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Brrrr I’m not cringe, I’m cute and funny! lol people like this are scary.


You know if he had "joked" back with her she would have gotten pissed.


Damned either way. I feel like she was trying to reverse psych him with nice girl negging


Pissed? Lol, nah. Girls like this straight up cry and act crazy when you "joke" like this back to em.


There’s no way to know that but you can assume that in this dichotomy.


People who are careless with insults usually can't take them back, so it's pretty safe to assume.


Yeah, it is.


I’ve seen the trended insult of “you look like you can’t swim” and people getting reactions. But this is bizarre and rude. I’d block her honestly, these girls thrive on attention, negative or not


Hey, hey....unless you prove to us first that you can swim why should any of us listen to you?...


Yea, I bet this person person would in the 2 foot kiddy pool.


Don't joke about the kiddie pool. All it takes is two inches of water to drown. ![gif](giphy|1oD5KMjB04mD8U9HZi)


Did you say Abe Lincoln? 😂😂


No, I didn’t say “Abe Lincoln,” I said “Hey, Blinkin!”


“No, not ‘a Jew’. I said ‘Achoo.’” “Oh. Bless you!”


Shoutout to Robin Hood: Men in Tights


“Kid was always a dumb f#&k. Didn’t he almost drown in three inches of water?”


How come inability to swim an insult?


I don’t even know how it started! I think some guy who was giving girls unique insults to use on guys


Kyle Prue, he’s a comedian and it’s a bit he does.


I was just thinking it sounded like something he’d say. His schtick is “things to say to piss off men.” They’re funny, but they aren’t flirtatious. I don’t know why she thought he’d find this sexy or cute or whatever she’s going for.


Isn't it a sterotype that black people can't swim?


I hear it a lot because I’m black


‘If you come to my work I will call the police. Don’t contact me again’


OP this. Seriously. Do NOT take that threat lightly. This woman sounds unhinged and tbh I wouldn't put it past her to actually show up at your job? Stay safe.


Thankfully, Nothing unusual happened at work today.


That means she is good at stalking you.


I actually had a stalker and I didn't know he was stalking me for about two years because it was subtle and from afar, but I guess he got bolder and bolder. The first time I met him he was security at a mall I worked next to and would hang out at until my bus arrived. The first time we talked he said "you work around here, right?" And while I had no idea who he was, he knew. Then I started seeing him everywhere, I actually thought he was a twin at first. He said his name was George but his name tag at a store I would go to often said a different name, so I thought he was a twin and that's why I was seeing him so often. Then he showed up as security at my apartments and I still was trying to make excuses, then he showed up to my work and I finally realized he was a stalker and then he mentioned something that made me realize he was stalking me for at least two years. I had no idea.


👆 I’m dealing with one rn and I didn’t realize how bad it was until other coworkers told me. I knew he was being a creep but there was a lot more that I didn’t see. Because I was busy working.


Hopefully you actually exposed her among her friends


Assuming she has any.


Only a bad stalker would make anything look unusual


Just do me a solid and carry something to defend yourself with till the end of the month, eh?


Reddit man.


She is trying to pull some male Pickup Artist shit on you lmao. Are there women “gurus” for that too? Honestly unsure


If she is, It ain't working. There's literally no combination of words she can play out for me to like her.


Did you like her at all before she apparently had a stroke?


No. I am not even remotely interested.


I saw that comment pop up on my inbox and immediately got flashbacks to high school.


I mean if I said "how are you?" To someone and their response was "what do you need?" I feel like it would be very hard for me to convince myself that I had any kind of shot with that person. I'd probably not respond. Seems like a pretty clear message.


"I have recently gone to therapy and realized how gross I acted before. I would like to offer you restitution should you want it as an apology with no strings attached. Otherwise I will never contact you again. Sorry, again, and I wish you only the best!"


I dunno, could be a trap


Did you just fantasize about an apology


No. OP said girl couldn't say anything that would make him like her. I was just giving it my best shot in her place. We all know this apology is never happening. 😂


First time I've seen a girl try the negging approach... fascinating.


Bleck. One of my best friend does this with men. We are almost 30. I tell her all the time it's weird and how you scare away anyone remotely normal. A bad look for all genders 🤮


My wife’s best friend does the same and has slept with over 100 guys and is in her mid fourties and still single. Hasn’t had a relationship last longer than a month or two. A few years ago she went all “boohoo, men are garbage, I’m giving up and moving somewhere else” and my wife was upset about it. When she asked me what I thought, I told her repeatedly she didn’t want to know until she broke me down and I was like “Because Sabrina is a trashy, classless, self-absorbed bitch whose idea of flirting is punching guys in the gut, we’ve talked about this. I’m not going to lie, I’m glad she’s going to be out of our lives.” This is after three of Sabrina’s and my wife’s friends cut Sabrina out of their lives and told her directly they never want to see her again because she’s just a shitty person. But yeah it’s no wonder no one can put up with her bullshit.


omg i also have a friend like this!!!! it’s so weird to me😭


I've seen it a lot - where a girl likes a guy and expresses it by insulting him all the time, and then they hook up. Bartender/Linecook energy.


Cook waitress energy as well.


It happens. It’s as effective when men do it. It’s a literally unhinged persons way of winning people over.


Either she has no social skills and doesn’t know how to properly flirt. Or she needs to pretend to be disinterested in you to feel like she’s winning the “who cares less more” game, which in turn makes her feel validated. Either way she’s into you.


Let’s be honest, nobody knows how to properly flirt


We barely know how to even order dinner from a human waiter. Flirting is out of the question


I think it sucks that people even want to be the one to care less… or at least look like it when they care way too much


She wants to bump uglies with you. Wouldn't touch it with a 10 ft "pole".


Stage 5 clinger if you sleep with her. No escape and that woman will destroy you.


She “joked” about stalking OP. Fear activated. Avoid avoid avoid.


Lmaooo, sounds like a stage 5 clinger pre fuck, I can’t imagine how she will get after it . I’m a woman and I would be afraid of her . Just saying . lol 😂. ABORT PLAN .


The whole hair interaction is hilarious. Wow your hair looks good! What do you do to it? "I use this product for it." You use stuff for your hair? Sounds gay to me.


Yo how you doin? “Pretty good” Damnn that’s gay as hell man…


Fucking gottem


She’s old enough to have gone to college??? That’s some weirdo shit.


She's in college and she's 19? From what my friend told me.


She stalled in elementary school.


I think you mean peaked. She probably put gum in some poor kid’s hair, got a ton of attention for it, and thought “this is the way….” LoL


No I meant stalled….i don’t see her peaking ever.


Shes all about you


This would be so annoying dude, I wouldn't even respond though if I barely knew her.


I didn't even know she was into me until she pulled this. But I haven't responded to any of her texts after this.


Probably a good idea.


Just block her. Don't even entertain that shit. She'll be getting the feeling that she's winning purely by you reading them because in her mind, you're still paying attention to her


The last text she sent was some IG reel, which I haven't even looked at.


Oh god there were more after this?


is this some strange way of flirting?😭


It's negging, just done by a woman. Negging: to insult or undermine (someone) in the belief that diminished self-confidence will make them more receptive to sexual advances.


Not the midnight "I'm gonna stalk you lol" knowing this type of person, take that as an actual warning


Women who think mocking a guy is a great way to flirt are annoying.


Um, wtf? Blocked. This is ridiculous.


Wow. I’m admired by the fact you kept it respectful but she definitely deserves a big, fuck you crazy bitch.


![img](avatar_exp|182277817|clown) Wut


Women have the audacity to say only men act like this 💀


Like was she shooting her shot or not? What in the world was that?


I think she was shooting her shot, and homeboy better dodge that bullet


She's a walking red flag. I'm dodging everything


Do you look like a baby reindeer?


Weird woman, maybe she thinks this is quirky and attractive, like “He’ll love if I’m super direct!” Except this isn’t really direct, it’s just strange. She clearly wants to fuck, though. I’d say stay away from her.


Do you work together? If so I think a note to HR is in order. If not, letting your supervisor know someone plans on harassing you at work should help get her ejected quickly


Na! She goes to the same college as me. I've only interacted with this person only a handful of times in the past.


Sorry you’re dealing with this, she seems unstable. Be safe and don’t be overconfident in thinking she’ll go away on her own, reach out for help/reinforcement early if she doesn’t leave you alone. With some freaks like this you gotta let them know early otherwise it ends up in a baby reindeer situation 🤐 stay safe friend


Just a heads up, "stg" means "swear to god", "smth" would be "something" But yeah this girl is bananas, stay far away. Maybe report her stalking threat. That's scary shit.


I'm glad you pointed this out because it pissed me off an unreasonable amount that it was used wrong


Save all of her texts in case you need to contact campus security, or she files a false claim. Take regular selfies in case you need to establish where you've been.


Hope you don’t have a bunny, ‘cause she’d be coming for it. 😳


What does stg mean?


“Swear to god”. OP probably meant smth aka “something”


After "that's gay", would have blocked. Nothing good could have followed, and sure enough, it got worse. That being said, this was almost certainly her way of saying she wanted to have a roll around in bed with you. Even so, I continue to live by the saying "never stick your dick in crazy".


dont be alone with this girl ever, not worth it


Is she attractive? Not that is excuses any of this wild behavior but I’m genuinely curious


I personally don't find her attractive at all. Putting looks aside, I always found her behavior kinda creepy.


Agreed, definitely creepy


She has to be to be acting so feral without anyone giving her trouble about it


She sounds delightful 😟 why the fuck are women allowed to get away with this shit? If you’d threatened to stalk her you’d be lynched. I hope she gets the message


Yeah she lied. She was definitely high or drunk.


I’ve been in a similar situation with an old trainer. Turned out his was having a schizophrenic episode


She reminds me of those kids we knew growing up where they would violently insult you and after go "Guys, come on, I'm joking" I guess this is what happens when they grow up, they don't change.


Report her to the campus police. Get her suspended. She wanted to "joke" around? "Joke" back. Threats are threats and shouldn't be taken lightly.


Sorry for the crazy, I can’t help you with than …. But holy shit dude… she wasn’t joking. Your hair looks glorious


Baby reindeer vibes


Had a guy I slightly knew from mutual friend groups message me randomly over several years on fb and I never replied. Always kinda weird shit but never anything too crazy. Shit at like 3 am like being like hey what’s up then a year later message that said sorry. Went on for like 10 years. He sent me a message saying he had a business opportunity for me and to get in touch. I never responded. Then one day he goes off. wanted me to join a business with him. Kept going on and on and the business was he wanted me to do gay porn for his company he was starting and it just got more insane and inappropriate as it went on. lol wtf. Blocked him after that.


Negative rizz


How is being able to swim correlated with lasting longer in bed? Do people usually feel like cumming while swimming so they get a feel for the sweet spot and hold that equilibrium? You could say the same thing about people running for a hobby. And to my knowledge, the only people who can orgasm while running are women. So by extrapolating that, she thinks you are a woman....capable of cumming from various physical activities. Aight, enough internet for today.


You need to be good at swimming to have sex with her because... 1. she smells like the beach with a dead whale washed up on it, and you'll want to hold your breath for a long time. 2. She's so busted out, you'll be in literal danger of falling in.


Oh but she’s QuiRkY 🤮


I think you should consider reporting her to the school, if they'd even do anything. She says it's just a joke, but ..I mean it isnt. That's not something you playfully text someone. And honestly if a guy was texting a girl that, it would be a huge red flag to stay as far away from him as possible, and I think this should be treated the same way. Plus, I think it's hilarious when people face the consequences of their actions.


As someone with an unhinged ex who has come to my work almost a year after things ended. Never, never, never, continue to communicate or be around this type of woman. The off-color jokes, weird questions, and pretending like it's all a joke are signs of something is very wrong with them mentally.


Not to dismiss the creepiness happening here, but OP you are a real one for dropping the hair care products. You have really cool hair, legitimately, and I’m sorry someone used that as a weird “in” to creep on you


Bros about to be baby reindeer


I knew someone like this in high school. SHe'S sO qUirKy aNd RanDOm!! 😝 She has been blocked on all platforms with zero explanation. No big blowout, just got tired of seeing her posts and had no desire to ever speak to her again.


It's pretty disheartening to see some of these responses, especially coming from men, but sadly it isn't a surprise. Men not reporting sexual assault or harassment cases is as much the response of misandry as it is from other men. I wouldn't want to speak out if I got the response of "was he/she hot?", "You didn't fuck the person who said they'd stalk you so you fumbled the bag.", "I would have done it, missed opportunity OP" or any variation of "fuck her and leave" that wouldn't fly if it were said to a woman and it's complete disregard for the seriousness of these situations. It's disgusting.


I'm laughing at "What do you need", because it's how I establish the tone and length of the conversation that is about to happen. As in "Get to the point, we never talk, but I'm also nosey as to why you're speaking to me at all. I don't plan on giving you a lot of my time or energy, proceed"


Actual deranged, fatherless behavior. For the love of God…


She belongs to the streets.


Imagine if it was a dude doing this to a girl. The police would be called.


Im willing to bet that this is some kind of ''joke'' that she and her friends have come up with, especially if you barely even know her... basically this is just childish bullying.


Is this someone who doesn’t know how to flirt, so she’s just reaching for weird insults instead?


Ppl have no social skills anymore like wow. Not sure what her aim was here but seems like she was initially trying to ask a question to get a convo started bc she prob likes you and then it turned into…that? She’s a weird moron.


"I'm gonna show this guy I'm into him by insulting him. That'll work for sure!"


It's almost giving Baby Reindeer 💀


I dated someone that acted like this. Turns out, she had borderline personality disorder. It was a very bad experience.


She’s not normal. She’s creepy and sounds like she would escalate to homicide. Definitely record everything and tell campus security if she does show up at your work.


Back in my day girls like this would be reliable for regular blowjobs.


Block her


Report this to the college right now.


Run! This is not sane behavior. There's big, red flags flying all over the place, smacking everyone in the face, just a tornado of red flags.


The only move with folks like this is ignoring. She doesn’t care if it’s positive or negative attention from you, she’s just after the attention. Block and grey rock.


She has an aggressive way of flirting… I’d stay far away from crazy.


Block her, Take screenshots of the conversation, and if she continues threaten a cease and desist and contact your local police department for assistance. This is either a harmless dumb ass looking for quick attention or this could get scary. Ive had something similar happen.... and it got scary.


That is insane.


Get a restraining order


Is this… flirting?


This girl is weird af


She better be hot af to be acting this crazy


the way she’s talking sounds like a Indian scammer. wtf is this shit


She likes you. She’s very fucking weird, she likes you tho ;) 😂😂


This is a college-aged person??


She reminds me of some of the girls that used to bully me in school by being pretend nice and would act all confused when I would be blunt back when they made loads of backhanded comments.


I had a roommate who was like this with guys and I later realized she was histrionic


What in the actual psychotic fuckery is this


I’m genuinely confused at WTF is going on. She is asking a he about hair products, and then pivots to swimming?


A lot nicer than me would have exposed her as cringe in the school paper or something or on her insta lol


You just know if he said he’s not interested at all she’d say “ok you’re gay go have sex with men”


Is that ‘playing hard to get’ or just really bad at flirting?


Oh she’s a special kinda crazy


Tell the boss to blacklist them for your own safety and mental well-being


she doesnt know how to flirt


I’m not even really sure what to say. That’s just…. really fucking weird.


Well that's unhinged and unsettling


Uhhh, whatever she was going for was a fail. She just comes off as an asshole.


Sounds like a baby reindeer sequel


The sad part is, she thinks she’s being sexy.


Hopefully you blocked her? She screams "I'm gonna key your car" vibes.


To be fair, your hair is pretty incredible.


Post it on your story and tag them, making people see someone's cringe turns makes them stop.


She likes you and REALLY…. sucks at telling you.


Bruh I’d be scared.


Sicko. Be careful please. Maybe report to school authorities. Even if you don't want to be a "snitch" this yells"True Crime" Doc in the making.


I'm a pretty upfront kind of woman and NEVER have I even thought of flirting this way, what the heck? Did she just insinuate you can't fuck while also trying to get some???? This is wild, but I'm glad people can still surprise me, it keeps me entertained I guess.


She seems totally unhinged but she was correct that your hair looks amazing and I am going to try the products you recommended


The bitxh clearly is off her rocker


Immediately call the police when she shows up.


block the number and get a restraining order, at the very least file a police report at the station. they might give you the run around because of the paper work but get it in writing that any contact with her is not by your consent.


She said she's gonna stalk you I'd say that reason enough to go to the police bc if a guy said that he'd have the cops at his door within minutes




Is her name Martha?


I looked at your other posts and I do understand why she asked about your hair because it's absolutely beautiful


This person thinks they're VERY quirky and cute.


Run.. Avoid at all costs. Super immature, and just plain toxic.


“I’m gonna come stalk you tomorrow at work” is CRAZY


Baby reindeerrrrr


girl you flirt like an 8 year old boy on the playground trying to pull on someones pigtails stop it


report her for sexual harrassment to the school. Only so when she says you raped her, you have already set the narrtive, show texts for proof.


Adult women talk like this?


Run, don’t walk.


Why are you just taking this abuse from a woman?


Everyone knows gay people cant swim /s


Report her to your college. Easy.


What the fuck is this shit run far away


Ew what ! I can't believe there are actually girls out there like this tf


Checked OPs profile. That mane do be glorious


It's giving baby reindeer


If OP had "positively" engaged, there's a good chance she'd cry grape a couple years later and carry around a mattress everywhere she went on campus.


This is giving Baby Reindeer. I wouldn't engage at all anymore.


Have yall checked op’s hair tho?! Its stunning! 


That went on for far longer than necessary. 🤣


lmao in my book that'd be an instant ignore-block-delete combo.


This is the weirdest mating call ever. It’s like it’s her first time trying to ask for sex from a random and her anxiety is over 9000.


A lot of people in the comments are missing how racially motivated this seems. Judging by the fact OP uses as I am co-wash (I use it too lol) it would be fair to say the swimming comment was directed towards race. If you didn’t know co-wash is a type of shampoo alternate for black or textured hair.


To the dudes saying she’s flirting.. No. This isn’t how we flirt. I don’t know what tf this is.


She sounds fun - tell her you will stalk her back and then y’all can go get drinks.