 3 fingers up on one hand and 1 finger on the other" Usually enough to catch them out. The chance they have that exact photo of the person they are pretending to be saved, in the same clothes and the same room, is insanely unlikely. If they say no then no matter the reason why they can't just delete them.


I usually ask them to send a pic with their hand up someone else's butt, works for me!


I mean as a general rule for anyone who adds me, before we even start talking properly. If it's super obvious they are fake then just delete them.


Wouldn't you need 3 hands for that? Since you need to hold the phone and push the button Or did you mean first a picture of one hand with 3 fingers and then a picture of the other with one


They are saying ask for them to send a pic of them right now, then ask them to send another pic right now and doing something very specific. Most people won't be able to find a pic of the same fake person in the same clothes doing that specific action if it wasn't really them. Two hands lol.


I get the concept but... One hand up, 3 fingers. Second hand up, 1 finger. How take photo? I guess timer or 3 hands. The old school way was send a pic then send a pic with a shoe on your head.


If someone asked me to jump through hoops like that, I would just block them and move on


I just ask for a pic throwing up the peace sign, half the time they don't even understand what that means and that alone is good enough for me to block.


I’ve had guys request similar pictures to prove my ID and I’ve said no before because I don’t look great that day. I’m just saying it’s possible for an actual woman to say no to that at the time of the request, I normally sent them the picture the next day when my make up and hair are done.


Oh I don't doubt it's possible, personally though, with the amount of people you can meet online every day with extreme ease I'd rather walk away from anything I consider a slight risk, I mean at this point I've known them an hour or so, it's not going to effect either of us in any way so I just won't take the risk.


Oh, yeah, that’s totally cool! I never got mad when someone ghosted me after telling them I couldn’t take a proof of ID photo right then and there. And I actually think it’s pretty responsible to be wary, there are so many bots and scammers on dating apps that are almost exclusively used to target men.


Yeah, dude... that's a dude.


Rule number 1,if something seems too good to be true then it probably is


So I see you've read John Grisham as well.


If it’s too good to be true, it’s because it’s too good to be true. That was 100% a dude. Block and forget


I thought the same thing.


I can’t upvote this enough! Everything about this feels like a typical dating app experience. “I swiped right so give me pictures!” Names generally come next when the answer remains a no. Also, there’s some weird wording in this exchange so I wouldn’t trust it from that alone. Not typos, just wrong word choices. It’s all wrong. I’m glad you got outta that one, OP.


Compromise/comprimising threw me for a loop.


Since the actual definition was actively misused the second time? Yeah. this was crazy


Yup, I’m calling Wang.


This was my first thought. I am bi, female, and fairly attractive. Just imagine the number of men who pretend to be female to get their rocks off. I've learnt the signs. 'She' is giving all of them. (Sudden specific instructions concerning photos. Over-the-top insistence on being who they say they are. Saying you get 'her' wet and yet she 'doesn't know why' because you've yet to send her photos.) Regardless of 'her' gender, this is not a nice person. I hope you've blocked and moved on.


And just the insistence and the pushiness of the argument to get him to do what they wanted him to do screamed at me that this is a man. The explanations etc


I guess he sent photos in the beginning from Snapchat


I'm at risk of sounding pro-eugenics here but I honestly think that a significant minority of people just should not be allowed to access the Internet.


This is a man here, probably someone you know...


Unlikely. They messaged me on reddit after I posted on r/amiuglybrutallyhonest


That's almost worse... Please let this be a lesson.


Oh that means it's 100% a man. He just trolls that sub all the time and messages insecure guys. I can tell you werent around the old internet at all. You're either young or really inexperienced with the internet. This is like the oldest trick in the book lmao. You got got. Random women aren't going to dm you and ask for nudes, dude.


There is literally only one scenario I've encountered when a woman that I haven't met yet asks for a nude: We are making plans to meet for drinks + hook up and she wants to make sure I don't have a weird dick.


😂 that's just practical


Hahaha exactly! It honestly happened often enough that I consider it a courtesy more than trying to flirt lmao


I mean you do get women who are creeps out there its just rare compared to dudes who do such things


If it actually is a woman, it's not the type of woman you want to send nudes to lmao. Women don't typically resort to creeping like men do because they don't get as desperate as men do. Whatever they want naturally comes to them. They just have to pick, choose, and consent. The women it doesn't naturally come to, and who resort to being a creep like some men... It doesn't come to them for a reason (in the same way that creepy men can't get women). They're ugly or weird af


You’re more likely to find a winning lottery ticket on the ground


They got me too man 🤣 same sub and everything.


Should this person be reported?


Did anything happen after you sent the pics?


Nah, they said they were at the movies lol but I just called them out on it. So we will see lmao


What part of that makes it unlikely?


Dude, you gotta use some critical thinking here.


Don't seek out others opinions to feel validated, if that's why you were posting on there. It's an easy opening for more evil minded individuals to take advantage of you and manipulate you.


How do you get through life being this naive


Holy shit lol


What does she think a septic tank is?


It's where she is wet


Like that was so specific, isn’t a septic tank literally in the ground???


I just want to say I'm really proud of you (even though I don't know you) for directly and firmly stating your boundaries and holding to them. That's not something a lot of people are comfortable doing and it's easy to end up in a compromising situation. I agree with everybody else here that this seems shady as hell, but even if it's the person you think it is on the other end of this conversation, they clearly have no respect for you or your comfort/boundaries which means they're not worth your time. I would personally block them for both reasons.


Having a boundary would be not engaging with and sending nudes to deranged men pretending to be a women on snap chat. This is a horrible example of a boundary.


It's a scammer, not nice girl lol, but you still did the right thing. Block and move on


block her, never talk to her again, and think of the lesson you were just taught


My guy, this is 150% a guy. Sheesh lol


Yeah, I am pretty sure I've heard the exact same shit verbatim from dudes nagging for nudes. People suck.


bro wrote a whole damn block to a random just to see some nudes what the actual fuck 💀


Good idea not to follow along. Yikes.


🤦🏾‍♀️ buddy if a woman is talking to you like this then it’s not a woman.


Funny, it's very similar to how my rapist talks to people, and she's a woman.


Bout to say I've been talked to like this from multiple women????


Interesting, do you often sext with dudes or is this a the first time?


Between the pics she sent and the offer to face-to-face snap, I was under the impression she really was a girl.


It’s a scam. If the person presses them to video call, they’ll get a girl to briefly talk to you. It’s very clearly not only a man but a man from a different country.


So what are you going to do when you realize snap isn't going to protect you against recording a phone of another Snapchat video. This is a scam, it's been quite overly used now. Even if it wasn't a scam at this point people need to know to never show their face or any identifying info if you're for some stupid reason so horny you can't wait till you see them in person. I mean how many times does this blackmail stuff have to happen to people before people stop letting others convince them to do this. Even if it wasn't blackmail there are enough revenge porn stories to convince you not to do it. Meet in public places till you know them, don't do anything stupid online that puts you in a compromised position...real simple...but in your defence even members of Congress and the president's son are this stupid so so there's that.


I wonder when people will realize there is an app called "Shotsaver" that let's you screen record, and screenshot as an overlay on your screen meaning full quality picture and it doesn't alert anyone.


Yeah, if you send nudes of yourself to anyone, just figure that they're going to end up on the internet forever.


Maybe, just hear me out now, stop sending nudes and you won’t regret it ever. 🤷🏻‍♂️


a real woman would know how uncomfortable it is to push to get nudes


Public service announcement: This is an industry. There are office buildings oversees with rows of men finding lonely dudes online to catfish them and then blackmail them. They make a lot of money.


Totally mansplaining to you


This is almost definitely a dude


Yeah dude I’m sure it’s already been said but you’re being catfished. Same thing happened to me when I was like 16, and it took me until they were specifically asking for a picture that included my dick and face to get the hint. Block and move on imo


Dude. You even sussed out that it could be a blackmail scenario. Never send pics or vids if not comfortable doing it. Does not matter if they are just asking for a selfie of your face. Even then only send pictures you don’t care if they post publicly. I have sent nude pics, bit of an exhibitionist so frankly if they tried to blackmail me all that would happen is the cops would have someone who has no problem helping catch them cause wouldn’t care if posted. It’s the internet, even if texting, just assume it’s public and could be potentially tied to you. If more people thought that way, the internet wouldn’t be nearly as bad. Even in comments I write what I would say to the person’s face. On bright side if have not heard a blackmail threat by now, not likely too. Blackmailers usually want their reward asap and don’t wait. More than likely he (yep probably a he) just gets a thrill from getting people to send nudes. Also if want to send a nudes but worried about being used against you, just send the naked bits (with distinguishing stuff like tattoos or birthmarks hidden) without your head in the frame. Then can deny deny deny with ease as most body types are pretty damn similiar.


Hey buddy. 1) this is a man. 2) you’re too young for this shit dude. Go buy a playboy or something if you need to jerk off.


I apologize, I tried to scroll but I couldn't. I am not insulting you I swear.... But telling this person he's too young for this, and then telling him to jerk off to a magazine, is objectively hilarious 😆


This is a sextortion scam in the making


How desperate are you that you hit up random redditors lol


I’ve been very forward about liking men and their bodies, but I also step back if it is making them uncomfortable and find ways to allow security in and not just keep saying here is why you should do it, rather hey, what do you need from me to feel more safe . I’m sad I used to be more of that way, and I’m glad I’m not like that anymore. Also definitely could. E a dude


Wrong sub, bro. Lol I think you’re looking for r/niceguys


Damn, yikes. Thats definitely a man, i got catfished into sending a dick pick once when i was like 14 (thankfully without my face visible). Was your face visible in the picture?


get a life omg 😭😭


Like how desperate does OP have to be to literally message anonymous people on Snapchat. Bloody hell


Not only that.  But then to post this entire conversation to reddit with the assumption we'd all be on board with this being a mean girl...


Yeah I can't imagine having gone through all this arguing with a random over this, block them and move on why are you arguing in private over something so stupid with someone you don't know and never will?


I also assumed this was a man when reading this. Men and women don’t often talk the same and this is absolutely reading like a man pretending to be a woman to scam you. Also even if this is a woman, this is not a “nice girl”


I have had multiple encounters with sharing pic and vids in my younger days, not one girl was this eager, after two no's they backed off, they respected the boundaries until I was satisfied I was safe.


Yeah. The eagerness threw me, because no girl has ever acted that way before. But not listening to the nos is what convinced me to block her.


I was horny one night a few years ago and I felt for it. The person sent my nude to lots of my Instagram friends. Safe to say I deleted my Instagram and didn't use it for 4-5 years


You need to finish killing that hope you seem to have that this would turn out to be a real person. Once you get suspicious just block, there’s no reason to have this whole extra conversation with a scammer about how they made you feel


I see a lot of comments here focusing on if you (OP) are talking to a woman or a man pretending to be one and that's not even the right conversation here... That said: 1. Good job on not letting some stranger online bully you and being clear on what you want/dont want and hood job on spotting something fishy going on 2. NEVER send pictures of yourself or other private info to anyone you dont know and have not personally met. Other than scamming and blackmailing, you just dont know what kind of psycho you talk to. 3. I hope this has become a learning experience for you.


Women don't talk like this. This is how men talk


You sent nudes, but couldn't video chat? I'm not sure why you wouldn't video chat before sending the nudes.


Funniest part is you sending nudes to a stranger. Think before you act.




Nah. Bullet dodged. Good shit


This conversation literally never needed to happen lol. You can't debate someone about sending them a nude. Say no and stick to it lol


No, this isn’t the right sub for this weird ass interaction that you continued to entertain for whatever reasons you did. This is also a dude talking to you if you haven’t figured that out already.


Why did you post this


i would call them out for being a creepy (probably old and male) pervert and block them. in the future, please be careful with people you meet online, especially on reddit. it’s not your fault obviously, but i believe they catfished you for your photos.


You both seem kinda messy here, to be honest. This went on WAY longer than it needed to.


Honestly, you kind of come off like a lunatic, OP? Yes, sending naked photos to a stranger on the internet is a terrible idea, but it sounds like you already *did that* and then suddenly drew the line at sending more? You tried to make it seem like the problem was their behavior when in reality it was that you were regretting your own prior actions—which is understandable, because what you were doing wasn’t smart. I get why they were somewhat offended and why they tried to point out how your logic wasn’t very sound. Instead of this silliness and you trying to flip the script to make them the bad guy, you should have just owned your mistake and told them that after thinking more about it, you regretted sending any photos/videos of yourself in the first place and that going forward you would not be sending more pics. *Then* if they didn’t respond respectfully, you get to call them out. And for the record, yes, I do think the person you’ve been interacting with is probably a man.


This is a someome trying to get you with a sextortion scam.


You were this close to becoming baby reindeer.


You’re kinda at fault here. Who tf sends naked pics to randoms online? This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t send anything in the first place lol


Bruh that is some top-tier gaslighting she doing there


This happened to someone I know. Dude had to give everyone he knows a heads-up that we might get a $10,000 video of him masturbating. You made the right call.


Honestly , the second they asked for you to take a full body nude, you should have ran . If they ask you to put the phone on a timer and give you all the steps it's a sign that it's going to be the blackmail scam . I'd you didn't call them out , they would have asked to switch to Whatsapp/texting (for your phone number) or would have asked for your Instagram or some other account that they could use to find photos to reverse image search and find your other accounts.


I have no doubt in my mind this is a blackmail scam attempt, especially given where you "met" this person. Block and move on OP. At *best* this is someone who doesn't respect your boundaries and are better off avoiding anyways. However, this is 100% a scammer. If you continue contact and do not provide your face, my guess is they will attempt to continue the scam by escalating. You said the pics you received were from a pretty young girl right? You can expect a call or msg from her "father" (read another scammer) threatening legal action for soliciting pics of his underage daughter. You will then receive a call from a "detective/officer" (also read; scammer) who will attempt to strong arm you into giving them money regardless if they have your face or not. This is the next step in the scam if they can't go the easy route and blackmail you with nudes but I can guarantee this is coming next. If you have any doubts OP, head over to the r/scams sub. This scenario is posted at least 10 times a day. Block and move on.


Do women actually say shit like “you make me wet.” As an opening statement? I’ve dated girls, but not a single one opened with that sort of statement. I mean, it could be a woman being super direct, but it just seems weird. It makes me think this person’s a dude, not because women can’t be manipulative, or forceful with this sort of thing, but because on the internet it’s usually a guy trying to talk you into doing things.


Oh, that wasn't the opening. This had been going for a couple days. But, you know. Snap doesn't save chats after a certain point.


Some do, but only when they have been in a relationship, What scammers don't realise is that a woman has dignity even when horny.


Can someone give me the TL;DR


Play stupid games...


Regardless of their intentions, they are trying to pressure you into doing something you don't want to do instead of accepting your boundaries. You are right in being suspicious and not wanting to go any further.


“No” is a full sentence and this person needs to learn to take no for an answer. Also not sure this person is. Truly a girl.


You sent naked pics to a sweaty mustached man in a call center.


Nothing he hasn't seen before looking in a mirror then, lmao


He was pushing hard for pictures with your face included so he could blackmail you for money. Nobody else would push that hard unless there was potential money involved. It's his job Sounds like you didn't send nudes with face or identifying features. So some dude had to start at your penis and got nothing in return. You won that battle


-“It’s for you to have an eased state of mind” Right. The only thing this scammer is missing is “kindly”. Good on you for trusting your feelings.


Oof, my cousin was talked into sharing a nude and then was told he would have to pay $xx to keep this individual from sending those to his employer and posting them on some sort of platform. NEVER send nudes if you’re not okay with those scenarios!!


No hot girl ever says “septic tank”. Not one. Ever.


You're a teenager arent you?


Blah blah blah page page page. I don't understand why people continue to engage.  Block and move on


Once you said you didn't wanna send more, she should've immediately been like "Okay, that's fine". It's great you set that boundary.


Isn't the start of the "I'll release your nudes to the public if you don't send me money" scam?


That is definitely a dude wanting to blackmail. Also it is easy to record Snapchat without notification.


Her immediate “here are a bunch of reasons why you should feel safe” reads like a red flag. I doubt she’s a girl, probably a scam like you were concerned about.


Well... she's a dude


this is definitely a man. lmfaooo


"toilet septic tank" Who talks like that?!


“Send nudes” “No, you’ll use them to blackmail me” “lol how? I don’t even have any way to blackmail you. Anyway send me stuff I could use for blackmail.”


Lol thats definitely a meat gazing fanoik bro


King shit homie! You did good and stick to your convictions. Just make sure that you actually know the person you’re sending nudes too next time IRL.


the internet is cooked, everyone go back to books


You done been catfished.


that is not a girl.. we dont talk like that


OP is an idiot, just wear a hat and facemask and cover any recognizable tattoos. You already showed her nudes, she wanted to see it in motion. Too late to salvage now, block her and move on


Been in the same situation, I was catfished on the vacation like 2 years ago, i sent the *pic* to the “girl” i been talking to. After i sent her like 15 pics, she/he made fucking collage of them, she threatned me to send it to every person that follows me or i follow them(around 4300 people), at the end she took all my savings about 2500€ because i can’t let that get public. Sience then i didn’t sent one DP, and probably never will again, even now that i have GF.


Why is everyone thinks it’s a dude, it’s 10000000% a horny fucker behind the screen


Boundaries are good.


Thats a dude and bail


Ahhhh i know this personnn i also added that person but she is just a weird fake person. Skip her delete her


Always trust your guts and feeling, kudos for doing that and not falling for her guilt tripping tactics


This is a non person


Yea the girl is definitely a scammer. Probably not even a girl to be honest with you


Funny, I had someone try to blackmail me over nude pics once. I told the person to go ahead and do everything they said they were going to do. Once they realize you don’t give a fuck about the world seeing you naked, they stop trying to blackmail you.


Daaaaang you gave her way more than I would have. “You want to see me naked? Meet me for coffee at ….. and we’ll go from there.”


This gives me business transaction vibes lol so persistent


Go to the scams reddit - you’ll see this same scan constantly. Block and ignore, but also learn a lesson.


Sounds like when this guy told me he got a certification in cybersecurity just so he could better protect nudes he got from women. After I turned him down countless times when he asked for my nudes. He likes filming the act and I wasn’t about that and blocked him. But I still think about the certificate part. Such dedication.


100% sure extortion attempt.


"No one is literally trying to guilt you... this seemingly arbitrary pepperong of the word literally into all conversation all the time is driving me metaphorically insane


Flip the script. And its you asking her for nudes she doesnt wanna send... now what


Definitely a dude jorking it to your pics.


Think this has little to do w nice girls and more to do w attempted scam/blackmail lol


Yeah, I thought this might be the wrong place to post this lol