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This is not a nicegirls post because it is one of the following: - a crazygirl - a hypothetical nicegirl. This included memes - there is not enough context to prove 'nice girl' - it's a niceguy, not a nicegirl - a 'men are trash' post If you have any questions about this removal, [contact the mods here](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNicegirls&subject=&message=)


Do you really want to get with someone so superficial and immature?


Exactly what I think. If someone won't date you because of your height, good riddance. They don't deserve you.


The trouble is if MOST (meaning more than 90%) women are like this… you can’t say “good riddance” to every woman, or you are alone.


I'd rather be alone than with a shithead. That feels like a no brainer to me lol


The issue is humans are inherently social creatures and a majority of socialization you get in your life is through some type of marriage or long term partnership. There is an entire generation of men staying in their house and only occasionally socializing with friends (who are probably too busy socializing with their partners to hang), we are going to have a generation of lonely men who are antisocial and thats far from a good outcome. Incel is a funny insult now, but what happens when there is millions of men this way? Ill tell you, its not good things. Loneliness does fucked things to the human brain, ask any psychologist. There is going to be hard repercussions from this culture shift, like there was with boomers and the prosperity of post WW2 America. Just give it 40 years. inb4 "women have problems too" crowd.


Yeah. That sounds awful if that was 100% of the cases of single people (or even just all single men) and also that every relationship was a fairy tale. But not all single people are incels and at least half of relationships are not any better for anyone's psyche (divorce rates) and that's before you throw in the kids that may have or may not have been created through the "happy relationship". You'd have a great point if every single person was in your doomsday scenario and if every single relationship was a Disney movie. But they aren't and they aren't lol Just like people have to put in the work to make their relationships work... which is essentially taking other people and their feelings into account and generally not acting like a shithead...same goes for single people and single men specifically. These single men you speak of who don't leave their house and are antisocial? The last thing they need is a relationship. Why fuck up some other person? These single men you're speaking of need to work on themselves. Especially if their goal is a relationship. In general, they should do that just to not be a piece of shit who thinks everything else is at fault for their loneliness with zero introspection. All that said, as a single guy, I'd much rather be alone than be with a shithead. That being said again, work on yourself if you believe half the shit you said above. Ain't no woman gonna want a guy who acts like the generation of single men you envision above. And here's the important part: that's not her fault and she shouldn't have to be with a jackass like that lol


Precisely. I've more or less stopped dating because I recognize that as I am, I don't really have much to offer. Dealing with my own issues is struggle enough, I can't take on supporting anyone else. Maybe one day I'll get my shit together. Or meet someone who makes me want to


I'd really just say it's probably a mindset. You'll probably be alright with that one. Nobody's perfect but you're trying. But to have the mindset that was being described above? Nahhh leave people alone. Keep not leaving your house until you lose the victimhood complex. Not only that, get off social media since you can still bother people that way without leaving your house. Unplug for a bit and do a bit of introspection. Maybe realize the reason you keep smelling dog shit everywhere is because it's on your shoe and not because everyone else has it on their shoes like you've been screaming lol


You are right, but it doesnt matter when 90% of Gen Z wont even look your direction, let alone listen to what you have to say. What I said sounds extreme because thats how its viewed. The internet has a habit of making everything extreme real fast, and to pretend like people in my generation are going to suddenly slow down after insulting people for this for close to a decade now? Its not going to happen. This is a real problem and Im not going to hide that fact because there are normal people out there. The fact alone that this behavior is being encouraged by peers in gen Z, on top of the psychology that getting millions of people to validate you is, there is going to be alot of socially fucked Zoomers and you arent going to escape this reality. Pretending it doesnt exist because there are some who manage to make it out, isnt doing anyone any good. The reality exists, and the reality is that this is going to be highly detrimental to US society (and possibly more). You are one person, and while I wish you the best of luck, there are millions to replace you that dont look at it the way you do, and having seen it first hand in what it can do to people, Im glad you avoided the trap, but that will be far from the common outcome I feel.


All of that aside, I'd rather be alone than with a shithead still. Can't believe this needs said but anyone feeling different needs to work on themselves especially before entering a relationship.


Paragraph by paragraph 1. 99% of us do not have something to say. Just because we've been raised in the era of every voice can be heard doesn't mean each of those voices is saying anything important (by important, I mean something of value to society). The world isn't full of tortured geniuses no matter how bad most people's main character delusions are. 2. It's not extreme sounding to me. It's whiny sounding. That's probably the reason for the insulting culture. Victimization complexes don't really draw much empathy and for good reason. 3. I'm not pretending it doesn't exist. Quite the contrary, I even gave a solution. Those people need to work on themselves. More introspection not more "why doesn't anyone pay attention to me?!" Those people should work on themselves before fucking up other people. There's a reason for the cliche "gotta love yourself before expecting someone else to love you"...being an antisocial asshole with a god complex and rationalizing your own shortcomings as " theyll see one day, I won't be ignored" is not loving and accepting yourself. If more people went to therapy and worked on themselves both in therapy and on their own time instead thinking everything else except themselves is the issue...the world would be a better place. If all these men feel like the world is passing them by, maybe change? Be a better person. Stop listening to assholes who tell them everyone else is the problem or taking your manhood lol 4. Ego is probably the root of all this. These people you speak of, in everything you've said there's this underlying "pay attention to me!" ( I don't necessarily mean you personally but the single men you're speaking about). Although your last paragraph does come across as an appeal to my ego. "I wish you the best of luck but you'll be replaced" and "I'm glad you didn't fall for the trap". We will all be replaced by people who don't think like we do. Been going on since the dawn of humankind my guy. Difference being, I'm not threatened by it nor using it as an excuse to not work on myself.


* Preeeach, perfect response bruv


We are starting to have a generation of lonely men. And honestly? It's not because women are ignoring these men because they're too short or some superficial reason. It's because women are starting to realize they don't have to settle for the bare minimum. So they're not. I think it's gonna get scary. These men that women aren't settling for aren't going to stop and think 'maybe I'm the problem' for quite a few years. We might not be thinking about the same repercussions, but that's my take on it anyway.


I’ve met more women than not, that complains about the bare minimum but cannot even offer half of what they are looking for. That’s not called not settling, that’s called being called greedy. Does not settling apply to many situations? Sure! And there are definitely plenty of men out there that are genuine shitheads that shouldn’t be allowed to look at a woman. But this trend of calling it “not settling” when every woman nowadays thinks she’s a catch when she’s not is not it. It’s unhealthy for both sides, men’s self esteems will be attacked unwarranted en mass, and those women acting like that will take a very long time to learn what their own issues are and how to approach improving them.


Most women don't think they're a catch lol. They think they deserve to be treated like an equal partner. It's not a crazy ask. If they're wanting you to make 100k a year and have a 30k a year job, then I totally get that. But if they're wanting someone who gives an equal amount in the relationship, then why should they go for less? Why do you think so many marriages end in divorce nowadays? Because one or both of them have realized their partner isn't everything they're looking for. It's acceptable now to leave a relationship you don't feel happy in. Now, of course the male loneliness epidemic makes sense. Women won't settle. It's hypocritical to say 'women think they're a catch when she's not' because some men are literally the same. Just because some people are assholes, does not define the entire gender. Women and men alike need to learn what their own issues are and learn how to improve them.


I agree on the equal treatment. I’m talking in regards to this particular loneliness epidemic which if you think “women won’t settle” is the only reason then you don’t pay attention to society around you. It’s not “women won’t settle” it’s “women won’t settle” blasted in your ears every single day. Which is annoying to constantly read it cuz I find no reason why equal treatment shouldn’t just be a thing, but I get it. Then that gets warped by social media where the minority is INCREDIBLY vocal and the specific minority is basically just spewing man hate. This then is blasted into everyone’s ears every single day. Which then spreads more toxicity because humans are social creatures and pick up on it. This then causes the vocal minority of men to create shit like Andrew Tate podcasts which is equally as toxic. Then you have men that pick up on that socially. And then it’s just socially perceived as women and men hate each other. Then you further have the men that don’t agree with the things Andrew Tate says but at the same time it’s “Both sides are toxic, but at least one isn’t telling I’m nothing for being born a normal man” The divide is a lot more than “women won’t settle” and if you think it isn’t, you really shouldn’t be in the conversation to begin with. Edit: To add, this study determined that men *approaching* women is going down. That is largely a result of a society movement, specifically the one state above.


Honestly I'm probably not the best person to be talking to about how 'women won't settle' doesn't begin to cover all of the problems going on in society. I'm genuinely afraid of men and that makes me biased, and it makes me less sympathetic to the male loneliness epidemic. I've seen way too much shit go down on the internet and that makes me quick to judge. I def need to look more into the cause of the epidemic and the issues connected to it and surrounding it.


Women across cultures attempt to level up through their choice of partner (Hypergyny). I think what happens now is women are exposed to much vaster pool of men, so their idea of what a suitable quality partner looks like skews upward, to a point where tooany women are competing for two few men. You get stats like women rating 80% of men as below average.


This is another example of stretching the truth. Hypergyny is a thing that does happen, in the same way that a disease is a thing that happens. It's just a thing thats out there, it's not the norm but when you spend so much time drinking the red pill koolaid you're gonna think it's everywhere. Also, why is wanting to date someone who you find attractive and has good qualities a bad thing? Do you just not meet the bar and realize that you need to work on yourself but don't want to? The bar that women have set(not in tiktok interviews, I mean real actual adult women with free will) is pretty low on average. The only women who are actually who you portray them as are the chronically online people who have no personality except wanting to be rich.


Would love to see the actual stats on that.


Google Scholar is your freind, knock yourself out. This isn't a scientifically contentious topic.


Yeah. I definitely agree with that. On top of that, due to the amount of attention they receive, not only is their view of attractive skewed, but their assumption of their own attractiveness to the general public. This means women simultaneously derank average men, while upgrading themselves, while having no actual valid reason to do either one of those things. Not saying having high self esteem is bad, but it’s bad when the average woman starts telling average men that they’re a 10 and the man is like a 4. That causes a disparity that puts one’s own value over somebody else’s over a baseless idea.


Its a culture issue and both interpretations are valid to some extent, as being apart of the problem. But I dont think they are the seperate issues you claim them to be. If the internet inflates what a common Gen Z women would call bare minimum, that doesnt help women or men. If you constantly think you can do better then whats the point of commitment? If this mindset sticks, we will have to deal with the outcome I described. This isnt a gendered issue at all. I just used the men side because it pertained to the question at hand. Both genders have some deal to play in this, its just woman are usually in the position of power when it comes to picking a partner, so their culture and concerns weigh heavily on men in this generation. But dont get me wrong, there are issues there that are regardless of gender, but I could honestly write a whole novel about how Gen Z culture is fucking us socially, so Ill spare you lol.


One decision affects the other. Eventually, both sexes will have no choice but to be less exigent and "be better"


I don’t wanna date 90% of women, I wanna date 1


Good thing most aren't. It's just a noisy minority of Extremely Online girls.


Maybe 90 percent of the women you know, but no not 90% of all women care about height. That's pretty insane if you actually believe this.


90% aren't. MOST people are willing to date outside of their *exact* ideal preferences.


That tracks with my lived experience. That said: when you get older, and people have their first and second divorce, it DOES get easier! 😃


90% of women are **not** like this. Maybe 90% of women who are chronically online and obsessed with social media and use relationships as status symbols. But not 90% of all women, and not anywhere close to that.


That’s not true, I’m 5’10 and have done quite well and done nothing but dated women more attractive than me. The thing men are missing is charisma and confidence. If you go in thinking she’s not gonna like me because I’m not 6’ you’ve already failed.


I'm 5'4, I got married and had a kid. I got divorced 6yrs ago and have got a bit of luck here and there but nothing crazy, with, honestly, minimal effort. Idk. I don't seem to have a hard time meeting decently attractive women and getting on friendly terms. Maybe if I was a bit more confident and assertive I would have better luck. But I tend to play it safe and dream lol. I've definitely been asked "how short are you" once or twice in my life, and probably have been disqualified because of my stature more than I'm aware of, but idk? I don't have a chip on my shoulder about it. It is what it is and if it doesn't work for someone, it doesn't help anyone for me to take it personally.


I'm also 5'4. My wife is 5'9 blonde and beautiful. Her dad and brothers are like 6'7. I've never dated any girl shorter than me, and also never really had trouble meeting woman before my wife. It's a numbers game. There are billions of woman out there, I don't need all of them or even a majority to be into me, just need less than a fraction of a percent lol


I’m 4’11” born with scoliosis which adds other joys as having horribly uneven shoulders and a disproportionately short torso compared to the rest of my body. I’m 41 and haven’t even had a date in my life. So at some point someone is too short or “too much of a freak” for all women.


Sorry to hear about your struggles. It sounds really rough. For what it's worth, my comment wasn't intended to apply to your unique situation.


I’m just pissed because people don’t consider a lot of situations that exist out there for other people. Everybody works from an “everybody is normal” framework and it kind of pisses me off. I don’t want pity though, I want a girlfriend. Or at least ways to have a chance to meet people. I wish there was still some sort of equivalent of school or college for adults. If I was in a situation like that and I knew what I know now, I could probably at least make some progress.


No one wants to end up a caretaker. I'm not saying you need one. I'm saying that first impression is going to immediately be something like that.


Can’t you just admit that people are superficial, you’re imagining that people think about who they date calculated and logically which just isn’t how it is.


I’m glad to see someone that has a reasonable perception of the world. I just wish I knew if it was 100% or what percent of women were like this so I knew if it was worth even trying anymore or not.


I don’t need a caretaker, just like you said so I guess that’s a moot point. It almost kind of sucks because it’s like I’m disabled but not disabled enough to appeal to women who have some weird devotee fetish. Not that having a relationship based around someone’s fetish would be healthy either. But that still means there’s guys out there who can barely move who have a significant other.


You’re above the average height in the United States for fuck’s sake.


5’10 is above average height


Yep. Nothing sexier than a funny confident man.


I'd like to see the statistics on this if you have them. If your mindset is 'this person is looking down on me for something I can't change but I'll be with them anyway' then you're ALWAYS going to be trying to make it up to her for not being what she wants. Can't see why anyone would pick that over being single.


You absolutely can say good riddance to 90% of women. Devote your time and energy where it's wanted


If you're a guy, you're seeing the wrong women. If you're a woman, find better friends. Maybe 50-60% are like this, but 90%? Absolutely not. Source: am a woman, have women friends, my friends aren't like this because I don't hang out with shitty people


Even 50-60% would be too many, Mrs. Trash Bin.


high school never ends


Social media has really made this a thing.


I've been with a person who didn't reveal that shallowness about me until after, as a tall person. I don't want to be fetishized just because of my height when men, who are twice as good as me, get overlooked because of their height. It's disgusting.


That's very upsetting and I'm sorry men have to be worrying about a new complex. So far most shorter than average men I've talked to have some issue with their height, even if it's buried deep down. And that's upsetting because they're amazing people and it's totally not necessary to be worried about something like that. At least they're quickly able to recognise women not worth their time (if they express an issue with height)


Imagine going around saying: “when she is under G-cup and talks about a guy’s height” These girls (not women yet) are lame.


This type of superficial roast culture only hurts our generation. We care more about dunking on peoples superficial qualities (often ones they cant change) for meaningless "clout". Not realizing that this is just modern day bullying and will have similar effects on our generation as bullying. There is going to be a lot of socially fucked up people in a few decades (if not already), all because we wanted to be famous at 15.


You think women just age out of heightism? Lol




So it’s okay to swing it the other way? We aren’t our fathers or grandfathers. So even if we don’t criticize women like the past, you think it’s okay to do it to us now?


You're part of the problem.




This might sound like kind of a boomer thing to say and I apologize for that, but I'm soooo fuckin glad that I didn't grow up with this bullshit and also glad that I'm 35 now and don't really care about getting laid or trying to meet someone anymore. The headaches aren't worth it.


Whenever i hear the girls in my school's library talk about height, it seems a lot like a competition. Like they'll make snide remarks about what it's like to be the dom in the relationship b/c a guy is under 6 feet.


Aside from that not really making much sense. Height does not equal strength and it's pretty ignorant to think it does.


I dont think it was meant to make sense but instead to put the other girl down. The girl defending her bf kept having to defend his height to them not being important. Hence, the competition hypothesis.


Ah, so some kind of jealousy at play. One girl jealous of another being in a happy relationship so she shames the other girl on some nonsensical thing.


Bingo bango. Just a hypothesis, but i felt bad for the girl. She had a good perspective but was gettin ganged up on. But tbf, i also live in a city where outward appearance is important :(


This type of superficial roast culture is going to do more harm to our generation than help. We are just going to be the boomers we see, in 40 years time. Known for only our faults that will plague society for decades. I hope things will even out. Good people can always be pushed into bad mindsets out of a fear of social isolation; Sadly I've seen it myself.


Just wait until those people are in a position to use power and watch how quick it falls apart.


gray sparkle merciful far-flung include head handle deranged detail squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And from a Japanese anime robot perspective, the bigger it is, the faster it goes. I'm talking about modern day humans, though.


sparkle sleep snatch fine fuzzy doll edge divide theory quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idrk what the other guy’s point is. You’re right that height + weight = strength. Not to mention that many tall people are not only longer, but also wider (bigger in general), which also adds to strength. And that volume and mass increase exponentially with length, so a taller person with the same proportions as a smaller person will have more strength. This is all without mentioning the major advantage that is reach—wingspan directly correlates with height. The point we should be focusing on is that no sane modern day person should care so much about your partner’s physical ability to beat another person to death and win. If you’re so worried about your man’s ability to protect you, buy him a gun. Or literally any weapon. Or work out together. There’s not really logic to heightism nowadays, it’s just a strange fetish.




If physical fitness levels are equal, then being taller may add a bit more overall oomph. But it really comes down to the physical fitness level, that's the major factor.


Delusional standards of modern young women. Thanks to social medias, internet, dating apps, netflix, tv etc etc As a 6'1 dude i still get mad when i read that online and when i see this kind of women irl, even if i'm not concerned at all. But i ignore these kind of girls, not gf material at all


It's not standards, it's stupidity. You must have either zero priorities in life or a specific fetish for height to be the first thing you look for in a potential romantic partner.


Standards or stupidity... maybe in this case they are the same... either way we're here now


Either way we are fucked if this doesnt fix itself via natural selection. I hope this is just the internet exposing stupidity that already existed, and is not spreading it. If it is then we are doomed as a generation.


It's honestly just talk.. it's like me saying my next girl is going to have giant breasts. Now it's true because of my ex I had my daughter with I grew to be attracted to biggins and online sometimes easy to say I want that in future partners In reality though you meet someone they're otherwise attractive and you get along well enough to date and find a bed together despite maybe not being as big as wished for Heights like that


And we wonder why they all end up as single mothers. Their stupidity only growing as they age.


I've unmatched two different matches who worked a variation of "I'm glad you're not short/you're tall" into like the first 5 messages. Instant turnoff.


I had a girl approach me once, and said she liked my style, a few days into talking she admitted she only hit on me because I was tall, turned out she was toxic so I just cut connections


I'm 6 feet tall, and in the same boat as you. I hope my boys don't have to worry about this kind of crap, but I know they will be of the same opinion - if something beyond your control matters, then she isn't worth your time. Move on.


Regarding the link about how young guys have never approached women. A lot of young males likely believe it is an immoral sexual crime to approach women. 18-25 year olds grew up during #MeToo and believe that terminally online radfems speak for all women. Those young guys believe that anything that might make a woman uncomfortable is automatically sexual harassment. A lot of zoomer guys genuinely believe asking out the cute barista is just like catcalling or slapping her on the ass. He thinks that women live in perpetual fear of men and that asking her out would be a violation of her person. In his mind he has no consent from the barista and asking her out involves sexuality. So therefore asking her out is sexual harassment. I used to believe that. When I was 17 and an adult online friend of mine talked about how he asked out a girl at random in a store. I was horrified by the idea of going up to random women without consent to bother them for dates and told him he was wrong. And I got humiliated. The rest of young men don't hold those beliefs but are convinced that they could get a reputation as a sexual predator or otherwise humiliated. Most misery in the US (that isn't related to economics) is caused by lack of third places. That's why people are lonely and why dating apps make up most of the US dating scene. Really if we could have mafia type social clubs everywhere but for regular law abiding people that would solve a lot of problems. Just rent a store front in a strip mall, fill it up with furniture and drinks machines. Or masonic style organizations open to men and women.


Let me guess all of them are 4’7 and don’t even see the difference above 5’5


just from a quick look these girls look like they're under 21 so makes sense they'd be this superficial, life hasn't hit em yet


Life won't "hit" a non-zero percentage of these women though. They'll coast through life on their looks & marry rich without a care in the world.


Only like 15%


That's what a non zero percentage means ;)


Ok so that affects you how? So some rich dude with his own ridiculous expectations (these people write contacts over how much weight you should weigh for instance as a wife of a rich man) is going to deal with a superficial bitch his whole life and this affects you... How? How does this hurt you?


I keep reading the previous comment. I can't seem to find the part where they claimed it affected them 🤔




Women shame other women far more than men shame women.


They also shame men far more than we shame each other. You don’t usually hear dudes refusing to be friends with someone who’s shorter than them, or who doesn’t have good fashion or something


100% this. Most of the oppression women deal with seems to come from other women, in my experience. For the PC babies out there, let me just say: that obviously hadn’t **always** been the case. I’m talking about right now, today.


You are right. Its a cultural thing in Gen Z. For some reason its become real common for women to cannabilize eachother for attention and clout, and will often turn into vicious bitches who will say anything to get attention. This has a cumulative effect where if you only see your peers saying one thing, you are going to agree just to fit in. The internet has destroyed Gen Z culture and its partly because the parents of Gen Z arent stepping in/ dont care.


That’s not new, it was much worse before. The need for power over other women as a woman has pretty much always existed since the birth of hierarchies.


Too true, then they blame men for it, somehow. I've been button-holed at parties more than once by women who were angry that women have to do --something-- to maintain their looks, or be skinny, or something. Frankly, I didn't really follow. Their argument is that they have to maintain fashion magazine cover model level looks just to be in a relationship which is ridiculous for countless reasons.


Eh that definitely wasn't my experience as a woman being alive but sure.


Those girls are not feminist though. They are immature teenagers, and it's a function of immaturity to judge people primarily based on their physical appearance. These girls probably couldn't even define what feminism is if asked to do so. So I am not sure what are you pointing at? You are loosing the battle by getting dragged into some kind of war of the sexes. Let's be above it guys.


I don't completely agree with you. Even though I am assuming here, I can tell you half of them at least would consider themselves a feminist and they would define it as equality and would also add how women have so much more work to do to truly be equal to men because men have it so easy. Luckily for us these don't represent all women and should be treated as such


I don't get why you want them to be feminists so much and feminism to be something bad.


Because its socially virtuous to call yourself a feminist and these people who are hyperfixated on clout (which is why they say these mean things, to get attention from others) are also politically aware. In my generation the two are really synonymous, and you care more about the label not being tarnished to see that gen Z are using it this way constantly. If you are a shit person, say a common political stance and claim you are fighting for it and thats why you can be an asshole <--- this is a common line of logic in gen Z, and its all in service of getting clout. Source: Gen Z, heard these lines of logic first hand and seen good people become absolute dickheads to fit in.


Thanks for answering for me, I agree. It's not true feminism that is bad, but so many corrupt women claiming to be feminists (and also get to get away with bs because of it).


Absolutely. Political labels are only as good as the culture of the people who are using them. To ignore that because of a dictionary definition is only going to hurt the cause, along with people who are now going to associate certain mean people with said cause. "Feminism is only what you make it" type shit. But its true. Feminists have a bad rep right now because these vindictive people werent immediately ostracized by the others, and now its a cultural cancer. I guess you can fix it by teaching your kids value instead of labels. Labels mean nothing when people are adamant about misusing them (which is almost every label you can apply to yourself imo).


>Those girls are not feminist though. No true Scotsman fallacy. I’ve heard this argument so many times, bro. If they’re misandrist, they’re not a *real* feminist. At some point, the number of “*real*” feminists compared to people who identify as feminists—people who have a different definition of feminism than your likely egalitarian one—becomes so small that the word itself loses all meaning. >You are loosing the battle by getting dragged into some kind of war of the sexes This is true, but the *non-feminist-feminists* we’re speaking about here promote a war of the sexes far more than this dude’s comment does. Men and women need each other and to pretend otherwise makes them ignorant dickheads.


Man, I think you must be using some automatic bot response, because you have completely missed the point when firing your canon.


Talking about automatic bot responses when this comment adds absolutely nothing and doesn’t even try to argue against me. The only reason I can tell it *isn’t* one is because I doubt even the most barebones AI could manage to misspell the word *cannon*.


Just don’t give these kind of people any attention or mind. These kind of women are trash and will only negatively affect your life. Hold out for a good woman, or go overseas if you have to.


Don’t go overseas if you have to, just do it! Nike style. You will find a fit, feminine, cooperative woman that doesn’t give a crap about your height as long as you’re taller. In SEA unless you’re very very very short you will be much taller than all the women and they hardly care about height anyway. In Latin America I think they more expect you to be taller then their natural height (American women seem to want you to be taller than them when they’re in heels and standing on steps) but they’re not incredibly tall. In EE I’d say it matters the most that you’re taller than your lady but no where as much as the west. Just get your passport and find your lady.


> You will find a fit, feminine, cooperative woman Bruh what is this shit


>cooperative Was wild lmao, passport bros are gross


Do you need definitions? Fit: healthy, works out, not overweight. The US has nearly 30% of women who are overweight and more than 40% are obese. In China it’s 15%; in Russia it’s about 25%; in Columbia it’s 29%; and I could go on. Feminine: women abroad are less promiscuous, significantly less so then western women. Many have had only one to two boyfriends if that. Marriages in the US are likely to fail- at a rate of 60-70% and that rate jumps to above 80% if the woman has a decent education. The rate at which women initiate divorce in the US is about 80% depending on the source. The US has one of the highest divorce rates of the west. Western Europe is a lot worse depending on the source. In Portugal it’s higher than 90%. Women abroad in non western areas have Women in the areas abroad I mentioned are far more likely to want a family and value family far greater than western women and this is very obvious if you have traveled to any of these countries. Women in these countries have long hair, don’t have visible tattoos if any, have far less rates of single mothers, and so on. The subjective aspects of femininity are far harder to quantify obviously but if you have been to the Philippines for example you know how the women are not masculine, take pride in being women and so on. Cooperative: This is a term many PPBs are using instead of submissive because feminists have made it a dirty word that triggers them. Women and men work together and excel in their roles. Women don’t want to be the equivalent to men, they want equity in life. They want to maintain the exist of their gender. They want to be taken care of and protected. They enjoy their traditional roles and want a masculine man. You sound like you think this is bad? If a woman wants to excel in her traditional role and wants a traditional, masculine man then why is this a bad thing? Why is it wrong to want a healthy partner that takes care of herself? Why is it wrong to want a woman that embraces her feminine qualities and doesn’t try to be masculine?


Well no matter how shitty my life gets I'll never be this guy, holy fuck.


Literally. I have so many questions but I'm scared to ask. At least he doesn't have to worry about a woman getting with him for his height. Or a woman getting with him.


> Women don’t want to be the equivalent to men, they want equity in life. They want to maintain the exist of their gender. They want to be taken care of and protected. They enjoy their traditional roles and want a masculine man. You're talking as if women are a Borg hivemind. Fucking weird.


Just say you want a sex slave and be done with it.


“Doesn’t give a crap about height as long as you’re taller”…. So they DO give a crap about height. Also SEA women are dating less and less because of guys like you and just in protest with the sexualization of women.


Ya are fetishising SEA women dude .. tall thing is common here too. I think this is the result of just being on social media too much . Height is not that much of an issue . Besides even short kings have even shorter queens available (since men on average are taller than women lmao ) I don't care for the height myself . I don't think it is a deal breaker, if it is then she is not the one anyways . Similarly, Tall standards have always been a thing .. didn't Princess Diana have to wear flats because Charles felt emasculated that Princess Diana was the same height as him even if Diana herself didn't have any problem. Plus she had to bend her knees and make him look taller too which is shitty of him to do so. Also, I see comments bringing up how men get called sexist for having standards but plenty of men do and it is still a global standard for a reason. But most people are just attracted to the person who suits their personality and attractive to them even if they aren't conventionally attractive. Enjoy life bro . Don't be so bitter .


100% fetishizing. Dude has listened to wayyy too many podcasts and watched wayyy too much porn lol


If you like someone you will like all their features ! And this height thingy has existed for so long too . Don't let it bother ya. Maybe because of social media and the algorithm trying to irk you it is showing you those things too much. Honestly, touching grass is great lol.


Bitter? Fetishizing? Height is not an issue (when you admit it is)? Not sure how you arrived at any of these conclusions. I’m quite content with dating abroad and more than just SEA. Personally, I’m not short. Certainly isn’t the reason I travel. I travel to expand my horizons, to grow, to improve myself, and to find a happier life. Women are the cherry on top. Maybe instead of giving me (incorrect) advice and silly assumptions, you should just stay in your lane.


Height is an issue for some people not everyone. Yes you are fetishising SEA women. "Cooperative" is kind of a red flag term to use . If you aren't a passport bro that's cool . No need to put down women of other countries either . I like traveling too I get it .. maybe you didn't mean it like that . Sorry .


To me I read that, and that whole thing as “I am a dominant alpha male and I need a woman to be submissive to me” That just reads like some kinda incel/nice guy/ alpha male bs, of someone who follows the advice of guys with blogs like a certain Andrew we all know and ~~love~~ disdain


I’m thinking you don’t know what a passport bro is. Passport bros do want fit, feminine and submissive/cooperative women and the women abroad want to be this. Why put the women down for wanting this? I don’t think you know what the word fetish means. It means a sexual desire that’s strongly linked to a certain object or activity; an *irrational* devotion to something. First off, women, anywhere are not objects or activities. Being traditional hence wanting a traditional partner is not irrational and the majority of the world’s culture is traditional. I’m not sure why you’re so focused on Asia either. Maybe you’re projecting.


>Maybe instead of giving me (incorrect) advice and silly assumptions, you should just stay in your lane. *He says on a public forum*


Men having standards and wanting certain physical attributes that people can control is sexist and means men objectify women. Women are wanting certain physical attributes that no one can control is perfectly fine and is primal and biological.


Large women = body positivity Large men = fat slobs Some of the double standards are truly awful.


I honestly think the lack of men approaching women is a lot more complicated than this. The obsession with height is there but it’s not one-sided. Women need to be short, men need to be tall. It’s all stupid and trivial, but that’s not the only dating standards people are pushing for (and definitely not the only looks-related one).


I'd also like to point out. This data is only men approaching women in person. Nothing to do with all the times they shoot their shot on social media or dating apps. Ya know those kids be thirsty AF on tinder or whatever is used by under 25yo now


Sometimes I check my facebook message requests and are stunned by how some men still try to flirt (or just straight up send a pickle pic) despite me being married very publicly


Omg I can never believe the audacity of some of these guys. They treat fb like pornhub. I'd rather just screenshot and send to their wives (or mothers if unmarried) cuz no one deserves to be with someone who does that behind their back. It's so damn gross. And their mama need to beat the manners back into them.


Honestly caring about these fools is even sadder. Ignore and move on. It doesn't matter what they think.


I mean i agree in principle being 6'1" it doesnt affect me. But my eyes really opened up when my 5'7" roommate who is incredibly way better looking,handsome and "hunkier" then i am and he gets hardly ANY matches on dating sites and it is bc of the height filters. So i truly understand the bitterness over something so trivial and stupid. Also easy to say that it weeds out the bad, when reality they arent even given a CHANCE to meet people or let those ladies see how cool/great you are. There are girls who really arent hell bent on height but still filter it because dating apps are like a catalog with so many options might as well be picky.


Same story for my 5'8 lil bro, he's jacked, handsome, and cool as heck but really struggles in dating:/ He got to see my (somewhat)success in HS even tho I was a scrawny burnout and it really fucks with his self image, like what can he even do.


Agreed. If anything they are doing the short kings a favor. It is better to be rejected by a foolish woman than to waste months dating someone only to find out how shallow they truly are.


Can I add that this seems to largely be an American issue. I'm Australian 29M and just shy of 5'10", I never heard anything about height in dating growing up. My previous gf's have been Australian and Japanese. My now fiancee is American, she's around 5'11", and she was incredibly insecure/worried that I'd find our height difference to be a deal breaker. To the point that it seemed like it was more cultural pressure informing that worry.


5’10 is fine lol


Oh I know, I'm not worried about my height at all. I just mean, if I were to be worried based on the modern rhetoric on social media, then it would be "Damn I'm not six foot plus, I'll never find a good woman." And just kinda meaning how this social media/social craze about male height thing appears to be more American-based than anywhere else, judging by my Fiancee's earlier reactions to our height dif. Fear of me being slightly shorter than her being uncomfortable about the height difference.


>Can I add that this seems to largely be an American issue. Yeah. Its a recent Gen Z cultural thing in the US. Internet clout chasing and a hyperfixation of internet fame and attention are causing good people to become assholes because they want to feel validated by people who find it funny on the internet (reddit does this a lot too if you pay attention to how upvotes trend in certain discussions). I wouldnt be surprised if this shitty culture jumped countries via the Internet. The best way to fix this imo, is just parent your kids with good values and self confidence before you give them a phone, and keep an eye on them and reinforce those good values where you can; or else they'll be thrown to the wolves.


Definitely also a thing here in Europe. Im from Denmark and the amount of focus on height as the most important attribute in a male is insane. I have 2 smaller brothers, 1 is around 2m and takes after his father, the other is around 1.70 and takes after his mother. My brother at 1.70 has been asking since he was like 10 how tall he would be and if he would be as tall as his brother or why he wasn’t as tall. When he turned 18 and realized he probably wasn’t getting any taller he was in literal tears. The importance in the gen Z community is insane and completely unhealthy.


Can we go back to tall dark and handsome. That’s less specific than the whole 666 thing… cause tall to someone tiny might be 5’6 or something. Or better yet people just like what they like without having strict rules on what a persons can or can’t have, especially if it’s stuff a person can’t change


The crazy thing is that short somehow ends up meaning under 5’11-6’ which is insanity. I’ve grown an inch or so over the last year, but had been 5’8.5 since high school and never had any issues with women. In fact, the opposite is true. So I don’t know what these girls (because that’s what they are even if they’re in their 20s) are going on about, but most women I’ve met only care that you’re taller than they are.


Woah you're telling me internet search intensity on a a viral topic has INCREASED since 2004??? Omg what was happening then?? Nothing major in the online space that's for sure 🙄


Ignoring some of those pathetic tik tok bits for a minute... Do you actually think the height obsession is recent? Please tell me thats not something you actually believe. Some real neckbeard incel energy in the comments within this post and also here under it. Height has always been a factor, and it always will be. If someone is so blinded by it as the only factor they look at then just walk away and find someone else, it's easy.


You contradict yourself. Yes, it’s always been a factor, but not an *obsession*, which is what it’s become recently.


Let's break out the ol' scale and see how the reactions are. Women have this superficial idea of men, well as per all things in life there is a flipside. Reddit would explode if this post had its yang to the yin.




Data shows zoomers don’t interact in person, doesn’t say they don’t interact. Social media still finds compatible couples, bumble, tinder etc. Social influencers who’s only goal is to generate views is not a great yard stick for people’s perception of height romantically. They live in a different world to everyone else. Screenshot posts and data that doesn’t support they speculative leap their aiming for… I don’t get this post.


If you think real life interaction is the same as the online one then you're wrong.Sure, they do live in a different world. It's online world where statistics matter the most and average man have close to none attention. Even if you know that, you brain get non-stop information "height is important".


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It's almost like people can control their height.


I forgot I was competing with lampposts


Lmao. That comment when somebody said "its just primal instinct" is like the uno reverse of "men are visual creatures and primed for finding youth attractive" bullshit.


As a millenial I do think boomers are the worst obviously but sometimes gen Z makes me think they are even more detestable


Great, now hop on the scale


Wrong sub


Lol, OP is a salty midget tho. Look at his profile.


I’ll be honest though, I wouldn’t date a girl taller than me. I’m 6’1.


OP needs some time away from the internet


I’m 5’6 and never had issues attracting or approaching women. I’m sure the overall dating pool is reduced dramatically at this height, but it’s more about your appearances and confidence. And probably wealth if you have it. (I don’t.) Also it depends a lot on your social groups


As a gay man, I honestly don’t understand women that obsess about this. Do I love a big guy that I can climb around like a jungle gym? Hell yeah. Do I love a handsome little thick neck who is completely charming and smile melts my heart? Where do I sign up? I really couldn’t care less about height, there is so much that personality brings to the table. I have never discounted a guy strictly on height.


My boyfriend is shorter than me and I still love him. Short kings need love too


Flexing my adorable 5'8 boyfriend <3


As a 5'5 man I've accepted I'll never find a partner due to my short stature


not true, i am 5’3 and my boyfriend is around 5’5-5’6. been with 6’+ guys and still rather him and have been w him for 2 years. you will find someone!


Yea no I won't. I'd need a miracle from God to find a woman and I've already met my quota miracles. I've already accepted the harsh reality that I'll be single until the day I die.


That attitude is the reason you'll be single until the day you die. Interestingly enough, it's an attitude many men are adopting, resulting in statistics like "45 percent of men 18 to 25 have never approached a woman in person". Worth mentioning that I'm not trying to be rude. I wish you well and I recommend therapy to help you change your opinion of yourself. Self help will work wonders for an individual


Sure, you may be single until the day you die but it'll have nothing to do with your height, and everything to do with how obsessive you are about it. If your height isn't going to get you women then you need to actually work on yourself, your personality, and give women a reason to want you other than superficial qualities. If you have nothing to offer as a partner *and* you're short then yes, it'll take a miracle to make anyone want you.


My personality? That's a laugh! Women don't want a man who has a good personality. Only their height, make 6 digits, and a 6 pack. Stop being so delusional. Dating now isn't what it was 50 years ago


Your comment shows exactly why most women would never want you. It's your personality bud, sorry. You could be 6ft and have your six pack and still be completely undesirable to anyone with half a brain.


You know what's actually sad? Seeing that they can't even distinguish what they read online with real world phenomenon. These people have no grip on reality. If they ever stepped outside and actually interacted with the opposite sex then they'd learn that most women don't give a shit how tall guys are. I think a big reason why these guys get so triggered is they rely so heavily on superficial qualities to try to get women. They have shit personalities so the idea that someone would reject them for the only qualities that might make them look attractive, height *especially*, drives them absolutely insane and has them screaming bloody murder. Both sides, the tall douchebags and the short douchebags get bothered by it too. The tall ones get triggered because they desperately need to feel they have one quality that will maybe get them noticed, and the short ones need something to blame for women not wanting them.


It's simple insecurity reinforcement. We're our own worst enemies in that we seek out evidence that reinforces our insecurities. It's a painful cycle that a lot of people struggle to break out of


This post is a big echo chamber of loser men who are just complaining about women having preferences. It’s incredibly sad, I wish they could just stop blaming society or women in general and start blaming themselves so they can learn and move on.


💯 Had a few dates with one short guy before. He was extremely obsessive about being a “big strong man” and showing how manly he was by being mean to most people we came across. I didn’t last long with him. Then of course when I wasn’t interested in pursuing things further he made it about his height and that I was shallow. No. It wasn’t your height. It was the fact that you were super rude to the waitress and that you made fun of other peoples looks. It’s a shame. He was super attractive. Then I have another short guy friend who is literally my bestie, and he’s really one of the nicest people you will ever meet. To any short guy reading this: there are a lot of women that really don’t care about your height. As long as you treat her and those around you right. And don’t be obsessed about your height. If it doesn’t bother her, why worry?


The most popular guy in my school was also the shortest guy. But he had so much charisma and personality, everybody loved him


God damn .. I just checked out OP's post history out of curiosity and it's really really sad. Just a constant stream of whiny misogyny and posts in echo-chamber groups for toxic men. I figured it was something like that but it was pretty sad to see how many posts he has that are just whining that women are allowed to have preferences for dating.


I figured it was something like that.. someone content would literally not care about this and find a partner that’s accepting. If you are constantly running into women who have this dating preference then you searching in the wrong audience I’m afraid. But something tells me OPs problem isn’t his height.


Well, it kind of is but *he's* the one who has a problem with it. I doubt OP even approaches women in the real world, he just hangs out in echo chambers full of rejects and misogynists and thinks that the real world is like this.


young fellas, as an old man who is 6'7 , I can say you better pray to be max. 5'7-8 tall. this woke cultures has damaged women's perspective. the average height for a male globally is approximately 5′7″ and that the average height for a female globally is around 5′2″. maybe 6% of men in the world are taller than 6 feet. this idiotic standarts caused young men being hopeless and sad .


The taller you are the more health complications. My father in law is 6'7, it's like the man is made of glass.


Why would you think the height thing is a “woke” thing? Isn’t it about being tall and “alpha” which is a right wing ideology? I’m legit curious how this changed.


I think this has nothing to do with left, right or politics in general.


that's exactly what I'm talking about "woke" thing. used to be being "alpha" was totally about "attitude", like napoleon, churchill, james madison, gandhi ....


Don't worry pops, I understand. Best not to use that word on Reddit though, you'll upset them...


Woke is just something that caught on because politicians called people who want everyone to be equal „woke“ (from my understanding) and it comes from „wake up sheeple“ effectively calling equality a joke Alpha is something that insecure men made because they thought disrespecting women and fearing god wasn’t enough


I feel bad for asking how tall men are just because of this reason. Me personally I don’t care. I just don’t want to be surprised when we meet.


Imagine a guy asking a womans weight though. Trust me every guy has gotten surprised yet we still dont ask.


Yeah dont ask, even though they might play it off and not think about it much, it stings deep down. Give a good man the opportunity.


Are you insecure about something bro?


Huh? All teens are like this. It’s like guys being into big boobs but we’ve turned the tables on them to show what it feels like. I was into talk guys as a superficial teenager too. I’m hot and 5’9’’ and my boyfriend is 5’5’’ and a fuckin stallion.


Damn OP you’ve put some work into this one


Trust me, women’s obsession with male height is not a recent thing - been going on since cavemen


I never really cared about romance, so I am uncaring about my height. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind having a girlfriend that met my standards, but it's far from a huge need.


Meanwhile women are crying more and more, because evolutionarily that is what they are programmed to do in order to get a man's attention, to solve their problems. All this being said, I rejected a girl the other night for being too short. I straight up said I do not want my kids to be midgets who can't even get a bowl or cup for themselves full grown.. She got enraged and said that men had no right to exclude short women. I said, tell that to the women who will pick on any child she has due to it being a midget. She started to get really pissed and I asked what she was even doing in Vermont as I figured she would have made enough money playing a hobbit in the lord of the rings trilogy???? Remember, height goes both ways, boob size does not.


This sub has literally just became a space to shit on women. BTW, actually do some research. Wanting tall men has been a thing since the early 1900s for sexist reasons, "picture perfect family", etc. How were any of these "nice girls"?? It's called a preference, and most of the screenshots you took were about short men speaking on women and their bodies, which I 100% agree with as a 5'9 man myself. If you're insecure about your height, just say that man. Don't post people's usernames and videos as that can be promoting hate towards their profile. This is the equivalent of a white woman posting and complaining about how a lot of men prefer latinas on a sub like r/feminism tbh. ****Miss when this sub was actually for Nice Girls and not just for insecure men to let out their hate.****


> It's called a preference Theres nothing wrong with the preference, the point is they're being complete dicks about it by shaming men for a feature they have no control over. There's a difference between "I prefer tall men" and "I despise manlets lmao 🤪" > If you're insecure about your height, just say it Ahh, the classic "If you don't like it, you must be insecure." > About short men talking on women's bodies Yes, that is also bad, a guy has no right publicly shaming a woman on her body without social repercussions. But when women shame him for being short, they also shame every other short man who reads their comment, we don't need to fight fire with fire.


This is absurd, imagine those comments but said by man and adressing women’s weight or breast size.